Hope and Desire

Encore Separation

BOOK 1 : Chapter 4


The moment the whole group was gathered at the school gates, with the exception of Shindong who already left. All of them agreed to go shopping for school supplies. Despite the fact that the boys would rather go back to their home and play videos games, eats foods, watch TV or Movies, practice with their instruments or read books, in the end, after a long commotion, they agreed to accompany the girls and even go shop for their own school needs.

It was a quite long walk around the streets of Seoul until they finally reached a big shop selling school supplies at a cheap price.

"OK girls, you know the drill, when everyone is done we go back and meet here at the entrance." Taeyeon reminded her dongsaengs.

"Come on, come on they know it already." Kangin playfully extended his right arm to Taeyeon's shoulders and pulled her closer to him as they went inside.

Heechul on the other hand scoffed as he sees the couples little sweet moment. As he rolled his eyes and averted sight on a different direction a smile crept to his face and went to the girl who caused it. But before he could even voice out his request, looks like the ice princess already knew what's running in his mind.

"Heechulie," Jessica held out her hand ordering him to stop coming any closer. "I can't join you for now I want to have a time with my girls."

Lowered her hand and grinned "And who are these girls that will be with you?"

Jessica pulled Yuri and Hyoyeon each by her side "Them!"

Although a bit surprised and puzzled, Yuri and Hyoyeon quickly nodded "Well take her oppa." the two girls said in union.

"Sica, I should be get jealous but I won't because I know that deep in your mind you still want to be with me because I'm more beautiful than both of these two combined." Heechul exited the scene laughing as Yuri, Jessica, Hyoyeon went inside.

"Yah, Kyuhyun how 'bout you join me?" Heechul innocently smiles at their maknae.

"Actually hyung, I going with Sungmin." Kyuhyun declined.

But unfortunately Sungmin quickly protest "Aniyo, Kyuhyun you can just go with Heechulie." He made his way around the boys.

"Hyung! where are you going?!" Kyuhyun eyes widen.

"I want to search around with Sunny-ssi." Sungmin patted her head.

Sunny shook her head while glaring at Sungmin. "I think you just to proclaim yourself a hero again cause you know I'll need help to reach higher places."

"Aniyo!" Sungmin strongly denied but the fact that he couldn't control his snickering made him a liar.

"Hyung!" Kyuhyun loudly whined "You're really going with her?"

Sungmin nodded as he forcefully pushed Sunny inside.

"Come on Kyu!" Heechul chuckled as he pulls their maknaes shirt.

"Kibum-ah" kibum turned around to see his Leeteuk-hyung ordering him to come closer.

He made his ti him and silently whispered. "What is it hyung?"

"You need to come with me, I need to talk to you about....." Leeteuk paused for a moment. It was not that he forgot about what to say but it's more like he doesn't like the idea to say it.

"I know it already, I understand."

Leeteuk widely smiled to ease up the atmosphere "OK then let's go!"

Kibum sighed as they went inside and that surely didn't escapes Yoona's eyes. I wonder what that is about. Her mind wondered off and didn't even realized that Sooyoung was talking to her.

"YOONA!" Her name echoed in both of her ears.

"Neh, unnie?"

"Weren't you listening to me lately?" Sooyoung asked.

"Mianhae...What was that again?"

Sooyoung exhaled deeply and tried her best to calm herself "I said, is it OK for you to take Seohyun because I'm going with Hankyung-oppa. Araso?"

"Then what about me?" Tiffany swiftly joined in.

"Actually I was hoping that you would accompany me if it's OK with you." Siwon politely asked Fany.


"Deal!" Tiffany was shocked that Sooyoung answered her question for her. "Come on Hankyung-oppa." Sooyoung grabbed Hankyung's arms and quickly dragged him inside.

"Kaja?" Siwon gestured to go inside first. For a well-mannered man like Siwon, how could she decline?

As SiFany enters the store 4 boys were left, 4 really unpredictable boys.

"EunHae forever!" Eunhyuk cheered.

"YeWook rules!" Yesung jumped and tackled Eunhyuk on the floor.

"Donghae?" Ryeowook called out while he stares at Yesung manhandling Eunhyuk.

"What is it?" Donghae shuts his eyes and scratches his head.

"By any chance would you switch partners with me just this once?" Ryeowook was literally crossing his fingers and eagerly waiting for a positive reply but unfortunately...

