
Me and My Arrogant Kim Myungsoo

After hearing the bell, you immediately went to your childhood best friend Shinji. You were still a bit nervous about the the fact that Myungsoo would be with you for a whole week. You knew it was going to be awkward, so you thought you'd ask Shinji for help before the day comes. 

"Shinji-ah!" You yelled as soon as you reach your friend.

"Oh, Min Soo, waeyo?" 

"Ottokae Shinji-ah??? Myungsoo's my partner! It's going to be so awkward you know? Oh gosh..." 

"Come on Min Soo-ya you're gonna be fine. Just stay cool and pretend that he's not there."

"But how can I do that if we're gonna be together for a week??" 

"Calm your pits Min Soo! You still have your phone so we can still talk to each other arraso??"

"Oh right..."

"It'll be fine. I gotta go now okay? Be careful in going home. Or do you need a ride?" 

"Ani. I'm okay. I'm going with someone anyway."

"Ara. Galge." (I'm leaving) 

I waved goodbye as I made my way to the gates.




Myungsoo's P.O.V.


"Aish! Why must it be her?!" I shouted when I reached home. 

I went ahead because I don't want to see her or the hyungs. At least for now... I'm having a headache. I already told the hyungs that I'll be going home first since I don't want anything to happen like the last time I didn't left them a message that I'd be home late or early.

I was still pissed because I got the very person that I wanted to avoid as my partner for a week.

Snapping back to reality, I heard the door click. Soon found a surprised Min Soo in front of me.

"What?" I asked coldly.


"Why did I even ask? I don't wanna talk to you anyway."

"Then don't." 

With that she went to her room. I just pulled my hair in frustration.


Min Soo's P.O.V.


The day of the trip is already today and we're all in the car now going to the school. Time, 5:37 am.

It was still very early so we slept on the way to school. When we arrived, the bus was already there waiting, but there weren't that many people yet though.

Once I spotted Shinji, I quickly went to her. 

"Shinji-ya! You ready for the week?"


I smiled widely at her. 

Once everyone's arrived, the teacher yelled, "Okay everyone, get on the bus and sit with your partners!"

We did as she said and boarded. Settled all in, the driver drove the bus to our destination. 

I just kept on looking out the window as if Myungsoo wasn't beside me. I had my earphones on so I didn't really know if he was talking or not. Few minutes later, my head began bobing because of sleepiness. I tried resting my head on the window but every time the bus turns to another direction, I hit my head hard on it. I was only half awake so I didn't know what I was doing, I suddenly lean towards Myungsoo's shoulder but pushed away once I felt that warm skin of his. 

"Yah. Get away from me."


It was like that the rest of the trip. After a few more minutes, we finally arrived. Everybody was instructed to go to their assigned cabins and unpack. 




After unpacking, we all headed for lunch but we couldn't go to our friends and eat with them. All were supposed to sit with their partners. Now Myungsoo and I are seated on one of the tables far away from Infinite and Shinji. 

"'s the food you're eating?" I asked.

No answer.

"Do you like it?"

"I wouldn't be eating it if I didn't like it. Now shut up and don't bother me."

I didn't expect that coming from him. I shake my head and continue on eating. A few minutes passed which felt like hours and I couldn't take it anymore, it was so quiet and non of us spoke, awkward much?

"Uh, Myungsoo-ah, um..which bed do you want to sleep in?"

"I don't know."

"I mean you could---"

"Just shut the hell up would you?! Can't a guy get some peace?! ! Why was I assigned to be your partner anyway?! Such an annoying brat." He yelled which probably got all the people's attention. He just strut away to god knows where without even finishing his food. 

All the students were looking at me. Some looked at me with disgust while some were looking at me with pity. Some were even laughing. I got so embarrassed that I ran out the cafeteria and went anywhere my feet could take me. 



A/N: So? What do you think? I know I know..I haven't been updating a lot and I'm sorry. Too much know what I mean? Thanks for the new supporters BTW!!:)) you guys are the beeeesssttteeesstt!!! ^^ annyeong!



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ExoGirl022 here ^^


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NamSooHyun #1
Chapter 19: Hey your fanfic really best and i love it..please update soon..i can't wait forthe next chapter..please please please..
clyne22 #3
Chapter 19: update soon please
Chapter 18: Oops i commented on the wrong page hahahahah this story is awesome! Loving it!
Chapter 17: Daebakkkk!!!!! Please update ^^
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you subscribe and read it and tell me what you think :)
Chapter 16: Omg!!!!! Daebak!!!!! Update soon Aliza or I'll bury you when school starts! ^^
Chapter 16: can i buy myungsoo xD?
Chapter 15: Hey guys, please check out my new story, 'My Bitter-sweet Love~'