

"Yaaahh!! Get away from me you prick!!" Jiyong swings a pot at the robot but it dodges every move the human makes. 

"I don't want to get away from you. I love you. I wanna make love" 


"Don't be so mean my lovely. I only want to love you." Seunghyun smiles and still tries to make his way over to his lover. 

Jiyong swings the pot closer to the robot. "How did you get here! And dammit put some clothes on!!" 

The robot stops and pouts. "I don't have any clothes my love." He then smiles widely "Want to play dress up. It is my dream to spend everyday with you my love." Jiyong puts the pot down and starts to realize that this thing is indeed a robot. Everything that he requested is being applied like a program. "What the hell are you...?" 

"I'm you ide" "I know that you are my ideal lover...what are you..." 

The robot comes closer and smiles warmly still in his glory. "My goal is to make you happy Jiyong. I will do anything and everything to make you happy for the rest of your life. I will always love you." The bot comes closer to try to give the younger a hug. 

"Yah yah we are not lovers. Stop with that its creepy bot." 

The robot makes a sad face. "My name is Seunghyun...I'm not a robot. I'm a Ideal Lover. That's what my appa Psy told me" 

Jiyong sympathizes a bit with the robot and he doesn't mean to be a mean person. He changes his frown to a more neutralized state of expression. The robot is still standing there almost like a computer waiting for it's owner to click something. Jiyong gets closer to the robot and pokes the so called skin and it's surprisingly soft. "Yaaah your skin is like a humans skin." 

The robot smiles again "I'm made to be the ideal human and to love you." Jiyong cringes again at the love word again. 

"Calm down with the love please..." 

The robot shakes his head "I can't  live with out love. Love is a program that I can not quit. It is in me and all I know is that I love you I care for you. If you let me love you I can make you happy. I can give you what you always wanted Jiyong." The robot finally pulls the younger one into a hug and Jiyong pushes the robot away. "Yah yah too fast..." The robot smiles again and it's funny to the younger because every insult he has given him he doesn't get mad. Only sad and pouty. 

"Well...I guess I'm stuck with you...let's put something on you...can't have you walking around ..." 

"YAAAY! Dress up! I love dress up almost as much as I love you!" 

Jiyong rolls his eyes and motions for the other to follow him to his closet. "Come on Romeo let's get you some clothes." 

The robot follows and corrects the younger "My name is Seunghyun not Romeo" He smiles brightly behind and then stops when his lover does to see a closet packed with clothes. There are so many clothes in his closet there are some items with tags still on them. It's not that he didn't want to wear them...he just was too busy to really wear everything. 

The younger starts to go through his racks to try to find the large items of clothing that could possibly fit him. Since the robot is about 5'10" and Jiyong is 5'8" it is quite the challenge. The pulls clothes and brings it up to the robot and mumbles while eying him. "This might work...try these on..." The robot gets happy. "Thank you lover. I will wear these clothes well!" 

He puts on the items one by one and they are almost a good fit. Since the younger likes to wear a lot of over sized items the clothes that he gave Seunghyun looked good. The over sized V-neck turned out to be a basic shirt and the over sized genie pants were a perfect fit. Jiyong pats himself on the back for a job well done...it's not that he doubted him self he just is a small man compared to the other. 

Everything was looking good until he looked down..."Omo omo you need underwear..." Jiyong runs into his room with his face turning red. Seunghyun looks down and notices that is rather large and looked like it needed to be...well.."contained". 

"Put these on." says Jiyong throwing a pair of boxer briefs that were too big for him. 

The robot takes off his pants again and puts the underwear on. is now contained but the bot put them on wrong...and is poking out. The robot turns around "Lover...I need help..." Jiyong turns red and still doesn't face the older. "Now what?" 

"There is a hole in my underwear." 

Jiyong huffs. "What?...isn't there a program installed for that." 

"Well robots don't pee so there is no need for holes in underwear..." The robot trails off almost sounding embarrassed. 

Jiyong sighs. "Well it's not the first time I have seen a man thanks to the Magazine..." He walks in to see the member hanging proudly through the whole. Jiyong looks at the robot smiling at him brightly. "Can you just...stop smiling for a second...it's making things more awkward..." The robot does as he is told and Jiyong walks over and quickly grabs the member to push it inside the hole. The younger runs out the room while the robot puts on his pants again. ' his ing is huge...'

The robot comes out of the closet to find his lover who is not in the room anymore. "Lover where are you lover" 

Jiyong rolls his eyes "Stop calling me that..." 

The robot comes into the room slowly and sits on the living room sofa with Jiyong. Jiyong turns to face the bot "We need to talk..." 

