
Only Time


A/N: I really recommend that you guys read this with this song. another one of my inspiration in writing this fic is when i heard D.O sang this. ahhhh~ the feels~~~





There were dreadful noises in Kai’s ears, piercing through his head like a drill penetrating at the ends of his temple. He could only cover them but it won’t dissipate. He knows Kyungsoo was yelling at him, a warning yet he couldn’t understand what he was saying. His back fell on the hard cold pavement on the road in front of the hospital. Light flashing, too bright that it hurts his eyes to look directly at it. Kyungsoo mouthed something,


I’m sorry...


and lastly with a painful smile,


I love you...


Before seeing a car hit Kyungsoo to his side, with the pale boy’s eyes closed as if expecting it to happen. But he was smiling, he was happy. In the last second of his life, Do Kyungsoo was satisfied. Kai gazes at his watch,




Then he looks at the sign on the hospital,


[Seoul National University Hospital]


The time and place matched, even the incident was correct as the one written on his tablet.


So it was my fault he died?

I led him to his death…

I did guide him…

Funny…so funny that it hurts…

Here I was… trying to stop it from happening…

But it was me all along…

I… I was a part of his death…


Anguish, torment, agony, distress, pain and torture… all of these emotions were contained in Kai’s heart that it now suffocates him, breaking him. He claws at his neck for air. His vision started to get dark, white circles forming. Kyungsoo who was staying still on the ground, blood gushing out of his open wounds, eyes closed and arms sprawled open. Kai kneeled on the ground, his hand on his neck, the other reaching for Kyungsoo.


Do Kyungsoo…




It was dark in Jongin’s dream, pitch black, he was standing all alone in the darkness. A light perforated the dark cave he’s in.


[“So you’re a death god, are you here to take my soul?”]


[“So I guess I’m still gonna die.”
“You’re not scared?”


[“Really? You don’t know ramyeon?”]


[“I’ll be going now.”
“Take care!”]


[“I’m home!”]


[“…And Call me hyung from now on since I’m older than you.”]




[“Do they still hurt?”
“Here?” ”No.”
“But here,” “Yes. Still.”]


 [“Can I erase them for you?”]




[“Spaghetti with Kimchi.”
“Hmm..that sounds… different.”]




[“Jongin…” “You can do it…”]




[“I’m with someone special. His name is Kai. He is supposed to be my guide until I die.”]


[Thank you for Do Kyungsoo…
Thank you for letting me meet Hyung…]


 [“He’s Kim Jongin…”]


[“Look out!”]


[“I’m sorry….”]


[“I love you…”]



The words were too hasty, images were too fast, Jongin’s dream was getting complicated. The dark cave he’s in was pulsating, blinking to the brightness of an empty white room.

Where am I?

Staring at the pristine white ceiling of the ICU, Jongin blinks twice. He looks to his left, then to his right. No one was there. Even Baekhyun who was supposed to be on duty was not there. He slowly sat up and leans on the head board of the bed, taking off the oxygen from his nose. A piece of paper drops on the floor, he saw it and slowly slipped off the sheet from his body. He picked it up with his free hand. He can’t make out the words because he was still groggy from sleeping for two months.

He walks outside of the room, wearing only the hospital gown, his hand with the IV needle holding on the IV stand that holds the bottle of Dextrose. His mind was calm but his heart doesn’t seem to be as pulse radiates to his arteries to the tip of his finger. Something was wrong, just can’t point it out.

Everyone in the hospital was in a hurry, sound of feet shuffling on the white floor tiles. There seemed to be an emergency. Joonmyun wasn’t even at his station. Jongin walks to the emergency room along with his IV stand. He bumped to someone who was just getting out of the room. He apologizes and went back to peering on what’s inside the door.

“Excuse me, but you are not allowed here,” a female nurse in scrubs with hands full.

But Jongin didn’t mind her and instead continued on looking insode the emergency room. Baekhyun was inside holding onto his friend’s dear hand, yelling at him,

“Do Kyungsoo! You must wake up okay!? You can still hear me right!?” Baekhyun was sobbing hard at his friend whose eyes were closed. Baekhyun was the only one closest to family that Kyungsoo can get.

“Doctor, he’s not breathing.” The nurse said to the man in the white gown who has a stethoscope wrapped around his neck. The man checks the monitor and Kyungsoo’s lifeline was flat.

“Get me the defibrillator!” the doctor yelled and the nurse scurries off to get the machine. The doctor rubs the two metal surfaces together before bringing them to Kyungsoo’s body. Baekhyun lets go of Kyungsoo’s hand and was led away from him.

“On the count of three.” The doctor signals the nurse.

 “One, two three –!”

Kyungsoo’s body convulsed along with the two iron-like instruments. His lifeline was still flat and Baekhyun was breaking down on the corner of the room with Chanyeol holding him together on his shoulder. Kai was intensely looking at the anonymous patient who was struggling for his life.

“One, two three –!”

A tear fell from Jongin’s right eye and drops on to the piece of paper he was holding on his free hand. He doesn’t know why, but he feels sad. Really, really sad. He wiped away that single tear and walks back to the empty hallway. He sat at the patient’s waiting area where there were empty seats, no visitors or patients.



[“Okay, okay. Then wait for me at the cafeteria at 12 noon?”]



He heard a whisper in his ear. He looks at the watch that was hanging by the wall on top of him.





TADA! here you can pick any ending you want~





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can i request for an upvote? no? oh well TT_TT


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Chapter 14: I like this so much ... Amazingly beautiful ') .
I love this story so much, I could just read it all over again.
Chapter 15: Ending was a kittle confusing. .. :D but yeah I really realy love it!
k0j3t4 #4
Chapter 14: Dunno why but I love the sad ending. I don't usually go for sad ending but I guess the sad was more real and acceptable.
Chapter 15: waaaahhh... i so love it. omg. omg. omg. i loved the ending. i am happy. i loved the twist. i should read your stories moreeeeeeee...

but heyyy your story luster cry rings a bell. did i sub to it??? i feel that i made a promise that i will be promotng it?? did i??? correct me please. i used to forgot 98645212582368 things and i can just remember 50 things. lol. should i call a doctor? kekekekeke~~
Chapter 14: man this bad ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: nice ending ❤
Chapter 3: o m f g this is so interesting
dudukuma #9
Chapter 13: Wow~~ A really beautiful story ~ I am kinda late, noticing ur story, but.. I really love ur story
MeiXiah #10
This story is absolutely beautiful! I'm on a hunt for angsty KaiSoo fics with tragic story plots and this is just perfect >w< I love the alternative endings^^ I think it brings closure to the readers that can't stand the sad ending as much as others. And I like that =D (even though I'm a fan of emotional stories) Thank you for this masterpiece!!