Eternally Bound by Blood

Chapter 03












No, no. I must be getting delusional or something. What was exactly in that cup of coffee that’s making me so loony today?


The brunette nibbled on her bottom lip subconsciously, as she refused to look at the two males whom took residence in her living room, refusing to believe that they were ‘real’.


While it was blatantly evident that the girl was stuck in the denial phase, she kept shaking her head and slapping her forehead in an attempt to ‘wake up’ from all this madness.


C’mon Jieun, just wake up. There’s no way these guys are meant to be my ‘servants’ or whatever, even I know that my imagination isn’t that good to make this up.


“Please, lovely maiden. Do not harm your beautiful face.” She felt her hands being pulled away, as her widened eyes stared into the surprisingly gentle hazel tinted orbs. 


B-Beautiful? Immediately, her face darkened considerably at the unexpected compliment. He must be joking or something; why else would he be so kind?


“What’s it to you? I don’t care where exactly you guys came from, but I want you to get out of my flat now.” She hissed like a provoked snake, her cinnamon eyes narrowed in unveiled suspicion as she hastily snatched back her hand.


He looked surprised for a moment, before his infuriatingly angelic smile appeared once more as if unaffected by the acidic tone of her voice.


“You must be exhausted, dear maiden. Please, take a seat and my brother and I will be more than happy to explain everything to you.”


At the mention of his ‘brother’, her gaze zoned in onto the daydreaming male on the floor, he hadn’t moved since she had unceremoniously collapsed on him.


Aigo, I completely forgot about that guy. I must have crushed him with my weight. In a spilt second, her misplaced anger quickly melted into guilt.


“Are you alright there? I’m sorry about falling on you; I know I’m quite heavy and all.” Jieun smiled sheepishly, catching the pair off guard for a moment.  


She held out a hand as she shot the dazed male an expecting look. He blinked, as if his train of thought had been broken as he stared at the palm in front of his face.


The brunette frowned slightly at the lack of reaction from the male. Why isn’t he responding? Did I hurt him that much when I fell on him?


“Y-Your fingers are wounded, maiden.” He whispered in evident shock, the sound of his gentle voice rolling off the tip of his tongue as he slowly took her hand into his.


Her eyes widened further, if that were possible. “H-Hang on a second, what do you think you’re doing?” She cried out, trying to tug back her hand only to feel a hand lightly pressing down on her shoulder.


“Do not be scared, dear maiden. Please trust us to say that we would never purposely intend to harm you.” He squeezed her shoulder with a reassuring smile.


Jieun quietly gulped at the ever-blinding smile as she tore her gaze away towards the other male in an attempt to hide her spreading blush.


She emitted a gasp as she watched a warm, soft glow radiating from the stranger’s hands. The hazel-eyed girl felt her fingers tingling sensation before the shy male drew back his own hands.


“Someone as delicate as you should never be harmed, maiden.” He murmured softly with a meaningful glance in her direction.


Slowly raising her hand up to her eye level, she inspects it thoroughly only to halt in her actions to see that the condition of her hand was healed almost miraculously. The brunette quickly made a break for the neglected journal as she flicked through pages until she found the right one as she skimmed through the information to find what she needed, completely ignorant of the curious glances she was receiving.






Birth Name: Zhang Yixing (but is also known as Lay)

Specialties: Gifted with the ability to heal all wounds.






So, the possible scenarios include that either I must have an incredible imagination to think this all up or I’m probably still dreaming.


Jieun lifted her eyes just over the book to look at the healer. Zhang Yixing…It sounds like a Chinese name.


“So, you’re Zhang Yixing right?” He simply nodded in response with a gentle look in his eyes.


Then she shifted her gaze over to the ever-smiling male. Quickly glancing back at the mini biography, she easily spotted his name.







Birth Name: Kim Joonmyun (but is also known as Suho)

Specialties: Has the ability to manipulate water.






“And you’re Kim Joonmyun.” It came out more of a statement rather than a question. But nevertheless, he nodded his head.


“Yes, maiden. But if you would prefer to, you can address us by our other names if you find that easier.” He beamed at her, causing the brown haired girl to simply smile awkwardly back.


He’s acting as if he’s going to stay here or something! She frowned in thought, it was only now she deliberated on where exactly these males were planning on staying.


“Do you know where you two are going to be staying? Or can you go back inside this book?” She cocked an eyebrow at them with mild interest.


Suddenly, they both looked bashful. Suho scratched his cheek in a sheepish manner. “We were hoping that you would allow us to stay here with you, maiden.” He took in the look of panic that struck her face with a slightly frown.


 There’s no way they could possibly stay here. I mean, there is the guest room available I suppose. B-But that’s where my parents stay when they’re here! She inwardly tugged on her hair in frustration, not knowing what to do with this bizarre situation.


Merely thirty minutes ago, she was living by herself. And now fate seemed to take joy in seeing her dismay by chucking a few males into her apartment.


