What Humans can't do


When it comes to comparing robot to humans. THere is really no comparason. Robots are simply perfect creatures and they make life a whole lot easier. Jiyong can get a full night rest with out the worry of not getting any sleep. The fahsion closet is all Seunghyun's responsibility for the night and Jiyong is so at peace with the idea. He would have hated to go back there and he just left two hours ago. 

They feeling of getting a hour six hours of sleep is just crazy in his book. Before he met Seunghyun he had tons of sleepless and undieted appitite. Now he eats well and gets all things done with no stress and no worry. Also he gets to have someone in his apartment with him. He hated to be alone at times especially when he watched romantic movies. 

Seunghyun was starting to make Jiyong feel wanted and at times that warm and fuzzy feeling. The pabo still doesn't know what that is but he likes the feeling of how things are at the moment. 

"Jiyong..." Jiyong furrows his brows and rolls over. "Jiyong ah" Jiyong murmer again and throws a pillow over his head. Seunghyun takes the pillow away and gently coos "My lovely time to get up." 

Jiyong groans. "I'm not your lovely..." 

"Well at least it woke you up" Seunghyun says with a smile. Jiyong sits up and notices the tray of food and that the room is now bright from the morning sun. Seunghyun places the tray in his lap. "I decided to make a western dish called french toast." 

"French toast...I think I had this a couple times." Jiyong scratches his wild hair and digs into the food. He melts at the warmness of the bread and devours the whole tray in minutes. He places the tray to the side and pulls out his phone to see no call or text. He breathes a sigh of relief and gets out of bed. 

The robot comes into the room. "Did you like your breakfast my love" 

"Aish...It was good" Jiyong groans at the pet name. "Will you stop with the pet names...." 

"You like it baby." Seunghyun smirks at the other and Jiyong blushes. "I do not." He spats. 

"Then why are you blushing...lovely." Jiyong turns redder and darts into the closet to pick out an outfit. He throws on his clothes and hears his phone ringing. He darts over to the bed and picks up the phone. 

"Hey Dae sup.' 

"Goood news hyung!!"

"Bom is sick and everyone is taking the day off from the dragon!!" 

Jiyong furrows his brows. "Are you sure this is okay." 

"man we are month ahead of schedule. We need the break." "Yea we do" yells SEungri in the background. 

"Okay well I will see you tomorrow!" They both hang up and Jiyong does a little happy dance. "What happened?" 

"I have the day off!" Jiyong does another funny dance move and Seunghyun chuckles. "That is great Yongie" 


"You like it" Seunghyun smirks and leaves the room. Jiyong goes back into his closet and changes out of his work clothes into something more comfortable. He walks out into the living room and flips on the TV to a day time drama. "Aigo I'm so behind." Seunghyun finishes cleaning the dishes and joins the younger on the sofa. 

Jiyong blushes a little when the bot sits on the couch making it dip a little with his feet barley touching his leg. Seunghyun takes Jiyongs feet and brings them over his legs to he can stretch out. "There you go. More comfortable ne?" Seunghyun smiles warmly at the younger and Jiyong can't help but allowl the action. He looks over at his roommate and sees that he needs some clothes. 

"Hey why don't we go shopping for some clothes for you?" 

Seunghyun lights up "Like a date? Oh Yongie I'm so excited" 

"It's not a date. We are just buying clothes." 

"It's a date." SEunghyun jumps from the couch and does a happy (bingu) dance. "Date date date date" He chants in front of the tv. Jiyong throws a pillow at the older. "Yah yah it''s not a date..." he starts to blush while the other continues to chant. "Aish just sit down will ya. " 

Seunghyun smirks no problem. He takes a seat right next to Jiyong and this makes the younger get nervous. "yah why are you so close..." 

"Because I love you. " 


Seunghyun puts an arm around the younger and starts to cuddle into his side. His chin fits perfectly on top of the younger who is struggling to get out of his grip. "Let's just stay like this for a little bit ne...I won't ask again..." 

Jiyong doesn't want to admit it but cuddling felt really good. The robot was warm and his arm cradled him in a comfortable position. He loves it. Since the malls don't open for anohter three hours the two sit on the couch and watch drama after drama. Laughing at times at the crazy stuff that happens. 

"Do they always park on the street like the own it?" 


"And isnt she poor. How does she have the same phone as the rich guy." 

