Time to Reveal True Feelings?

A Forbidden Love

His mother continued hugging him, afraid that if she had let go, he would disappear. He pulled away from his mother and felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to cry along with her. He was scared. He was afraid of what his parents would do. Would they hate him now because of what he attempted to do? What about Ryeowook... Yesung glanced at Ryeowook again, seeing a tear fall down his cheek. Did Ryeowook really care for him that much?

Yesung cleared his throat, "Mom... can I speak with Ryeowook... alone?" he looked at his mother with misty eyes. His mother hesitated, wanting to be with Yesung every second. She looked back at Ryeowook, who was also crying. She nodded slightly and stood up, straightening her clothes and slowly walked to the door. She looked back at Yesung once more before leaving.

Yesung looked back at Ryeowook, who seemed to be trembling in his seat. His thoughts were racing, Did I cause these emotions to Ryeowook? He looked down for a moment and began to speak, "I... I'm sorry," He said quietly. He felt an emotional pain grow in his heart. He felt extremely guilty. He let himself down, and not just himself, but Ryeowook as well. He chewed at his bottom lip, nervous of Ryeowook's reaction.

Ryeowook just stayed quiet- for the first time in forever. He took in a deep breath and looked at Yesung. His eyes poured out all of his emotions: anger, sadness, fear. He was angry at Yesung for doing this. He thought that he just told Yesung that he would help him out with these things. He was sad for almost losing Yesung, his only friend, his only crush. He was scared, scared that Yesung would do it again, but permanently be gone. Did Yesung not trust him? Well, he guessed that maybe Yesung was still trying to regain his trust for him again all because of the journal situation, "Sorry?" He blinked at Yesung, "Sorry for almost killing yourself?! Sorry for pretty much abandoning me?! What are you sorry for, Yesung?!" He asked/yelled at him. He was extremely frustrated. Not much towards Yesung, but mostly to himself, not being there sooner for him.

Yesung gulped down and cringed at each question Ryeowook asked. It made him feel worse. Worse than nothing. Worse than being a loser. Worse than the feeling of death. The questions hit Yesung hard in the gut. He really made Ryeowook feel like this? He never thought Ryeowook could get angry, "I... I.. I don't know," is all he could manage to say.

"Oh. So you're sorry but you don't know for what? You say sorry and you don't even know why you are. That makes sense. So obviously you never really thought about anybody else except you while you did this to yourself, did you not?" Ryeowook stared at Yesung with an icy glare. He couldn't control his emotions. He never acted this way before. Never in his life has he been as mean as now. A tear streamed down his cheek as he stared at Yesung.

Yesung started to fume, "You know what, Ryeowook?! You know what... I'm SORRY that I'm not good enough for you, okay? I'm sorry to everybody that I'm not good enough for them, that I can't make anyone happy. I'm SORRY  that you had to find me as a 'friend' which you really, should have just let me lay there and die in that hallway when we first met. You and I both would probably be better off if we didn't meet each other. I'M SORRY FOR RUINING YOUR LIFE!" he yelled at Ryeowook, tears streaming down his face, "But the last thing I thought of before I died for that short moment, was of you. I regretted almost killing myself permanently after thinking of you, but it was too late. At that time, the pills have already been taken," he said calmly, yet firmly. He wanted to yell some more, "I'm SORR-"

"That's enough," Yesung's doctor walked in. He gave a stern look to both of the boys, looking angrily at each other, "Ryeowook, you're going to have to leave for now. We don't want Yesung's heart rate to go any faster than it already is." he held the clipboard tightly to himself.

Ryeowook stood up quickly and bowed at the doctor, "Y-yes, of course, Doctor. I'm sorry," he bowed again and started his way to the door. He looked at Yesung one more time, sadness in his eyes, and then turned away from him, walking out of the room.

