Full of Surprises.

Me and My Arrogant Kim Myungsoo

-a few hours later..-

After I strolled by Han River, I immediately went home. But when I reached the house, the door was slightly ajar. It made me curious so I slowly peeked through the door, my hands getting a bit sweaty because the lights were dim and silence was thick in the atmosphere. 

"Myungsoo?" I called out. But no response came.

"Myungsoo!" I tried again but still, no answer.

Suddenly a hand covered my mouth and my eyes widened in alarm. I started struggling and screaming. I tried to get away but just couldn't because the guy's stronger than I am. 

"Let her go you bastard." Someone said, his voice sounded strained.

"Or what?" The guy retorted.

Myungsoo then easily snatched me away from the guy's arms and stood in front of me.

"Scram before I call for the police." And with that, the guy hurried out our house, stumbling on the way.

"Thanks Myungsoo..." 

"Yeah whatever." He turned to go but I held him back by his arm. He spun around and glared at me. "What now?! Can't you see I'm tired??" I quickly let go and backed away a few steps. He lazily went back to his room, but before he closed the door, he shouted, "Lock the door before you go up." 

Ofcourse I obeyed.. I didn't want that thing to happen again. 




Later that evening, when Infinite came home, we told everything that happened and they all kinda exaggerated a bit and scolded Myungsoo. Saying things like "What if the guy was armed huh?!" "Why didn't you lock the door?!?" "What if you got hurt?!" "What we're you thinking??" "She could've been kidnapped!" "You better fix yourself Myungsoo!" But Myungsoo remained his poker face and just replied, "But it didn't happen." then he dashed upstairs to his room and slammed the door.

Infinite was dumbfounded at first but started to bombard me with questions that I was too tired to answer... It was almost 12 and they were still blabbering nonstop. I finally got enough of it and yelled.

"Guys!!! Please!! Can't you see nothing happened to me?? I'm fine guys! And tired! Aren't you tired??? It's midnight and we still have school for goodness' sake! I'm sorry but if you wouldn't mind, I'll be going to my room to get some goodnight sleep." 

I left them there hanging and went to bed. I couldn't help it... I was so tired and they kept yelling at me like ther was no tommorrow. 




Days passed since the incident and today I heard that there was a new student in school. She's a girl and they said that she was cute and stuff.. 

The bell rang as I take my seat. The teacher came in and I wasn't really in the mood to listen right now..so I just laid my head on the table.i was getting kinda stressed out a lot these days, and mostly because of Myungsoo. We would argue at times and then ignore each other. I really missed him so much... What can I say? I admit that I fell for him already... How can I not to when I see him everyday? And yet he never feels the same. My grades were currently getting lower and I promised myself that I would make up for the low grades that I had. 

Anyway, back to the teacher... "Class, there's a new student here, so please be nice and guide her." I lift my head as the teacher spoke. She motioned for the girl to come in and the moment she did, my eyes circled and students were whispering to one another. No way... Is she...? No. It can't be. It's been so long since I saw her. And last time i checked, she moved to America.  

She shyly bowed and introduced herself. "Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Shinji-imnida." My guess was right! It is her!

"Alright, take a seat next to........ah! Min Soo! Min Soo, raise your hand." I did as told and Shinji sat on her seat which was beside me. 

I smiled at her as she smiled at me. I was really happy to see her again. I wanted to talk to her but maybe later, since she was new and I didn't want her to get scolded on her first day of school, so I decided to talk to her later after class.


When class finished, I tapped her arm and she looked at me. "Shinji-ah, don't you recognize me?" I asked her.

"I remember that you're name's Min Soo...right?" I nodded. "Are you by any chance Han Min Soo?? Cuz that's the only other Min Soo that I know of...childhood friend."

"Yessss!! You remembered me!!" 

"Kyaaa! I missed you so much! You changed Min Soo! Seriously! What's been happening eh?"

"Well.. Nothing much I guess? How about you? I thought you guys moved to America?"

"We moved back two days ago and we're staying permanently. America doesn't really suit us that much... We got tired of having problems and all so we came back. Sorry for returning this late though." 

"Awesome! Now I get to hang with you again like the old days. Remember when we used to go for ice cream every time school's over?"

"Yeah...I missed those times..." She nodded in agreement, smiling.

"Anyway...we have to get to class. What's your next?" I asked, taking a peek at her schedule.

"Oh good we're in the same class. Come on we're gonna be late." I pulled her towards our next class. 

By the time we got there, students were already seated, but the teacher hasn't arrived yet so we hurried to our seats and prepared for class.

Our teacher was smiling brightly as she entered. It kinda creeped us out since her smile was from ear to ear...

"You guys are probably wondering why I'm so happy today right?"

"Neh." We answered in chorus.

"It's because I have a surprise for you all..." Hearing no reaction from us, she continued. "We're going to camp for the next weak so no classes for a whole weak!" We cheered loudly and after a short while our teacher silenced us down.

"But I'm gonna be splitting you into pairs. And whomever objects or complains will face consequences and will not be able to join. Now is there anybody who objects??" The whole class was silent. "Good. Now I'm gonna assign partners. But before that, I have some reminders to announce...all throughout the week, your partner will be the only one to accompany you. And I mean AT ALL TIMES. Except the bathroom of course. Keep that in mind." Some of us was groaning, some just shut their mouth. "Oh and both of you are sleeping in the same cabin. I trust you boys not to do anything stupid, okay?" 


"Okay~ Baekhyun and Eunjae. Woohyun and Shinji. Sungyeol and Sungjong. Minho and Sulli. Nickhun and Victoria. Kai and Krystal. Luna and Luhan. Chanyeol and Amber.........blah blah blah.......Myungsoo and Min Soo. That's all."

"Don't be late on Monday arraso? You should be here by 6 am. Don't be late!" 

"Yes ma'am." We replied.

"Ok. Dismissed." 

Some were exiting the room, the others stay behind and chat aboud the upcoming event. They were groaning about their partners while others just didn't seem to care.

All they know was this was going to be one hell of a week.



A/N: Hi:) Sorry if there's some grammatical errors... Please bare with me. I'm so sorry for not updating so soon because I was very busy with my studies. Mianhe!! T.T oh and about any change of fonts or font size..yet again, I'm sorry. But despite all that I have done wrong, you still supported me. I'm thankful for having such supportive subscribers. Thanks guys:) I hope you'll support me til the end! Annyeong for now! ^^




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ExoGirl022 here ^^


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NamSooHyun #1
Chapter 19: Hey your fanfic really best and i love it..please update soon..i can't wait forthe next chapter..please please please..
clyne22 #3
Chapter 19: update soon please
Chapter 18: Oops i commented on the wrong page hahahahah this story is awesome! Loving it!
Chapter 17: Daebakkkk!!!!! Please update ^^
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you subscribe and read it and tell me what you think :)
Chapter 16: Omg!!!!! Daebak!!!!! Update soon Aliza or I'll bury you when school starts! ^^
Chapter 16: can i buy myungsoo xD?
Chapter 15: Hey guys, please check out my new story, 'My Bitter-sweet Love~'