"No..." Donghae coyly answers and pulled Eunhyuk's hair. "Come on Hyukjae!" As Eunhyuk got up, the EunHae couple began pushing and throwing punches and each other while laughing as they entered the store.

"They look weird..." Yesung scoffed. "Come Wookie!" sadly Ryeowook had no other choice but to follow his hyung inside.


"Oh, This too, I need that." Sooyoung was really occupied getting her stuffs and throwing it inside the cart she didn't even notice Hankyung had his eyes glued to her the whole time. "Oppa is that all you need?"

Hankyung blankly nodded by her question.

"You have even said a single word this whole time." Sooyoung giggled "Are you scared that I'll laugh at your accent or wrong pronunciation again."

"Aniyo." A small but direct answer. Sooyoung could help but wonder what's running through his mind.

"Oppa." She stopped at her path and looked up at him. Hankyung on the other hand, did the exact opposite of what he was doing the last time, remained his eyes on the contents of the cart and began arranging it. "Are you.....holding something against me?"

Hankyung was sure his answer was a 'no' but asking a question like that, at that moment, at that time, he couldn't help but see something wrong yet he shrugged it off his mind "No, Nothing. why?"

"Oppa, answer honestly." She diverted his face to look at her. "Do you hate the fact that we're still 'friends' and I haven't said 'yes'?"

Hankyung stood straight and directly stared at her "I can't force you to say do something, can't I?"

Sooyoung sighed. Surely Hankyung didn't answer her question but she trust that she knows what the real issue is  "Maybe you can." Sooyoung flashed a smile. "Excerting a little more effort some of these days might just do it."

Hankyung's eyes lit up. He pursed his lips as his eyebrows crossed while trying to completely absorbed what she just said. "Then if I do something special one of these days, will you finally say 'yes'?" Hankyung asked with a smile of hope.

"Maybe." Sooyoung shortly answered. "it depends on whatever will happen."


From start Kibum was waiting for Leeteuk to open up the topic they 'should' talk about but Leeteuk kept his mouth shut.

"Hyung can you tell it to me now?" Leeteuk's attention was darted towards him. His straight but somewhat unsteady body, his bright but weak smile. "This is about me right? Leaving Seoul and going to America"

Hearing such words brought sadness to Leeteuk face but he tried hard to hide it. "I, the boys, we were wondering why you still enrolled here. Weren't you just waiting for a letter that confirms you got in."

"I not sure if they will accept me." Kibum for some reasons he did not want to be accepted but being part of one great acting school is his dream.

"We all know you did well." Leeteuk patted his dongsaengs back. "Just remember, all of support you. Whatever decision you make."

Rest assured Kibum nodded confidently. "I always know that hyung."


Ryeowook pushing the cart and pretending that he doesn't know Yesung. Why wouldn't he do that? Every time Yesung was reaching for something he always mumbles something to himself, loud enough for other costumers to hear.

"Ryeowook! Can you slow down!" Yesung took bigger steps to be able to catch up.

"Hyung your creeping people out with your loud mumbling."

"Why don't you just ride on and go with the flow?"

Ryeowook dumbfounded with his words. He wished that Shindong didn't felt early  "I have no idea how to be weird like you."

"Aigoo! If Yuri was here, both of us might have been making fun of you from the start. I have to admit that girl has some great sense of humor." He smiled while nodding

"Then why don't you go team up or something." Ryeowook stood still and thought for a minute. "You also like to mess with her. Hyung do you like her."

Ryeowook saw Yesung with an emotionless face. He wondered if he will tell something anticipating for the first time but then again he is Kim Jongwoon.

"HAHAHHAHA!" Yesung loudly burst out laughing causing more customers to stare at them. Ryeowook quickly took action to stop his action and covered his mouth. He was the one responsible for it in way. When he felt that Yesung already calmed himself he slowly let go. "Why would you think like that Ryeowook? I just like messing with her."

Ryeowook was unsure what to say, afraid that he might cause a commotion again. But he wants to do a revenge and he wants to do it smartly "Well hyung, for now you like messing with her but if ever, although you pretty much assured me that it won't happen. If ever you actually fall for her. You fall to the bottom of the food chain because you and I, all of us know that once Yuri enters SM high boys will line up."

Yesung chuckled upon Ryeowook's sentence. "I told you. I just like making fun of her."


