It's OK, because you're with me everyday

And My Nightmare Begins!

Listen to Star Star Star by SNSD.



(Kia's POV)


I think I've gone nuts, because of the stars.

Oppa wasn't home yet, and I guess after living with him for 2 months already I'm used to it.

Tomorrow's Monday once more.

I'm just happy I'm hanging out with the best friends in the world, and the cutest guy in the universe.

"Miss Kia, would you like anything?" asked one of our house help.

"Not at the moment, but thank you for asking. You need to rest now." I said, and continued walking to my favorite spot by the pool.

The house help left, and I reached my seat already.

I sat down, relaxed and thought about the good times so far.

One of them is having to live in Seoul, and the other is living with a super star brother.

Hey, want me to tell you how I got here in the first place?


I'm known as the eccentric rich girl in my old school.

I only chose 4 girls to be my best friends back then, since the students will only use me for my money.

"Hey, what if we chained Veronica to Justin Bieber?" I joked.

"What? Then we'll be all close and literally?" she replied and we laughed.

"I guess if we chained you, that would be a perfect time to say 'I got your back, so don't worry'?" said Anne.

"Ahahaha! But how will they sleep?" said Mae.

"Or worse, how will they go to the bathroom?" Dennise said and we laughed harder.

Our contagious laughter and none stop joking is the only bright aura in our school.

We were the 5 girls who love having fun while keeping straight A's at the same time.

I clutched at the pain on my stomach from too much laughing.

This was my daily dose with the 4 nurses of happiness.

"Hey Charm, who's that?" Mae asked and pointed behind me.

I saw a guy in a black tuxedo and 5 more men behind him, armed.

Terrified, I didn't think twice but I hid behind Veronica.

But then, I remembered they were mom's security guards and came to pick me up.

She said something about me having an early vacation in South Korea with them.

"Wendel, I thought vacation will be on summer, not the freezing season." I said, and none of them replied.

I was brought to a limousine and I went inside it.

My head began hurting and my vision became a bit hazy.

I fell asleep, and when I woke up I was already in Seoul!

I searched our gigantic house for any of my sisters, or more importantly my mom.

I spotted Athena inside her room and she was chatting with her friends on her laptop.

"Tina unnie!" I called out.

"What did we talk about?" she asked like I was some small kid.

"Eun Hae~ssi, can I talk to you? Pretty please?" I said with an aegyo.

"Now, what is that you want to ask me and take up 60 seconds of 'me' time?" she said, and I rolled my eyes at her bratty attitude

"Why am I here?"

"Because you are. Neh, I'm just joking! But seriously, mom wanted you to finish 6th Grade here because of an arranged something..." she said unfinished and her laptop pinged.

"Whatever, I'm going outside to draw or something." I said and was about to leave, when she added something.

"Just be careful with Mackenzie and Lisa. Those two destroy everything!" she warned and I went outside.

That's when I saw Mackenzie and Lisa running around, while killing each other.

Athena screamed to call me, and showed me the text message.

Which in this case, led to today's newest life which is a little lonely but better.

End of Flashback~

"Dongsaeng~ah! Why do keep stargazing at night?" asked Changmin.

I turned around and saw oppa, wearing normal sleepwear and NOT pink pajamas.


"I didn't notice you coming, oppa." I simply said.

"You are such a tiny dork, Kia~ssi. Do you ever stop staring at the constellations? Or are you one of those people who look at stars for horoscopes?" he joked.

"Those are astrologists, and I'm a 12-year-old who just happens to enjoy stars at night." I defended.

"Yeah right. So Miss Astrologist, what's the visible constellation today?" he asked, and sat down next to me.

"Lyra. It's connected to Vega, which will take down Polaris years later and become the North Star." I said smartly.

Another minute of silence was between us, and I looked for the constellation.

Aha, there's Vega!

So that means Lyra is just connected to it, and when I found it I traced it.

"Kia?" Changmin oppa asked.


"Do you think people are somehow connected to stars?"

"I don't know, but some believe they are." I said, with a little confusion to what I just said.

"Speaking of connection, I'm surprise you aren't disappointed mom and dad are always busy and they don't have time with you. Isn't it, you know, makes you feel depressed and empty?" he asked me bravely enough.

I let out a heavy sigh then told him what I think.

"To newbies who grew up with their parents, they'd say yes. But I won't, and so will Kyung Min, Ae Chung and Wang Meun."

"Why, Kia? Didn't you grow up with parents or something?"

"No, because I grew up with the house help and all. Mom and dad were super busy about work. When we became billionaires, that was the only time I spent time with mom and dad. Days passed and they were more focused on our company than me." I said.

"I guess you're happy I'm always around you, huh?"

"Actually, I am." I said.

Changmin stood up and pulled my arms so I'll stand up.

We both went inside the house again, and back up to our rooms.

Well, good night!

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FiqahShafieJJ #1
Chapter 42: This story is so SADDDD! :( can't believe I cried ! But still DAEBAKKK! :)
nice story!!!<br />
oh my god i really cried at the end.<br />
aaah why did kia have to die? ;____;<br />
oh well, waiting for your next story! :D
pinkbunnyjay #3
I thought Kia will rise from the dead but I'm wrong. I wish there's a sequel that Kia was not the one who died! Lol =))))
koreankendi #4
Done reading it! ^_^ Nice storyline!<br />
Chap38 made me so teary-eyed. <br />
Good job! :)
koreankendi #5
Oh! This seems interesting! ^_^<br />
Imma read it. :)
CMH911209 #6
Is kia really died? i cried a lot when i read the part when she died TT^TT
Update, look interesting! Fighting~
butterfly555 #8
i know right lol but at the same time i would be scare all the fan girl sigh -.-
@butterfly555 - I know huh? Wow, if I was seriously in Charm's shoes I'd DIE! =D