Another Trip to the ER

A Forbidden Love

Jongjin ran in and started shaking Yesung vigorously, trying to wake him up, "Hyung! Hyung! Wake up~~" he kept shaking his older brother. Yesung groaned and tried pushing Jongjin away, wanting to sleep some more. Jongjin sighed and stared at the slumbering Yesung. "Hyung! You're going to be late for school!" He stared at Yesung and watched as his older brother jumped out of bed, hurrying to get ready.

"Jeongmal? Is it already morning?!" He looked at the clock. He had 15 minutes to get to school. Jongjin didn't reply and ran out of the room and was already heading out the door. Yesung didn't even bother to change out of the clothes he slept in and wore yesterday. He grabbed his bookbag and journal and ran out the door after Jongjin. He barely made it to the bus stop, huffing and puffing from running. He stepped onto the bus and sat down in the front seat, catching his breath again. He wasn't the most fit person in the world. He watched the buildings and cars go by him, his heart finally slowing down from the sudden panic attack he just had.

He soon arrived to school, walking to his locker. The hallway seemed to be longer than usual, seeming like he was taking a longer time to get there to his locker. He finally approached his locker and  opened it, having a huge avalanche of papers and notes fall on top of him, making him fall backwards. He landed hard on his back and sat up on the floor and grabbing a note:

"YESUNG: BY OTHER GUYS!" He frowned, staring at the doodle of him and donghae on the rooftop. The picture was more detailed though and showed everything. Even his crotch getting a bit... aroused. He crumpled the paper up and threw it, clearly pissed off by the paper. The look on his face said it all. He looked at another note, "GAY!" he crumpled that one up too. He skimmed through the others, all saying similar things. He stood up and kicked the papers away from him and put his attention towards the books he needed to grab for class. 

"Yesung," a deeper voice spoke behind him. He slowly turned around, already knowing who it was. He looked up at the man. Broad shoulders, muscle, everything. He was one of the tough guys. The worst bully in the high school, Seung Jo. Yesung gulped and stared up at him, "I heard about what happened last night," he looked at Yesung, seeming to feel sympathetic for him. Yesung squinted his eyes suspiciously at the bully, "And I felt bad about it. I want to show you something, maybe it'll make you feel better." Seung Jo looked down and saw Yesung's boot, giving a weird look but brushed it off.

Yesung tilted his head, quite confused by the bully's words. Seung Jo looked very sad for him. Guilty. Has the bully finally come to his senses? Yesung nodded, "Uh, Okay," he said brilliantly, "What is it?"

Seung Jo gave a smile that looked very sincere, but if you looked hard enough, you could see the evil that hid behind it. Yesung didn't know better, "Follow me," he nodded at Yesung, leading him down the next hallway. Yesung grabbed the things he needed for his class so he could go to his classroom after Seung Jo was done with whatever he needed to do. Yesung walked behind him, following the tough bully through the hallway. He started to notice giggling students that were gathered up in front of the television in the study hall room. Seung Jo made his way through the students, creating a path for Yesung. Yesung was very confused but very alert. Was whatever the students were giggling at about him? 

Yesung gasped as he saw what was on the television. The video that was recorded of him and Donghae from last night was playing. Students bursted out laughing as the video showed Yesung struggling beneath Donghae. Yesung's face turned a bright red as he watched the video, extremely upset by what was happening right now. He managed to get his eyes to not look at the screen and he looked at Seung Jo with a hurt expression. Seung Jo gave a fake sad expression and took a step towards Yesung, "Aww. Don't get upset, Yesung. You know this was all just a joke. Can't you take one? Hey. Maybe I can cheer you up by having you come to my place. Maybe getting some action," Seung Jo s his hips, pretending that he was humping Yesung, "Will help you feel better," he bursted out laughing and stepped back, away from Yesung. Yesung was horrified by him. How can he be such a jerk? Students surrounded Yesung, throwing eggs at him. They all had set this up. This was no sympathy lecture or anything. Just another round of bullying. 

