Dating succccks!


Jiyong has a crappy life...yes crappy and full of filled dates. He has been on so many dates he beats out eharmony(a popular dating site in the US). He has tried dating girls but they kept complaining and always wanted . He tried...but all they wanted to do all the time is shop and he would pay or go clubbing. Jiyong didn't mind the but not all the time he didn't mind paying sometimes but damn can a man have some money for himself. 

He wanted the  the girlfriend of his dreams. The romantic dates the waking up into each others arms. Just the whole feeling of being one with someone was what he wanted and lacked all at the same time. He's tired of the one night stands that say that they will call but never will. He is tired of the internet creepers and that is going to change very soon. 

Jiyong is getting ready to go to work at his dream job which is at Seoul Mag which is the premier magazine in all Korea. Everyone was inspired by the newest trends and Jiyong was the man in charge of it....well not really more like the assistant of the assistant of the fashion director. His position honestly is pretty much him pulling clothes from various stores and presents them to the fashion director. Many of his pulls have been published...but he never gets credit only Bom's name is in the fine print. 

This drives Jiyong crazy at times and there are many times he wants to quit the job but his friends YoungBae who works in photography and his other friend Daesung who works with Jiyong helps him keep his sanity. The word sanity is the thing that keeps everyone moving at SM there is always drama going on on every floor and there are constant deadlines and meetings. 

Today is nothing different than the others but today Jiyong has to find picks for the Haeundae style spread. Bom who know's Jiyong is the best makes him do all the errands so that she can take all the credit. This churns Jiyong knowing this but complaining could possibly make him get fired. His only motivation is hopefully getting recognized by the higher ups and becoming a director...or pretty much ing Bom over. 


Jiyong is now in front of a store called Sheer Urban which is a funky store with a lot of cool picks. He walks into the store to be greeted quickly because the store is always packed and always busy. This place was the place to go to if you wanted to be original because everything was one of a kind and there is always someone trying to steal what you have. Seriously there is a all out fight between clothes sometimes. Well today is one of those days. A crazy girl has latched onto one of Jiyong's key pieces that he was inspired by when he walked into the store. "Yahhhh noona let go finders keepers!!" The girl keeps her grip on the hanger and stands her ground. 

Jiyong is not the type to hurt people or do thing to hurt others but this girl was getting on his nerves. He takes the hanger and unslips the dress sending the girl falling back into two other girls who look pissed. Jiyong smirks and the girls walks away 'that bastard' . The younger continues his search and then finally he is finished. He walks to the line to the register and stands  await his total. A older and slight heavier set man is standing behind him and then stands next to him. "Aiiiigooo this line is so long eh?" Jiyong smiles a little "Ne.." and looks forwards to avoid any conversation.

The man talks again "Aiiiigoo we have to wait to long just to buy our girlfriend the perfect outfit." 

Jiyong laughs at the comment and decides to be friendly "If only we could have the perfect girlfriend who didn't need such things" Jiyong said the comment in truth and also to not give away his identity. 

The man get's closer "What if I told you that you can have the perfect relationship with someone."

Jiyong's eyes get wide "Sir!?" 

"Ohhh no no I didn't mean that aish!" The man makes an face. 

Jiyong gets irritated "Then what are you talking about" 

The man hands Jiyong a card that says "Ideal services the perfect date for you"  

"If you are interested please come to this address in Seoul" The man puts the clothes he has in his hand and walks out the shop. Jiyong is left blank and wondering what just happened. He is not sure if he was hit on, was offered a e service, or he was really approached legitimately about a dating service. "Next" Yells one of the cashiers and the younger heads to the register and places the card in his pocket. 


Jiyong walks back of the  bus to head back to SM with his bags in hand. The ride back to work takes a bit because of all the stops but the younger doesn't mind. He always finds the bus a safe place to  think out your thoughts. The card that is in his pocket is bugging the mess out of him and he pulls it out again and reads it over and over in his head. The young one has been on so many dates and he is pretty much sick of them but still he desires someone to be by his side. The younger gets off the bus and is standing in front of his building. He stares at the massive skyscraper and glances at the numbers on the building. "Aigo that dating place is only a couple blocks from here..." says Jiyong to himself. He pulls out the card and heads to the building. 

