The End

Only Time




[April 16, Wednesday]

Kim Jongin was back to his old pace. There were scars left from his accident but the rest were fine, no scars on his beautiful face that’s all that matters to everyone. It’s been four months after his confinement in the hospital. His family was happy to see him, surprised faces and bright smiles greeted him when they saw him at the hospital, all conscious and awake. A week after he was asked to go back to work because of the pending contracts that he had left before the crash.

“You will have a shoot for Calvin Klein,” his manager was reading off what’s written on the planner. “The day after that we’ll go to Jeju for the fashion show. Next is a party at a club in Hongdae named M2 where you’ll be meeting with the designer and other models you’ll be working with. Then the day after tomorrow…”

Jongin was sick. He was sick of hearing the schedules of what he’s going to do. He was just 20 yet it feels like he’s 27, working his off for the damn agency that’s been driving him like a slave. He wants freedom. He wants to get out of his cage at least once. Without leash or restraint that chokes him up.

“Can’t you send Kris instead?” he asked his manager.

His manager looks at him with surprised eyes.

“What?” he asked him.

“Nothing,” his manager replied. “Because you’ve always said that instead of giving it to Kris you’d do it. Even if you break your hip bone.”

Jongin had changed. The accident made him into a new person. Not the competitive, workaholic, that he used to be. But the childish, free spirited Kim Jongin.

“Noona, can I take a day off? Just today. Pretty please.” He was purposely doing aegyo which was not normally seen by the staffs in his agency. His manager blushed and covered her face with the planner because of the embarrassment.

“O-okay. Just make sure you’ll follow your schedule tomorrow.”

“Thanks Noona.” Jongin smiled at her, all pleased that he can get a day for his rest.


Jongin waited at the side of the road, holding only a piece of paper in his hands, a coat hanging on his shoulder, a wallet on his back pocket and a hand phone. He called for a taxi that was on duty. He scooted inside and leaned on the driver’s seat.

“Can you take me to this address?” he showed the paper to the taxi driver who nodded as a sign he knows where that place is.

“Thank you.”

Jongin relaxed on the smooth leather cover of the taxi, inhaling the car freshner that he coughs out since he doesn’t really like the smell of it and it makes him a bit nauseous. He decided to open the car window. The wind gushing through his hair, his elbow bend over the window of the car. He still can’t remember anything that had happen after the accident and the only clue he had was this piece of paper he found in the hospital.

“We’re here.”

He was standing in front of an apartment complex. He looked left and right before crossing the road to get inside. His palms were getting sweaty and his chest was thumping really hard.

What is it to get nervous about?

He rode the elevator and pressed the 14th floor. 13 floors before he could get his answers. Before he could get to meet him.

Do Kyungsoo. Who are you?


Kyungsoo was staring at the overview of the city, with hot chocolate on his palm. 14 floors from the flat ground, but he’s not thinking of jumping. He’s still sane as he was before. He may not have Kai with him, but he knows that he wouldn’t like it if he died.

I know he would find me. Someday…


Jongin was at front door of the address in the paper he was holding.

This is it…

He knocks three times before someone opened it. A female opened the door, face surprised to see a model knocking at her door.

“Good morning. I’m looking for someone named Do Kyungsoo.”

“Ah, err… I don’t know anyone named Do Kyungsoo. I’m sorry.” She apologizes but she was still staring at his beautiful face.

Jongin got disappointed. Is this address correct? 

“But if you want you could wait here inside–“

The door beside the apartment building that Jongin was inquiring at opened. A pale boy was whistling as he put out his bags of garbage. Jongin stares at his eyes and his pulse started to beat really fast.

“T-Thank you.” He waved the lady good bye who was still staring at him as he make his way to the pale boy who was about to shut his door. He pushed his hands on the small gap that was left.

“Ouch!” he yelped.

“I-I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo opened his door.

Their eyes met and both of them knew that there was something more than just greetings, apologies and smiles.

“A-are you Do Kyungsoo?” Jongin asked as he rubs his arm but eyes not parting away from the pale boy who was staring back, wide-eyed and mouth open.

Kyungsoo shooks his head, “Y-Yes.” His words were stuttering because of the surprise. “I am Do Kyungsoo.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kim–“

“Jongin.” Kyungsoo continued it for him. “And please call me hyung. Since–“

“You’re older than me.” Jongin was surprised with his reply that both of them laughed.


Shy grins, secret smiles and stolen glances. Kyungsoo invited Jongin inside and shared some of his hot choco and Kimchi spaghetti with him.



A/N: AHHHH!!!! yes it ended! what a fluffy way of ending this story!!!!! about the bgm being 'September', i like it. seems nice to the ear.





(if you haven't read my Pororo Chapter from Exo Diary, then i guess you wouldn't get it. lol:)))

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Chapter 14: I like this so much ... Amazingly beautiful ') .
I love this story so much, I could just read it all over again.
Chapter 15: Ending was a kittle confusing. .. :D but yeah I really realy love it!
k0j3t4 #4
Chapter 14: Dunno why but I love the sad ending. I don't usually go for sad ending but I guess the sad was more real and acceptable.
Chapter 15: waaaahhh... i so love it. omg. omg. omg. i loved the ending. i am happy. i loved the twist. i should read your stories moreeeeeeee...

but heyyy your story luster cry rings a bell. did i sub to it??? i feel that i made a promise that i will be promotng it?? did i??? correct me please. i used to forgot 98645212582368 things and i can just remember 50 things. lol. should i call a doctor? kekekekeke~~
Chapter 14: man this bad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: nice ending ❤
Chapter 3: o m f g this is so interesting
dudukuma #9
Chapter 13: Wow~~ A really beautiful story ~ I am kinda late, noticing ur story, but.. I really love ur story
MeiXiah #10
This story is absolutely beautiful! I'm on a hunt for angsty KaiSoo fics with tragic story plots and this is just perfect >w< I love the alternative endings^^ I think it brings closure to the readers that can't stand the sad ending as much as others. And I like that =D (even though I'm a fan of emotional stories) Thank you for this masterpiece!!