Yesung tried running out of the group, but kept getting pushed back in the middle of the surrounded area. He became furious. He wanted out of this. Why did people have to be so mean? He was tired of this. He hated this. He hated being bullied and picked on everyday. He wanted it to end. All of it. He couldn't stand it one second longer. He rushed out of the circle and ran. He ran to his locker. He opened it up again, grabbing his bookbag and ran out. He ran out of the school as fast as he could until he couldn't run any longer. 

His breaths quickened and he started slowing down. He ended up stopping by the river under a tree, giving him shade. He sat down under the tree and tears began to fall. Tears that each held a different story. A different memory of each time he has been hurt and bullied. Each tear representing all the times he felt like he was worth nothing. He took a deep breath and began to sob. He hugged his knees that were up to his chest and cried. Not caring who heard or saw him. Not like it mattered anyway. He had other plans.

After a few minutes, he forced himself to stop crying and opened his bookbag, taking out the bottle of the strong pain relievers that he was given for his ankle. He twisted the cap  open and poured out the pills into his palm. He stared at the red pills into his palm, thoughts racing in his mind. "That's it. I'm tired of this. I don't want to deal with this anymore! I'm done!" He began to silently cry this time. This is it. It's over after he swallows the pills. 

Yesung's hand shook as he slowly moved it up to his mouth. Before he could have any second thoughts, he popped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them. He took the rest of the pills in the bottle and downed them as well. His body shook. He was terrified. What had he just done? He already regretted it. He then remembered, Ryeowook! He bailed out on Ryeowook. He lost to his thoughts. He lost to the world. He was nothing now. Not after the next couple of minutes. 

Then, Yesung started to feel happy. Cheerful. Things that he hadn't experienced very much started to flow into his emotions. He was smiling and laughing under the tree. He stood up and began jumping around, dancing, and having a great time. Maybe the pills really did do some good for him. He danced and sang, spinning in circles. Then he noticed that he was flying, "Wah! Look! Everyone look! I'm flying!!" he yelled out to the people below him, not having a care in the world. But... no one seemed to hear him. He looked below and saw a bunch of people gather around to a familiar spot. The spot under the tree where he sat earlier and was crying. Yesung was confused, "No, you guys! Everyone! I'm right here! I'm flying! Isn't this cool?!" He exclaimed happily. 

He started to get frustrated. Did people really not care to pay attention to him? No one cared? Yesung flew down to check out why everyone was at that spot. Then he felt something stab inside him. Horror. He saw himself laying there under the tree, the empty pill bottle that was still in his hand. He looked dead. Lifeless. He looked exacly as he felt earlier, he looked like nothing except a regular body on the ground, "Wait. Is this me?" He asked the elder lady that was standing there, sobbing. "Miss, is this me?!" he yelled out louder. She didn't even respond. No one did. He panicked. 

Then it hit him, Am I... dead? Yesung tried pinching himself. No feeling. He looked around and then saw an ambulence come by. Wait. He couldn't be dead! This can't be happening. Yesung shook his head in disbelief. Maybe it was just some kind of nerve disorder he had or something. The paramedics ran out of the ambulence and to the lifeless body on the ground. This would be a good time to ask about the disorder..  Yesung thought. He walked up to the middle-aged paramedic, "Excuse me. I see you're in an emergency here and all, but I have this problem and I can't seem to feel anything. I pinched myself and nothing happened.." Yesung explained. The paramedic gave no response. It was as if the paramedic didn't even know he was there, that he even spoke, "Hey," Yesung called out to the paramedic, "Hey! I'm speaking to you!" he yelled at him. Not a single kind of response. He jumped into the ambulence beside the paramedic, wanting to know what was going to happen next, and watched him take care of the body.

