
A Forbidden Love

Yesung his dry lips and looked up at Ryeowook, "Okay," he closed his eyes. He didn't know what to do after that answer. How would Ryeowook react? What's going to happen in the future? Ryeowook began to smile widely and looked at Yesung. He was full of extreme happiness. His eyes sparkled and his face showing relief. He never would have thought that Yesung was going to say yes. Yesung still hid his face from Ryeowook, not wanting to look at him. He didn't like people seeing his face if he was crying. Yesung's ruffled black hair was just long enough to cover his eyes, so that helped him out a little bit.

"R-Really?!" Ryeowook dropped down next to Yesung and hugged him. He hugged Yesung tighter and tighter, "Oh thank you Yesung! Thank you!" he couldn't help his smiling. He rocked both of them back and forth as he kept hugging him. Yesung's eyes widened, not expecting such a hug from him. But then Yesung remembered, he was a hugger. Ryeowook liked hugging. Yesung couldn't help but smile, getting the familiar feeling of Ryeowook's tight hugs again. Ryeowook began crying, "I thought you were going to say no. I'm so sorry, Yesung. I'm so very sorry that I caused so much trouble to you. I never wanted it to happen," he started sobbing into Yesung's shoulder.

Yesung raised an eyebrow but kept quiet. Ryeowook was crying? Yesung honestly didn't know what to do. He didn't move and just let Ryeowook lean onto him. It made Yesung start to giggle. Ryeowook was crying over him. It made him feel good. He never thought someone would cry over him, except his concerning mother. Ryeowook noticed his giggling and pulled away, "W-What's so funny?"

Yesung stopped and snapped his head towards Ryeowook's face, "N-Nothing." He kept smiling, "Nothing at all," he looked at Ryeowook. Ryeowook gave a look and he was curious. He wanted to know.

"Yesung, hyung... what's so funny?" he tugged on Yesung's sleeve. Well, how could Ryeowook not be curious? Yesung is laughing while he's crying his feelings onto his shoulder. Yesung was always a mystery to him.

Yesung looked away and shook his head, "I got to get home," he stood up slowly. The night sky appeared so suddenly to Yesung's eyes. It's like he blinked from daylight into nighttime. The little white stars glistened in the darkness, giving a calming effect on Yesung. Yesung enjoyed the night time and it seemed much more peaceful than the day time. That was mostly because not very many bullies were outside at this time. He took a step and almost fell down, letting out a yelp. Ryeowook quickly caught him, having cat-like reflexes and made sure he was there for Yesung. 

"Yesung! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Ryeowook dismissed Yesung's laughing from a moment ago, giving his full attention on where Yesung was hurt. He held on tightly to Yesung, making sure that he wouldn't fall. 

Yesung clenched his teeth, "I think I hurt my ankle from earlier... " he held onto Ryeowook and stood upright again, "S-Sorry... " he let go of Ryeowook, not wanting to be a bother, "I... I guess I better get going now," Yesung was about to leave on his own. He knew that he just made up with Ryeowook just a moment ago, but he's never asked for help with anything before. He felt uncomfortable about it. He definitely wasn't going to ask if Ryeowook would help him home.

"Yah! You're not going anywhere alone, mister! I'm helping you. Aish... babo," Ryeowook mumbled the last couple of words to himself, shaking his head at Yesung. He wrapped Yesung's arm around his shoulders, helping him walk. Doing this reminded Ryeowook of yesterday, helping Yesung to his house, taking care of his wounds. He blushed as he helped Yesung walk, remembering  his nice body and toned muscles. How could he forget about that... that lovely image of Yesung's nicely shaped arms, chest, and abs. 


They slowly but surely made it by Yesung's house. Ryeowook began his way up to the door with Yesung. "W-wait! What are you doing?!" Yesung hesitated. He was panicking. He looked at Ryeowook, scared.

Ryeowook blinked at him, confused, "What do you mean? I'm taking you home..." He said calmly.

