Review from imaninjadude (l e m o n swirls)

And My Nightmare Begins!

And My Nightmare begins! by maximochi98.
Reviewer: iamaninjadude @ Lemon Swirls.

Note: Author should know that I do not know her and vice versa. I, the reviewer, have nothing against the author. If you find the comments too harsh or mean, sorry but I'm just doing this to improve your skills for future stories. Thank you for requesting in Lemon Swirls.

Title: 3/5
- The nightmare is neither the main characters, so I didn't get it. I think it's the problems that Charm faced once they were siblings, I think that was the nightmare being referred in the title. I guess what I was trying to say was that I don't get it how having Changmin as a brother is a nightmare because with how the story was written it, having him as a brother wasn't really the main conflict.

Introduction: 9/10
- Characters were introduced neatly, a nice introduction on the forewords, the only problem I would point out is the grammar.

Appearance: 3/5
- I wanted to point out the huge dorky Changmin face staring at me everytime I read a chapter. It bothers me and doesn't at the same time, well, who wouldn't like a Changmin looking at you? The poster looks pretty although the font colors were a little bleh, it wasn't strong enough I had to squint my eyes to read the whole thing.

Flow and Writing Style: 18/25
- The speed was good, it took a while before they got along. The way you wrote the story was awesome too because I felt like she was really troubled with everything that's happening. I like the spices you've sprinkled around the story, from beginning to end, it made reading it not so boring unlike other stories. It was a little, unorganized, for me, and there were small flaws here and there but it's not a big issue that would cause a fuss. 18 points for you!

Plot: 10/15
- You're quite creative, making it into a family-story and not those cliche-romance stories. The conflict was between Changmin and Charm, I find it funny how they're just awkward around each other then later learned to get used to having both of them around each other. I actually didn't get the part where her nightmare begins because when I read your story it didn't seem it was neither of the main characters that was the 'nightmare'. I guess the nightmare you were talking about was the problems Charm faced once she started calling Changmin brother. Your plot is a little stereotyped, I guess, starting from being stepbrother stepsister and stuffs, then with the CCP girls and the conflict between them and Charm.

Originality: 8/10
- Your story is original and cliche at the same time, which makes it a little different from the others; original because the problem was between two siblings and not two lovers, cliche because the factors you used (annoying es as nemesis, love-hate relationship bet. the two main characters) and it's kind of different.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling: 10/15
- I'm so glad how you're capable of using an ellipsis unlike most of the writers I've reviewed before. Your grammar is pretty basic and understandable - I like. The troublesome part was how you separated every sentence and every dialog from the characters. You have a minor problem with punctuation but it isn't really that big of a deal.

Characterization: 8/10
- There were too many characters so it was a little confusing for me to identify which one's which. This is one of the stereotypes I usually disapprove of when it comes to reviewing stories, and it's the attitude of your main character in the story. I didn't like how Charm talked as if she knows everything. If this was just a personal review I could have given you a 4 out of 10. I understand that it's the easiest to work with and it's what the readers love. But since you narrated her point of view well, I'll give you an 8.

Overall Enjoyment: 2/5
- The story was good, but yes, the huge Changmin face in the background made it tough for me. I don't know why.

Total: 71/100

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FiqahShafieJJ #1
Chapter 42: This story is so SADDDD! :( can't believe I cried ! But still DAEBAKKK! :)
nice story!!!<br />
oh my god i really cried at the end.<br />
aaah why did kia have to die? ;____;<br />
oh well, waiting for your next story! :D
pinkbunnyjay #3
I thought Kia will rise from the dead but I'm wrong. I wish there's a sequel that Kia was not the one who died! Lol =))))
koreankendi #4
Done reading it! ^_^ Nice storyline!<br />
Chap38 made me so teary-eyed. <br />
Good job! :)
koreankendi #5
Oh! This seems interesting! ^_^<br />
Imma read it. :)
CMH911209 #6
Is kia really died? i cried a lot when i read the part when she died TT^TT
Update, look interesting! Fighting~
butterfly555 #8
i know right lol but at the same time i would be scare all the fan girl sigh -.-
@butterfly555 - I know huh? Wow, if I was seriously in Charm's shoes I'd DIE! =D