The Journal

A Forbidden Love

The next day, Yesung dragged his feet along has he walked through the hallways. He didn't sleep well at all last night... Considering that he has been too busy worrying about his journal. His eyes had dark circles around them and his hair was a mess, forgetting to even brush it.  He really hoped that he just misplaced his journal. So many secrets were written in it. So many thoughts, dreams, hopes. It would embarrass him to the maximum if Ryeowook read any of those things.

Yesung sighed as he heard his name being called by the hyper and happy voice that belonged to Ryeowook. He really didn't want to face him right then, or ever, that is if Ryeowook did read his journal. Ryeowook waved at Yesung and motioned for him to walk over to his locker. Yesung ignored him and kept walking. He was irritated.. very irritated. He didn't want anything to deal with Ryeowook right then. Even if he is jumping to conclusions. He doesn't want to see Ryeowook's face. He walked to his locker and lazily opened it, grabbing his things and started walking to his class.

Ryeowook frowned as Yesung ignored him. Did he do something wrong? Why was Yesung so upset? He watched his friend walk pass him again as he started his way to class. As Yesung walked, something dropped from his bag. Ryeowook stared at it for a moment before walking over to pick it up. He studied it. It was a book with a red leather cover and Yesung's name carved into it. It was his journal. His journal was in his bag the whole time... until it fell. Ryeowook was about to call his name but stopped himself and walked back to his locker, looking at the outside of the book. The leather felt so smooth, so nice. Ryeowook couldn't help but keep touching it with his fingertips over Yesung's carved name. It slightly made him fluttery inside. 'Is this his journal?" he thought. He looked around to make sure Yesung wasn't still around and slid the journal in his bag. He would just keep it for a little while. Maybe it had something in it that told what he was upset about today...

Ryeowook quickly took his things for his next class, shut his locker, and walked to his class. He hated to admit it, but he was excited to see what was in the journal. Maybe it told why Yesung always seemed dark and mysterious... or upset and angry. He wanted to know... maybe he could help. But then he stopped walking as his thoughts bunched up in his mind.' Isn't it very rude and disrespectful to go through people's privacy? Will I get bitten in the rear-end later on for it? Would Yesung find out?' That was the main question. Would Yesung find out? If he did... would he push him out of his life? Never want to see him again? He blinked and stared at the floor. But he wanted to understand Yesung more. He wants to know everything about him.


He turned around and went the opposite way. He could skip classes for one day. That won't matter much. His mind would be focused on the journal anyways. The only thing he wanted to do was just sit down outside, under a tree with shade, and read. . . Which is exactly what he did. Ryeowook smiled with excitement and left the school building, making his way to a familiar tree he'd always go to since he just moved. He went to the tree for many things. He loves drawing, so he usually made his drawings there, plus reading, and just thinking. It made him relaxed. Carefree. Happy.

Ryeowook slowly trudged up the small hill, to the tree, and sat down, letting out a big sigh. He situated himself to get comfortable and opened his bag, revealing the book that held the words of Yesung. Words that came from his heart. He slowly untied the string that held the pages of the book in place so they wouldn't get ruined, and opened the book to the first page. Ryeowook smiled at Yesung's handwriting. The handwriting was neat, yet a little sloppy. He could make out the words, and it carried so much personality of Yesung's throughout each little mark that was written.

Property of Yesung

Ryeowook flipped the page to the first journal entry. He read each word slowly, making sure to get every word in his brain, cherishing it. Holding those words forever in his memories. Ryeowook's smile began to fade as he continued reading. He then turned the page, reading on. He didn't realize all what Yesung had felt. Even though he only been around Yesung for one day, but he'd never think that Yesung was so depressed like this. It broke his heart by what Yesung was feeling. "...I just sometimes wished I didn't exist. I don't have a purpose do I? All I do is keep moving to places, getting beat up and picked on everyday... I just want to run away..." Ryeowook sniffled as he read on.

Time passed by very quickly and didn't realize that school was just about over. He closed the journal and slid it in his bag again. The words, the sentences, the paragraphs that he had read... tore him apart. Ryeowook wanted to just give Yesung a hug right now. But... he didn't want to risk getting caught with his journal. Maybe he didn't know it was gone yet... Ryeowook sighed and looked down the hill, seeing that school finally ended for the day. He saw a kid get pushed from out the doors and onto the ground. A big group of other students surrounded the kid and began kicking him and beating on him. Ryeowook gasped at the sight. He stood up and ran down the hill and quickly sprinted towards the group of students. He made his way through the chanting students that were yelling out, "...Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!..." Which really... what he saw wasn't much of a fight at all. Mostly just one guy getting beaten to a pulp by others. Ryeowook's eyes widened as he saw who it was.

It was Yesung. Ryeowook felt furious. Full of anger in a split second. One thing that many people didn't know, was that Ryeowook was actually a black belt in Taekwondo. He gave out a yell and side-kicked one guy in the face, spinning around, blocking a punch, and pushed him to the ground. He then finished the other two off and they ran away, scared of getting beaten up even more. Ryeowook huffed out a big breath and the turned his attention towards Yesung. The rest of the students lost interest and walked away, not caring about Yesung. Ryeowook just wanted to scream at all of them. Being so inconsiderate... rude... hateful... mean.. everything. It pissed him off greatly. And seeing his friend like this... made it worse.

