It's better when there's two


Seunghyun awakens from his built in reminder system to wake up Jiyong. He looks around the room and remembers that he spent the night in his lovers room the night before. He looks over and sees the snoring man next to him with arms and legs everywhere on his side of the bed. 

Yea, he did kinda want to awaken with the younger cuddled in his arms, but that's not going to happen. Jiyong is truly a Yong in his sleep. Which makes Seunghyun happy that he is a robot. Any human would have to sign a waver to share a bed with him. The robot watches the rise and fall of his lovers chest as his pouty lips breathe in more and more air. He hates to wake him in such a peaceful state but he has to go to work.

"Yongie..." Jiyong's eye brows furrow and he makes a face. Seconds later the snores come right back. Seunghyun smiles to himself. "I guess you had a good night sleep for once." Which is true he did get a full eight hours which is a very rare thing for the man. The robot leans down and starts to gently kiss Jiyong all over his face. 

Slowly Jiyong starts to stir out of his sleep with a moan. Not a ual moan but one to let you know that he is coming back to reality. "Yongie" He continues to kiss the man. Jiyong finally starts to wake up and feels a warmth on his face. He has never been in bed with anyone in a long time, so the feeling is unfamiliar. He slowly opens his eyes to see his lover kissing him all over. The robot stops when he feels the flutter of lashes against his skin. "I see that you are awake now." He plants a quick kiss on the younger pouty lips. 

Jiyong is speechless and almost forgot what happened last night. He stares into the dark eyes that are smiling at him and Jiyong smiles back. "Good morning my love. Please get out of bed.... you don't want to be late." 

Jiyong looks at the clock and notices that he has snoozed a little too long "." He jumps out of bed with his crazy hair. Normally he gets his breakfast first thing in the morning but he is not sure if that is possible. He thanks the heavens that he took a shower the night before. He quickly throws his hair together and runs into the kitchen. He looks into the fridge totally not noticing the spread that is on the kitchen table already. 

The robot walks behind the younger and wraps his arms around Jiyong. The younger freezes to the touch. "Relax my love. Just letting you know that I have breakfast on the table. You have 15 minutes left." 

Jiyong relaxes against the warm body. "Sorry, I totally missed the table." Seunghyun turns him around to face him earning a blush from the younger. 'Hey now. What did a tell you about saying sorry." says the robot playfully. "You must be punished." Jiyong looks up with a puzzled look. "Punished?" 

Seunghyun lowers himself to Jiyong's level and points at his cheek. "Your punishment is right here. Plant me a nice one sweetie" 

"Sweetie?"  Jiyong fidgets to the pet name. 

"Should we make it two kisses?" says the robot still with his cheek in front of the other. Jiyong blushes and puts a hand under Seunghyuns chin. He comes in slowly and plants two kisses on his lovers cheek. They were soft and sweet kisses that would make anyone melt. Jiyong pulls away and Seunghyun turns and smiles. "Those were so sweet my love." 

Jiyong smiles and runs over to the table to put something in his stomach. He eats a lot of mixed fruit and a couple of pancakes. "When did you make all of this?" Seunghyun takes a seat a the table. "A couple minutes ago" Jiyong looks at the spread across the table and gets wide eyes. "How did you do this in such little time?" 

Seunghyun smirks "Remember baby I'm a robot. I can do all to please you." He growls at the end of the sentence which makes Jiyong stare into the table. The robot watches as the blush creeps up his skin. 

Jiyong finishes his meal and stands from the table and so does the robot. Jiyong looks over. "Where are going" asked the younger watching as the robot puts on his shoes. Seunghyun smiles and ruffles the styled hair. "I'm going to walk you to work my love" 

"I think I will be okay. You don't have to.." says Jiyong trying to slip on his boot. 

Seunghyun bends down and takes the boot from JIyong and helps him put on his shoe. He quickly ties the laces and the younger watches how he is catered to. The older looks up into Jiyong's eyes. "Have I told you that I love you yet?" 

"You do everyday" Jiyong laughs as the older gets up from the ground. "I know silly...I love you so much my lovely." 

Jiyong blushes. "Iloveyoutoo" Seunghyun laughs. "Wha? What was that?" 

"I said Iloveyoutoo" Jiyong opens the door and the robot smiles behind the younger. Jiyong continues to walk down the hallway to the elevator. The robot quickens his pace to grab the smaller hand in his. He wraps his digits around Jiyong's and the younger doesn't pull away. "Well this is a good sign" Jiyong looks down at the joined hands and laughs. "Sorry, I tend to have trouble expressing such emotions because I never gotten to this stage before. Please be patient...I....I do...lo love you..." studder the younger. 

The elevator doors open finally and the couple steps in. "Jiyong?" The younger looks up at the robot. "It's okay, I love everything that you have shown me now. I can wait for you to express more and more as the days go on. I love that you are being yourself. Don't force anything. Ne?" 

Jiyong tightens his grip on the other. "Thank you." 