The doctor looked at Yesung, "Yesung-ssi, you need to take it easy. You were very near to death. Don't get your heart rate up more than it should be. We don't want anymore problems than what we have right now." The doctor checked over Yesung's personal information and decided to ask some simple questions, "How are you feeling as of now? Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort?"

Yesung wanted to say, "Yeah. My heart feels like it's been ripped and torn into 5 bajillion pieces", but he held back and shook his head no. After a few more questions, the doctor had left and Yesung was alone. Was everything his fault now? All Yesung wanted was to have a simple life. One without bullying and stress like he is constantly going through. He couldn't hold it in anymore and he began to cry. He cried louder and louder. Was this payback for having one decent friend? Payback for almost killing himself? He didn't know. Right now he didn't know anything except that he was a complete loser.


Ryeowook walked through the hallways, tears streaming down his face. He regretted yelling at Yesung. Yesung didn't deserve anything like that, especially right now. He never had such feelings for a person. Ever. He was just extremely worried, stressed, scared, everything. Ryeowook entered the elevator, next to an ajumma. He tried to hide his crying but kepts slipping out a couple sobs here and there, wiping his tears with his long, grey and black, stripped sleeve. He pressed the ground floor and stepped back and bowed at the ajumma. The ajumma gave a sad look towards Ryeowook. She stepped beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Go back to him. Tell him you're sorry. Tell him your feelings. He needs this more than anything right now," she looked into Ryeowook's teary, pink, puffy eyes for a few seconds. The elevator stopped at the second floor and she stepped off, walking away, not even looking back at Ryeowook once more. The elevator doors slowly closed and it kept going down to the ground level.

Ryeowook stood there. He was confused, freaked out, and thankful for the ajumma. How did she know? Women's ESP? He was sure baffled on that one. Should I? He asked himself in his mind. He chewed his bottom lip with nervousness. Once the elevator stopped at ground level, he made the doors close again, pressing the 7th floor button. He was going back to Yesung's room. He's going to tell him everything. He felt full of confidence. He wiped his tear-stained cheeks and fanned himself with his hand, trying to get rid of the pinkness around his eyes. He is going to do this. He is going to tell Yesung his feelings for him.


Yesung was yet comforted again by his mother. She sat next to him on the bed and sang a lullaby to him. She wrapped her arms around his son, rocking him back and forth as she sang, quieting his crying. Soon Yesung fell asleep. His mother laid him back against his bed gently so she didn't stir him in his sleep. She wrote a small note to him, saying that she will be back tomorrow. She started to cry silently as she watched her son sleep. It was the first time since he was five years old that she was able to comfort him like this. Most of the time he was in his room, never wanted to be touched, talked to, or even looked at. Something was definitely wrong. She was bound to find out what is making her Yesung the way he is. She slowly walked out of the room, not in no hurry to leave her son. She closed the door behind her and walked down the hallway, on her way home.

Ryeowook walked passed Yesung's mother without noticing. His mind was blocked with all these thoughts on what to say to Yesung. He stopped in front of Yesung's door and closed his eyes. "It's now or never," He thought to himself and before giving one more thought, he opened the door and opened his eyes. All he heard was Yesung's slow breathing and the beeping of the heart monitor. He saw Yesung in his bed. Asleep. Ryeowook's heart slightly dropped as he walked closer to Yesung. He saw the tears stained on his cheeks. He knew that Yesung felt just as bad, if not worse.

He felt himself want to cry again. No. Not again. You have to be stronger than that, Ryeowook. His conscience told him. He let out a long sigh and sat in a chair beside Yesung. He will just wait. Morning will be better anyways, it will give both of them a good night's rest and he can get his thoughts all cleared out by then. Besides, it was a little passed midnight anyways. He sat there, watching Yesung sleep. Ryeowook's eyelids slowly closed, with his last thoughts on Yesung. 'Mianhaeyo, Hyung...' he apologized in his mind, 'I hope you forgive me... again.'  He fell asleep.



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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D