Cracking his Shell

A Forbidden Love


Ryeowook almost dropped the tray by what he had just seen. He couldn't resist of looking down and he had seen all of Yesung now. The younger placed the tray on his desk and ran to Yesung, picking up his towel and wrapping it around him again since Yesung wasn't doing it. It wasn't like Yesung didn't want to cover himself up, it was because he couldn't. He was frozen from embarrassment from the whole situation. Ryeowook tightened the towel, his face right by Yesung's crotch. 

Yesung cleared his throat and Ryeowook jumped straight up and stared at Yesung, "S-Sorry for uh.. walking in.. and uh .. stuff. I didn't mean to.." Ryeowook apologized, his face turning into a very bright red, "I-I'll go.." He scurried off out into the hallway and shut the door behind him. He leaned against the door that he had shut and slid down so he was sitting on the floor, 'God Ryeowook... Why do you always have bad timing?!' The boy mentally yelled at himself. That image though.. That image of Yesung didn't escape from his head. 'His body.. he is covered with so many scars..' he wanted to cry. Knowing all the pain that Yesung had gone through so that he had to mutilate himself, was very upsetting. If only Ryeowook had been in his life sooner, maybe he would've stopped Yesung from starting it. 

Yesung still stood there staring at the door after Ryeowook had left him. Ryeowook didn't even give him a chance to reply, he was out of there so fast... A sigh escaped Yesung's mouth as he clothed himself with black pajama bottoms and a grey long sleeve top. The aroma of the kimchi fried rice had gotten to Yesung's nose and he tossed the towel on the chair before sitting down in front of the food. There was no way he could face Ryeowook at any moment soon. It was completely embarrassing and thoughts were racing in his mind. 'He saw me. He saw my... he saw my scars.. He looked below me too..' His face was also a bright red, knowing that Ryeowook had seen all of him. 'He thinks I look uglier than I already do... ' 

As thoughts had been clogging up his mind, he grabbed the pair of chopsticks on the tray and stared at the delicious looking food. The meal looked so beautiful that Yesung felt bad for eating it. Without giving a second thought, he quickly took a bite of it, chewing it slowly and letting the taste hit his tastebuds. 'This is outstanding!' His eyes widened, staring at the beautiful food in front of him. He wanted to tell Ryeowook how amazing the food was but... but the whole awkward thing. It was too embarrassing. Sighing, he began to chow down, eating the food in minutes. His black hair slightly covered his eyes as he sat back in the chair and rubbed his bloated stomach from eating every bit of food that was on that tray. 

He had to do something to break this new block of ice that was between him and Ryeowook. They couldn't spend the whole night feeling so distant, that's too frustrating. Yesung's eyes widened slightly from an idea to break through this barrier. The dirty dishes on the tray just have to go get cleaned right? Knowing Ryeowook, Yesung knew that he wouldn't let guests do dishes. Perfect!

He picked up the tray and walked to the door, opening it carefully so he didn't drop anything. He stopped midstep, looking down at the boy sitting down, "R-Ryeowook?" He blinked, not expecting him to be there. Ryeowook jumped and sprung up from the ground, trying to find words to speak. "S-Sorry for bothering you.. I was just going to take these into the kitchen and wash them up, he began to walk passed Ryeowook, hoping that his plan would work. 

Ryeowook still stood there silently, trying to process what was happening at the current moment. It was hard for him, since he was still trying to accept the fact that he saw Yesung and so many thoughts were racing in his mind, it was difficult to even breathe. Finally coming around and understanding Yesung's words, he followed Yesung, "W-Wait! N-No.. I will wash them. I can't have you do them, you are the guest." He walked by Yesung trying to get a hold onto the tray so he could take them.

"But.. You cooked. I must clean. I cannot let you do all the work.." He said innocently, holding up the tray so Ryeowook couldn't get to it. Even though he had rough depression, it didn't keep him from being sneaky and humourous. "I can't have you clean up, too... Besides, I asked to stay here, you didn't. I should at least help." He mumbled. 

