A Fight for Love

A Forbidden Love

Donghae parked in a parking lot, planning on taking Yesung out to a small cafe. He looked at Yesung and had a soft smile planted on his face, watching him nervously sit there. Pulling the keys out of the ignition,  he turned his head and stared at the entrance of the cafe, "Well, how 'bout we go get something to eat?" he offered. Yesung didn't dare say no to him, afraid of being hurt or humiliated. Donghae opened the car door, climbed out, and shut the door. He walked to the other side and opened the car door for Yesung and smiled at him, "Ready?"

Yesung's eyes grew wide and he quickly got out, keeping his arms close to his body and keeping a distance away from Donghae. He wasn't used to people doing such nice things like that for him and especially from someone who humiliated him to near death. Donghae noticed him being very uncomfortable, "What? Scared you're going to catch a disease from me or you're just afraid you won't be able to resist me if you get to close?" he said arrogantly.

Yesung's ears turned a bright red and he shook his head 'no' quickly, feeling so embarrassed. "Why on Earth did I go with this guy?" He scolded himself silently. He decided to say something to Donghae, "I prefer staying away in case of getting your disease." Yesung decided to be a bit bold with him. Donghae's eyebrow raised slightly, very curious about this odd man that stood before him. He has never heard Yesung say such a thing. It may not have been so "tough" or "mean" but it was something, comparing with Yesung's wimpiness.

"So you do have at least a small backbone in you, don't you?" Donghae asked, pushing Yesung along toward the cafe. He was very interested in Yesung, ever since the start. The aura that this man gave off intrigued Donghae and actually, he should be the one staying away from Yesung. He is the one holding his resistance. Yesung didn't reply to Donghae's question and kept going, opening the door and walking in without holding the door open for Donghae. He'd rather have the door slam on Donghae's face than anything else. 

Donghae let out a big sigh, following the moody Yesung, a little ways behind him so it didn't seem so awkward. He stopped for a second in deep thought about what he was going to say to Yesung and then continued into the cafe. He found Yesung already sitting at a booth, waiting. Yesung sure was fast for just a couple of seconds of walking in and already is across to the other side of the building, sitting down. He made his way to the booth and sat across from him, taking his order of a coffee and a cinnamon roll. Yesung ordered himself a strawberry smoothy. They sat there in utter silence, waiting for something to happen; talking, a spill of a drink, anything as long as it wasn't the awkward silence that they were in. 

Donghae decided to break the silence, "So... Yesung.. H-How are you feeling?" he looked up at him, feeling a bit weird. 

Yesung shrugged, keeping his lips sealed shut. 

The two sat there in the awkward silence until a couple minutes later, loud foot steps came into the cafe and the person walking loudly was approaching Yesung and Donghae. Yesung looked up and his eyes went wide and slightly gasped. Donghae noticed Yesung's expression and furrowed his eyebrows slightly, confused about why Yesung was acting so weird. Donghae looked over to see what Yesung was so surprised about and then a smug grin grew on Donghae's face. Ryeowook stood there in front of the booth Yesung and Donghae were sitting at, flaming mad. He stared at Yesung for what seemed like a half hour but was only 10 seconds. Yesung had no idea what to do. He figured that Ryeowook probably thought that Donghae was the one the he liked... 

"Donghae.. what are you doing..." Ryeowook said as calmly as he could, but you could see his chest puffing up and down as he took in deep breaths to keep himself from hurting Donghae. His eyes burned through Donghae's, wanting answers. He was more than angry, he was about to burst from all his feelings he has had since the beginning from meeting Yesung. 

Donghae stood up and put his hands on Ryeowook's shoulders, "Calm down," he gave a wicked smile.

Ryeowook threw back Donghae's hands, "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" He yelled at him, stepping closer to Donghae, wanting to rip his head off.  The cafe grew quiet and stared at the scene, watching it like a movie. He was so angry that Yesung would rather like a mean, evil human being to be his boyfriend than him, himself. He couldn't help but be selfish about it. He knew he needed to fight for Yesung's love, but also not force it at the same time. "NOW WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?" He yelled at Donghae again, and pointed at Yesung to put emphasis with his words.

Yesung stood up as well and tapped Ryeowook's arm, "Wook....It's not like that.. I-"

"What?! You'd just rather have this rude bastard as yours than have me?! Is that what it is? Because that's what I see! What have I done that makes you not like me?! I tried my best to be yours! I never hurt you like Donghae did! Why Yesung?!" He asked, pouring his feelings out. 

Donghae smirked and pulled Yesung's hand off of Ryeowook's arm, "Don't you get it, Ryeowook? He likes me. He likes the "rebel" kind of guys. Let's face it... you're nothing even close of being a rebel." He fake laughed and stepped closer to Yesung. 