The elevator doors open and the couple walks out hand and hand. JIyong is not nervous because he pretty much figured the door man knows about their relationship. Also he has no shame when it comes to who ever he ends up going out with. Well..this is a man he has never been out with a man before but the industry that he is in. It's totally fine. Some may make faces and disapprove but Jiyong could care less. 


Two buses, a long hallway and a elevator with no creep later and the couple makes it into the office. They purposely don't walk in hand in hand. Seunghyun doesn't want trouble for Jiyong when Bom is on her broom. They walk into the fashion closet to see Daesung pulling out the steamer for some garments. 

"Well well look what we have here?" Daesung eyes the two and smirks. He points between the two. "What happen hyungs?" 

Jiyong instantly blushes and Seunghyun can do nothing but smile. "Yongie confessed his love for me and now we are lovers" He smiles down at the younger. Jiyong looks up at the older. "We are lovers?" Seunghyun takes a hand and rubs Jiyong's lower back gently "Ne, after last night...I figured we are lovers now." 

Jiyong blushes again. "Ohhh...Ne.." 

Seunghyun furrows his eye brows in concern. "Does this not please you my love. We can go back to friends.  I love you and would do anything for your happiness." 

"You make me happy....we are a couple" Jiyong smiles gently and takes the larger hand in his. 

"AWwwwwww this is the sweetest thing I have witnessed in years. You two are so cute together. When are you getting married?" asked Daesung knowing Jiyong would freak. "Marriage?...umm...I..." 

Seunghyun smirks. "Do mess with my baby. He is fragile at this stage Daesungie." The younger laughs. "Sorry, I just had to mess with him. He is so cute when he reacts." 

Jiyong frowns. "I'm not cute...I'm a man dammit." Seunghyun rubs his lovers shoulder. "Ne ne, you are my strong man that I love so much. You can do anything." Jiyong looks up. and chuckles "You know that doesn't help when you say all that in a baby voice." 

"Ne, hyung...I agree. Seungri doesn't like it either, but he is so cute...ahhh you two make me want to leave work to see my baby." 

Seunghyun looks at the clock. "Well unfortunately I think I need to go back home. I didn't have a chance to clean when we work up this morning. I will see you later Dae" He bends down and pecks Jiyong's lips "See you later baby. I will prepare a wonderful dinner. I love you." 

Jiyong blushes and mutters. "You too" Seunghyun's smile brightens and waves as he leaves the room. 

Daesung grabs Jiyong and leads them over to the sofa. "Yah yah...what are you doing Dae...we need to work. " Daesung looks over at the pile of clothes and rolls his eyes. "You know steaming doesn't take me what happened?" 

Jiyong twiddles his fingers together. "Well..." 


"Well we..." 

"Aish you are killing me here..." 

Jiyong sits properly and looks over at his friend. "Okay...well last night when I came home. Seunghyun noticed that something was off...because I knew that he knew I went to bed early." 

"Oh that is unlike you..." 

"Yea, he went to my room minutes later asking what happened...and I told him." 

"Did he freak out?" 

"For me he didn't but I think he really wanted to. He got into bed with me....and..ummm" Jiyong looks down and blushes madly. Daesung smirks and starts to poke at Jiyong. "So you two got intimate?" 

"Do you have to use that word." Whines the  Jiyong. 

"Well what else is there for me to say." Chuckles the younger. "So...did ya?" He nudges the his hyung again. He knows that he is really digging for an answer but it's worth the fidgets and fragments. "We just kissed..." 


"He he went down on me" 

Daesung grins and nudges the older a little harder. "Eeehhh now that is progressing. I knew one day something would happen. I'm so happy for you hyung. You look so happy." 

"Do I?" Jiyong looks over to his friend nodding. "Well I'm glad...he has really helped me to love..." 

"So you do love him...truly?" 

'It took me a while to accept it...but yea...yea I do love's just when I'm around him my lips become frozen.." 

"Oh don't worry about that. It just good nerves. It's good to be nervous around your lover. It  sometimes take a little more time for the other to verbally speak their long as they are showing something and your lover knows it is your love. Then you are golden." 

Jiyong chuckles. "Wow I'm getting lectured by my dongsaeng...I appreciate you Dae. You have no idea. I really love that you and Bae helped me yesterday. It was just a scary feeling but's just a whole new feeling. Like it's all been washed away." 

Daesung places a hand on top of the youngers. "We would do anything for you. We all made it out of college together...there is nothing we can't do." 


Jiyong and Dae freak and scramble to find their screaming boss standing in another pair of power heels. Jiyong bows. "Sorry boss. We were just organizing." 

She raises an eye brow. "Organizing on a sofa and laughing...don't bull me Jiyong." She walks in further and looks at all the racks of clothes. "Since you two like to lie to me. I want this whole closet resteamed. Jiyong's eyes widen. "But...that would take days..." 

