
A Forbidden Love

"Yesung! I said NOW!" his father screamed in the cafe. Yesung scurried out the door with his father, not making any eye contact whatsoever. His father grabbed him by the shoulder and harshly pulled him to the car and shoved him inside. His father got into the car in the driver's seat and he glared at Yesung. Yesung looked down at his feet, afraid of seeing his father's expression. Yesung didn't know what to say. He was petrified from fear and was worried of what his father would do. "Yesung... LOOK AT ME!" His father screamed at him. 

Yesung flinched from his father's loud booming voice and violent attitude. He cowardly looked up at his fuming father, only to get punched right in the jaw. Yesung yelped and accidently bashed his head against the dark, tinted passenger window, breaking the , glass. Yesung began to feel extremely dizzy, blood seeping down on his cheek. His father screamed at him again, "WHAT IN THE HELL DID I DO TO CAUSE YOU TO BECOME GAY!? ARE YOU DOING THIS TO RUIN YOUR MOTHER AND I? IS THAT IT, SON?" Yesung could barely concentrate on his father's words. He began to slowly drift away into his mind, blacking out from the world around him. "LISTEN TO ME!" His father yelled angrily. He paused and looked at his son more carefully, noticing his condition in which he caused. He began to panic, noticing the boy's look and the way blood was spewing from the side of his head, and the car, speeding to the hospital.

His father hiccuped, only showing that he has been drinking- which caused him to act so aggressively. He started to slightly swerve the car, dodging cars as he flew by, running through red lights, and swerving to keep from hitting pedestrians. He reaked of alcohol. Running through red lights, he was so careless and didn't care about any cars hitting him. He then pulled off a bad move. He saw a vehicle approaching from the other side as he drove quickly toward the intersection, hoping he would make it. The absolute worst thing to do. He gasped as the lights beamed at him and he held his arm up in front of his face, as if it would protect him from being hurt.

Nothing happened. He continued driving. Instead of him being hurt, the car swerved so much it caused a different accident with another car. He continued to drive away, not making sure if anyone was okay. No thoughts about anyone else but himself. Yesung's father didn't care. 

He finally arrived to the hospital. He opened the passenger seat and picked up Yesung, running inside the ER. 

"Sir! What happened?" a nurse helped him put his son on a gurney.

His father shrugged,"I-I don't know... he was with his friend and... I found him like this.." he stuttered, making up some ridiculous lie. As long as it would keep him from getting in serious touble, he would lie to no matter what extent. 

The nurse wrinkled her nose from the smell of Yesung's father. She eyed him in suspicion and ran off to get the doctor. Yesung was taken away through the ER and disappeared with the doctors and nurses. His father panicked. He didn't want people to know he was the one that hurt his son. The filthy, pathetic bastard only cared about himself. Nothing for his son. Before anyone can get information from him, he ran off. He ran out of the ER and drove his car out from the parking lot and as far away from his son as possible. 

Yesung's nurse called out to the doctors that were working on him, "We got reports in that there were multiple car accidents. Spectators have said that a vehicle had been speeding and swerving, making other cars crash into each other." She continued the report. It was the report of Yesung's father.

Yesung wasn't so badly injured as he had been before, but it was enough to knock him cold for a while. Small pieces of glass had been punctured in his skin, but other than that he was fine. The doctors did do a CT Scan of the brain anyways, make sure there wasn't any damage on it. The doctors had left Yesung by himself as they rushed to take care of more critical patients that were coming in from the car accidents. The boy was fine now and could be released soon because he was doing so well on his own and was waking up.

'I must of fell and hit my head hard...'  Yesung rubbed his eyes and sat up, feeling a bad headache come onto him. 'What happened? Why am I at the hospital?' He searched for anyone to talk to. A nurse came in at the right time to check up on him and he took the chance to ask, "M-Miss.. What happened? Why am I here?" He stared at the nurse, worrying. 