Ryeowook ignored Donghae's harsh words and faced Yesung again, "Yesung... please... won't you be mine? I... I.." Ryeowook bit his bottom lip, unable to get the words out of his mouth. Without thinking, he pulled Yesung in by his neck and kissed him passionately. He deepened the kiss, pulling Yesung closer to him, wanting Yesung to understand how much he loves him, without actually saying the words.

Yesung's eyes grew wide as Ryeowook pulled him in and kissed him. He couldn't move. He was too shocked by the sudden action. He looked at Ryeowook's closed eyes as he felt Ryeowook's lips on his own. He couldn't help but accidentally fall into the kiss. He broke down, kissing Ryeowook back. He couldn't help himself. The feeling it gave off just pulled him in like a fish on a hook. He clung to Ryeowook, keeping the moment still. The kiss was long and Yesung couldn't handle it anymore, since of course it was his first real kiss, and he pulled away, breathless. Ryeowook opened his eyes and stared at Yesung, feeling like he and Yesung were the only people there on the world. 

"Please.. Yesung... I can't... I can't take it anymore! I see you so sad all the time and I want to be around you more. I want to make you happy... please give me a chance.." Ryeowook said quietly.

Donghae cleared his throat, "Look, Ryeowook," he stood in front of Yesung, as if he was protecting him, "He doesn't want you. Leave him be. Obviously if he wasn't with you the first time, there was a reason behind it. Don't force him to love you." 

Ryeowook pushed him into the booth, "Look, Donghae," Ryeowook mocked him, "How about you stop forcing Yesung, huh? Couldn't you tell he loves me back? He kissed me back for crying out loud!" Yesung's cheeks turned a bright red from hearing Ryeowook's words. "Can't you just leave us alone?" 

Donghae became furious and stood back up, "Have you ever thought that maybe I like him too?!?" 

Ryeowook stayed quiet, tired of Donghae. He tried to stay mad, but he could help but think about the kiss. Yesung stood there quietly, unable to do anything except sip on his strawberry smoothie. Donghae glared at Ryeowook, then glanced at Yesung. He looked hurt, and he walked out of the cafe. Yesung slightly felt bad for Donghae. He didn't want him to feel hurt. 

The waiter called out after him, "You forgot to pay!!" 

Ryeowook stopped the waiter, "I'll get it, " he smiled. The waiter nodded and grinned, relaxing a bit. "Can I get a strawberry-banana smoothie, please?" The waiter nodded and went back to work. 

He motion Yesung to sit down. Yesung did just so and continued to sip on his smoothie. He was extremely shy right now. The kiss did nothing good towards him except make him feel giddy. And that doesn't help when you can't show your feelings very well. His cheeks were still pink, along with his ears. 

Ryeowook was also quiet and said nothing. What was there to say? Everything was put out there. Nothing could be undone. 

Yesung spoke, "So.. uh... Wook?" he tried getting Ryeowook's attention.

Ryeowook grinned slightly. He has a nickname already. "Mm?" he looked up at him.

"I... I'm sorry if I wasn't a good kisser..." he said loudly. 

Ryeowook laughed lightly, "Why? Who said you were a bad kisser? I don't remember me saying that," he grinned.

Yesung blushed again and looked down, "W-well... I was just saying...  O-Oh, and Wook?"

"Mm? What is it now?" he recieved his smoothie and sipped on it while looking at Yesung.

"W-Well... what ever happens... I won't leave you, okay? Can we just forget everything and try something new?"

Ryeowook nodded, "Of course, Sung! We can start brand new. A new beginning. I won't leave you, either. Pinky promise," he held out his pinky, giving a shy smile.

Yesung blushed by the nickname Ryeowook gave him. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, but the customer's were still quiet and watching anyways, which made him extremely nervous. He quickly pinky-promised Ryeowook and hid his hands, remembering the first day when Ryeowook was laughing at his small hands, "Pinky-Promise," he whispered. He felt a bit embarrassed since they were too old to do the pinky promise, but something about it also made him feel a bit proud.

Yesung began to open up and normally spoke to Ryeowook, "So... how did you know I was here?"

Ryeowook almost spat out his smoothie, "W-what?"

Yesung looked at him innocently, "How did you know I was at this cafe?"

Ryeowook shrugged, "Oh... well.. y'know.. I  uh... " 

"What is it?" Yesung wanted to know how Ryeowook knew.

"I saw you get in the car with Donghae and I kind of.. followed you guys..." he coughed and looked away. Yesung grinned shyly. He couldn't be more happier than now. Someone actually cared about him. Someone was jealous. It was something he never experienced before. 

"YESUNG! COME WITH ME, NOW." Yesung jumped and turned his head and gasped. No.. It... It couldn't be! Ryeowook looked over at Yesung not knowing what to do. "I said... COME WITH ME, NOW!" 

"Yes, Sir..." Yesung walked away from Ryeowook, looking back at him, giving him an apologetic look.




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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D