"Like I give a . You better get this done by tomorrow afternoon...and Jiyong get me the rest of those samples." She eyes the two and then walks out the room. Jiyong looks over at his co worker and feels guilty. "Sorry...I lied..." 

Daesung shakes his head. "Don't worry. We were both not doing our job....and really I'm the one who brought you over here." 

"Well...lets get started..." 


Six hours and no lunch later the two and still working on steaming the whole closet. They have been burned many times by the ghetto device and been caught in long dresses all day. They are both tired and hungry. Still this work is nothing they have not experienced...just didn't expect to do the over haul today...

Everyone has already gone home. Of course the first to leave was Bom and when the coast was clear everyone else soon followed. Seungri comes into the room and pouts. "Baby you are still doing this?" 

Daesung who is in the middle of steaming a dress frowns. "Ne, sorry baby. I know we had dinner plans." 

Seungri pouts again and puts down his bag. "What can I do to help you all?" Jiyong smiles and puts down his steamer. "Dae, you and Seungri go ahead. I can finish this last pile." Daesung shakes his head. "No, I can't leave you to do all this. You will be stuck here another two hours for sure." 

Jiyong smiles and walks over to take the steamer out of the youngers hands. "Listen to your hyung. Now go have a date with your boyfriend." Daesung then looks over at his boyfriend and smiles. "I owe you one. Thanks hyung. Should I tell Bae to come down?" 

Jiyong laughs. "To do what? Baby sit me?" 

Daesung gets a concerned face. "I still don't want to leave you here by yourself..." Jiiyong waves his hands. "I will be fine. Okay." Really the younger is scared to be alone but he doesn't want his friends so worried. "Okay. Call us if you need anything." 

"At any time" says Seungri with a look. 

"Aw my dongsaengs as so nice to me. I feel so spoiled. Now go on you two." 

Daesung looks at his watch. "Aigo the reservation is real soon." The couple hurries out of the room with the sounds of Seungri laughing down the hallway. He loves how in love the two are. They are so comfortable with themselves and they don't care what anyone think about them. Jiyong wants that with his new relationship. 

Jiyong continues to steam his clothes and put more piles into the bin of what's next to be steamed. He takes the steamer and continues to de wrinkle all the garments. "Hello Jiyong shi" Jiyong freezes in his motions and looks up to hear that voice. The voice that he wants to wash away. "Oh why the face Jiyong shi. I thought that we were friends." 

Jiyong is still silent and for some reason he keeps the steamer in his hands. "What do you need sir?" 

"Well I saw that you have not checked out yet....I just wanted to drop by..." He comes into the room and watches as the fear creeps into the youngers eyes. ""Sir, I need to finish my task..." 

"Oh you can do that later...." The man comes feet away from the younger man. He watches as the man trembles in his presence. He puts a smirk on his face. "What's you not want to be around me" 

Jiyong looks down. "Please...let me finish my work...sir please..." Jiyong looks down and then hears a smack. Seconds later  his boss on the floor! Jiyong is speechless as to how the man got on the floor. He looks up to see his lover with a frown. Dong Wook get up from the ground slowly. After receiving a punch from the robot he feel like he was hit with a iron rod. 

He finally stands up holding his jaw. "What the are you doing here?" Growls Seunghyun eying the man who was about to mess with his lover. "I was just coming to talk to Jiyong. Is that a problem?" 

"I find it a problem when a boss takes advantage of his employees. I know that you him yesterday and I will not have it." 

Jiyong is still frozen and he just watches as the two are talking to each other. He is both happy and afraid at the moment. His boss could fire him and Seunghyun could literally kill him if he uses too much force. Seunghyun walks over to Jiyong and the younger comes back to reality to listen to the end of their conversation. 

"You can't do ...who are you...what power do you have?" 

"My power is my father. He is the most powerful lawyer in Korea. I trust he will destroy you if he finds out what you did to my love" 

Dong Wook straightens his jacket. "Whoa whoa we don't have to go that far. I was just having a conversation.." 

"And now it's just ended. I never want you to see you around Jiyong again. If I even think the air is not right I will sue you for all you are worth. Now leave you worthless piece of ." 

Jiyong gets wide eyed as he watches his boss obey his command in fear. He thought nothing could ever wipe that smirk off his face. It is proven to be a false case because now the man is running away like a little that he is. Jiyong will not have to worry any more. 

Seunghyun takes Jiyong by the shoulders and looks all around his body. "Are you okay? " He turns the man around to inspect him further and Jiyong starts to laugh. Seunghyun frowns. "Ji...are you okay? are you's okay." 

Jiyong turns to face him. "I love you Seunghyun." 

This catches the robot off gaurd. "I...I love you too. You made me so worried. I'm glad I came to get you." He pulls the smaller into a hug. Jiyong wraps his arms around him "I'm so glad I have you" 

"I will always be here. I love you." 


Hey new chappie! I hope that you like. I'm officially on Xmas break!! Please leave a upvote and feedback. I love you all and I hope that you are having a great holiday :)


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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style