A twist and turn of things

And My Nightmare Begins!

Listen to DBSK's Love in the Ice.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz9tvcOSnIA

Here's the Korean version, if you'd like.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqYsjyryWr8&feature=related


(Changmin's POV)

I've been waiting with my hyungs for over an hour already.

What's taking them so long?

But I don't want to rush them, because they can have all the time in the world, just to save Kia.

Finally, the doctor came out and I saw the nurses push Kia on a stretcher.

The doctor was massaging his soar temples.

"Oh, are you all here for Miss Shim Kia?" he asked us.

"Yes." we all said.

"Well, I'm afraid to say her temperature dropped down by 10 degrees. We aren't sure how to cure her, but she's in a very critical stage right now." explained the doctor.

My heart dropped a little, as I felt guilt eating me alive.

This is all my fault.

If only I listened to her, she didn't run away and got exposed to the rain.

"So, where is she?" asked Yoochun.

"On the 10th floor, in room 20." said the doctor, and we thanked him.

We walked to the elevator and Junsu pressed the button.

When the elevator door opened, we stepped inside and Junsu pressed the button.

"Changmin, everything will be fine." said Yunho and patted my back.

I nodded at him and I chewed my lips.

Then, the door opened and I immediately ran through the hall.

I spotted the door with the number 20, and I waited for my hyungs to catch up.

Slowly, I opened the door and I saw a beautiful hospital room.

Outside the window was a perfect view of the neon city.

I looked to my right, and saw Kia surrounded by thousands of wires and machines.

Kia didn't look so good.

Her chest was moving up and down in a violent way, and I could hear her breathing with difficulty.

A mask was over and nose, and I saw tears soaking the tips of her hair.

What have I done?

I thought the stage wasn't so critical, but this...

I nearly killed my sister!

"Kia..." I said and walked to her bed.

My hyungs entered her room, and they all gasped when they saw Kia's stage.

I didn't mind them, because my focus is only on Kia.

"Changmin, you need to be alone with her for a moment." said Yunho, and they all went out of her room.

I walked closer to Kia, and sat down next to her.

I held her hand tightly, and I didn't care if it was as cold as ice or not.

"Kia, please...I'm so sorry!" I said, and cried once again.

How many times do I need to cry in one day?

I lost count how many times I cried so far.

"Kia, I just want you to know I really love you as a sibling. Please, believe me. I really do, and I'll keep repeating it. Even if I have to say it one million times." I cried.

She looked so pale and skinny, and her skin was as white as snow.

No kidding, it really was.

I let go of her hand, and walked to the window.

Yoochun texted me, and said they already went home.

When I looked at the moon, I saw another flashback appear.


Me and my sisters will go to the Han River and watch the Lunar New Year festival parade.

My hyungs and I wanted to watch it together too.

(DBSK: http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv61/Admin-Emerheliena/DBSK/10-1.jpg)

(Kia and Kyung Min: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_kDpZEaLpZwA/SJr_MtWfl6I/AAAAAAAADPk/yHgnK0S8buQ/hanbok.jpg)

"Oppa, again with the pink clothing?" said Kia.

She looked cute in her hanbok, and so did Kyung Min.

I laughed at her joke, since I've been wearing pink so far this week.

"So, you don't celebrate Lunar New Year?" I asked her.

"Please...I barely now what it is." she said.

"Well then look up!" I said, and all of them followed.

We saw a beautiful fireworks display.

Kia looked like a little girl, since she doesn't know how to celebrate Lunar New Year.

"Kia, here in Korea we bow to our elders to get money." I told her.

"Well, I kinda don't need money at the moment." she said.

"Then better bow to oppa because he has your credit card!" I said and showed her credit card.

"Hey! Give it back!" she said and tried reaching it.

"Not until you bow to me." I said and stuck my tongue out.

"This is going to be a long evening!" she said.

End of Flashback~

I looked back at Kia, who was still breathing heavily.

"Kia please...I'm sorry..." I said once again.

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FiqahShafieJJ #1
Chapter 42: This story is so SADDDD! :( can't believe I cried ! But still DAEBAKKK! :)
nice story!!!<br />
oh my god i really cried at the end.<br />
aaah why did kia have to die? ;____;<br />
oh well, waiting for your next story! :D
pinkbunnyjay #3
I thought Kia will rise from the dead but I'm wrong. I wish there's a sequel that Kia was not the one who died! Lol =))))
koreankendi #4
Done reading it! ^_^ Nice storyline!<br />
Chap38 made me so teary-eyed. <br />
Good job! :)
koreankendi #5
Oh! This seems interesting! ^_^<br />
Imma read it. :)
CMH911209 #6
Is kia really died? i cried a lot when i read the part when she died TT^TT
Update, look interesting! Fighting~
butterfly555 #8
i know right lol but at the same time i would be scare all the fan girl sigh -.-
@butterfly555 - I know huh? Wow, if I was seriously in Charm's shoes I'd DIE! =D