F*&k it's midnight...


It is midnight....ing midnight and Jiyong just got off at his bus stop. It is raining and he doesn't have an umbrella. He is already miserable and tired from having to deal with the evil woman from work. The rain is pouring so hard people are starting to take cover and the younger does the same. He huddles under a convince store and tries to not ruin his cell phone in his pocket 'can this get any worse'. 

Jiyong was only two blocks away from home but it is pouring so hard he doesn't want to get drench and ruin work materials. He was close to walking out but then there was a shadow above him. He looks into the concrete and sees an umbrella. Jiyong then turns around  and sees his smiling robot with a raincoat in hand and a umbrella covering the younger. 

"Hello Jiyong. I observed that it is raining. I'm sorry that I missed your bus. It said on the schedule that the next bus was due at 11:50." 

Jiyong looks into the others eyes and can't believe that the robot even made the effort to help him in the rain. "You didn't have to do that Seunghyun." 

"Oh but I must Jiyong...how am I going to win your love sitting back. You are my most prized possession and you will be honored always." The robot smiles gently and still holds the umbrella firmly. 

Jiyong blushes "Yah yah what did I tell you about the funny stuff" 

Seunghyun pouts and then holds out a extra rain coat to the other "Here you need a rain coat. I want you to be dry my love...sorry Jiyong.." Jiyong winces and takes the rain coat. It is so funny to him that the robot has so much passion all the time. 

"Thank you for the rain coat" Jiyong says to the other avoiding eye contact. 

"It is no problem. I will always be there for you in need...Shall we walk back home together?" 

The younger nods and the two slowly walk through the rain. The rain has let up a bit but it still a steady fall to the ground. It is peaceful and kinda fun to the younger watching the water fall and turn into puddles and puddle all around him. 

The two continue to walk slowly and Jiyong is covered by the umbrella held by Seunghyun. The robot and every careful to not get Jiyong wet and makes sure to put more of the umbrella on Jiyong's side. The rain is drenching the side of the older ones shirt but he doesn't care as long as his love is dry. 

They make it to the building and the older quickly puts the umbrella away in enough time to open the door for the younger. Jiyong smiles at the gesture and mumbles a thanks and the robot smiles in kind. At this time normally the doorman is gone but he is there today. 

"Hello Jiyong shi" Jiyong get a little nervous

"Hello Mr. Goh" 

"And who is this?" He eyes Seunghyun and the robot smiles at him

"Hello my name is Seunghyun. Pleased to meet you" 

"Well you are very polite nice to meet you too. Are you two co workers?" 

The robot shakes his head. "No Mr. Goh. I'm Jiyong's Ideal bo" "HE IS my friend...my friend from work" Jiyong says a little breathless and freaked out that Seunghyun was going to spill the beans. 

The vibe gets weird and Jiyong  bow to the doorman. "I'm sorry sir we are very tired from a hard days work. We are going to head up to the apartment now and get some sleep...by the way he is my new roommate so you will see him from time to time. " Jiyong laughs nervously and pulls the robot onto the elevator and the doors quickly close and Jiyong can once again breathe again. 

He looks over at the robot "Seunghyun you can't be saying that in public. People will think weird of me." 

"I'm sorry. I was just telling him who I was. I'm sorry to give him the wrong information..I will not fail you the next time." The older smiles 

Jiyong find it hard to be mad and quickly forgives. "Okay so next time you will say that you are my friend. Ne?" 

"As you wish Jiyong" Seunghyun smiles again and the elevator doors open. They both go to the door and the younger puts in the code to let them both into the tiny apartment. 

Jiyong walks in and instantly smells food. Food that is so delicious that he almost forgets to take off his shoes. He throws them off and the robot chuckles cutely in the background. "I made you some dinner Jiyong. I wanted to make sure that you had dinner so I prepared a light meal that will not cause indigestion." 

Jiyong walks over to his kitchen table and smells the Kimchi Bokumbap and melts. He takes a seat at the table and notices only one dish. The younger looks at the bot "What about you Seunghyun. Don't you eat?" 

"I'm fine Jiyong. I don't require a lot of  food like humans. I can consume it if I wish to taste the flavors but it is not needed." Seunghyun smiles. 

Jiyong tilts his head. "But I don't want you to starve. Please have some...it will make me feel better." 

Seunghyun gets happy and grabs a spoon "As you wish I will consume some of this food. It is so exciting to share a dinner with you Jiyong." 