Yesung moaned in pain. His breath quivered as he laid there. Ryeowook kneeled next to him and held his hand, "Yesung..... Hyung... please let me know you are okay..." he spoke to him. The words from the journal repeated through his mind again, ""...I just sometimes wished I didn't exist. I don't have a purpose do I? All I do is keep moving to places, getting beat up and picked on everyday... I just want to run away..."  His heart broke again as the words kept repeating in his mind, "Hyung... can you get up?" Ryeowook shook him a little to snap him out of it.

Yesung opened his eyes and first looked thankful the Ryeowook saved him. He then remembered that Ryeowook could have stolen the journal and his thankful look quickly turned into a hateful glare, "I have to go home." He sat up, weakly brushing the dirt off of his sweatshirt. He was hurting all over. Every time he moved... every time he took in a breath, pain flowed within his body. Ryeowook sat there for a moment, frozen with thoughts racing in his brain. He quickly helped Yesung up from the ground, not letting Yesung speak. He was going to have to help him. There is no way he is just going to let Yesung lay there.

"No. Hyung, I'm going to help you, okay? Whether you like it or not." he giggled slightly, "Let's get you home." he wrapped Yesung's arm around his shoulder and  started to half carry him back to his house.

Yesung shook his head no, "A-Ani! I can't go home like this... is there a possibility of me going to your home?" Ryeowook tried really hard to not to smile. Yesung didn't even reject his help. Though it also made him worry... maybe it was just because of all the pain he was going through right now. Maybe he just let Ryeowook do whatever because... well... it's not like Yesung was able to push him away or anything. Ryeowook just nodded and helped him walk. 

When they arrived, Ryeowook laid Yesung on the couch in the living room. He quickly ran off to get a first aid kit and some wet, sterile cloths. Yesung laid there, taking in slow, yet deep breaths. The cuts on his arms stung like hell and he was just hurting everywhere. He then started crying. Not just because of the pain of the wounds he had, but emotional pain. He felt even more like a loser. He couldn't even help himself out.

Ryeowook came back with the cloths and first aid kit. He saw Yesung crying and ran to his side, "H-Hyung! What's hurting? Let me help you..." He wiped Yesung's tears off with a cloth. Yesung shook his head and sat up, facing away from Ryeowook. He didn't want him to see him crying like that. Yesung has never been comfortable crying in front of people, so it even shocked him that he was crying in front of Ryeowook.

Ryeowook put his hand on Yesung's shoulder and felt a tear roll down his cheek. If he sees a person crying, he starts crying. It's one of those little quirks about him. Yesung heard him sniffle and then he cleared his throat, "Did... did you take my journal?" he whispered to Ryeowook. Ryeowook's eyes grew big. He was uber glad that Yesung was facing away from him. He couldn't tell Yesung he had it. Yesung would get mad at him. His plan was that he would later slide the journal in his book bag so Yesung wouldn't know.

"Journal? Oh that one thing you told me not to touch yesterday? No... why?" he twitched slightly. Lying wasn't his specialty. Yesung grunted and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He turned back to Ryeowook and shrugged.

His mind went blank and he just sighed, "Oh.. u-uh. I kind of lost it... if you find it somewhere or something, please give it to me as soon as possible. And please don't read it. It's personal." He said quietly.

Ryeowook gulped and nodded, "Y-yes of course. I could never read out of it." He shook his head to shake the thoughts out, "Let me get your wounds taken care of." He quickly grabbed the first-aid kit and laid Yesung on the couch again, "Oh... um... do you mind taking off your shirt so I can take care of the cuts?"

Yesung nodded and sat up again and took off his sweat shirt and t-shirt, revealing his toned muscles. Surprisingly by how small Yesung was, he did have decent muscles. Ryeowook blushed slightly at the sight of him but continued on. He washed off all the cuts and scrapes, putting ointments and bandages on them. He soon was done with it and let Yesung put his clothes on again, "Now your face... can you sit up for me?"

Yesung nodded and weakly sat up on the couch. Ryeowook scooted closer to him, taking a Q-tip, and cleaned of the tiny scrapes he had. Yesung moved back a little, intimidated by the closeness of Ryeowook. He has never been so close to someone's face like this before. It made him feel bashful. Ryeowook  noticed him pulling back and nodded in understanding. He was so happy that he could hide his emotions well... the only thing that was on Ryeowook's mind was Yesung's journal. He couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities that could happen if Yesung found out. 

Ryeowook finished and left to go put the first aid kit and things away. He slowly put the kit back into the cupboard in the bathroom and then took the cloths to the laundry room. He was trying to stall time so he could think of how to get Yesung out of his house. Then he could think on what to do with the journal. After he took care of everything, he went back to the living room and saw that Yesung wasn't there. He looked around, confused, and then saw a note on the little table. He walked over and picked it up and read:

"Thank you for helping me out. It's... uh.. really good to have a friend. Especially you. See you around~

- Yesung"

He felt guilt jab him in the gut after he read it. He should just give the journal back to Yesung right away. It was the right thing to do. But he also wants to know Yesung. Just a little longer... then I'll give it back. He gave a long sigh and turned around to go back to his room. All he wanted was to understand Yesung. Yeah it's only been a couple days... but Something about Yesung made him want to get to know him more.

And those muscles. His chest. It made Ryeowook just want to pass out. He was so surprised that he didn't. Yesung really looked good. He shook the image of Yesung shirtless out of his mind and walked into his room and plopped onto his bed, groaning loudly into a pillow. He didn't really know what to do. His plans seemed okay... but he just didn't know with which one to go with.  What did he just get himself into? He sat up and took out Yesung's journal again. "Might as well finish what I started." Ryeowook opened the journal and began to read again. What else would he find out about Yesung?







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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D