“But I can see that you’re not particularly keen on that, maiden. We, as your servants will still continue to serve you as eternal gratitude for setting us free. Please do not feel inclined make any sleeping arrangements for us; I suppose we’ll have to make do with what we can.” Despite the circumstances, a bright cheerful smile still remained on his face.


…How can this guy be so happy all the time? Honestly, it’s making me feel bad that I’m not going to let them stay. She clicked her tongue.


“We were the ones who had suddenly appeared into your life, we can understand that you must have your own problems to deal with, so we will not burden you with such trivial matters.” Lay added his input with his adorable eye-smile, causing his dimples to become more prominent by the second.


Jieun’s eyes widened at the cute sight before she quickly turned her head away. No! You cannot let these guys get to you! DON’T LET THEIR CUTE OUTWARD APPERANCE TRICK YOU! What if they were actually horrible creatures who could pretend to look normal but they could try to eat me when I’m sleeping?!


Suho clapped his hands, causing her to snap her head in his direction with a startled look. Now he’s probably going to turn into some hideous beast and—


“Now I’m sure that you must be famished, dear maiden. Would you be so kind to show us to your cooking facilities?”


She blinked, not expecting to hear that at all. “U-Um, why do you want to use the kitchen?” I knew it! He’s probably going to kill me now and cook me up! She inwardly wailed in her mind.


Goodbye grandma, I’ll never be able to eat your yummy food. Goodbye mother and father, I’ll never get to hear about the discoveries you came across during your travels-


“We’re going to cook you breakfast, silly maiden. What else did you think we were going to do?” He tilted his head to the side, a curious look invading his facial expression.


“N-Nothing! Absolutely nothing.” She frantically waved her hands in front of her face, in an attempt to brush away his concerns.


“You’re becoming awfully red, maiden. Are you feeling alright?” Almost simultaneously, both of them appeared by her sides with concerned looks etched on their faces.


“I-I’m fine! Just follow me.” She sputtered in surprise, as she quickly walked past them, fully aware of the crimson blush that coloured her face. The pair exchanged confused glances before they easily caught up to her pace, fussing over her like mother hens.


What did I ever do to deserve this?






Much to her protests, the handsome strangers pushed back her offers to cook as they instantly set off to work. Despite the curious looks they kept giving her pans and other kitchen utensils, their cooking abilities seemed to rival that of a professional chef.


She watched in absolute awe, faintly aware of the drool that was starting to form at the corner of her lip as the pleasing aroma of fried eggs and toast filled the air.


“Here you go, maiden. We very much hope you like the food~”


“…Thanks, I’ll be sure to eat well.” She said, trying to smile but it turned out more of a grimace than anything else.


 I should really be careful. What if these two put poison in my food while I was distracted? She scolded herself, inwardly slapping her forehead at her stupidity—mostly in fear of being chided by Suho for hitting her ‘pretty face’.


She nearly scoffed at the notion of that happening. I’m sure that guy must have ulterior motives; no guy compliments a girl without wanting something back in return.


“Wow, this is so delicious!” She grinned in mid-chew, her thoughts marvelling how something that was usually considered to be plain could taste so good. Jieun’s taste-buds were practically rejoicing in delight after taking one single bite.


Suho blinked in surprise, but it wasn’t long before a huge smile was plastered onto his boyishly handsome face. “Thank you, maiden! I’m ecstatic to hear that the food meets your standards.”


Lay, who was alongside him nodded timidly in response. Maiden looks at peace when she’s eating unlike before, it’s much better than the scared aura she was giving off earlier.


Jieun swallowed the piece she was chewing as she shot them an expectant look. “Well? What are you guys waiting for? Eat up before the food gets cold!”


The pair suddenly became coy as they directed their stares towards their shoes, as if finding a new found interest in them.


“W-We couldn’t possibly eat with you, maiden.” They refused venomously, causing her to raise an eyebrow in suspicion. Do I smell or something? She wondered briefly, turning her head towards her armpits with a frown.


She had a shower last night, so it couldn’t possibly be that. Or maybe they’re trying to resist the urge to eat me alive! If they’re too close to me, then my ‘human smell’ would be too much for them to handle!


“We’ll wait until you have finished, then we will have something to eat.” Lay spoke for the both of them, raising his eyes to meet hers with a sudden burst of confidence.


Her cinnamon eyes narrowed slightly. I bet they’re just using this feigned innocent act to sidetrack me from thinking they will eat me when I least expect it!


She pouted as she glanced at them through her eyelashes, relying on the feminine charm that all women had. “Now, are you really going to let me eat all on my own?” She feigned a sad sigh as she leaned against the palm on her hand.


“It’s a bit off-putting that you guys would have to wait until I finish, do I make you guys feel that uncomfortable?” She inwardly smirked at the sight of their eyes widening as they began to move towards the chairs, spluttering along the way.




“Of course not, maiden! We would never feel uncomfortable in your presence!” Suho was quick to reassure as Lay followed on with a determined expression.


“We just thought that it would be only be proper to let you eat first, it is our main priority as your servants for you to be properly fed so that your wellbeing remains stable and healthy.”