Jiyong responds with a mouth full of food. "mmmhm" 

"This is our first dinner together. You make me so happy" 

"Yah yah just eat okay. You are making me exhausted with all that passion you have. " 

" I must have this passion to live my life for you. You deserve my whole self all the time. You make me happy." 

Jiyong kinda chuckles "What program are you running right now" 

Seunghyun pouts with the food in his mouth. "These are my feelings Jiyong. Even though you don't wish for me to say it you know how I feel about you." 

Jiyong laughs again and looks at the robot. "But you don't know me. How can you love me and you don't know me?" 

"You can love someone without knowing. You can love someone at the moment. That's how I feel about you. I could never learn a thing and I could still love you" 

The younger shivers at the passionate explaining and takes one last mouth full of kimchi and gets up from the table. The robot stands up too. " Are you okay Jiyong? Do you want more food. " 

The younger waves his hand in a no motion as he heads to his bed room. Seunghyun smiles and is happy that his still continuing to work on Jiyong's heart. He  happily washes the dishes and walks over by the youngers room. He can hear the younger one flopping across the bed with a groan. 

Jiyong is laying on his bed sideways and he is exhausted. His whole body is aching and he doesn't want to do anything. He was going to take off his day clothes but didn't feel like it. He instead groans and rolls over to the fetal position to try to find comfort. 

Meanwhile Seunghyun is in the the bathroom drawing a hot bath for the younger. He puts in some bubble bath and calculates the proper temperature for the tub. The smells of the bath tub start to linger into the youngers room and Jiyong groans again "That bot takes baths too..." mumbles the tired human. 

"Actually I don't take baths unless I get dirty" 

Jiyong quickly lifts his head "Yah how you move so fast..." 

"I was here for about 15seconds now. I was just about to tell you about the bath that I have drawn for you" 

Jiyong sits up on the bed "You did that for me?" asked the younger grateful and lazy. 

"Yes Jiyong you need to rest and take a relaxing bath" 

Jiyong smiles "Why are you so good to me...wait don't answer that" The younger chuckles and slowly gets from the bed and heads towards the bathroom.

"Do you want me to rub your back or give you a massage in the tub?" 

Jiyong freezes a bit "No...you are good." Jiyong softens his face "Thank you" He goes into the bathroom and closes the door. He looks at the tub and sees that it is full of bubbles and flower pedals that were from Jiyong's old flowers in the kitchen. The slowly strips down and gets into the warm tub. The warm perfection surrounds him and the bubbles are pretty against his skin. The younger puts his head back against the tub and relaxes which is something he doesn't allow himself to do. 

He starts to think about the past 48 hours with Seunghyun. He barley knows the man and he let him stay in his house. Pretty much a complete stranger that the average person would kick out on the streets. He is not even gay and he is not weirded out too much by Seunghyun's talks of winning the youngers heart  . Jiyong simply doesn't have the heart to be mean to him or kick him out. His heart is so pure and his actions are so genuine. 

After Jiyong has vegged for about 30 minutes he need starts to get out of the tub. He undrained the tub and put on his bath rob to walk out. He walks out to see Seunghyun sitting on the sofa looking like he was waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. "Did you enjoy your bath Jiyong? " 

Jiyong smiles "Ne it was relaxing" 

"I'm glad you are happy. " The other smiles and stands from the sofa. "Good night Jiyong have sweet dreams." He walks over to his room  while Jiyong goes into his. He puts a smiles on his face cause Seunghyun pulled back the covers and placed some night clothes on the bed for Jiyong to change into. "Not bad taste" says the younger. He quickly changes and drifts into a peaceful slumber all thanks to his passionate but sweet roommate. 


The next morning it is Sunday and Jiyong has the day off...unless the evil Bom calls. It is seven in the morning and there is a knock at the front door. Jiyong is so tired he ignores the knock and mumbles in his pillows for the person to go away. He half consciously looks at the clock " who is here at 7...they must die..." Jiyong starts to get out of bed but sees that Seunghyun is standing at the door. 

"I will get the door Jiyong. Please rest more." The younger doesn't argue and flops back into the mattress and tries to go back to sleep. The robot on the other hand goes to the door to look at the camera and sees that it is his appa Psy standing there. The robot gets happy and opens the door "Appa what brings you here so early? Jiyong is sleeping and he is very tired." 

