New Girl, New Social Life, New Queen Bee to Handle

And My Nightmare Begins!

Please listen to SNSD's Chocolate Love.



After oppa dropped me off at my new school, I tried finding my locker.

I heard from Athena, who has been studying here for 2 years, there's this mean girl in the 6th Grade.

She's like the most popular student in the entire grade school building.

The thing that will probably make it worse is the fact that my locker is next to hers!


"Remember, stay away from the evil CCP girls in class." I remembered Tina's words.

"What the heck's CCP?"

"Cute, cool and popular. Just do what I say, and maybe you won't end up in home school, arasso?" Tina said and patted my shoulders as she left.

(End of flashback)

After almost being trampled alive by a heard of angry students who looked ticked off, I finally reached my locker.

I opened it and placed all of my new books inside and a small mirror.

"Whew, what a crowd!" I said as I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand.

That's when a miracle happened.

Out of nowhere, the sea of students opened up like how Moses opened up the Red Sea.

I looked at the commotion and saw the girl they were talking about.

She was Stephanie Kwon, and she was sashaying all the way to her locker.

Her Korean name is Kwon Mi Young.

Jeez, if she's just going to look like a total jerk she can go afford her little tuition fee somewhere.

I heard from one of the girls that she's popular because of her English name.
How lame!

"Um...Hi!" I greeted her.

She slammed her locker door open and hit my nose.

I gotta admit, that hurts a lot!

After she smudged a thick layer of lip gloss on, she closed her locker and said,

"Annoying much?" then sashayed off.

"This is gonna be a long year..." I mumbled in English.

I walked to my first class, which was Math.

I totally love Math!

Only in 1 year alone, I've won more than 10 gold medals for excellent performance in the subject.

That thought made my day really great again.

When I came in, I sat near the door so I won't get trampled alive after classes.


While at lunch, this really cute guy said hi to me.

He was Choi Jae Jin, and he looked a lot like FT Island's, um...Lee Jae Jin.

I sat with 2 friendly girls who also said hello to me.

One was Kim Yeon Hwa, and she is a totally sporty gal who loves dancing and volleyball.

The other one was Park Hee Bin, and she is the quiet bookish type.

"I can't believe Tiffany's such an idiot!" Hee Bin complained.

"Bwoh?! You don't like her too?" I asked Yeon Hwa.

"Duh! That girl is totally dumb, she can't even make up her mind. So she rubs lipstick on her forehead!" Yeon Hwa replied and we all laughed.

I searched my pocket for my wallet, but I forgot oppa took it.


Now I have to walk all the way there just to get my lunch money.

"AAAHHH! Dong Bang Shin Ki!" I heard a bunch of students yell just outside the cafeteria.

Everyone looked at the door and expected the arrival of the 5 Rising Gods of the East.

When they entered, Tiffany was all flirty by batting her lashes and I nearly puked.

Changmin came in first, and the rest followed in suit.

"Hey dongsaeng." he called out to me.

"Dongsaeng?" asked Yeon Hwa.

"It's a long story." I simply said and I stood up.

Yoochun was right behind Tiffany and she batted her lashed with oppa.

I am so going to throw up whatever I ate all over her!

"Here's your lunch money. Sorry I forgot to give it to you." he said and gave me a light hug.

"Bye!" they all chorused when Junsu laughed his laugh.

I was about to go back to order and when I turned around, I saw the students gaping at me.

The CCP were gossiping about me and all, and I had a horrible feeling about it.

But I just bought lunch and ate it on table 9.

After lunch, I began having second thoughts about why am I still in this planet.

I just wish the earth would gobble me up right now!

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FiqahShafieJJ #1
Chapter 42: This story is so SADDDD! :( can't believe I cried ! But still DAEBAKKK! :)
nice story!!!<br />
oh my god i really cried at the end.<br />
aaah why did kia have to die? ;____;<br />
oh well, waiting for your next story! :D
pinkbunnyjay #3
I thought Kia will rise from the dead but I'm wrong. I wish there's a sequel that Kia was not the one who died! Lol =))))
koreankendi #4
Done reading it! ^_^ Nice storyline!<br />
Chap38 made me so teary-eyed. <br />
Good job! :)
koreankendi #5
Oh! This seems interesting! ^_^<br />
Imma read it. :)
CMH911209 #6
Is kia really died? i cried a lot when i read the part when she died TT^TT
Update, look interesting! Fighting~
butterfly555 #8
i know right lol but at the same time i would be scare all the fan girl sigh -.-
@butterfly555 - I know huh? Wow, if I was seriously in Charm's shoes I'd DIE! =D