Eternally Bound by Blood

Chapter 06











In response, he yelped in pain as he processed to fall off the bed causing a dull thud noise to resound in the room. Soon after, heavy footsteps were heard shuffling from her guestroom and before she knew it, the vivid brightness from the light bulb briefly blinded her. 


“Chanyeol, when we told you to go back to sleep we didn’t mean in maiden’s room.” Suho’s stern voice reached her ears, as he shook his head at his brethren.


“I didn’t mean to scare her! She just looked so cute when she was sleeping—I just couldn’t resist the temptation of cuddling next to her.” Jieun didn’t quite catch the last part of the sentence; her eyes widened in shock as she was more focused on the deep, husky voice that instantly send shivers of fear down her spine. The owner of the unusual voice sat up as he rubbed his injured head with a pout. 


The kind faced leader shot her such a sincere remorseful look that it made her lose her focus for a minute. “I deeply apologise for my brother’s inexcusable behaviour, Jieun-ah. I also take part of the blame for this as I should have been paying more attention to what he was doing.”


Jieun merely stared wide eyed at him, her mind trying to process what had just happened. She slowly brought down her hand, which she had used to cover her eyes from the sheer intensity of the light that had seemed to gradually become dimmer.


It was took only a few seconds for her to realise that the light was not radiating from the light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but small rays of light was being given off by an extended palm.


Her gaze hesitantly travelled from the hand slowly upwards until it finally reached an unfamiliar face. The male blinked in surprise for a moment, before a small smile started to blossom on his face.


“Greetings maiden, I hope that I did not startle you too much with the light.” His smooth, soft toned voice flowed into her ears as he bowed formally towards her direction.


Jieun immediately flushed in embarrassment, as she leaned forward slightly. “Please, there’s no need to bow. I guess it can’t be helped that you guys are going to appear out of nowhere.”


I must be going insane if I’m actually beginning to accept this madness.


Suppressing a sigh, she started to pull off the bed covers, inwardly bracing herself for the breeze of coldness that would assault her. What else could possibly happen to me today?


However, just before she was about to stand up, she could feel hands gently pushing her shoulders back towards the bed. Though, she was about to protest when Lay came into her vision with a troubled look visible on his face.


“Do not strain yourself, Jieun-ah. If you don’t remember, you fainted earlier because of the high levels of stress in your system.” He informed her sternly, his usually tender eyes staring at her with so much focus that it caused her to quickly avert her eyes towards her lap shamefaced.


So I didn’t imagine all of it. It’s all real, meaning that I’m actually bonded to these guys by blood. The brunette placed a hand over her irregularly beating heart as she took several deep breaths to try and calm down. The last thing she needed was to faint again, looking every bit like a damsel in distress.


The bed dipped again at the addition of another person’s weight, causing her to look over with suspicion that the ert curly haired male would dare to go near her after his stunt earlier.


If he does, I won’t hesitate to give him another black eye. She nearly growled in annoyance, until her gaze met the comforting chocolate tinted eyes of the light wielding male.


“My brothers have told us so much about you maiden; I have to say that in all my years of living, I have never been so blessed to meet somebody with a beauty such as yours.” He lifted her hand with such care and delicacy; it was as if he treated her as if she were a member of a royal family.


But his next actions made her eyes’ widen to the size of dinner plates, as he softly kissed her the back of her hand, never once losing eye contact her whilst doing so. In an instant, she could feel her face darken considerably causing the colour of her face to resemble a beetroot.


He looked exactly like a prince when he did that…


“Yah, yah I can see what you’re trying to do Baekhyun. You’re trying to charm her into thinking you’re some prince charming, when actually you’re a sly devious bastard—“


Suho shot him a warning look which immediately silenced him, an unhappy pout settled on his baby face as he folded his arms over his chest.


“Says the person who practically tried to molest her when she was most vulnerable, Chanyeol.” The light controller retorted heatedly back with an eye roll accompanying his tone.


The gentle healer was uncharacteristically glowering with unadulterated anger whilst the ever passive Suho was simply shaking his head in evident disapproval.


The curly haired male threw his hands up in defeat. “Geez guys don’t start ganging up on me just because you weren’t able to cuddle up next to her. Besides, if Baekhyun didn’t hog all of the blanket this wouldn’t have happened!” He insisted fervently.


The male in question merely scoffed in disbelief.