The nurse had given him a soft smile, walking toward him, "Your head was injured. You might nto be able to remember what happened quite yet but it will eventually come to you." She spoke softly and she was so kind. He nodded and stopped talking to her, hearing what he needed to know.  She soon left and he sat there, contemplating on why he was really there. 'What is the last thing you remember happening..?' He asked himself. 

The kiss. The kiss that Ryeowook had given to him. "Ryeowook!" He jumped out of bed, finding his clothes that he had been wearing earlier and changed into them. It surprised him that he had forgotten about that kiss even if he was knocked out. Yesung had to apologize to Ryeowook about what had happened. He pulled off the IV and the heart monitor and he ran out of the room, going back to the shop where he and his friend where at.

It took him a while to get there, but the distance wasn't that far from the hospital. He ran for as long as he could, breaking a sweat and breathing in heavily. He started to cough and almost got sick from running so much but he had made it to the cafe. No sign of Ryeowook or Donghae.  "I wasn't gone for long was I? It's still day time.. " the boy mumbled and searched around. He found someone familiar sitting in a far corner, drinking soda. The familiar stranger had his bangs hanging over his eyes and he looked pale. 

Yesung walked closer to him, taking short baby steps just in case it wasn't who he thought it was. His eyes were very cautious and his body was ready for flight mode in case the stranger would try to hurt him. He leaned over as he walked, trying to get a glimpse of the face, "U-Um.." he cleared his throat. The stranger looked up and his eyes went from a dark, miserable color to a bright brown with a sparkle in his eyes, "Yesungie!" Ryeowook jumped out of his seat and hugged him, "Yesung! What happened to you? Are you okay?! What did your father do? What took you so long? I was so worried!  I stayed here just in case you would come back for me. You did! Oh Yesung I missed you-" He kept rambling on and on like normal. Yesung usually hated the constant talking but he couldn't help but grin at the slightly younger boy and hugged him back. 

He was glad to have Ryeowook his. Maybe this time, he won't let his depression get out of hand. It didn't mean the depression would stop, but having such a sweet and genuine guy around might help him. The warm embrace of Ryeowook's was comforting and something that Yesung definitely needed. He continued to listen to Ryeowook's rambling and giggled quietly to himself before pulling back from the hug. "Ryeowook," He gave him a look that told him to stop talking. 

Ryeowook also let go of Yesung and glanced up at him, "W-What..?" He studied the look Yesung gave, "O-Oh. Sorry. I guess I can talk too much. I don't mean to really. I just get too excited and happy and I was so worried about you and- okay. I'm done. I'll stop talking." He looked down at his feet in embarrassment. He cleared his throat, "U-Um.. let's get you home. It's been a long day." He grabbed his soda and threw it away, taking Yesung's hand. Yesung's cheeks warmed up slightly and he followed Ryeowook out of the cafe. Ryeowook led him right in front of a bike, "Here we are." He grinned at the other and hopped onto the bike, "Hop on, I'll take you home." He motioned for the other to get on. 

Yesung hesitated. He didn't want to go back home. He loved his mother and his brother, but his father... that was a different story. He stuttered, "A-Actually.. can you take me to your home.. I-If that's f-fine with you. I-I don't want t-to bother you.." he asked shyly, playing with his fingers. 

Ryeowook laughed lightly and nudged Yesung, "You are always welcome to my house. Yesung. You. Will. Never. Bother. Me." He stated clearly, "Don't think that you do because you don't. I care about you a lot and I will help you whenever you need me or don't need me," He giggled, "Now hop on." 

Yesung had so many emotions right now and really wanted to just hug Ryeowook again right there. He held back though but he couldn't hide the grin on his face before hopping on right behind Ryeowook and wrapping his arms around his waist. He felt extremely shy about doing so though and really wanted to let go but Ryeowook already started pedaling the bike and was driving it into the street going back to his house. 