The owner smiles "It's okay 01" 01 is the name of the robot and Seunghyun doesn't like the name. 

"My name is Seunghyun appa not 01...that other name makes me feel sad." 

Psy makes an apologetic face" I'm sorry Seunghyun ah I will not do that again" 

"Why are you here today appa?" 

"I'm here to do a check on your system and to make sure things are going well" Seunghyun smiles and lead the two into the living room. They both sit on the sofa and Psy opens his brief case to reveal a fancy lap top and a cord. He plugs the cord in the robots left ear and information shows up on the screen of his health and what might need matainence. 

"Well looks like you are perfect as can be" 

Seunghyun looks over "That is good. I like to be healthy. " 

"I'm doing to put his feeling update into your system and I will be done. Is Jiyong awake...I need to talk to him privately?" 

"Jiyong is sleeping but if it is important I will wake him for you" 

"Please do thank you" 

Seunghyun nods and the cord wobbles a bit. The upload is in his system and the cord is unplugged from his ear. Psy scans the barcode on the robot and verifies that the upload has been processed. The older walks into Jiyongs bedroom and sees the peaceful being half sleep. "Jiyong are you wake??" 


"Psy is here" 

Jiyong pops up and his hair is sticking every which way " He is?" The robot nods  and Jiyong hops out of bed. "PSSSYYYY YOU MUTHA ER!!

Psy is prepared for the storm because he knows that he did deceive the younger a bit. "Hello Jiyong" 

"Don't hello Jiyong me! What the hell did you think sending me a robot and think that it was going to be okay..." Jiyong looks over at the owner 

"Well you wanted the Ideal Lover and I gave you exactly that" 

"Like i said on the phone IM not gay and I thought  that this was a dating site" 

"Well that is a negative" smirks Psy "but hey Seunghyun is still here...so there must be something you like about him?" 

"Yes the man is a nice guy but I'm not attracted to men and it's not like I'm going to get rid of him he needed a place to stay. So I let him stay..." 

"Well thank you first customer for accepting Seunghyun fully! If you will please sign here he will be yours forever!!" 

"Psy!" Jiyong puts his hands in his hair and Seunghyun can see the stress. 

"Appa...please leave Jiyong alone...he doesn't want me here and I feel that it is not fair to make him this unhappy. I want to make him happy...and if that means I leave...I will leave." says the robot. 

Jiyong looks over at the robot stunned about his talks about leaving and the younger knows what will happen to him. He can't have the robot scrapped. Yea he is a little weird and very loving but he still has a kind heart. Jiyong sighs "Where do I sign..." 

The robot gets wide eyed. "Jiyong you don't have to do that" 

"You are right I don't. But I want to. I don't want you to get scrapped...I can't live with that on my mind." 

Jiyong takes the contract and signs and stamps it. Psy takes the contract and puts it in an envelope and bows. "Thank you for your service. Enjoy your Sunday and I will see myself out." 

Jiyong bows and watches how fast the owner leaves his apartment. He moves as if Jiyong was going to change his mind. After they both hear the door click Jiyong starts to feel guilty. "Seunghyun...about what I said...I didn't mean to say that. At first I was mad but I don't mind you now." 

Seunghyun smiles "No need to apologize. I'm grateful that you accepted me and that now we can officially live together." 

Jiyong laughs "Remember no funny business" 

"Ne ne Yongie" 

"Yongie?" Jiyong raises an eyebrow

"Sorry I felt it was a cute nickname. I researched that roommates call each other nicknames. Like you could call me Hyunnie" The robot smiles and the younger chuckles "Hyunnie is used as a pet name...google that" Jiyong laughs again. "Let's stick to Jiyong and we will see about the nicknames later Ne? "

Seunghyun smiles lovingly "Ne Yongie" 

Jiyong makes a face at the older and Seunghyun pouts "You are no fun" 

"I can be fun...when some people are not weird" Jiyong pokes Seunghyun  he smiles super wide and giggles 

"What is so funny?" 

"You touched me. You made me happy" 

Jiyong blushes "I just poked you...you make it sound to intimate." 

Seunghyun smirks "It could be intimate if you want to touch me again" 


"Ne ne Yongie" Seunghyun pouts 

Jiyong chuckles and walks away "I can't win..." 


Heeey newww chapter! Thank you so much for everyone reading! Comments are love:)

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style