Ch2. The Warning

Nothing is as It Seems in Him

You stirred your drink with sad face. It wasn’t about Changmin, even you almost forgot about that bastard. But it’s about seonsaengnim’s condition, it’s really distress you. Is there anything you can do?

“So, this final assignment you’re being paired up with that guy?” Minyoung asked, you replied with lethargic nod.

“To face that guy, I think you need extra energy, Miss Park.” Minyoung said sarcastically.

“Don’t mock me, Miss Goo.” you muttered.

“But… The girls must envy you. I think he’s sort of handsome!”

“Ya! What are you talking about? Aaaah~ what did I dream last night?” you grumbled as you scratched your head and pouted.

Then your gaze gone to a guy who had just came into the canteen with a girl, your heart hasn’t been recovered enough to see this kind of view. Changmin looked utterly happy with that girl.

“I think we’d better go to the library now, I want to find some books. Kajja!!” Minyoung immediately brought you out of the canteen. Minyoung knew, the more you stay, the more pain you would get. Even though this time you didn’t cry but Minyoung knew exactly that her bestfriend had not gotten used to the pain.


“Please explain to me what is this all about?!!” an old man shouted to his kid

“What should I explain?” a young man answered with a straight face. He was still rolling on his comfy bed with strong smell of alcohol surrounding him.

“Wu fan!!! Appa didn’t pay your college to get warning letter from your teacher!!! Skip classes, waste money, get drunk, wild races. What do you want to be huh?!” his Appa shouted but his kid barely cares

“If you still being like this. I have no doubt to take all your credit cards, car and your lovely motorcycle! Don’t blame me if you lose all your facility if skip your class again, Wu Fan! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!”

Wu fan, the only child of Wu family often made his Appa came to his nerve due to his brutal behavior. He spent his days being drunk, going to wild races and doing other pleasure. He barely goes to campus, he only goes there to submit assignments or do exams. Actually if it’s not his father being the biggest donor of school’s fund committee, he’d absolutely got dropped out of this university. But he was actually a good guy, before his mother died three years ago. After his mother’s departure, nobody cared about him and his father was always busy with his business, so he fell to that world of races. Kris is his nickname given by his mother, he doesn’t really like using his father’s last name.


“Okay, I think it’s enough for today. Remember your final assignment deadline for this semester is a week from now. If you want to pass to the next semester you have to work cooperatively with your partner. Understand?”

“We understand, Kim Seonsaengnim”

After Kim Seonsaengnim went out of the classroom, all of the students were busy with their assignment, the deadline was getting so close they didn’t want to miss it, and if it’s done they can continue with their paper. But this made you in trouble, you was paired up with that guy for the consequence of your late submission.

Wu fan or Kris, that guy made you in trouble. When other teams had started to make their projects but not with you, why? It had been a week Kris skipped his classes, how could you do your assignment alone and let him get the score? That’s unfair!

“Have you start your project?” Minyoung’s question made you awake from your daydream and you shook your head pathetically.

“I think you should come to him, you know he barely attends classes. Now that he’s here you’d better go talk to him, Soojung-ah.”

“Huh okay, wish me luck Minyoung.” you said. You walked towards the back of the class, your gaze fixed upon a guy with light brown hair who was playing PSP all along since Kim Seonsaengnim still in the class. Indeed today Kris was forced to attend a class, either way he’d end up being a tramp.


“I want to talk with you” you said confidently, he was still busy with his game.

“I want to talk with you, can you pause your game for a while?!” this time your tone raised and it made Kris paused his activity and glared at you.

“Alright, you and I are paired up for the semester final assignment. I’ve been looking for you these few days but you didn’t attend your class, and honestly I can’t do this alone, so I beg you to cooperate from now on and we…”

“I’m busy and always been busy” he said with straight face

“Ya!! How could you say that, I don’t want to know anything I just want to start doing our assignment today, arguments closed!!!” this time you barely cared about anyone in your class, this guy got the nerve to argue with you.

“Are you deaf? I’ve told you I’m busy, why don’t you do it yourself?!” he shouted and it made the whole class staring at them.

“Okay, if it’s what you really want.” Then you grabbed the PSP from his hand.

“Give it back.” Kris said with low voice.

“No until you do our assignment together.” you said as you took your bag and left the class with Minyoung.


Kris felt completely annoyed with your silly behavior, it’s not about the PSP, he could buy tons of it but it’s about the game he was playing with all his heart. Kris immediately chased you to get his PSP back, but his phone rang all of sudden, he immediately picked it up.

“Yeoboseyo.” He said tonelessly.

“Appa has just called Kim Seonsaengnim and don’t think that I don’t know about your final assignment, if you get bad score again, be prepared to be a tramp! Arra!!!”

*tuttt tuttt*

“What’s with this stupid old man? Now he’s spying me? Aarrgghhh!!!!” Kris grumbled.

Kris continued chasing you. For him you're a fussy and annoying smart . You are teachers’ favorite student, well even though Kris barely goes to campus he knew everything. That’s it, he saw a girl walking with her friend. He ran towards you.

“Jamkamman!” Kris said and grabbed your hand.

“Wae? Have you changed your mind?” you said

“I don’t want to waste my time, where do you want to start with the project?” he asked

you smirked. So this is the guy who’s hard to cooperate with? He falls for a PSP.

“Okay, Minyoung I think I’ll see you later, I’m going to do my project, is it okay?”

“Ah ne, fighting!” Minyoung gave some spirit to you and left you with Kris.

‘If it’s not Appa’s warning I would never ever do this. Urgh I’m so lazy.’ Kris thought

“First we should go to the bookstore to find some reference. After that we can do survey, do research without survey is just the same with accusing without proof, and then we can make the report and do the presentation, do I make myself clear?” you did an elaborate explanation

“I’ve known without you explaining it. Do you think I’m that stupid?”

“I didn’t say that you’re stupid.”

“Ah now we’d better immediately go to the bookstore. We don’t have much time.”

author's note:

done with chapter 2!!! :D Ahhh please comment and subscribe :')

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new chapter will be up toniiight! woohooo


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Chapter 16: i feel changmin would be at the door.
or maybe Kris anyways lol yey i finally read all of it Dara!
update soon!
Chapter 7: i see whut you did there with jessica as the villain /flips/ XDD
Chapter 3: ;w; baby kris loves her
Chapter 16: Can't wait to read next chap .. update soon please :3
Anilove22 #6
Chapter 16: Wait so are they official now or still just friends? And don't worry haters will be haters ^_^
What people using Changmin in their fics, specially wityh those rookies from EXO... I cant even.
Do whatever you want but using Changmin perfection to makes himl lose towards a rookie guy ewwww
Chapter 15: Take your time, I'll wait, and We love you to ... FIGHTING !!
Chapter 15: AW >< I'm sorry you've lost all your work! It's alright ^^ take your time, things happen.
Anilove22 #10
Chapter 13: Omg he kissed her ^_^ that was soo cute I'm so glad that she said no to changmin, he was a jerk. Kris' dad likes her so perfect match