Ryeowook's heart skipped a beat, feeling Yesung's warmth on his back and his arms that s around his waist. It was a great feeling for him. He had Yesung. Yesung was his and he was going to do anything in his power to help Yesung regain self esteem and confidence and to learn to love. It was like fate to meet each other, to help each other, and learn from each other.

"We're here!" Ryeowook announced and let Yesung get off the bike first, "Home sweet home! Are you hungry? I can fix you something to eat. I am a great cook if I do say so myself! Oh and I will make some rice and oh! I will make you kimchi fried rice! How does that sound? Do you like it?" He started to babble again. 

Yesung nodded and smiled, waiting for Ryeowook to kick the kickstand on the bike and followed him to the house, "Kimchi fried rice is my favorite food.." he replied quietly. He loved kimchi fried rice. It was like heaven to him. 

"Great! I'll make it for you. You can head up to my room if you'd like. It's the first door to the right," He pointed at the stairs, "Go make yourself comfortable. You can go find some clothes in there to change into if you'd like. Whatever floats your goat!" He chuckled to himself. He wasn't a very private person. He didn't have anything to hide. 

Yesung headed up the stares and walked into Ryeowook's room. It was a very colorful room and it matched Ryeowook's personality very well. There were a bunch of K-Pop posters all over his walls and some stuffed animals that laid upon his bed. It was a medium sized room and Ryeowook even had his own bathroom. Yesung was in complete awe, staring at the room. It was completely opposite of his own room which was dark and gloomy. 

Yesung knew that it took a while to make his favorite food so he decided that it would be best if he took a shower. He needed it. All he needed was just a moment of relaxation since he never really had it for quite a while. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door slightly, but not all the way. He never did at home because well he was used to his brother coming in so it was just a habit to not shut it completely. He undressed himself and the shower, waiting for the water to warm up before stepping in. The mirror behind him sparkled and Yesung turned around to stare at himself. His body was full of scars. Everywhere from shoulder to ankle. His heart sunk a bit and he sighed. Ryeowook wouldn't like a disgusting cut up guy like me.. He slumped his shoulders and stepped into the warm shower and rinsed himself off.

Ryeowook hummed as he cooked, happy that he was making a meal for the one he liked that was upstairs. He was a fast cooker and knew how to cook efficiently. He didn't want the other to get too hungry. The food in the kitched was making the whole house smell like kimchi. Ryeowook personally loved that smell but he knew others could live without it. The small pops and the sizzling sound came from the pan as he friend the rice and kimchi together, "You and I together it just feels so right~" He began to sing, swaying his hips side to side as he belted out the chorus of the song that was by Park Bom. 

Shampoo ran down Yesung's body as he washed his hair. He let the water rinse the strawberry smelling shampoo from his pitch black hair, streams of white suds slid down him and onto the floor of the shower. He felt his body begin to relax, letting go of those sad thoughts that always filled his mind. He soon finished his shower up and stepped out, grabbing a towel. Drying off, he realized that he forgot to grab some extra clothes to change into. He cursed at himself and wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out of Ryeowook's bathroom and to his dresser finding some pajamas that he could wear. 

After Ryeowook finished the song he put the cooked food onto a plate and placed the plate onto a small tray. He put a glass of cold water on the tray, too and smiled to himself as the food was cooked to perfection, "Wonderful!" he commented to himself. The boy picked up the tray and started to carry it up the stairs, thinking about what Yesung will think of the food. "Yesung I-" He opened the door to his room and froze, seeing Yesung practically in front of him. His cheeks turned a bright red and wasn't able to move. "...brought.. food.." He finished his sentence, still unable to take his eyes off of Yesung.

Yesung jumped from surprise and held up pajama bottoms to cover up his chest. His eyes were widened and his whole face was as red as a ripe tomato. He stared at Ryeowook and trembled in embarrassment, "I.. I.." He looked around but couldn't find the words to talk but the only thing he could find was his towel that had loosened too much from his waist and slid off as he jumped. 



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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D