"Oppa can you get those." Taeyeon pointed at the pencils on the top shelf. Kangin reached for it and gave it to Taeyeon but shall I say, gave it in a sweet manner. As in he went to back hug her before gave it. She giggled upon his action. Leeteuk was right, Kangin do these random and funny things that makes him unpredictable. "Oppa, too much skin-ship in public."

Her words were like a key to tell him to let go. Still he grinned. "I know, I know. Lets' not make them jealous."

"Oppa aren't you a guy that gets jealous easily?"

He quickly glanced at her and laughed. "Where did you get that idea."

"No where, but please answer my question." She batted her eyes to provoke him. It never hurts to be sure right?

"You just have to know your limit Taeyeon." He chuckled while patting her head. It may not be a the direct answer Taeyeon was hoping for but she held on to it for the mean time.


"This is what I'm talking about." Kyuhyun slams his hand on the carts handle.

"What is it Maknae?" Heechul innocently smiles at him.

"Your talking about being prettier than other girls. Hyung I get it but you know i don't like dressing up like a girl and your telling me to 'try this' & 'try that' 'you'll look like a prettier girl in that'" Kyuhyun respects Heechul a lot but he just can't hide the feeling that run down his spine whenever Heechul talks about that kind of topic.

"Mianhae Kyuhyun." Heechul apologetically apologetically pats his shoulder. "It's just that I like talking about these things especially after the little occurrence between me and Jessica."

Mentioning her name Kyuhyun unconsciously thought of someone. "Hyung you sure like Jessica a lot eh?"

"She is the next Kim Heechul." Heechul proudly states it at his dongsaeng. No matter how absurd the idea is Kyuhyun just nodded.

"But do you 'like her' or do you..." Kyuhyun couldn't find the right words to say. for a smart guy like him, he wonders why it's not in his vocabulary. "like her"?"

Heechul was not a intellectually smart like Kyuhyun but he's wise enough to get the idea. "Kyuhyun. Are you accusing me of liking Jessica too much?" Kyuhyun gulped as Heechul eyed him straight on the face. "Or you, yourself is in a state of liking someone too much?"

Kyuhyun stepped up to avoid Heechul's intimidating stare. "W-what are you t-talking about hyung?" He walked in a fast-pace manner as he stutters.

"You know Kyu we are somewhat alike."

"How is that?"

"We don't like to show our feelings towards girls." Heechul crossed his arms. "Isn't that right?"

"I don't know." Kyuhyun shook his head. "What's that have to do with You and Jessica?"

Heechul shrugged "Why don't you answer that yourself. You wouldn't want me to ask you if you like Seohyun right?" Heechul grinned at him and walked ahead.


Donghae eyes never moved away from the items inside his cart. Eunhyuk worriedly puts his arm over Donghae's shoulder. "Are you OK Hae?"

Donghae smiled at him. Both of them have a strong bond, each of them know if they would lie. "What do you think?"

Hyuk sadly shook his head "At least hide it like what I'm doing right now."

Donghae slightly frowned. He envied his friend being able to be so cheerful. "You also have something to say Hyuk?" He smiled 

Eunhyuk still with his gummy smile on. "I not the one invisible, I'm the one whose too visible that I'm being transparent." He weakly laughed "While you on the other hand. Aren't you someone's mirror view that's why you invisible?"

Those words were too metaphoric for Donghae he never knew Hyuk was capable of such diction. "Why don't we have such an ironic circumstance eh Hyuk. Why can't we make things easier. Why do we end needing to proceed with hard stuffs along our way?"

"I understand you. It's hard when the girl you like the most is indeed your bestfriend."

"It's also hard when you know that the girl you like the most is in love with your friend. She sees him, only him, never me."


"No, no take the pink one." Sungmin shoved Sunny,

"Hey your not the one who will use it!" Sunny stomped her feet.

Sungmin smiled at her reaction. If he could only voice it out, Sunny doesn't have use aegyo to look cute in his eyes "OK,OK I'm just kidding with you." He strolled down the isle and minded his own business.

"Can you stop doing that." A serious tone coming from Sunny made Sungmin turned around. He wondered what had he done to make such a sudden change of mood?

"What are you talking about." Sungmin left his cart unguarded and casually walked back to Sunny.

"You think I haven't notice?" Sunny looked away "I know you were bother by the fact that I will be going to SM high, the school my uncle owns. Why is that? Simple! You're afraid you will end up on my uncle's radar when he finds out that you're close to me right?"

