Something new


The two get back from the mall with shopping bags in hand plus items from the market. Seunghyun is ecstatic by all the progress he has made with Jiyong. He almost has him and he can feel it. He started to notice Jiyong caring and ever since the incident with Bom he knew he had feelings or at least something. 

The way he looked jealous when Bom was with him. How he wanted to go to the meat market too. How he glared at the girl in the clothing store. He knows that something is in the works in his mind. Jiyong just has to learn how to accept those feelings and that it's okay to like another man. 

They step into the doorway and they take off their shoes. Seunghyun takes the bags out of Jiyongs hands and smiles "I had so much fun today. I'm going to prepare a special dinner for the two of us." Jiyogn starts to make a face. "It sounds like a date...." Seunghyun goes into the kitchen and starts to take the groceries out of their bags. "Call it what you want. I'm going to cook for us and you will like it. I loved spending time with you today and I'm just so happy." 

Jiyong can't help but smile knowing that he man is happy due to a special gesture. He didn't mind spending the money on the man. He just felt bad having him walking around in the same clothes all the time plus the fit was not right. It is just not in Jiyong to just let someone suffer even though it's not a situation where he was really in a bad situation but Jiyong wanted to do something Anyways. Simply because he care. Yes, he cares for the man...but he still doesn't know it yet. 

In his eyes he is simply helping a friend in need but really it's more than that. Who takes a friend to a designer store and pays for five outfits for him to wear. Also Jiyong brought soaps and tooth brushes and other things the man might need. He is totally taking care of him. If he didn't care he wouldn't have done anything at all. 

Jiyong stretches and flops in front of the TV again and takes advantage of his rest. It is not often he gets to relax for a full day and do absolutely nothing. He loves it. He can catch up on running man and his other dramas. He turn on the TV and starts to watch prerecorded shows from his DVR player. He takes the throw blanket from off of the sofa and wraps himself in it like  a mummy. 

Seunghyun eyes the little bundle from the kitchen and all he wants to do is cuddle with him, but they are not at that stage yet. He continues to prepare the food and throws the Kalbi on the electric grill. The meat sizzles and the smells starts to go around the apartment making the place smell good. Jiyong's stomach growls and he takes in the smell of the meat. 

He pauses the TV and gets up from the sofa to walk in the kitchen. "That smells so good..." 

Seunghyun smiles. "It will be ready soon. Did you want some vegetables while you are waiting. Jiyong nods and Seunghyun fixes a plate veggies for the younger to munch on. "Here you go Yongie." Jiyong smiles and takes the plate and starts eating the food like it's his first meal. "Slow down Yongie" Jiyong  looks up and  smiles "I'm hungry. Humans get hungrier when they smell good food....and no more yongie's " 

Seunghyun smirks "You like it." 

Jiyong scoffs and walks out of the kitchen to go back to watching TV. Jiyong starts to get into this drama called Love Rain and he starts to talk at the TV "Why are they getting married knowing that their kids love each other...aish" He puts another carrot stick in his mouth and crunches it to bits. Seunghyun chuckles to himself about how cute Jiyong is at the moment. 

Jiyong's hair on the top was bothering him so his put a hair tie to keep it out of his face. So in combination with the skinny pony tail at the top of his head and eating carrots makes him think of a rabbit. "What's so funny" Jiyong asked the man looking over at him and constantly laughing. " are look so cute with your carrots. Like a rabbit." 

Jiyong blushes. "I'm not a rabbit." He crunches another carrot in his mouth and regrets the action. "Stop laughing..." he mumbles and then goes back into drama mode. 

Seunghyun finishes the meal and places everything on the table. He comes into the living room and clears his throat getting the others attention. Jiyong pause the TV "Aigo this is a good drama. That guy is so tall and the girl is the perfect height for hugs..." Jiyong says to himself. Seunghyun looks at the paused TV. "She looks about your height and I'm about his height too. I guess that means we are perfect hug height too. Wanna try" Seunghyun smirks and Jiyong shakes his head. "I'm good. Let's eat" 

The two sit at the table and Seunghyun serves Jiyong his plate "You don't have to serve me I can do it" He looks into his hyungs eyes and then blushes as the other smiles "I love serving you. If you will let me I will serve you always. I love you so much." Jiyong blushes again and looks down at his plate and starts to eat. 

