

Jiyong is now slowly walking into his apartment expecting his crazy roommate to bother him, but no. There is no one to greet him and there is food cooking but's " it's burning!!" Jiyong runs to the kitchen to turn off the stove. "Hyung! What the ! You trying to burn the place down?!" 

There is no noise in the apartment. NO response. Nothing but silence. This makes Jiyong worry. "Hyung?" Jiyong runs out of the kitchen. "Hyung? Where are you?? Answer me damit!" Jiyong screams from the living room. He runs into SEunghyuns room and there is no one there. Jiyong scratches his head. The last place he would be is in his room. 

Jiyong then runs into his room and sees no one then finally he sees a leg from his closet. Jiyong screams. "Hyung!" He runs to the closet to find the robot laying on his back and totally unresponsive. Jiyong has no idea what is going on and he looks around to see he was in the middle of folding Jiyongs laundry. The younger sighs and pulls out his phone. 

"Hello Jiyong shi" 

"This damn bot is on his back" 

"Jiyong if you don't like that position you can tell him to turn over." 

Jiyong sighs and tries not to yell. "We are not having you . Seunghyun is unresponsive and I guess he shut down or whatever in the middle of folding my laundry." 

"Oh...I guess that he didn't charge today. You can do an emerency rebot. " 

"Okay what button do I push. "

Psy laughs "You kiss him on the lips to wake him. " 

Jiyong laughs "You are kidding right." 


"I have to kiss him...on the lips?" 

"Yes indeed to get him back and running a rebot is needed" 

"Thanks for your wonderful help." says Jiyong sarcasticly

"NO  problem" the other hangs up the phone. 

The younger is now staring at the robot laying in the middle of his closet with a pair of socks in hand and a smile on his face. Jiyong laughs at the site and thinks of how can he be so happy all the time. 

Now here comes the hard part...he has to kiss him to rebot him. ".." Jiyong murmers. He bends down on his knees and leans over the robot. Jiyong just looking at the rotbot makes him blush. What he thought was a dream last night turned out to be a reality. Now he has to kiss him again. "" Jiyong murmers to himself. 

He leans closer and he can smell the sweet scent of the robot. This is a smell that is all new to Jiyong. Slowly the man moves closer and closer to the target. He then gets the courage to just get it over with so he presses his lips to the robot. It's already five seconds and the robot didn't respond. Jiyong starts to lift up and the robot wraps two arms around him and smiles into the kiss. 

Jiyong gets wide eyed and tries to move his mouth from the older but can't due to the robots strengh. Seunghyun kisses Jiyong back and slowly moves his lips over Jiyongs. Kissing him ever so sweetly just seductively. Jiyong has never really kissed a man before and never have been dominated in such a way. In a way it turns him on and Jiyong gets lost in a trance and kisses back. 

They slowly move their lips and Seunghyun taste the sweet mint of Jiyong's chapstick. He on Jiyongs bottom lip and the younger lets out a moan allow the older entrance. Jiyong on the Seunghyuns tongue and loves the feeling of the ual organ exploring the insides of his mouth. Seunghyun then starts to rub Jiyongs lower back making the Jiyong do a natural humping motion that makes him moan ever more and thanks the heavens for choosing God mode. 

Seunghyun then takes the younger and pulls him on to him making Jiyong straddle comes reality. "...what am I doing..." Seunghyun is a good kisser don't get him wrong but Jiyong wasn't ready for making out with the man. 

Jiyong tries to calm down his breathing...the man doesn't realize that he is still stradling the bot. Seunghyun smiles up at Jiyong. "Your lips are so sweet. I enjoyed kissing you again Jiyong ah" 

Jiyong looks down and blushes "Omo omo." rolls off the the robot and covers his face. Seunghyun smirks and rolls on top of the younger and purs into his ear. "Why are you hiding Jiyong ah. " 

"Stop calling me afectionately!" says JIyong through his hands. 

Seunghyun kisses Jiyongs hand. "But you like it...Jiyong ah" Jiyong shivers from the deep voice. " you! Get off" Jiyong moves his hands and glares at the older and tries to push him but has no luck. Seunghyun pouts "But I love you Jiyong ah. I want to do nothing but Love you and give you kisses all day. " He bats his eyes and Jiyong can't help but think it's cute. 

"Stop being so damn cute!" JIyong pushes the man again. 

Seunghyun smirks and then rolls off the younger. Jiyong sits up  and looks over at the robot "You just enjoy tourchering me don't you..." 

Seunghyun sits up too and shakes his head and smiles "I'm just helping you to love me like I love you truely." The robot gets up from the floor "I need to start your dinner to make mister grumpy pants happy again" 

"One question?" 

Seunghyun turns around "Ne?'

"How long were you awake before you started kissing me" 

Seunghyun smiles " As soon as your lips touched mine I was awake. Your lips are soft and sweet. Your moans are""Okay okay I like .." Jiyong trails off and laughs. "I just wanted you to kiss me again" 

Jiyong stands up walks over to the robot. "How come you didn't tell me that I kissed you again??"

Seunghyun smirks "So now you admit to the first kiss" 

"I never denied it" Jiyong covers his mouth "Stop messing with me!" 

