

It's 5:30 in the morning and Jiyong was called into work early. The reason is because Bom messed up the fashion closet again due to one of her drunken night with her friends. Most of the time the interns would do it but the interns are abroad due to fashion week. The next person to call would have been the first years but I think that Bom wanted to make Jiyong's life a little more like. 

Jiyong huffs and tries to snooze a bit more. He knows that everything will have to be organized before Bom comes to work but the younger doesn't care. Either way the woman is going to find something that he did wrong. She always is hard on the guy simply because he is a threat and what do insecure people do..bully. 

The tired man gets out of bed and drags himself to the bathroom. He pulls out his tooth brush in the dark and starts to do his regular routine of the bathroom. After he is finished with the sink duties he doesn't even get ready to shower because he is simply too tired. Plus he doesn't want to wait for the water to heat up. 

"Whyyyy..." The younger growls dragging himself back to his bedroom. He thought that washing his face would pick him up a bit but that didn't work at all. Jiyong  sighs again and goes into his closet and throws on a pre picked outfit for the day. It is kind of OCD to have pre picked anything but work is too unpredictable to really think in the mornings. 

Jiyong finally gets dressed and walks into the living room expecting his roommate to be there waiting to talk to him but he wasn't there. The only thing was there was breakfast on the table with a post it attached to the plate. 


Please enjoy your breakfast! Have a amazing day:)"


Jiyong slightly smiles at the note and sits down to have a quick bit of eggs. Once again the robot cooked the eggs to perfection and the side dishes were worthy of a pro chef. "I guess he was tired today" Jiyong chuckles to himself. He puts the plate  away and start his way out to work..before he leaves he looks back again thinking that the robot would see him off but nothing happens. Jiyong chuckles at himself "What is wrong with me." He closes the door and head down to go to work. 


Jiyong makes it to Seoul Magazines building and of course there are people still working. He swears that some people live there especially the finance department where his friend YoungBae works. The younger gets onto the elevator to go say hi to his friend before diving to the mess of the closet that he doesn't even want to see. 

YoungBae as usual was plastered in front of his computer and had a his mouse clicking like crazy. YoungBae was came to the company a couple years before Jiyong and he has had a couple promotions since he has been there. His job is demanding and he is busy all the time because he is the man who makes all of the budgets for the smaller departments of the magazines. You would think that doing smaller departments would be less work but it's actually the opposite. 

"I see that you are working hard." says Jiyong leaning on his bests friend's office door. 

"Aaay man what bring you here at this time....wait did she do it again" says the older kinda annoyed. 

"Yea her and her es ed up the closet again. I just finished organizing the damn thing four hours ago..." 

"Man you have so much patience...I would have left your job." 

"I know" sighs the younger. "So what are you working on?"  

"Oh just another damn budget...nothing new...I still lack sleep and constantly click a mouse." chuckles the other. 

"Well I just wanted to say hey. I will talk to you later man. Let's try to get lunch or something soon" Jiyong smiles infectiously. 

YoungBae smiles and waves as the younger starts to leave the room. Jiyong goes back to the elevator and sighs again because he will be the only one on the floor. Most people don't get there until 8 and he is there at 6 in the morning at all times. He gets off the elevator and slowly walks to his doom...he starts to mutter of what's to come "That ...messing up...grr I otta. Seunghyun?!" 

The younger stops in his tracks to see his roommate in the fashion closet. The room is immaculate and there is not one thing out of place. The room is even vacuumed! The robot smiles and continues to finish his work on the clothes rack. He puts the last item of clothing back and he walks over to Jiyong. 

"Good morning Jiyong!" 

Jiyong gets dumb founded "" 

"I see that you are at a loss of words" Seunghyun chuckles

"How did you know that I had to do this..."  

"I over heard your conversation this morning while I was preparing your breakfast. I heard the stress in your voice so I came here to help you" Seunghyun smiles gently. "You can go back to sleep if you wish" 

Jiyong is speechless no one has ever done anything like this for him before. "Seunghyun...I don't know what to say...thank you so much" The younger bows. 