"That's just how Korean dramas." Jiyong chuckles and he didn't realize that they were still rather intamite. Jiyong looks up into the olders eyes and blushes. Seunghyun chuckles "What's so funny" 

"Your puffy red cheeks. You are so adorable." He pinches one of them." 

"Yah yah..." JIyong touches the cheek and pouts. Seunghyun can't help it but kiss his cheek in response. He is just too cute he can't help it. Jiyong blushes even harder and turns the other way. "Why don't we we get ready for the mall." 

Seunghyun releases their cuddle. "Okay Yongie." He kisses his shoulder and Jiyong can't help but smile from the cute gesture. They both get ready for the mall and head out to the bus stop. They both get on the bus and sit at the back a old lady eyes the two and smiles. "You two are nice looking men." 

Jiyong laughs a bit at the comment. "Thank you" 

"Are you two together?" 

Jiyong shakes his head no and Seunghyun shakes his head yes. "So what are you two then." 

"I'm his ideal lover." 

Jiyong face palms himself and sighs. "We are just friends. Excuse him he is a little special." 

"No as special as you Yongie." 

Jiyong blushes and turns to the window. Thankfully the woman gets off at the next stop . "Yah didn't I tell you to be careful in public. " 

"But  I love you" 

"I know that I know that" 

"We I'm glad that you know. That makes me happy."  Seunghyun smiles to himself "Our stop is next according to my cordinates. " 

Jiyong laughs and they both get off at the next stop. They both walk into the shopping mall and for a week day the place is crowed. There must be some kind of sale going on because every house wife in Korea is out and with all of their small kids. Jiyong makes his way to the nearest mens store and drags Seunghyun along. The man is a little distracted  because of all the commotion. 

"Hi how may I help you."

"We are good I'm just going to pull some close for him"

"Oh how nice. Is he your boyfriend??"

Jiyong grits his teeth and tries to smiles back "He is my friend." 

Seunghyun nods and smiles and follows Jiyong around the store like a shadow. Jiyong doesn't mind because the robot is always right behind him. He pulls a bunch of outfits and hands it to him. "Go try these on." 

Seunghyun blushes. "But I don't want to " 

"Just do it. It won't take long to put these on." 

Seunghyun looks from side to side and starts to take off his shirt in the middle of the asile. Jiyong panics. "No no not here pabo in the dressing room" 

The lost puppy then walks over to the dressing room and closes the door. He takes the pile of clothes and tries on the first outfit. He walks out. "How do I look." All the girls in the store stare at him and one of the sales girls compliments his looks 'You look very handsome." 

Jiyong looks over at the girl and doesn't know why but he glares at her. "We will take that one." He stares at Seunghyun "Try the next one" Seunghyun obeys and tries on two other outfits which has him looking y as and Jiyong can't help but stare. "Is this okay. You have been looking a long time." Jiyong blushes. "Sorry. It's fine. I was just looking at the fit. " a girl waiting on a friend smirks "He is really saying that you look y" 

Jiyong blushes "I didn't mean that." 

Seunghyun smirks and goes back into the dressing room to change back into his street clothes. Jiyong takes all the clothes and bring them up to the register. We will take them all. The sales girls eyes the two and smiles as she takes Jiyong's card and charges it. "Here you go sir. Thank you for shopping with us." 

Jiyong bows and they both leave the store. Seunghyun takes the bag of clothes from the smaller man. "Yah I can carry it." 

"I don't want you carrying heavy things. It's hard on your back." Seunghyun smiles. "Let's gets some food it is time for your lunch baby...I mean Jiyong " 


They go to the food court and get some Korean food. The line is long but SEunghyun orders for them while Jiyong waits at the table. The robot comes minutes later with their food and he places the food on the table. He hands the younger his chopsticks and spoon and they both dig in. Jiyong like the side dishes that Seunghyun got "That Kimchi looks good I should have got some." 

"You want some of mine?" 

Jiyong nods "Sure." 

Seunghyun takes some on a chopstick and places them in front of Jiyongs mouth. "Say ahhhhhh" Jiyong blushes and opens his mouth slowly taking the food into his mouth. The melts at the taste. "This is so good and don't do that again." 

Seunghyun chuckles. "We have made  a lot of progress Yongie." 


"I know" 


Hey all new chapie. Sorry for spelling errors the spell checker is on the fritz. Leave me feed back or a comments. I love them :)

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style