Drunk hangover then Bom!


"Aiiiissshhh he is heavy" 

"Honey you can't even complain...you are the one who asked him to drink after work..." 

"Well he was having a bad day..." 

"You know he can't handle his liquor..." 

"Well we are almost there...his roommate will make sure he gets to bed." 

Daesung and Seungri are pulling the half conscience man down the hallway. Jiyong is a terrible drinker so really dragging the man to his door. Seungri was going to look for Jiyong's key but they are too tired to do so. Instead they ring the door bell like it's a musical instrument. The door opens to reveal Seunghyun and Daesung smiles at the older. "Hyung, Jiyong had too much to drink. We had to drag him here could you take him inside and make sure that he doesn't puke on himself." 

Seunghyun processes all the information and all he wants to do is pick up the smaller man in his arms. "Thank you for bringing him home. I really appreciate both of you." He smiles a 100 watt smile at the two and Seungri is aw struck by the good looking man. " Any time we were happy to help you. Acck!" Daesung elbows his boyfriend with a glare and Seungri brings his hands up "What?" Daesung laughs "Nothing baby...well we are leaving now. Goodbye!" 

Seunghyun takes the man from their arms and picks Jiyong up bridal style like he weighted nothing. He closes the door and takes Jiyong to his bed room. Jiyong makes a couple of noises and snuggles into one of his body pillows. Seunghyun takes the youngers shoes off and successfully takes off his jacket and backpack that was still strapped to him. 

Seunghyun then takes Jiyong and places him properly in the bed to tuck him in. Jiyong is at this point sleeping like a rock in a drunkard sleep. Seunghyun can't help but look at his roommate/almost lover....in his mind. "You are so beautiful Jiyong." Seunghyun gently moves the hair from Jiyong's face and turns off the lamp to leave. He goes into his room and gets into the futon to recharge until morning. 


It's 3:30 am and Seunghyun is still charging. He suddenly feels a dip in the bed and he looks up to see a body approaching him and it's Jiyong. "Jiyong what are you doing? "

Jiyong does nothing but giggle. "I wanna pluuaay..." he giggles again followed by a hiccup. 

Seunghyun laughs at the younger "Jiyong...you are still drunk. Now let's get you back to bed." 

Jiyong then pounces on the older man and lays on top of him making the robot feel a little hot. "Jiyong..." 

Jiyong's vodka filled breath takes in the scent of his roommate. He smells all around his hyung's face and then stops his mouth at Seunghyun's lips. He looks at him lazily. "I normally don't like gays you know...they just...furrendds*Hiccup*" Seunghyun nods and just chuckles at the drunk. Jiyongs eyes close and open slowly "You gay man are different...you make me feel weird...I normally don't like gays...and I hate my boss" 

"Jiyong let's mmmp." Jiyong places his lips over his hyung's into a passionate kiss. He moves his lips over Seunghyuns constantly his bottom lips and slightly . He tries to shove his tongue in the robots mouth but Seunghyun doesn't let him because he doesn't want to take advantage. He pulls off the man to pick him up again. "Let's get you to bed." Jiyong smiles and giggles again falling asleep in his arms once again. 

He places the younger in the bed and returns to his room. He lays in his bed and placed his fingers on his lips remembering the feeling of Jiyong's soft plump lips on his. He could have made out with him back but he wants things to be right. 


"Jiyonnnng ah" 

Jiyong groans into his pillow. He has the worst headache and he has no idea how he got home or how he even left work in the first place. He remembers drinking with Seungri and Daesung but after the first drink it all became a blurr. "Jiyooong ah" Jiyong lifts his head from his pillow to see Seunghyun sitting on the corner of his bed with the usual breakfast in bed. 

"Good morning sunshine. You look beautiful as always." Seunghyun smiles at the crazy haired man. 

Jiyong groans again "Seunghyun...no weird stuff...I have a raging headache." Jiyong sits up and Seunghyun brings him the tray. 

"I made you hang over soup. I hope that it is to your liking." 