"No need to thank me. I did this to please you. " 

"Ohhh you did don't worry. This would have taken me all day..." Jiyong said still in awe of the work that has been done. He walks over to one of the racks and he sees that everything was in order. Perfection to the the point of only a computers work. "Wow I guess that you do come in handy all the time. You are the Ideal worker/organizer." Chuckles Jiyong looking at the room. 

"You should sleep for a little bit Jiyong. You still look tired. " Seunghyun walks closer to the other and Jiyong blushes a bit. "Why are you looking at me like's weird." 

"This is only a look for you Jiyong. I want to take you to the sofa over there." Before Jiyong could protest he was lifted into the strong arms like he weighed less than a feather. "Yah! Seunghyun put me down!" Jiyong yells and the older puts the younger down on the couch gently before he could complain more. Jiyong shuts up and looks up at the other who pulled out a bag full of stuff. The robot pulls out a small blanket and throws it over Jiyong. "You don't have to do all this Seunghyun I can just crash without this." He start to grab the blanket and hand it back to him " should go home. 

The robot refuses and takes the blanket again. "Let me take care of you. I want to help you a friend." He smiles and takes the blanket and starts to pull the blanket around the younger. Jiyong who didn't realize how tired he was starts to get heavy eyed and lays his head on the sofa. "Well I guess a little nap will not hurt...." Jiyong drifts off into sleep and he quietly naps while the other sits near him and watches him sleep. 

The sofa is small but big enough for Jiyong to sleep peacefully. Seunghyun sits there and he is grateful as usual. Grateful to be near the person that he was born to love and he truly does love him. Yes, it has not been that long since he first met him but it was love at first sight not a program in his brain. Ever since the first yell to the first glare Seunghyun is in love and he finds his fits adorably cute. 

The robot decides to charge for a bit so he moves over next to the sofa and brings his knees up to his chest and closes his eyes. 


Three hours later and the two are still sound a sleep. People are starting to come onto the floor and since no one really goes into the closet the two are unnoticed. Daesung who does work in the closet with Jiyong walks in to find Jiyong knocked out and a man next to him. He figures that Bom messed up the closet and he found a friend to help him. 

To prevent the younger from getting in trouble he decides to wake him up. He starts to shake him "Yah Jiyong yah yah.." Jiyong slowly wakes up and sits up "What time is it man?" Daesung laughs a bit "It's 8 man you must have been here super early to bring a blanket and a friend haha." The robot reboots and opens his eyes to see the two interacting. Daesung looks over to see the other man awake "Hi I'm Daesung! Are you Jiyong's friend?" 

"I'm his new boyfriend" "HE'S MY ROOMMATE ROOMMATE!" Jiyong interrupts the other and Daesung laughs at the two. 

"Than which is it then Jiyong. Is he your boyfriend or roommate. Seems like you two don't have an accord..." Daesung smirks 

Jiyong waves his hands "Ani ani it's not what you think Dae." 

"Jiyong don't worry. It's okay if you are gay" 

"I'm not gay!!" 

The robot sees that Jiyong is getting stressed and comes to the rescue with a response "We are just roommates..I was just joking." Jiyong and Daesung stop arguing and look over at Seunghyun. "Seriously he is not gay. I recently started living with him..." Jiyong looks into the robots eyes and sees that it is hard for him to say that they are just friends. 'Wait why should I care...' 

"Well I'm going to go home now Jiyong. I will see you later for dinner" 

Jiyong smiles warmly at the other and Seunghyun smiles a big grin " Goodbye Seunghyun." 

Daesung watches the two interacting and notices how Seunghyun is obviously in love with the dude. "Yah...Jiyong...your roommate...I think that he likes you a lot...the way he looks at you man..." 