Sungmin was taken back but he sure wouldn't want to look stupid or idiot in front of her. How much he want's to deny it but no matter what he says, truth is already untold. "That's because I don't want to cause a trouble between you and me."

True that. For now it is still "you and me" but who knows when will it be "us". Sunny is sure aware that of that, Sungmin already told her he likes her but wants to stay as a mutual friend for the time being. And as long as Lee Sooman is the principal of the school he's in, it's wiser to keep quiet than to start a hoax.

"Ever since you went to that school you started distancing yourself to me." Sunny's eyes began teary recalling the story but she fought hard not to let a single tear fall.

"If you could only know how hard it his is for me. But believe me, I'm just positioning myself at the right place."

"Even if it means staying away from me?" She shot angry glares at him but all he did was look down at the ground. So much for words, Sunny walked out leaving Sungmin in his emotional state.


The two maknae were shopping for supplies in a very opposite manner. Seohyun was serious and collected while Yoona was dozing off.

"Unnie, Gwenchana?" Yoona stared blankly at her only dongsaeng but soon smiled. 

"Neh, Waeyo?" Seohyun couldn't return a smile but rather a worried look.

"You seem like your thinking of something really serious." Seohyun wondered her eyes deeply on her unnie.

"Maknae, I'm fine. I'm just stressed out these past few days." Yoona still tried to convince her with a reassuring smile. She'll have to admit to herself that she's not OK but she wouldn't want to trouble her only dongsaeng.

"Unnie, I'm not good about this kinds of stuff." Seohyun with full determination in her eyes, she only wants her unnie to feel better. "But I think I know that somehow "he" is bothering you."

Much to Yoona's surprise, She didn't expect that Seohyun would say things like that. She remains calm but deep in her eyes, there in pain, caused by him, whether he knows it or not. "Seohyun-ah, leave this issue to me. I can take care of myself."

To not make the conversation longer, Seohyun smiled politely at her "Still unnie, You shouldn't focus your attention on him or else you will distracted everyday."

Yoona giggles upon her words. It was not it's funny or anything, it's somewhat the exact irony of what she thinks of Seohyun. "You shouldn't isolate yourself with your books too, you might miss on something very precious." and by that she went back to business, dodging any more questions from the maknae.


Jessica, Hyoyeon & Yuri were quiet the whole time. No one tried to open up the topic regarding what happened earlier. Jessica never felt that she has some explaining to do. By any cause is it wrong to ask them to accompany her? No but to deny Heechul's request that is somehow questionable to others.

"You girls are wondering why huh?" Curiosity fills the mind of the Hyoyeon and Yuri but they know that Jessica never likes to elaborate herself. But it's not everyday that Jung Jessica is about to confess something. So after exchanging glances they nodded their head.

"Were you avoiding Heechul?" Was Yuri's question ordinary or out of the ordinary. Jessica shrugged.

"I have no idea what was I doing." Jessica slightly smiled to ease up the atmosphere

"But by any chance are you annoyed by him." Hyoyeon voiced out her mind.

"You know what, the weird thing is, I never was." Jessica exhaled deeply. "But sometimes I really don't understand what he's trying to do. I think someday I will end up doing negative things to him if he continues to confuse me."

"For some reasons I think I know how you feel." Without even saying a name Sica and Hyoyeon already know who Yuri is pertaining to. "I just wish someday he'll stop bothering me every time."

"But it's like part of your regular routine." Hyoyeon sarcastically said.

Yuri thought deep about what Hyoyeon said. Although it's meant as a joke, Yuri couldn't help but see a deeper meaning "Maybe I'll miss him if ever stops bullying me." Yuri loudly laughed at her own statement realizing what she just said. "but when will that happen?!"

"How but you Hyoyeon-ah." Hyoyeon looked at Jessica with confused eyes. "You seem to be getting closer to him everyday."

"Your lucky to have a best friend him." Yuri words felt like a reminder to Hyoyeon. It was to make a note inside her mind that he can never be anyone else for her.

"Yeah." Hyoyeon managed to smile. "It's nice to have him a best friend." "Only a best friend." those painful words were echoing inside her head as she kept it hidden.


Tiffany didn't know why she feels pressured when she's with him. Was she worried that a Siwon is too perfect that she'll look like the most imperfect girl for him. How she wish she could match Siwon's standards in the public eye.