"Thanks Seunghyun...sorry I'm a little grumpy" 

Seunghyun smiles "Well you are not a morning person so I understand. Eat up so you won't be late" He leaves the room. 

Jiyong puts his a hand to his head and sighs. He tries to remember what happened last night. How he got home and how the hell did his shoes get neatly placed by his bed...well he figured the shoe part but he wants to know what's going on. 

He finishes his breakfast and then he goes to his closet to pull down another outfit. He then goes into the bathroom and automatically pulls out the BB cream. It hurts his pride a bit wearing it but his dark circles are killing him. He smears a bit on and then brushes his teeth to let it set. 

Jiyong finally walks over to the door and of course the robot is waiting for him. Jiyong turns his head to the side "Are you going somewhere too?" 

"I'm walking with you to work." 

Jiyong laughs "I'm not drunk anymore. I go to work everyday by myself." 

Seunghyun pouts. "I just want to walk with you to work to make sure you are okay." He starts to give a puppy dog stare and Jiyong gives up. 

"Okay okay...just don't do anything weird and don't say that you are my boyfriend. People think that I'm gay already. " 

Seunghyun nods and grabs Jiyongs lunch.


They both get off of the bus and start to walk to Jiyong's office. Seunghyun opens the door for Jiyong and they both walk through the lobby together. Seunghyun pushes the elevator button and Jiyong looks over to the other. "I can go the rest of the way myself." Jiyong chuckles. 

"I want to make sure that no one picks on you and that you are stress free coming to your job." Seunghyun smiles down to the younger making Jiyong turn slightly red. "You don't have to do that" 

The elevator doors open and he gets on "I don't have to but I do because I love you" 

Jiyong rolls his eyes and gets onto the elevator. "Isn't all that passion exhausting?" 

"Never" Seunghyun looks over to Jiyong and smirks "You seem to have passion too" 

Jiyong quirks his head. "What?" 

The bot laughs "It's nothing." 

"So now you have jokes..." Jiyong chuckles and gets off the elevator and walks the younger to the fashion closet. This is the first time that the both of them are going to work together and at a regular work hour so everyone is eying the two. Bom especially got a glimpse of the super model figure that is gracing their floor. 

They walk into the closet and Daesung immediately greets the older "Hey hyung!" 

Seunghyun chuckles "Hello Daesung. Thank you for being Jiyong's friend and taking him out last night." 

"Was he hard to handle last night. He was pretty drunk" 

"Oh he was fine. He is always a delight" 

Jiyong blushes "Yah! Enough with the weirdness." 

Daeusng laughs "He is just saying in a nice way that you are a brat and he was able to mangle you into a bed." 

Seunghyun shakes his head "No really he is a delight" 

Daesung laughs and pats the olders shoulder as he leaves the room "You are funny man." He laugh again and leaves the two alone. Seunghyun looks over at Jiyong laughing " What is so funny. I really do find you a delight. You are my shinning star." Seunghyun pouts and starts to look upset. 

Jiyong comes over and pats his shoulder "Seunghyun he is just playing around with you. He thinks that you are being sarcastic because what you say sometimes is very corny." 

"I'm corny...does my corniness not please you." Seunghyun starts to put his head down and it is a cute site. Jiyong playfully pinches one of his cheeks "It's okay Seunghyun you are corny you can't help it. You are programmed that way." 

"I'm not just a program. Jiyong...I love you" 

Jiyong doesn't snap at him "Ne ne I know. Now what have you prepared me for lunch?" 

Seunghyun lifts his head and brightens up a bit "I have prepared you kimbop and a couple of side dishes push another friendly note." Seunghyun snickers a  bit. Jiyong laughs and takes the lunch. "I wonder what you wrote this time..." Seunghyun just smiles in response. "I will let you get to your work now. I don't want you to get yelled at. " 

"I'm not going to yell at him right now...and who are you?" say Bom walking into the room looking the man over. 

"Hello my name is Seunghyun" He bows. 

"How do you know Jiyong?" says Bom looking the two over with a smirk on her face. 