Jieun blinked in confusion as she scratched her head. Instead of feeling taken advantage of—which was most definitely the case in this situation—a sense of pity gnawed at the pit of her stomach.


She partly blamed her jumbled thoughts on sleep deprivation, after having the surprise of waiting up to Chanyeol.


“Okay guys, you know what? I’m emotionally and physically drained right now, so if you wouldn’t mind letting me sleep that would be great.” The light haired girl rubbed her forehead, feeling an impending headache beginning to form.


Chanyeol’s frown deepened at the idea of having to leave her, whilst Baekhyun simply nodded his head as he remained indifferent, beginning to stand up.


Suho, being the closest one to the door reached out to open it as he gestured for his brothers to follow him out. The healer quickly made his way towards her as he tucked her into her quilt with a gentle smile.


“Sleep well, dear Jieun-ah.” With that said, he returned back to his brother’s side somewhat reluctantly. Chanyeol pouted deeply as he refused to move from his spot.  


“Do not be a child, Chanyeol. Leave maiden to sleep in peace.” The light weilder grounded his teeth in annoyance, as he tugged on the amber haired male’s arm.


Honestly, making such an unnecessary fuss over something as trivial as this.


“But if you guys can stay quiet enough for me to sleep, I will allow you to stay in my room. Another house rule is no touching me when I’m sleeping.” With that being said, she directed a meaningful look in Chanyeol’s direction, to which he grinned sheepishly at as he practically dived for her bed. Almost instantly, he curled up into a ball as he quickly fell asleep soundly at the foot of her bed.


The others decided to stay close to the emotionally unstable boy, in case he were to do something in his sleeping state to Jieun so they made themselves comfortable in the room.


Lay sat by the window where he was content with watching the moon, Suho was stationed near the bed as he leaned against the wooden set of drawers as he focused on keeping an eye on Chanyeol whilst Baekhyun, being the only one who did not know of the brunette beauty until a few moments ago, decided to stay close to the door instead.


She was probably going to regret saying this in the morning, but for right now she was just going to relish in the feeling of being drawn into the peaceful oblivion that is sleep, unaware of the fond gazes that watched her fall asleep.






“Maiden, I’m hungry~” Chanyeol whined for the umpteenth time that morning, as he practically clung to her arm like a child.


“Don’t give me that, it wasn’t long ago that I made breakfast.” The girl in question batted his arm away, shooting a glare over her shoulder as she finally lifted her head to address the pouting male.


For the whole duration of the time where she got up to the present where she was currently busying herself by resuming her task of cleaning the living room, there was not one moment where Chanyeol was complaining about his need for more food.


Aish this boy, I swear he has a bottomless stomach.


“But I really like your cooking though, maiden. I bet you would be the best housewife ever~” He cooed with an overflowing amount of affection as he wrapped both of his arms around the petite girl.


Not to mention he’s a total skinship monster.


“Chanyeol, if you do not remove your hands off me in the next couple of seconds, I will personally rip them off myself. Are we clear?” She stated frostily, leaving no room for argument.




Chanyeol—“ She started warningly, releasing a heavy sigh as she turned her head to the side to glance at the curly haired male.


He whimpered like a kicked puppy as he stared at her with his teary, widened child-like eyes.


 “Aish, who’s trying to charm her now, you hypocrite.”


But Jieun did not pay any attention to that as she simply stared at the honey tinted haired male with a poker face, not giving away any sight of her emotion.


I can see what he’s trying to do. Act all innocent and cute to catch me off guard and then he’ll take advantage and he probably won’t let go of me for the rest of the day.


“M-Maiden, I’m,” Dramatic sniff added in. “Really s-sorry,” Tears started to pool around his eyes, making him look more comical than anything else. “Please don’t be m-mad at me!” With that, he flung his lanky body towards her with a cry.


The girl rolled her eyes at the boy’s childish antics as she poked his forehead, causing him to go cross-eyed as he stopped flailing around like a bird for a second.


“Aigo, you’re a real big baby you know that?” Jieun puffed her cheeks out in annoyance as she shook her head. “I’m not mad at you, Chanyeol. Now, be a good boy and sit over there with the others while I finish doing my work alright?”


He nodded fervently in response, in an attempt not to anger her further as he slowly plodded along towards the others, but not before shooting another pout over his direction. To which, the brown haired girl simply replied with a glare. He gulped before he quickly joined the others who were busying themselves by watching TV.