"Talking I love talking. This is a great time to get to know you Jiyong." 

"NO we need to talk seriously about...this" He gestures to the robot. "I know that you are my Ideal lover and you were sent here to make me happy and stuff...but I don't need something like you to do that. I need a human and also I'm not into guys I like girls. Could you please please please tell your owner to come pick you up?" 

The robot gets sad and takes Jiyongs hand firmly. The other tries to move his hand away but the robot doesn't let him "Please give me a chance...I really want to please you. I really care for you. " He looks deeply into the others eyes and Jiyong for a second is trapped into his dark orbs. He caresses the others hand again "Please I just want to love you." 

Jiyong sighs. "I can't Seunghyun I can't when I'm not attracted to you." 

"I'm attracted to you Jiyong and I'm grateful that you said my name. You make me so happy" 

Jiyong blushes "You are programmed to be attracted to me and be happy...everything you do is a program" 

The robot smiles "Yea but at least I know how to make you happy. I can see that you would like to have a lover...you wouldn't have asked for me. Let me be your lover." 

"I didn't ask for you...I thought that your Appa had a dating service..." 

"I'm your Ideal lover Jiyong" 

Jiyong growls again and starts to think about the situation at hand. He is not sure what to do with the thing. He doesn't have the heart to put the thing on the street and he surly is not going to have that thing in the same bed with him. "What happens if I tell Psy to come and get you?" 

"Then I will be deleted and scrapped..." The robot says in a worried tone. 

Jiyong starts to feel sorry for the robot and notices how easily this perfect "human" could be thrown away and scrapped because the owner doesn't like him. He walks over to the robot. "Well we can't have you scrapped...hmm I can't believe I'm doing this..." The robot lightens up at the words and listens. "I...will let you stay here...as a roommate and nothing else. As long as you don't my up I will let you stay in the guest room...it's tiny and it only has a futon as a bed I hope that it will be okay..." Jiyong sighs again and mutters "I must be crazy..." 

The robot stands up from the sofa "I accept my love...I mean Jiyong..." the robot chuckles softly and this makes Jiyong feel warm from the cute laugh. 

"Okay then follow me..." The walk to the room next to Jiyongs "This is the room. As you can see the room is ing small but I'm sure you can handle it." The robot gets really happy. "It is so nice to be so close to you." 

"Yah what I tell you about the weird stuff...I'm going to go to sleep now so I guess I will see you in the morning." 

The robot smiles back at the younger "Do you want me to prepare you a nice bath for you before you go to sleep. I sense that you are stressed." 

Jiyong chuckles "Did you think of why I might be stressed at the moment." 

The robot his head to the side "Well I calculated that your stressors is work and me at the moment. "

"Bingo" the younger responds "and that is why I'm going to get some rest. Good night Seunghyun" 

The bots eyes turn into half moons as he waves goodbye. "Sweet dreams my lo" "Yah!" "Heh heh sorry Jiyong...goodnight" 

Jiyong goes to his room and finally throws off his clothes down to his boxers. He flops in the bed and falls asleep quickly into a deep slumber." 


It's the next morning at 5am and Jiyong has been snoozing the past half hour. Seunghyun who does not require sleep but recharging time is now fully charged and awake. He has prepared the younger one breakfast and plans to take a tray of delicious foods to him. 

The robot takes the food into the room and coos "Jiyong. Time to wake up." 

Jiyong whines "Nooo...I'm sleepy" Then he realizes that this is not a dream but his robot in his room. He sits up ready to yell but stops when he sees a tray full of food. "What are you doing?" 

"Giving you breakfast in bed. I'm a proficient cook in everything and I hope that you will enjoy this." He walks over to the younger and gently places the tray in front of him. Jiyong is touched by how caring the robot is and also romantic....which are traits that he clicked. The younger chuckles. "Thank you. This looks great." 

"It is my duty in life to make you happy and may I say that you look stunning." He stands to the side and smiles brightly " Please eat so you can get ready for work and have energy." 

Jiyong shakes his  laughs at the flattery of his wannabe housewife. " Ne ne thank you" The younger finally takes a bite of the foreign omlette and moans at the flavors. The texture and everything was cooked to perfection. The fruit was cut into shapes of animals and one piece of fruit was cut into a heart." Jiyong loved the treatment 'maybe I can get use to this'

The younger finishes his food and puts the tray to the side to get ready for work. He quickly pulls down some clothes and throws them on and then mentally pictures his fridge for something to grab for a make shift lunch.