Seunghyun laughs to himself at how shy Jiyong is being at the moment "Why are you so shy? Normally I get scolded for such talks " 

Jiyong continues to chew and puts more food in his mouth to prevent word vomit. Seunghyun takes away the fork and Jiyong makes a face. "Heeeey give it back..." He whines. "I will...when you answer my question. Do you have some feelings for me Yongie" 

Jiyong looks down and sighs "I'm not going to lie to you...I just can't around you...yes...I do have some feelings for you..." 

Seunghyun hands him the fork back. "That's all I wanted to hear. Maybe someday you will love me. You make me so happy saying that to me Yongie." 

"Stop calling me that" 

"I can't do that because you blush every time I say like it...when humans blush they get some excitement. I like you...Yongie..." Jiyong blushes. "See my point proved...let me call you that. I promise only in the house." Jiyong sighs again. "Okaaay....only in the house...and please take things slow...I'm still confused..." 

Seunghyun then takes the smaller hand in his and looks deep into his eyes. "I will do nothing but honor you Yongie. I just want to help you with your feelings. I noticed recently how you have been to me and I can tell that something great is happening between us. I love you so much and I can wait for you as long as you want. I love you" 

Jiyong smiles and then blushes. " you..." Seunghyun then interlocks their fingers "You do?" 

Jiyong slowly nods "I don't know how...but I just do something to me...I can't help but not like it..." Jiyong pulls his hand away. "I just need to take things slow...okay?" Seunghyun nods and takes the hand and caresses it. "I understand my Yongie. Please enjoy your meal. You made me so happy today." 

Jiyong chuckles "You always are happy about the things I do." 

"Simply because I love you and only you" Seunghyun takes a empty plate from the table and bends down to kiss Jiyong on the cheek. Jiyong instantly feels the heat travel down his body and he likes the warm feeling. He likes that he is cared for and that he can easily express his feelings without any awkwardness. 

This is the first time he actually felt happy. Happy that there is someone for him. "You want dessert" ask Seunghyun interrupting his thoughts. Jiyong nods and Seunghyun pulls out some cheesecake for Jiyong to eat. "There is only one for me? You don't like cheese cake?" Seunghyun sits at the table "I brought it for you. Remember robots don't need to eat like humans do. We can eat but we don't need to. I wanted you to have it. Jiyong smiles and digs into the rich slice of cake. 

Jiyong moans to the taste and can't help but his lips in the process. Seunghyun loves the look of his plump lips slightly glossy from his lips. Jiyong notices Seunghyun staring "Do you want some cake too." Seunghyun smirks "Sure feed me some" and he opens his mouth. Jiyong blushes and takes some cake on his fork. He slowly brings it to the robots mouth and Seunghyun takes the whole bite into his mouth. Letting the fork slowly slide out of his mouth. 

Jiyong gets a little hot from the moan he made when he bit into it "You like it" Seunghyun smiles and then purrs. "Everything from your hand is always worth the taste. One day I will be able to taste you" He his lips at Jiyong and he turns beat red. Seunghyun then chuckles "Don't worry. I'm not going to pounce you. I'm just playing around with you. 

"Well you just proved you are a man. Thinking about all the time." 

Seunghyun chuckles. "Well I can't help it" 

Jiyong laughs too "All men can't help it." 

He finishes his cake and pushes the plate towards Seunghyun " Thank you for the cake. I'm going to go finish my drama while you clean. " 

"Okay Yongie. I will be over to cuddle with you soon" Jiyong freezes. "Cuddle?" Seunghyun smiles "Neee cuddle because you are so sweet I just want to be near you." Jiyong waves his hands. "I'm not ready..." Seunghyun smiles "It respect you. It will be harmless. " He smiles again and continues to wash dishes. Jiyong slowly walks over to the sofa and wraps the blanket around him and sits on the sofa. 

He unpauses his show and gets into his drama again. Minutes later the sofa dips and the larger man puts an arm around Jiyong. The smaller tenses up and Seunghyun starts to massage his should while cooing "Relaaaaaxx. It's just a arm" Jiyong does relax and soon he find himself pressed to Seunghyuns side. 

The older scoots closer and takes the smaller hand in his. Jiyong looks up at him and Seunghyun smiles "See not so bad ne?" Jiyong smiles a bit and looks back into the TV. The two watch the drama together and Jiyong continues to yell at the TV when things don't go his way. Before he knew it the two are totally wedged together and completely comfortable. Seunghyun wasn't trying to make any moves he simply did as he said and cuddled. 