Jieun was caught off guard at that statement as she stared at the two boys who were starting to fill up their plates with the smaller pieces of the deformed eggs, leaving her with perfectly shaped hearts.


…Could it be that these two really are genuine with their concern? She nibbled on her bottom lip, guilt gnawing at her subconscious. And I thought that they were just trying to eat me…


“…Although we do apologize that we could only prepare you this maiden, there’s only so much we can do with eggs and bread.” Suho let out a nervous laugh.


“Lee Jieun.”


The pair halted in their actions as they blinked in evident confusion. The girl in question settled her chopsticks onto her plate, as she shot them a calm look with her arms folded over her chest in a no--taking manner.


“I’m not entirely sure why you two are so accustomed to calling me ‘maiden’, but I wanted to tell you that if you guys are going to stay here, you should at least know my name.” She brushed back a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to ignore the piercing stares.


“I mean, it’s only fair considering that I know both of yours.” The brunette shrugged, a nonchalant air lifting around her.


“What a beautiful name~” Lay whispered to himself in awe.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you properly, Jieun-ah!” Suho beamed at her, smiling from ear to ear.


“Well, I’ll start washing up then. Take your time eating, alright?” Despite hearing this, they both quickly hurried to finish the small quantity of food that was left on their plate.


“Please do not push yourself, we can take care of that maide—“


Upon seeing the silencing look he received from Jieun, he scratched his cheek sheepishly, choosing wisely not to finish his sentence. She merely shook her head as she accepted the plates from the timid Lay with a small smile.


“So, now that you both will be staying here for a short while, we’ll have to go over some ground rules.” She filled the sink with warm, soapy water as she began cleaning the dirty plates.


“Of course, Jieun-ah~” They both chimed in sync.


“One is that you do not under any circumstances leave this apartment without me, the last thing I need is for my nosy neighbours to start making assumptions.” They already think of me as a troublesome teenager, I’m not going to let them think of me as some sort of e!


She earned a similar response from before, as she made sure to wipe the plates clean before handing it over to Suho to hand-dry, who was waiting ever-so patiently with a sunflower patterned kitchen towel ready at hand.


“The second is that I don’t want you guys’ under the assumptions that just because you’re supposed to be my ‘servants’ or whatever, I’m not going to let you do everything for me. But I will expect you to chip in with the household chores every once in a while, you hear me?”


Jieun released a sigh after a few moments of silence eluded into the atmosphere,  she directed a meaningful glance in their direction, Lay was wiping the table quietly as Suho dried the plates with his head hung, hiding his expression.


“Guys, you aren’t my slaves or anything. I’ve been living by myself for so long anyway, so it’s not like I can’t look after myself. You have to relax too, you know.” She nudged the Exo-K leader’s shoulder playfully with a smile, who slowly lifted his head with hesitant nod.


“B-But our duty is to look after you maide—I mean Jieun-ah.” Lay quickly covered up his mistake as he protested, though it seemed his words only fell on deaf ears.


“Hm, I can’t really think of anymore rules, though I’m sure there’s a heck of a lot more I’ll be able to think up when I’m more awake.” She stifled a yawn as she placed the porcelain plate on the rack carefully; it seemed that her lack of sleep was finally catching up to her.


“I’ll try and find you some of my dad’s old clothes for you guys to sleep in, since it will only be you two staying with me right?”




“Right guys?” Jieun turned her head as she broke the tense atmosphere, feeling confused with the sudden silence.


“A-About that, Jieun-ah. It’s not only us that will be staying here...” Suho was tentative with his words as he stole sneaky glances in her direction.


After a few more words were exchanged amongst the trio, another apprehensive silence escaped. The morning birds began to chirp cheerfully, the sun was starting to make it’s ascend into the warm glow of the horizon as people started to wake up to start their early morning routines.


Everything was normal and quiet, until of course one particular girl roared out in rage.








Author's Corner                                                                                                                                              

Another update guys ^__^ Are you surprised that I've managed to post these so early? 'Cause I sure am.

I think I'm enjoying writing these chapters too much, I'VE FOUND MY MUSE GUYS <33

Now, in the next chapter there will be two more Exo appearances. I've got an idea on who I would like to show up, but I'm just curious to see who you guys would like me to write about ^___^

Pairs include:

D.O/Kai   Sehun/Luhan    Baekhyun/Chanyeol     Chen/Xiumin     Kris/Tao   

Feel free to vote for which ones you would like to appear :)

More updates to follow~ Thanks again for all the support guys :D

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Byuntae-bacon #1
Chapter 27: rereading this for like the 15th time. i really hope that you didn’t give up on this story. it’s one of my favorites
Chapter 27: authorniiimmmmmmm :( will wait for your update
Byuntae-bacon #3
Chapter 27: I hope you update soon author-nim. This book is so good ❤️
Chapter 27: I am curious what will happen in the next chapters.....
Chapter 27: I hope it updates... And Author-nim please take care of your health~
Chapter 27: ;-; just re-read it, it’s even better than the last three times I ever read it
Is this still being updated?? I was looking forward to reading this story!