"I'm his roommate we have only lived together for a couple weeks now." 

"So are you new to Seoul?" says Bom her lips at the muscles protruding out of Seunghyuns shirt.

"Ne I have only been here since I moved into Jiyong's. He is a great roommate" says Seunghyun smiling over at Jiyong.

Jiyong knows what his boss is up to and he doesn't want Seunghyun to get lured into a trap and kill his innocent mind. "Seunghyun I thought that you had to go home and do something..." 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "No...I don't have anything going on Jiyong" he smiles over at Jiyong. The younger mentally face palms himself forgetting the robot wouldn't catch on. "I thought that you were going to prepare the steak tonight for us?" Jiyong looks into the robots eyes hoping that he will leave. 

Seunghyun bows to Bom "It was nice meeting you Bom. I need to go to the market to get meat."

Bom glares over at Jiyong knowing what he is trying to do and chimes in "Oh I know a great meat market! I can drive you!" 

Jiyong knows that the robot is gullible and he of course answered back . "Thank you for the offer I would love to. Jiyong likes good meat" 

Bom smirks "I'm sure he does" 

Jiyong can't help it "I will go with you too." 

Bom looks back "You have work to do Jiyong." 

Jiyong sighs in defeat and watches as they both leave the room. Jiyong gets mad that he didn't tell Seunghyun about his boss yet. He simply didn't in the first place because he knew that he would get worried all the time. Right now would have been a great time for him to know...no telling what Bom will do to him...


The two arrive at the gourmet meat market and Bom makes sure to walk really close to the robot. She eyes him up and down and accidently brushes into him every now and then. In the car the woman was all over him showing him all these meats on her phone. She thought that he man would be blushing and breathing heavy by the time they got to the market but that was no use. 

Seunghyun the whole time of course thought of Jiyong and nothing but Jiyong. Their whole conversation was nothing but him and it annoyed Bom to no end.  Still she was determined to lure him into her trap. 

They walk over to the meat counter and Seunghyun orders one good sized steak at a reasonable price. He takes the meat and turns to Bom "Thank you for showing me this meat market. You are very helpful." 

Bom puts on a fake smile. " It was no problem. I will drive us back to the office." 

Seunghyun follows the woman back to the private car. They get into the back of the car and the driver starts the car. Bom is now getting ually frustrated. Most men who know of her status are all over her and wanting to sleep with her. She is not getting it she moves over to the middle seat and puts on her seat belt. 

"I don't like the window seat." she purrs in Seunghyuns direction and once again he is unphased by the action. Bom growls in her head goes to another base and puts her hand on his leg. The robot looks down at her hand. "What are you doing Bom shi?" 

She starts to move her hand up and down his leg. "Just making you feel more comfortable." 

Seunghyun takes her hand and places it back on her own lap. "I'm fine right now thank you" 

Bom is annoyed now and snaps "Are you a or gay or something you don't make sense as a man!" 

Seunghyun looks over at the angry woman. "Why are you so mad right now." 

"I don't understand. Most people would love to sleep with me or even get a little bit of their time...all you talk about is Jiyong this and Jiyong that and Jiyong did this and...ohhhhh" She pauses her sentence and figures it out. Luckily they arrive at the building and Bom decides to play with the innocent mind of Seunghyun. "I'm sorry...." 

Seunghyun perks up. "It is okay. I forgive you." 

Bom winces "Well will you walk me back to the office." 

"Sure no problem." Seunghyun follows the woman all the way to the floor and Jiyong breathes in relief seeing Seunghyun in one piece. Bom takes a post it from a interns desk and writes her number on it. "If you change your mind about things let me know." Seunghyun is confused but he takes the post it and bows. 

Bom looks over and sees that Jiyong is staring at them and decides to mess with him. She walks over to the robot and hugs him. Seunghyun doesn't hold her back or push her. Bom then whispers in the robots ear. "I can do things that Jiyong can never do." She releases the hug and stares at the wide eyed robot .She then smirks and places a kiss on his lips in a very slow and sensual way. Seunghyun tries to move away but the woman has a firm grip on him. 

