Late night dinner


Seunghyun gets onto the crowed bus that his roommate just ran on to. Jiyong takes the last seat in the back and avoids all contacts. Seunghyun takes a seat near the front and looks back every now and then to make sure Jiyong is okay. 

Every glance the older made Jiyong dodged him with his eyes. He felt silly but he couldn't take that stare any longer. It's not that he is frightened. It is just that his heart is beating so fast he is afraid that the other will hear him. 

It was a feeling that he has never felt before. When ever he stares at girls yea sometimes he would get that pit pat feeling in his heart but most of the time it's just temporary. With Seunghyun his heart is still beating and it's not a pit pat. It's more of a Boom Boom than anything. 

Jiyong puts his hand over his heart and breathes deeply to calm down his breathing. He breathes in and out slowly focusing on slowing his body down. The bus stops at it's first stop and Seunghyun looks back to see if the younger decided to get off early and he didn't. He notices the younger with a hand over his heart and gets concern. He walks to the back of the bus and takes a seat next to the younger. 

Jiyongs body freaks out again and he is almost wanting to go to another seat but he doesn't' t want to make things obvious. Seunghyun looks at the younger "Are you okay Jiyong? Is there anything you need me to do?" 

Jiyong shakes his head really fast in a no motion and looks out the window. "I'm fine" 

Seunghyun figures that Jiyong is still probably still mad about the incident in the lobby and decides to apologize again. "Jiyong..I'm sorry if you are still mad about your boss." 

Jiyong sighs and he starts to feel bad. He doesn't mean to ignore the robot he just was trying to calm himself down. "It's not you Seunghyun no worries okay." 

The bus stops and it is time for the two to get off. Jiyong is the first to get up and the other follows him off the bus. They both take the short walk to the building and Jiyong is lucky that a different doorman is there to greet them. He goes into the building and presses the button for up. 

Seunghyun is being so quiet he almost forgot the man was with him until he pushed the button to their floor. Jiyong jumped a bit and looked at the rot and SEunghyun smiled infectiously at the younger. 

The elevator doors open and Jiyong puts in the code and lets himself in allowing just enough space for Seunghyun to catch the door as well. The robot noticed that Jiyong has been acting funny ever since they left the building. He decides to fix Jiyong some dinner and hopefully it will please him. All he wants is for Jiyong is to be in a happy mood and not upset. 

Jiyong runs into the living room and sits in front of his couch and grabs the remote to turn on the TV. Seunghyun grabs an apron from the kitchen and peaks out into the living room. "Jiyong I'm going to cook you some dinner. Wait a bit okay." 

Jiyong looks up from the TV "It's okay. I can just warm up some left overs " 

Seunghyun chuckles "We don't have any plus you don't deserve second day food. Only the best for my Yongie" He runs back into the kitchen and starts to prepare an american style meal. While Jiyong was at work he ran by the meat market near the apartment and picked up some hamburger meat. 

The robot takes the meat and prepares it with different seasonings. He takes the meat and sticks it on the the preheated pan. He turns on the fan as the heat turns into steam and the smells start to instantly consume the apartment. Jiyong inhales the smell and he can't wait to taste whatever the hell the robot is cooking in the kitchen.

The robot takes the patty from the pan and sits it in a bun. He takes ketchup and mustard from the fridge and put some on the bun. He figured the younger liked these condiments since they were in his fridge to begin with. 

He takes the plate and comes into the living room. Jiyong is still into his show so the robot smiles and places the plate of food in front of Jiyong on the coffee table. Jiyong's eyes widen. "You you cooked this for me?" 

Seunghyun takes a seat next to Jiyong "Ne I want you to eat and be healthy." 

Jiyong smiles back and takes the bun in his mouth and takes a huge bit of food. He melts to the taste and takes another mouthful of the burger and chews it slowly to take in all of the flavors. "Do you like it?" 


Jiyong nods and continues to eat the food. The younger loves that his roommates is a great cook. Yea, he is annoy at times but he likes it that he cares that he eats. Jiyong then starts to get guilty again and finishes the food in his mouth before speaking. "Seunghyun?" 

The older turns from the TV "Ne?" 

"Um I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to be rude to you on the bus. I was just a little mixed up tonight." 

Seunghyun makes a concerned face "Is there something you would like to talk about? You know you can talk about anything with me. I want you to be happy." 

Jiyong smiles "No no it's okay. It's something that I can handle. No worries." 

"Okay but just know that I'am here for you." The older stares into Jiyongs eyes again and the younger is stuck once again in the intense glare of dark orbs. He is totally enraptured in the kind look and he is starting to have that feeling in his chest again. His heart starts to beat fast again and Jiyong breaks the trances by putting his hand over his heart again. 

Seunghyun freaks out and puts his hand on Jiyong's heart too and Jiyong blushes harder because the robot is so close to him. The older stares at him blankly "What is wrong Jiyong? This is the second time that you did that. Is there something wrong with your heart?" He leans in again and puts his hand on the youngers heart. 