Yesung shook his head numerous times, "No... no, no, no. I can't go back home. Not with this," he stepped back, only hurting his ankle again. He began to fall, but was saved by Ryeowook once more.

"Yah! You're in pain. You have to go home and let your parents know about this. They really seem to care and will take you to the doctor," Ryeowook helped him up the steps to Yesung's house.

Yesung shook his head multiple times again, "Ani! I can't!"

Ryeowook stopped, slightly irritated at Yesung's stubborn attitude, "Well, why not?"

Yesung paused. He couldn't tell the real truth. If he did tell his parents about being bullied, they would move for sure, just because they thought it was the solution to everything. Which it wasn't. Yesung looked down, away from Ryeowook, and stuttered, "W-well.. because," he mumbled. In the moment of awkward silence, Yesung came up with a plan. He would just lie to his parents that he was just clumsy and fell. Which sort of happened... "Yah! I got to go. I.. I'll see you tomorrow," he left Ryeowook, limping his way into the house.

Ryeowook stood there, still confused. Yesung was definitely an enigma to him. Yesung says one thing then does the other. Ryeowook stared at the door for a couple more seconds before turning his way to his home. A small smile formed on Ryeowook's face as he then started to walk back home. Yesung definitely was something to Ryeowook. 

Yesung limped inside and sat on a dining room chair. He felt his ankle throbbing in pain. It got worse each second. His ankle hurt so bad, yet he somewhat dreaded his parents finding out about this. A few moments later, his mother walked into the kitchen, grabbing something to drink, "Hi, honey! How was school?" she asked softly, walking towards Yesung.

Yesung looked at her and gave a half smile in return of saying hello, "Well... I hurt my ankle," he said quietly.

His mother suddenly became worried, "What?! Omo, Yesung... what happened?" she rushed to a chair beside him and looked at him, concerned.

"I tripped... and I fell..." he felt horrible for lying. He hated doing it. But he had to. Or else he would leave his only friend.

His mother gave a small frown and looked at him, very worried. She then aimed her attention to his ankle, "Sweetie, please put your ankle up on this chair," she sat up and watched him slowly put his ankle up. Yesung closed his eyes as he did, his ankle hurting more and more. He laid his foot gently on the chair, letting out a small gasp as it touched the chair. His mother's heart ached, seeing her son in such pain. She lifted his pant leg up a little and took off his shoe, getting a better look at his ankle. She gasped right when she saw how swollen his ankle was. "Yesung, let's go," she grabbed her purse and jacket and car keys. 

Yesung blinked at her, slightly confused for the moment, "Go where?" he set his ankle down slowly.

His mother gave him a look, "To the ER! Now let's go," she helped him up and wrapped one of his arms around her and helped him outside to the car before he could even protest. He really didn't want to go to the ER. He was slightly scared about what the doctors would do to him. She carefully let him into the car, scared to hurt his ankle anymore. 

He quietly sat in his seat, watching her rush to the other side of the car and climbed in. She quickly glanced at Yesung before putting the keys in the ignition and starting the car. Her thoughts were completely on Yesung, hoping everything will be alright with him. Is Yesung telling the truth? Is it because of students at school? He did come home really late.. 

They soon arrived to the ER, waiting in the lobby. Yesung's heart started pounding. Thoughts repeated in his head, Will my parents find out? What if they do... Will we move? Am I going to never see Ryeowook again if we do? He then was caught in his thoughts and looked up at the nurse that looked at him, concerned, "Yesung, the doctor's ready to see you," the nice, caring nurse gave him a soft smile. Yesung blinked at her and then looked down, seeing a wheelchair in front of her.

"Am I suppose to sit in that?" Yesung asked, not sure if he was or not. He didn't know.

The nurse smiled and nodded, "Yes it is! We wouldn't want you to walk on your hurt ankle now, would we?" she giggled slightly, trying to lift up his spirits. Yesung gave no response and stood up, and moved slightly, sitting down in the wheelchair. His mother gave the nurse a look, a look asking... pleading to her to help her son. Yesung didn't see, since he just stared at the ground, drowned into his thoughts. The nurse nodded and slowly began to push Yesung into the ER, going through the hallways full of nurses and doctors rushing back and forth. Yesung just kept staring at the ground, not able to hear anything around him. He was scared.