Seunghyun laughs. "I didn't want to embarass you" 

"Fair...but why did you go with my boss to the meat market?" 

"I just wanted to do something for you. She was nice...but she hit on me..." 

"I know you need to be careful hyung" 

"I like it when you call me hyung" Seunghyun smiles 

Jiyong snaps in his face "Pay attention. You need to be more aware of your kidness and ignorance." 

"I didn't mean to" Seunghyun pouts and looks down at the floor. "Sorry to not make you happy with me. I will never do it again. What shall I do to make you happy again." 

Jiyong starts to feel bad. "It's okay...don't feel bad." Jiyong pats his shoulder gently and Seunghyun smiles back with his dark eyes. Jiyong quickly starts to walk out the room and runs into the bathroom with flushed cheeks. Seunghyun chuckles to himself and walks to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the younger. 

He takes the meat and places it into the oven. He then takes the side dishes and starts to lay them on the dinner table. He takes some flowers from the market and places them in a vase on the table. He walks into the living room and notices that JIyong has trailed his shoes into the rug and Seunghyun finds it a good time to vacumn. 

Seunghyun takes the device and turns it on while Jiyong is coming out of the bathroom. Seunghyun takes the the vacum and pushes it toward the sofa he then lifts the sofa with one hand to get the dirt underneath it. Jiyong's mouth drops at the strengh the robot has just lifting the sofa. He then watches as SEunghyun lifts other items like they were nothing and then the show was over. 

Seunghyun smiles over at the freashly cleaned man "Dinner is ready. Please come sit." The older puts the vacumn away and places the dinner in front of Jiyong. Jiyong is of course not disaponited in the choice of meat and side dishes. Seunghyun places the food on the table and Jiyong devours the meat and side dishes within seconds. 

Seunghyun sits across from him and watches as he eats. Jiyong looks up "You should have some" 

"I'm fine." 

"Have some it's so good and plus I can't eat all of this by myself" 

"as you wish. " Seunghyun grabs a plate from the cabinet and takes some food on his plate. The both of them enjoy the food together and finish everything in one go. Jiyong is so full he can't even move. "That was so good." 

"I'm glad that you are satisfied." 

"Thanks " Jiyong laughs 

"What is funny?" says Seunghyun

"It's just funny how you say things's a give away that you are a program" 

"I'm not a program..." 

"I know that...I didn't mean to offend you...I was just saying how you say things sometimes are just very formal." 

Seunghyun furrows his brows and pouts "I don't know any other way to say things. Appa taught me my sentences" 

"You are fine just the way you are. Never change " Jiyong chuckles

"Is that sarcasm" 

"Catching on Seunghyun shi" 

Jiyong gets up from his chair and leaves into the living room. He curls up on the couch and turns on the tv while the robot washes the dishes and he can get use to this. He loves that he can come home to a home cooked meal and be slightly aroused at the same time. Well Jiyong doesn't want to admit to the last part but he loves it. 

Seunghyun comes from the kitchen to find Jiyong sleeping peacefully on the sofa. The robot takes a seat next to Jiyong and the younger cuddles up to his shoulder. He mumbles something in his sleep and pulls the man closer to him. Seunghyun smiles at the cute face and he can't help it but kiss the top of his head. He is so in love with Jiyong. Yes, it's a program but there are also feeling that are built in. 

At first Seunghyun wasn't sure he loved him but he did anyways. Then as he spent more time with him he became more and more infatuated with him. He just loves him so much he just wants to see him happy. Jiyong starts to stir out of his sleep and sits up." sorry I didn't know I feel sleep on you" He says with a yawn. 

"You know I don't mind." Seunghyun smiles warmly

Jiyong looks at his phone. " is my boss" 

Seunghyun watches as Jiyong takes his short phone call and realizes that it's not a good one. Jiyong hangs up the phone and starts to head towards the door. "What happen Yongie?" 

Jiyong turns around "I have to go back into work..." 

"When will you sleep" 

"I can't the closet is a mess I have to clean up the mess...that " Jiyong starts to put on his shoes and Seunghyun watches him yawn three times during the process. He can't send him out there in this state. "Jiyong" he grabs his shoulders "I will go. You are too tired to do need rest..." 

Jiyong smiles a sleepy like smile "You are so nice but I have to do this. PLus you have to recharge. *yaaaaaawn*" Seunghyun shakes his head and then lifts the man over his shoulder. Jiyong who is now staring at the floor and now feeling his mattress is in a daze. "What...I told you I need to work. You need to recharge." 

Seunghyun leans over the younger. "lay down...before I kiss you." he smirks down at the blushing man below him. 

"Don't forget to recharge." says JIyong not staring directly in his eyes. 

Seunghyun smirks "I will be back in a couple hours. " 

JIyong laughs "Impossible..." 

Seunghyun smirks "Impossible is a word for human. " He smiles again before getting up. "Go to sleep and I will see you in the morning my love" 

"Yah" says Jiyong tiredly 

"I know I know. Night Jiyong...ah" 

Jiyong smiles "Night" 

Hey you guys sorry I have been doing mid terms and all kinds of crazy the past week. I hope that you all are well! Feed back is appreciated. Do you like the story? It the direction good??

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style