Jieun rolled her eyes as she returned back to her task at hand: sorting out her bookcase, which would normally be an easy feat for most people.


But for bookworms such as herself, it was very difficult to arrange the seemingly never-ending stacks of books into piles of ones she wanted to keep in the book shelves, namely the few cooking books her grandmother kindly gave to her and the countless number of literature books that made her fall in love with reading. The other piles were to store in her airing cupboard with all the other junk she refused to throw out and the last pile were books she would give to the children she worked with in the hospital.


That reminds me; I’m supposed to visit the hospital sometime this week to see how the children are getting on. She hummed in thought as she placed another book into the cardboard box that was labelled ‘To be donated to Children of Eden’.


In a matter of ten minutes, the chestnut haired girl wiped her forehead free of sweat as she stared in satisfaction at the newly cleaned and neat wooden bookshelf. No longer were there bits of piece sticking out, nor were there any old books that she did not bother looking at anymore.


I’d give it at least a week before it gets messy again.


She sighed at that gloomy thought. It seemed that no matter how much she tried to keep her apartment clean and well organised, it always seemed to get messy—thank goodness for the fact that she no longer stayed with her grandmother, otherwise the woman would constantly nag her about cleaning all the time.


And now that I’ve acquired a few—at a stretch—more guests staying with me, it looks like my apartment’s going to have seen better days.


Glancing over to the group that were occupying the other half of the room, she briefly recalled the memory of looking through the newly arrived boys’ profiles in the cursed book.






Birth Name: Park Chanyeol

Birth date: November 27--

Height: 185cm

Specialties: He has the power to control all kinds of flame and fire.

Description: Hot tempered and impatient at times, but is known for seeing the good out of all situations by smiling. He can be quite child-like and immature and will resort to sneaky means to get what he wants.


Birth Name: Byun Baekhyun

Birth date: May 6--

Height: 174cm

Specialties: Can create light out of pure darkness and manipulate it.

Description: Responsible and mature, he is considered to be much older and wiser with his mind. He is very considerate of the feelings of others, always polite and is always willing to lend a hand when needed.






…Is it just me, or do these little profiles of the boys make them sound like Pokemon? Jieun frowned to herself in contemplation for a moment; the images of the boys popping into cute little creatures appeared in her mind before she quickly shook her head.


There’s nothing innocent about these boys. She nearly slapped her forehead at her mistake as she averted her gaze towards the neglected box of books.


“Perhaps I should drop that box off at the hospital before I forget about it? I need a walk to think things through anyway.” Jieun murmured softly. Absentmindedly nodding to herself as she began to stand up, dusting her jeans off as she straightened up.


Suho turned his head towards her, after hearing a rustle in her direction. “Ah Jieun-ah, would you like us to do anything for you?”


How about return back into the book and restore my life back to normal?


But she knew that that statement would only do more harm than good, so she restrained herself as she settled with a shake of the head. I should probably be nicer to Suho, I mean I probably act like a to him most of the time and he takes it so easily.


“Thank you for the offer Suho-ssi, but I’m off to do some errands. I shouldn’t be long so try not to break anything while I’m gone, okay?” She smiled at him, as she picked up the box and started to make her way towards the door.


Not even a few seconds later, when she was just about to reach forward to open the door, she felt an arm snaking around her waist, the presence of a warm body pressing up against her back were more than enough hints to suggest who was—practically—molesting her at this precise moment.


“Yah, what did I say about personal space Chanyeol-pabo?” She all but growled at him, her eyes narrowing into angry slits as she struggled to break free.


“I wanna go with you, maiden~” He whined, his hot breath hovering over her neck, causing goosebumps to form on her skin at the touch. She drew in a sharp breath, as if that simple motion would give her enough patience to deal with the child-like man.  


“Aish, this guy. She already told you to give her some space, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun chided his brother with a frown as he effortlessly tore away the curly haired male away from Jieun.


“B-But I don’t want to be left alone again, I want to get to know maiden more!” He blubbered like a baby.


Oh for the love of Pete! Why couldn’t I have been stuck with Suho and Lay? At least they were the quiet ones.


“Jieun-ah, I know that you may consider them to be a burden on you, but it would be beneficial for you to get to know these two before the rest show up. You may find that you will not have time to get to know them individually in the future.” Suho wisely spoke, though he wanted more than anything to stay by her side, he knew that these were only selfish intentions. It was acceptable to feel like this when it was only Lay and him, but now with the continuing appearances of his brothers, he knew that there would be fewer chances where he and Jieun would be alone together.