The younger loved the feeling of being pressed to the side of the robot. He loved the larger arm around him and the little massage that would start and stop randomly. For once Jiyong felt like he was in the right place at the right time. Seunghyun is not so bad and he is starting to not mind all the new motions of his life. 

The drama ends and Jiyong growls at the TV "Really...that's the end...." Jiyong pouts and then blushes when he feels a sweet kiss placed on his cheek. Jiyong takes his hand and places it on the burning flesh. "You kissed me again..." 

"I love kissing your cheeks you are so cute when you pout." 

Jiyong blushes again. "Yah, I'm not a are not cute...." 

"You are cute...Jiyong is cute..." Seunghyun playfully says and kisses his cheek again. Jiyong all of a sudden giggles. "What the ...I'm giggling..." Jiyong laughs to himself. "Nothing wrong with it. People giggle all the time. I like your giggles." 

"You like everything." 

"Because I like you" 

"I know." 

"and you like me" He turns Jiyongs head towards him so he is staring the younger in the eyes. Jiyong's face is still flushed but a slight pink . Seunghyun brushes the hair out of his face "I love you and I love you even more because you like me too" Jiyong's eyes look past Seunghyun and Seunghyun then places his hand under Jiyongs chin. " Can I kiss you?" 

Jiyong then looks into his eyes. "Kiss me....? Now...?" Jiyong starts to feel nervous. 

Seunghyun wiggles his thumb under Jiyongs chin and grins at him. "I promise you will like it...just close your eyes and I will do the rest." 

Jiyong looks into his eyes and then sighs. He slowly closes his eyes and then he feels his face being tilted slightly. He then feels lips pressed on to his and they are soft and warm. They stay like that for a while and the older releases the kiss. Jiyong slowly opens his eyes and can't help but smile. "That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever did..." 

Seunghyun smiles and takes the younger hand in his. "I'm taking things slow because I love you. I'm so happy you are in my life and that was our first kiss my Yongie. I'm glad that you enjoyed it." 

Jiyong starts to feel giddy. This feeling of being loved and receiving such things as sweet kisses are starting to make his day. He is not sure what they are...but it's a great start. Jiyong yawns and then looks at the clock and frown..." I have work tomorrow" He then pouts. Seunghyun rubs his shoulder some more again. "I will fix you amazing breakfast, first let's get you to bed." He then easily lifts the man up into his arms. Jiyong is caught off guard and instantly wraps his arms around the man. 

Seunghyun loves that Jiyong was caught off gaud. He places the man in his bed and tucks him in. Jiyong smiles up to him. "Thank you for today...and helping me know my true feelings." 

"No problem Yongie..." He then turns off the bed lamp and starts to walk out the room. "Good night my Yongie I love you" 

Jiyong then blushes in the darkness. "Goodnight Hyunnie" 

Seunghyun smiles at the pet name with joy. His dreams are coming true.


Heeeeey new chappie! What you think? Do you like the robot and human love? 

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Hey i will edit mistakes later. I wrote chapter 1 at 3am lol.


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vododoll #1
Chapter 14: I loooove it soooo much thank u for it authornim , another GTOP story please ~<<33333
Chapter 14: omggggg i love itttttt .. its cute sweet lovely and nice and absolutely new to me thank you for this great fic i would read it again and again ^^
Danees #3
Chapter 14: Unrealistic but amazingly enjoyable. Thank you.
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was absolutely amazing!!!!
i loved it so much authornim!! thank you so much for writing this :D :D
mitadinasty #5
Chapter 14: wowww.....its so good! finally they are together and dongwokk omg i wanna look when seunghyun beats him. wowww....thanks for writing btw. good job ♥♥♥
Chapter 14: So cute I'm glad that they ended together omg seunghyun is just a cheese ball with all his chessness
Chapter 14: how about a new story with y jiyong as a robot but with a more complicated storyline?? ;D
AyoMissA #8
Chapter 1: i didn't read the note...
now i sound stupid ;_;
AyoMissA #9
Chapter 1: it sounds like a japanese manja i read and i love it >.<
nsw9419 #10
Chapter 14: OMG this was so sweet and I love your writing style