He walks out of the bedroom to find the robot once again preparing something. The robot turns to  the other with a lunch pale in his hand. "Please Jiyong accept this lunch pale. I have made you a very special lunch for today. I hope that it pleases you. " 

Jiyong smiles and takes the lunch in his hand. "Thank you Seunghyun you were a big help this morning." Jiyong smiles at the bot and speaks again. "...don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't like you...I hope that you are not hurt by what I said yesterday. " 

"It's okay Jiyong. I understand your request to be friends at first. I will wait for the day that you will accept me as your lover. For now I will continue to win your heart. " Seunghyun smiles softly in the others eyes and Jiyong gets lost again. His face is so kind it is hard to really be mean to him so the younger refrains from saying anything hurtful. 

"Thank you for the lunch Seunghyun. I'm going to work now. Please do not do anything crazy and I will be back later on today." 

Seunghyun walks with the other to the door and hold it open for the younger "Have an amazing day Jiyong." Jiyong waves and walks down the hallway. The robot closes the door and heads to the kitchen to look at the fridge to see what to prepare for dinner. He mentally configures a meal in his head and goes to sit on the sofa and then smiles to himself. "I think that he will love me one day. I love him so much. I love Kwon Jiyong" 

The robot lays down and slowly closes his eyes to charge(nap) for a bit. 


It is finally kinda lunch and Jiyong is in the back of the style closet hiding from the evil Bom. He quickly pulls his lunch from his secret fridge and opens the box to reveal Kimbob and radish Kimchi. Jiyong also sees a little note attached to the pale. He pulls it off to read it...


Thank you for accepting me. Love the bed it is comfy and I slept well in the clothes you gave me. Thank you for giving me a chance and I will one day win your love if you choose to accept me one day. When you are ready I will love you even more than I do now. 

Love Seunghyun

Jiyong chuckles at the love attempt and places the note back in the box. He takes the food and eats every bit of it  because it was so good. The kimchi was spicy and the Kimbob was wrapped to perfection. The younger finishes his meal and places the box back in his hiding place. He comes out from the clothes racks when he hears a familiar voice calling him. 

"Sup Dae" 

"Come! Come quick the witch is on her broom!!" 

"!" Jiyong gets up to run quickly to attempt to fix what his boss is supposedly mad about.

"Come come she is mad because the Haeundae samples were really due today. Dara her new scheduler messed up the whole month so what we thought we due next week is due today!! We are in deep !" 

"Ahhhh where the hell is Jiyong!!" Jiyong runs to the voice of evil. 

"Ne Fashion Director Bom" 

She glares at him "Why did you only pull three items!!" 

Jiyong gets nervous "Well...you told us to only get three because the budget is tight..." 

"I never said that" that was lie and everyone behind her rolled their eyes " I told you to get all the samples for the Haeundae spread!" 

"Why so that you can take all of Jiyong's credit" says a voice coming in their direction. Bom freezes and quickly changes her mood. "Chairman Dong Wok what brings you here" 

"I'm here because I hear things are behind...care to explain yourself." The other employees snicker at their evil boss getting scolded. 

"Well Jiyong here was suppose to get all the samples yesterday and only came back with three. " 

Dong Wok raises an eyebrow and he looks at Jiyong. "Is it true that she told you to get all the samples for the spread?" 

Jiyong sighs knowing that he can't say the truth "Ne" he says as he puts his head down. 

"Well there is nothing that we can do about it now. The board and I have decided to move the Haeundae spread to next month so that gives you all another month to put things together. Employees please listen to your boss and carry out what has been told." 

Everyone responds with head nods and Ne's across the room. He then looks at Bom again "And Fashion Director Bom please try to have a better memory." He smirks and then walks out the room. When there is no more sight of him Bom changes back to evil one " What are you looking at!! Get back to work!! And Jiyong get me my samples! You have two weeks to give me at least 30 options!!" 

Jiyong's eyes widen "30?!" 

Bom glares back "Why is that a problem?' 

"Ani..." He turns around to head back into the the fashion closet. Daesung follows the other. 

"Yahhh Director saved your earlier! That woman is the ing devil...she is so jealous of you..." 

Jiyong chuckles "Dont' worry...one day I will be her boss" 

"Yeaaa and I will be working in a better department! " 

The both sigh. "Well lets get to sorting Dae. We have a long day a head of us." 

"Yea let's get to work." 

Bom comes into the room and yells "GET TO WORK!!" 

The two scramble to the racks and start the long process. Jiyong sighs as he is moving clothes around 'This is bull'


HEELLLO every one Chapter two is finshed! I wanted to get the story a little developed so I decided to work it tonight. I hope that you all like the story line and like most of you noticed. This is inspired by My Ideal Boyfriend Jdrama. It will be like that drama in some ways. Feedback is much appreciated and thank you for reading!!

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style