The paramedic checked to see if there was a pulse, "Yah! I found a faint pulse! He's still alive!" He called out and took oxygen mask and put it over the boy's face. Yesung tilted his head, "What happened to him? Is this me? He looks a lot like me... No that can't be me! I'm right here! What am I talking about. I must be on some hardcore drugs, paramedic guy!" He laughed. Again no response from the paramedic guy. "Again?! Yo're ignoring me again?! How long are you going to keep this up?! First off I have a major nerve disorder and I can't seem to find out why. I can fly! And you don't seem to care! What's wrong with you?! What kind of paramedic ignores a person's call of help... really," he complained.  Yet the paramedic still didn't do anything. Yesung gave up and just stayed quiet until the ambulence reached the hospital.


Finally the ambulence arrived and the paramedic jumped out and pulled the gurney, that the boy was on, and onto the ground. The paramedic ran through the emergency doors, rushing the body into the ER. Yesung ran after him, "Hey! Wait up!" he rushed in after the paramedic, "I still have a bone to pick  with you being so inconsiderate and all!" he frowned. 

Following the body and the paramedic, he ended up in a crowded ER room. He saw bunches of doctors and nurses racing passed him, working on the body. He freaked out, watching what they did to the body. Everyone seemed to panic, "We lost his pulse!" A nurse yelled out. One doctor began doing chest compressions and trying to get the heart to start beating again. Another doctor was trying to wash out everything that was in the body's stomach. Yesung was slightly grossed out by it but watched anyways.

The doctor had a nervous look on his face. Yesung studied the facial expressions, "Get me the crash cart!" the doctor demanded. Another nurse came in with the crash cart, charging it up. The doctor grabbed the defibrillators and placed them on the boy's chest, "Charging 200," he called out, "Clear!" the nurses and doctors pulled there hands away as the one doctor shocked the boy's chest.  No pulse. "Charging 300!" he called out again, "Clear!" the nurses and doctors pulled away again as the boy was shocked. "360!" the doctor became determined and frustrated, wanting to save the boy's life, "Clear!" he shocked him again. The nurses and doctors looked at the monitor. There was a pulse.

Yesung frowned, "He was pretty much dead anyways... why'd you do that?" he seemed so clueless. Why was Yesung like this? Suddenly he felt different. He looked around, at his hands, and back to his surroundings. Things were fading. The faces of the doctors and nurses started blurring, soon their bodies blurred, then the walls, then everything. It all went black. "Help! Guys! I need help! What's happening?!" he cried out. No one helped. All he could see was darkness.


"Is he waking up?" a familiar male voice was heard. There was sobbing. There was whispering. Yesung heard it all. Yesund felt someone holding his hands. He heard a female crying next to him. Where am I? Yesung thought to himself. He tried opening his eyes. Slowly but surely, his eyes started to open. He squinted, letting his eyes adjust to the bright colored room. He groaned from a massive headache and his chest felt like it was hit with a hammer 500 times. He looked to his right seeing Ryeowook by his side, holding his hand. He turned his head to the left seeing his mother crying into his arm, holding his other hand. What happened?

Yesung stared at them, slightly confused, until the memories started to flow back again. Him and Donghae. The video. Seung Jo. The pills.What did he just cause? He squeezed his mother's hand gently. As a response, his mother shot her head up and looked at him. She stopped her crying and she froze. She couldn't believe it. Her son was awake! He's conscious! "Y-Yesung!" she enveloped him in a big tight hug. Ryeowook stood there, surprised and completely shocked by this sudden event. He watched has Yesung's mother hugged him, not letting go, "Yeusng! Why...? Why did you do that?" she tried speaking through her tears. 

Yesung hugged back, unable to speak. He shrugged. He couldn't tell her. Why should it matter if he told or not? He almost killed himself and that would be the end of seeing Ryeowook anyways. He turned his head and looked at Ryeowook. 

Ryeowook stood there, staring at Yesung. Tears were builiding up in Ryeowook's eyes. He looked upset. Extremely upset... hurt... broken. 



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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D