Two blocks later he is in front of a three story building that sits next to a business office and a coffee shop near by. The outside of the shop is the name of the card. "Well this seems legit enough." The younger walks into the building to be greeted by the secretary. "Hello and welcome to Ideal Services how many we help you?" Jiyong scratches his head. "Ummm I was give a card earlier today and I wante" "Ohhh we have been expecting you please have a seat" Jiyong his head to the side. 'wow they are eager..' Jiyong takes a seat in one of the waiting room chairs that are not that comfortable but stylist. The whole room is white the walls all the way down to the furniture. 

He was just about to open a magazine when the man from the shop appears "Hello!! I'm glad that you came!" 

Jiyong stands and does one of his 90 degree bows "It is not problem I wanted to try you guys out." 

"Please come back with me...may I ask your name." 

"Oh sorry! I'm Kwon Jiyong" Jiyong bows again. 

"Dragon? Cool name kid. People call me Psy" He bows  "Now if you will follow me we will go into the computer room. Jiyong bows again and follows the man through the white waiting room doors to the white hallway with the white door. They get down almost to the end of the hallway and Psy opens a door and gestures for him to go in first. 

The younger walks in and sees two computers set up across from each other. "Please have a seat Jiyong-shi" 

"Ne" and the younger takes a seat at the computer while the other sits across from him. 

"Okay Jiyong...may we drop the horifics...I takes that as a yes okay well you are going to be ask a series of specific questions that will help us to create your ideal lover. Please be completely honest because it is hard to change things once things are processed." 


The other nods "Ne. So now on your screen you will see the same questions as I do. Please tell me the answer from the the end you can put in personal request that we can try to fulfill for you. Okay so let's get started. " 

Jiyong gets curious "What kind of dating service is this...this is so detailed" 

"We like to statisfy our customers. Now what hair color would you like? " 




"Aw you like them older eh." The younger blushes " Eyes?" 


"Height preference?" 


"Interesting...okay please tell me the moods you want your lover to have." 

"Sweet, cute,a little goofy, gets jealous sometimes, never mean, loving, and caring" 

"Awww okay " 

"do I have to answer this?" 

"Ne Jiyong it's not too hard. Good, Amazing, or God?" 

The younger mumbles "God" 




"just right"



"Okayyyy one more and you are set! Tell me other things that you want that I did not ask you?"

"I my lover to be supportive and romantic and is always there when I'm in need...pretty much the hero type but not over board. "

"Ok!! We are set!! We will have your Ideal lover asap!!" 

Jiyong stands from the table along with Psy and they both bow. The Director leads him to the door of the office and bows "Thank you for coming in Jiyong. You will never regret this decision!!" 

Jiyong smiles back to leave to go back to the jungle of SM. " I have to go back to work..." 


It's 12am and Jiyong is just getting home from work. He walks into his dark tiny apartment and flicks on the lights to see this huge box in his living room. He goes over to the box and opens it up to unveil long case that looked like it was holding something. "What the is this..." Jiyong looks on top of the box and see a "push me" button. He pushes the button and smoke comes from the cracks. 

The box slowly opens to show a man who is curled up in the box with plastic. "What the is this!!" Jiyong pulls out his phone and dials the number to Ideal solutions.

"Ne Jiyong!" 

"What is this sir?!" 

"Jiyong? Calm down...this is the ideal lover that you requested. 

"My what?! What are you talking about?" 

"Your Ideal boyfriend we made him and sent him to you! Thank you for being our first customer Jiyong-shi. Please take care. Bye"  

"Yah!!! Yaaah!!! Don't hang up on me! I didn't ask for a man!!! Yah!" Jiyong hangs up the phone and turns around and gets wide eyed. There is a his kitchen...he is a tall good looking man who is smiling at him! And !!!! 

"Hello Jiyong. I'm your ideal lover Seunghyun and I'm here to love you. Please take care of me!" He pouts his lips and then smiles.

Jiyong freaks!! "Yahhh why are you in my house !!! Get out get out!!"

Seunghyun pouts as he is getting pushed. The robot  turns around to hug the other tightly and Jiyong is stuck " Baby please don't push me out. I love you." He releases the other

"How can you love me when you don't know me" asks Jiyong still confused wishing this was a joke.

"I don't have to know you because I'm your ideal lover so let's have ." He smiles and comes closer.


It's going to be a long night...


I have lost my mind and started another story...I'm going to still write in the others no worries friends but this story has been in my head all day. I hope that you all will like this fic. This is of course inspired by the Japanese Drama "My ideal boyfriend"  I heard that they were going to do a remake possibly with TOP but he turned it down...sadness...but other than that I wanted to create this fic. Please leave your feedback weather you like his story or not. It's a different story for me because I do more realistic fantasy will be fun:)

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style