Jiyong stares at the older staring at his heart and his mind leaves him for a moment. Jiyong leans in and presses his lips to the older. The kiss is brief and not even long enough to count to three seconds but it triggered the bot to respond in kind. Jiyong leans back still in his dreamy trances and then reality hits him...he just kissed a man...

" ." Jiyong gets up from the coffee table and he gets stopped by the older holding his wrist.  "Jiyong..." 

" mind was just not with me...I just got caught up in the moment." 

"I don't understand Jiyong" 

Jiyong sigh and he doesn't want to hurt the man for the third time in one day. "I just had a lot going on today and I just don't know where my mind is. I guess stress" 

Seunghyun didn't want to question the situation any further and just smiled back "I understand you had a lot going on today. Well it's almost 1:30. Did you want me to draw you a bath?" 

Jiyong shakes his head "No, I'm just going to bed. Good night" 

"Good night Jiyong have pleasant dreams." 

Jiyong closes the door to his room and puts his hand over his heart and it is beating crazy as ever. He puts his fingers on his lips and blushes and says to himself. " What is wrong with you Ji" 


It's the next morning and Jiyong is snoozing through his alarm clock as usual. Seunghyun prepared the younger with a traditional breakfast walks into the youngers bedroom to serve him breakfast in bed. "Jiyong" The robot coos. Jiyong stirs in his sleep and turns over to see the usual bed in breakfast. "Morning Seunghyun" Jiyong yawns and sits up. 

Seunghyun walks over and places the tray gently on Jiyongs lap. Jiyong notices that there is a flower on the tray and he looks up "What is this for" 

"I just wanted to brighten up your day with something that equals your beauty." 

Jiyong makes a face "Seunghyun..." 

"Sorry...couldn't help it. Well eat up Jiyong" 

Jiyong chuckles as the man leaves the room to let him eat. He eats the of course perfectly cook breakfast and devours it in seconds placing the tray on the night stand. He gets out of bed and goes to his closet to put on his pre picked outfit of the day. 

The time is getting cut short today because the younger decided to sleep in a little more so he has no time to shower but he does at least brush his teeth. He runs to the door and Seunghyun yells "Wait wait." 

Jiyong yells by the door. "I need to leave I'm going to be late" whines the younger. 

Seunghyun comes up to the door and pouts with the lunch pale. "You would leave with out your lunch?" 

Jiyong chuckles " I'm taking the lunch. See you later Ne?" 

Seunghyun smiles back with he damn y smile and Jiyong almost drolls. " See you later Jiyong....Jiyong? Jiyoooonng." 

"Ohhh ne ne sorry sorry. I must be still sleepy..." 


Jiyong gets to work and he is lucky to not run into the creeper or the devil so he walks straight into the closet to see his buddy already hanging up clothes. "Hello sunshine" 

"Sorry man. How long have you been working on this" 

"Man don't worry about it, but evil woman found out that you are late...she wants to see you in the office..." 


"Yea man...just get it over with..." 

Jiyong turns his heels towards the office of doom and takes the slow walk to the office. Bom sees the man from her clear glass office and smirks and gets ready to yell at the man for no reason. 


Jiyong moves faster and comes into the office and bows "I'm sorry for being late" Bom throws the stapler across the room and it is inches from hitting the mans head. "YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN COME IN HERE ANYTIME YOU WANT?" 

Jiyong is not sure weather to just sit there and look dumb or respond. "No Manager Bom" 


Jiyong barley has time to organize the closet but the man has not had any time to properly to really shop. Plus him and his drama with with his creepy Boss makes him just want to go home and avoid any more crap. 

"No manager Bom. I only have ten samples ready..." Jiyong looks down in shame. The woman gets from her desk and gets near the younger ones face and growls. "Test me you little ...just test me and see where you will end up..." 

"But I'm still working on it..." 

"You are not working fast enough...go to your sugar daddy you ing hoe!" 

Jiyong lifts up his head and gets mad "What did you say?" 

"You heard me...I know that you are ing the CEO you ing hoe...get out of my sight before I fire you right now...and I dare you to tell on me..." 

Jiyong is really pissed at the moment and she is lucky that she is a woman because he would have punched her if not. He is in a really ty position because he really can't go to anyone. Really no one can help him and the man has been like that all his life. He understands that his parents left him and don't give a he understands that this world you have to pick yourself up and do what you got to do. Jiyong bows and leaves the room leaving the wench smirking when really she is the fool. 

He walks back to the closet and Daesung runs up to him. "Man she was so loud and so rude I could just punch her...." the man clenches his fist and Jiyong pats his shoulder. "She is not someone to waist your anger on. Let's just get back to work" 

"But you are really just going to let her talk to you like that. Calling you a hoe..? " 

Jiyong turns around and shrugs his shoulders "What can I do Dae. I have no one to go to who could do something about." 

Daesung nods and understands that it is very true what he is saying "Well hey to cheer you up let's to go happy hour after work." 

Jiyong smiles "Sounds like fun man" 

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style