Jiyong plays it off and laughs "Oh him...don't mind that guy..." Jiyong laughs nervously. The last thing he wants to happen is office gossip...well kinda too late. The CEO walks into the closet and he over heard the conversation. "So you have a boyfriend to help you with the closet Jiyong? " 

"Boss! " They both bow and Jiyong speaks "He is just my roommate" Dong Wook motions for Daesung to leave so they can speak privately. 

"I see..." Dong wook eyes the younger and smirks. "Well Jiyong I heard what Bom did to you this morning. I came here to apologize on her behalf."  

"You didn't have to do that sir." Jiyong bows again. 

"Call me hyung and I should apologize. She may have a natural talent but her work ethic is just ..." Jiyong laughs in agreement. 

"Ne..boss. I mean hyung. She is still a great director" 

Dong Wook laughs "Bull don't have to take up for her Jiyong. But you are a hard worker...keep it up it will not go unnoticed." He walks over to the younger and Jiyong starts to get nervous. " Is there anything wrong sir?" 

Dong Wook smirks and shakes his head as he gets closer. He pulls his hand up and starts to mess with the youngers hair. "Your hair need a little matience..." Jiyong blushes and allows the older to fix his hair into a more presentable style. "there that is a lot have cute bed hair but it will not be a nice look for around here" chuckles the older and Jiyong steps back when the hand is away. 

"Aw are you embarrassed Jiyong" Dong Wook playfully says. 

"Ani I was just a little hot.." Jiyong lies 

"Oh because of me...I didn't know I had that effect on you." Dong Wook smirks again and then leaves the room. The whole time Daesung was eavesdropping on the conversation. It's not that he is jealous it's something that him and Jiyong do on a daily basis. Daesung walks back into the room and finds Jiyong still red and touching his hair. 

"Damn did hyung just hit on you??" 

Jiyong shakes his head. "I don't know what just happened but I think boss just hit on me..." 

"He sure did! I had no idea that he was gay..." 

"I didn't either...and still from what I know I'm not gay...why does everyone think that I'm gay." 

Daesung looks over at the other and eyes his outfit which is him wearing a pair of neon green shorts and a graphic tee. Jiyong furrows his brows "Come on now this is fashion! I know what you are thinking." 

Daesung chuckles "Well me and my boyfriend thought that you were gay when we first saw you." 

"Your boyfriend thought wrong " Jiyong laughs and pushes the other. "What Seungri doesn't know...he was gay from the womb" They both laugh in unison and stop laughing like a line was cut because they hear the directors heels clicking towards the room. 

Boom walks in "Jiyong I hope that you have this room..." The woman stops talking when she notices that the room is perfect...not one thing is out of place. She gets mad again."Why is this room wrong.!" she walks over to two of the racks of clothes that are packed "This is all wrong and out of order! " She pulls the clothes off the wracks and throws them on the floor! "YOu better fix this!!" 

Jiyong and Daesung are pissed! They both walk over to the racks after Bom messed up the robots work and start the process all over again. " this is going to take forever hyung. " Jiyong sighs "I'm sorry man..." Daesung smiles "It's cool man I'm glad that it is just two doing it instead of one of us" Jiyong nods in agreement "Well...Let's get started..." 

The two work on the closet all morning. And because the director didn't change her shoes from last night some stains got on the clothing. Jiyong had to wash and pull out stains that he never knew could be lifted. A couple of garments had to be resteamed and the whole thing turned into more work than what they wanted. The crazy thing is that this is not the only thing that they are both responsible for.

Both Jiyong and Daesung also pull clothes for Bom to choose for the upcoming months. She also has the job of pulling but she is simply too lazy and after he got hired at the magazine she feels that hard work should be for the people below. No matter what people do she will get all the credit. This frustrates many but they all still stay there with the hopes of moving up and kicking someone out of a position to better them selves. 