The nurse pushed him into a private room and told his mother that the doctor will be in shortly before quickly leaving. His mother bowed slightly, thanking the nurse, and turned to face Yesung. She wanted to cry. She hated seeing her boy in pain. She was trying to figure him out, trying to understand what was going on with him. 

The doctor walked in, greeting the two in a cheerful voice, "Hello there! I'm Dr. Park," he gave a bright smile and walked to Yesung, holding a clipboard, "Now who do we have here?" he took out a pen from his pocket. Yesung was still zoned out, thinking. His mother noticed and lightly tapped his shoulder, making him jump and look up, realizing that the doctor had been talking to him. He blushed from embarrassment and apologized, "Oh that's fine, kiddo. So, what's your name?"

"Kim Yesung," he said quietly, looking down again, shy.

"Age?" the doctor asked.


The doctor continued asking him questions on his personal information. Yesung was starting to get irritated by the questions. It seemed like it never ended. Did the doctor not know how much pain he was in at that moment?! Dr. Park finally got through with the questions and got to the real problem. He kneeled down and took a look at Yesung's ankle. He nodded to himself and looked up at Yesung, "Well we will get an x-ray and se what we have here, okay, kid?" he stood up again, "Let's go get an x-ray," he walked behind Yesung, holding onto the handles of the wheelchair, pushing him to the x-ray lab.

Soon he was done with the x-ray and was back in his hospital room, waiting for the results. It was about twenty minutes until the doctor finally came back, holding the x-rays. Dr. Park put them in front of the light, letting Yesung see what had happened to his ankle, "Here," he pointed to the middle of his ankle on the x-ray, "Is a small fracture in the Talus which when you move your foot, it rubs against the Fibula and that's what's causing the pain," he explained, "So I will have you be wearing a boot for three weeks and see how it is by then. I will also give you a prescription of painkillers so it will ease the pain for the next couple of weeks." he nodded.

Yesung groaned. He definitely didn't want to wear a boot. It would just make him more of a target with kids at school. The doctor wrapped his ankle in gauze so the boot wouldn't irritate his skin by the rough material and showed Yesung how to put on the boot, explaining to him that he had to wear it day and night. Dr. Park was soon done, giving him a 3 week supply of painkillers to take one in the morning and one in the evening. 


Yesung and his mother left the ER, heading home. He held the bottle of painkillers in his hands and looked out the window. They soon arrived home in complete silence. None of them said a word to each other, not because of anger, but just because they both had their minds filled with thoughts.

Yesung walked quickly into the house as soon as his mother parked the car and went to his room. He grabbed some turtle food and walked to the aquarium and fed the turtles. He stared at the turtles and sighed, "You guys are lucky... You don't have to get beat up and picked on by other kids. I wish I could be one of you guys and not have a worry in the world. Well, I guess the only worry you guys could have is if I will ever feed you again," he giggled and closed the lid to the aquarium and walked to his bed, laying down. He took out his journal and a pen and opened it. He noticed that he didn't finish his last journal entry. 

"My brother walks in and tells me his feelings and his thoughts. It's nice, but I get jealous, too. He made friends before, when he was in pre-school and those younger years, I didn't. But I can't get mad at him for that. I should be happy for him. I am.. I just wish that sometime I could be happy for myself. I never told anyone this but-" Yesung reread his last paragraph and then finished the sentence, "I'm gay," he wrote and quickly shut his journal as if someone was reading over his shoulder and those words that he wrote would automatically spread throughout the school, even though he hasn't said anything to anybody.

Yesung put his journal away and laid down, staring at the ceiling. What about Ryeowook? Would Ryeowook judge him for that? What if... What if I started to like Ryeowook... like that. Yesung shook his head to get the though out, but only more thoughts came. He couldn't help it. Then one thought caught his attention, Was Ryeowook gay?




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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D