 The girl in question shot the leader an incredulous look in response. Is he really suggesting that I bring along the clingy, over-reactive child? I don’t mind Baekhyun as much, he seems to be alright I guess.


“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, maybe you should consider it maiden—“


“Absolutely not.” Jieun deadpanned.


“Don’t forget to bring your jacket, it’s very cold outside.” Lay draped the clothing over her shoulders with a gentle smile.


“Thank you Lay-ssi.” She tilted her head to the side so that she could give the healer an eye-smile, causing him to stop breathing for a second as he felt a blush cross the bridge of his nose.


“If you wouldn’t mind having extra company, it would be my pleasure to go with you, if that is what you would like maiden.” The light wielder inclined his head towards her, keeping his eyes downcast towards the floor almost shyly.


“That’s very sweet of you to offer, Baekhyun. But I can assure you that I can manage by myself—“


“We’re coming with you, whether you like it or not maiden.” It seemed that he had reached his limit of patience as the fire controller carefully grabbed the box out of her hands as he exited the apartment to increase the distance away from Jieun. No doubt he knew that she would be forced to agree by doing so.


“Yah! Chanyeol, don’t go running off by yourself! Aish this guy.” She cursed profanities under her breath as she darted off after the deep-voiced male with Baekhyun closely following behind at a leisurely pace.


Lay and Suho exchanged a look before shaking their heads in disbelief as they called out in union. “Take care Jieun-ah~”


The girl in question halted in her footsteps for a moment, as she waved back with a smile. “I won’t be long guys, just make sure the apartment is still here when I come back, alright?”


“YAH, why did you have to ruin my fun Baekhyun-pabo?” She heard the caramel-tinted haired male have a tantrum complete with extra whining and arm flinging, indicating that the light controller had caught him in his stride.


The fair skinned male swatted his brother over the head with a scowl invading his handsome features as he held the box easily with one arm. “Don’t be so childish, or else you will stay behind with Suho-hyung and Lay-hyung understood?”


He whimpered in pain as he turned his attention to the unfortunate girl, blubbering uncontrollably as he did so. “Maiden! Tell Baekhyun off for being mean to me!!”


Jieun sighed as she patted his head comfortingly, knowing full well that he would only kick off even more if she did not show him any sympathy. “I’m sure that he didn’t mean it Chanyeol. Now, please remember not to make a scene once we leave this apartment, arraso?”


“Roger that, maiden~” He saluted cutely at her as he quickly reached out to hold her hand. She glanced at him for a moment before shaking her head with a smile, causing him to redden in response. Aish, I feel like I only make a fool out of myself whenever I’m with her! He inwardly wailed in his mind.


Little did she know that she was already starting to accept that these strange beings would soon invade her life.






Author's Corner                                                                                                                                              

Hello my lovely readers :D I hope that you liked the latest installment of this story~


I was really ill with the flu on Thursday/Friday that was going around the school, I felt so horrible ;__; But thank goodness that I'm fully recovered now! I hope that you're all healthly and happy guys! Remember to stay warm, keep away from all the nasty germs that will make you sick~


So I've decided to make Jieun a bit nicer in this chapter, to show some progress made with the relationships. The following chapter should have some nice Chanyeol and Baekhyun moments with her, so stay tuned for that!


And after that, there should be another appearance :o There are only four possible pairs left to meet the lovely Jieun-ah~


Once again, I would like to personally thank each and every one of you who has stayed with me since the start (ALSO, welcome new readers :3) and has continued to support me~


Enjoy some Kris edited gifs ^___^

(It would actually be funny if these were Kris' thoughts during the concert huhuhu)


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Byuntae-bacon #1
Chapter 27: rereading this for like the 15th time. i really hope that you didn’t give up on this story. it’s one of my favorites
Chapter 27: authorniiimmmmmmm :( will wait for your update
Byuntae-bacon #3
Chapter 27: I hope you update soon author-nim. This book is so good ❤️
Chapter 27: I am curious what will happen in the next chapters.....
Chapter 27: I hope it updates... And Author-nim please take care of your health~
Chapter 27: ;-; just re-read it, it’s even better than the last three times I ever read it
Is this still being updated?? I was looking forward to reading this story!