Daesung lights up when he hears his boyfriend cooing his name "Riiii!" He runs to the younger and envelopes him into a tight hug. Jiyong watches as the couple is all lovey to each other. "Yah yah I'm in the room you two love birds" 

Seungri releases the hug and holds onto his boyfriends hand. "Sorry hyung. I just can't help is" He leans over to peck his boyfriends cheek. Jiyong covers his eyes "My eyes Ahhh!" The couple chuckles. "What least we control our selves" 

Jiyong gets wide eyes "You two are not controlled at all once you are both drunk...the company party last year was enough for me" Jiyong laughs and the couple blushes knowing that they can be wild at times. "Ne hyung but my Ri is so irriestiable." 

"Well anyway I came here to steal my Daesungie to have some lunch. You should eat too hyung. I heard form a couple girls that you are not getting much sleep." 

"Yea hyung gets some eat something good. " Daesung smiles and the two walk out of the room. Jiyong does the same but walks a little slower so that the two could get some alone time to themselves. 

The younger walks up to the elevator and pushes the button. The doors open with a ding and he is surprised to see his boss standing on the left smirking. "So we meet again Jiyong." Jiyong wants to kick himself in the because he doesn't want to be stuck on the elevator with his awkward boss. He breathes in and gets on the elevator. 

The lift starts to move and the boss turns his head over towards Jiyong and eyes him for a bit before speaking "Going to lunch?" 

"Hmm yes hyung. My co workers want me to" Jiyong laughs to himself. 

"Oh I see." He gets closer to the other and Jiyong walks into the corner. "Well I don't want my employee getting sick now." He reaches his hand out and runs his hand through the youngers hair "Bo boss...what are you doing"

Dong Wook smiles down at the other "Jiyong you have been on my eye for a while now..." 

"Boss..we shouldn't be doing this...there are cameras..." Jiyong tries to get his boss away but the angle is inescapable. Dong Wook runs his hand through the others hair again before moving away. "Remember Jiyong ah...I'm the CEO...I can choose what happens here. If I wanted to do something no one would dare gossip..." The older chuckles to himself and to Jiyong's relief the elevator doors open and low and behold Seunghyun is waiting in the lobby...this makes the younger smiles 'Of course he would be here'. 

Jiyong runs off the elevator and runs up to the robot "Oh I'm so glad to see you" 

The robot gets concerned "Is there something wrong?" 

"Nah...nothing...I'm not even going to try to ask..." 

Jiyong grabs the robots wrist and drags him out of the building. "Slow down Jiyong...what's are scaring me" Jiyong slows down..."Sorry Seunghyun I'm just a little weirded out..." The robot makes a face "It's's nothing I can't handle...don't worry" 

"Jiyong you know that I can not just no worry about you." Seunghyun pulls his hand down to grab the smaller hand. Jiyong gasped a bit and tried to pull his hand away. " Yah yah we are in public..." 

"Shhh just calm down...your pulse is going crazy right now...I'm just trying to comfort you." Seunghyun smiles and leads them both over to a bench still hand in hand. "Jiyong I don't know what happened but it was something for me to be concerned about." 

Jiyong releases the hold "You are just using your hero program" Jiyong laughs but the other furrows his brows and Jiyong stops his laughs. "Jiyong this is not a program I'm working off of right now. I stayed in the lobby because I knew that you would need lunch and also I was concerned that you didn't have much sleep. Jiyong I know something happened on the elevator and I saw your boss was on it. If he did anything to can tell me...I know you hate hearing this but I care for you" You can hear the concern in his voice and this makes Jiyong feel touched that someone cares. 

He takes the robots wrist and makes him stand up. "Come on Seunghyun...let's go eat...hmm?" 

Seunghyun as you wish "I know a great place that is 13 minutes from here." He smiles warmly at the younger and JIyongs heart starts to beat really fast. "What's wrong Jiyong?" The robot gets concerned again."It''s nothing...lets go eat at this 13 minutes away place." 

Seunghyun smiles again at Jiyong walking with him 'This is our first date' 

"Come on Seunghyun you are too slow" whines the younger 

"Coming" Seunghyun catches up.


Heeeey all I hope that you all are having a great day evening or night. Comments are love and I love feedback. Do you like the direction of the story?? :)




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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style