She releases the kiss seconds later to reveal pink lipstick staining his lips and co workers staring the man down wondering what posed her to kiss him like that. She looks over at an enraged Jiyong and walks into her office leaving the bot to try to process what happened. 

Jiyong then walks out from the closet and pulls Seugnhyun by the wrist back to the closet. He is not mad because Seunghyun simply is innocent And he doesn't know. What he is mad at is the way his boss played with him right in front of his eyes. Seunghyun is confused and guilty. "Jiyong I'm so sorry...I'm sorry I betrayed you..." 

Jiyong smiles up at the robot. "It's okay...you didn't know...I meant to tell you this but the reason why I drank last night was because of her...and she was the one who made me go to the closet at 4am last time..." 

Seunghyun starts to feel even worse. " She is...Oh Jiyong ah. I'm sorry!" He puts his head down and pouts. Jiyong chuckles "Seunghyun none of that now. It's okay. I forgive you." 

"You do." He looks up with his puppy dog eyes. 

"Ne. Now go and fix me a wonderful dinner I can't wait to see it." Jiyong smiles at the robot. 

Seunghyun smiles "Ne Yongie" 


"Sorry..." he looks down again and this time Jiyong feel guilty. "It's okay...by the way could you bend down?" Jiyong grabs a tissue and lifts the olders chin up as he wipes off the pink lipstick. "Better" Seunghyun smiles at Jiyong and their faces are really close together. "You have beautiful eyes. Just like coffee" 

Jiyong's eyes widen and he blushes instantly "Oooookay now that lipstick is gone. You can leave now Seunghyun" Jiyong walks over towards the closet and Seunghyun chuckles at the younger. "Goodbye Jiyong. I will see you at home." Seunghyun walks out the office throwing the post it in the nearest trash can.


"She what?!" Daesung gets excited. 

"Yea right in front of the whole office...that ..." 

"Daaamn I had no idea that she was that low." 

"Yea the man is so innocent" Jiyong takes another bit of his kimbap. 

"I wish that I was here. Everyone is talking about how Bom has a boyfriend." 

Jiyong scoffs "She will never get him. He is too good for her and the way that she kissed gosh...mad me so mad. He doesn't even like her" 

Daesung listens to the younger tone of voice "Are you...jealous..." 

"What?!" Jiyong says a little too loud. 

Daesung laughs "Never mind never mind. You know your roommate is going to eventually find someone to go out with." 

Jiyong laughs " He is not interested trust me." 

Daesung laughs again " If I didn't know him I would think that he is in love with you " 

Jiyong spits out his food. "Are you okay hyung??" 

"Ne ne sorry. I think a pepper got caught in my throat." 

Daesung hands him some water "Here drink this k?" 

The two continue to eat their lunch and gossip about other things that happened around the office. Jiyong then asked what happened to him after drinks. They both laughed at the random things that he said to the to his dongsaengs. "I'm sorry man that you had to carry me all the way to my apartment."

"That is what friends are for. Plus hyung took you in so it wasn't so bad." They both finish their lunch and Daesung leaves the room for a bit. Jiyong picks up the note from his lunch and decides to see what Seunghyun wrote this time. 


I hope that you enjoy your lunch today. I hope that the kimbap will give you strength to face the evil doer's at work. Have a great day and I hope to see you at home soon. You make me so happy and appreciate everyday because you gave me a chance to win your love. Yes I said it but you didn't say I couldn't say it in a lunch letter so hah. I love you Jiyong and I hope to receive  kiss number three when you are really ready to accept me. It was great taking care of you last night and I hope to have many more nights where I can please you. Have a great day.


Seunghyun  ^_________^

Jiyong puts his hand to his lips. 'I kissed him only once...and that was by accident...wait...did I...I thought that was a dream..'


Hey everyone! Another chapter. Some people wanted Bom to be a to Hyunnie and it was a brilliant idea! So if you have feedback suggestions or anything leave a comment. Thank you for reading!


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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style