"Tiffany?" Fany was pulled to the real world as he waves his hand in front of her face. "What are you thinking of?"

"Nothing." She never wanted to lie, especially to him. She felt like a bad deceiver but she would chose to be interrogated.

"OK." Siwon casually walks next to her and she politely obliged. Little does Tiffany know that Siwon is making a big & serious decision inside his head.

Tiffany happiness rose up at the sight of the pink bags in front of her. Like a child, her hands and eyes wondered through the items. Siwon quietly admiring her not so far. For Tiffany it's pink stuffs, for Siwon it's her smile that satisfy him everyday.

Tiffany was too excited checking everything in her sight she didn't knew that a few small bags were falling down. Siwon chuckled as he picks these up. Only by that Tiffany realized that she was being a little too childish.

"Miahae oppa." out of embarrassment, Tiffany decided to leave but Siwon held her arms.

"Weren't you gonna buy anything from here." Siwon's eyes were full off confusion.

"Aniyo. Can we just pay for these already." Tiffany lied yet again. She would love to get one of the bags but despite not having anymore money left, she just couldn't take anymore second with him, not after her childish display lately.

"Are you sure?" Siwon let her go only to grab one bag, the one he thinks which really suits Fany. "Don't you like this one."

"I do oppa." Still she politely shook her head while smiling. "I really don't need another bag."

Tiffany was about to walk away but Siwon grabbed her arm, agian... "Tiffany before school starts." He paused, which made Tiffany nervous of what's he's going to say next. "You see, I know we'll be meeting again on the 1st day of school so I want to tell you this before any other guy in school could do."

With addition to his deep and serious eyes, his tight but ironically gentle grip, his wide but nervous smile, Tiffany stared at him waiting for his words. "What is oppa?"

"Tiffany, I like you." He let go of her arms but never her eyes. With the silence between them, He knew he made a bad decision.

As for Tiffany, she sees it as unbelievable. Choi Siwon just confessed to her and yet she chose to remain silent. 

"It's OK, you don't have to answer." He walks away with the cart pretending like nothing happened.

"Siwon...." Tiffany sighed when he was out of sight. "If you only knew."


Fast forward to the girls dorm.

After the most awkward goodbye to their oppas, the girls gathered in the living room to have a chit chat. They told each other their stories of the day. Sooyoung boosting Hankyung's hope. Taeyeon's interrogation with Kangin. Seohyun and Yoona's debate. Hyoyeon, Yuri and Jessica's confessions. Sunny's pointing out a problem to Sungmin. Tiffany's hidden feelings towards Siwon.

"Sure was a long day for some of us huh?" Taeyeon weakly smiles.

"What will happen when school officially starts." Sunny worriedly asked.

"None of us know." Jessica muttered.

"I just hope I can still survive this." Yoona groaned.

"i think I'm the only one excited about going to school." Sooyoung frowned and shook her head.

"It's OK unnie." Seohyun placed a hand at Sooyoung's shoulder. "Let's just be there for each other."

"Awww your the best maknae." Yuri playfully hugged Seohyun causing the girls to giggle.

"Yeah, at least I know I have 8 other girls to take care of me." Hyoyeon and Tiffany exchanged high-fives.

"Let's not worry anymore. I know that I can depend on each and everyone of you." Tiffany was always the best motivator.

So for now the girls went to sleep but the pain, worry, confusion and many more mixed emotion still lingered in their mind. They can only hope that it won't get any more worst. Little do they know what awaits them went school officially starts after two weeks.


Weeee! I had a hard time looking for a good song but I found Hope and Desire / Want and resent by Taeyeon and Jessica. I was thinking of posting this chapter next week but I don't want you to wait again so rushed to finish it this night, good thing I finished my power point presentation early. Still I want to thank each and everyone who subscribed and please leave a review! Please and Thank you!!!

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ZoieBonite #1
Chapter 20: Pls update more :))
novarias #2
Chapter 20: Just don't force something to come up but don't leave the story. Time will give you the inspiration.
Chapter 20: Keep going! please author-nim...
Chapter 19: please update more.. this is good to see they reunite again
basfan #5
Chapter 19: thanks for the update! Keep going! :)
update, pleaassse
Chapter 18: oh my. i kinda angry with the girls'..pity my suju oppa..anyway please update soon!!
exotaeng9 #8
Chapter 18: update......
Chapter 16: update plsss ...