Ryeowook furrowed his eyebrows in disagreement, "B-But.. Yesung.. I should do them.." He tried reaching for the tray again but Yesung kept pulling them away. It was bothering Ryeowook that Yesung wouldn't let him just do the work. He felt bad for Yesung and thought that it was only right that Yesung gets some rest because of all he went through today. "Give me the tray!" Ryeowook whined.

Yesung decided to hand him the chopsticks, "There. Now you're carrying something.. " He continued down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ryeowook pursed his lips and puffed out his cheeks in frustration. It wasn't real frustration. It was more like that he just didn't want Yesung doing work. Yesung placed the tray on the counter and washed the sink out before filling it up with hot, soapy water. Ryeowook grabbed the tray, holding it so when Yesung turned to put the dirty dishes in the sink, they wouldn't be there. Ryeowook was a stubborn guy and even though he was cute and happy, he had that stubborn streak in him.

"Ryeowook. Please hand me the tray.." He mumbled, not even bothering turning around because he knew what the other would do. It wasn't hard to figure out. Yesung was really smarter in some ways than others are... if only he used that intelligence on himself and realized that he needed to stop his self mutilation. 

Ryeowook cocked an eyebrow, pouting slightly from Yesung. He wasn't expecting that type of response, not even expecting Yesung to know. Without arguing, he handed the tray to him, "A-At least let me help you do the dishes." He leaned on the side of the sink, looking at Yesung. Yesung turned his face away from the other, feeling a bit shy from their closeness. Of course Ryeowook had seen him , but it still didn't help with the closeness that they had at that moment. The kiss was still overwhelming for him and he was surprised on how he kept himself from running away from the boy in embarrassment. 

Yesung pretended to think for a bit, even though this was his plan the whole time. "W-Well.. I-I guess you can help if you want.." He scooted over, scrubbing a dish in the water. His hands gripped tightly onto the cloth, scrubbing harder.

Ryeowook looked over at him scrubbing hard and he smirked from his response. It was his house! Ryeowook should do what he wanted. "I will!" He grunted and leaned off of the counter and the faucet, rinsing the dishes and drying them. Thoughts came back into his mind from when he was sitting down in the hallway. Thoughts such as 'Yesung kissed me back earlier.. does that mean he really likes me?' or 'Does this mean we are together?' He didn't know. Ryeowook has never been in a relationship before. While he thought, his expressions on his face changed from worried to happy.

"U-Um.. Are you okay?" Yesung glanced over, confused about Ryeowook's awkward expressions. It was amusing to Yesung, though. Apparently Ryeowook didn't hear him over his own thoughts and continued to make such faces. A smile creeped up on Yesung's face, an expression he has shown very rarely. It was too good to not smile. "Hey! Ryeowook!" He took some suds and set them on the younger one's head. 

Ryeowook jumped from the sudden yelling and looked up at Yesung who was smiling. That smile was the most beautiful thing that he had seen. His eyes had sparkled and dimples had shown. A small blush tinted his cheeks, making him look so adorable to Ryeowook. "What? What's so funny?" He tilted his head in confusion since he had no idea what caused Yesung to smile. The thoughts disappeared from his mind and he started to smile back at Yesung. Yesung's smile was contagious, 'If only he knew how beautiful he looked when he smiled..' 

"Well.. I think you were thinking too hard.. you were making faces.." He mumbled, turning his head back and continued washing the dishes. He became shy when Ryeowook smiled back at him and he had to have something distract him to get rid of the embarrassed feeling he had. 

"Faces? What faces?" Ryeowook blinked and turned off the faucet, "I didn't make any faces." He pouted, putting away some of the dishes in a cupboard. Coming back he nudged Yesung, "Show me."

Yesung's eyes widened as Ryeowook told him to show him. He wasn't going to show the expressions he had made! That was too embarrassing. "If you think I'm making those faces, you're wrong. I can't. I'm not going to." He finished up washing the last dish, "And by the way you have a pile of suds on your head." 

Ryeowook quickly disposed of the suds, a bright blush covering his face. The two of them had looked like they were slightly arguing but really, they were just having fun. None of them were angry at each other and they finally gotten rid of that whole 'awkward situation.' Ryeowook started to smile though, not caring about the faces he had made. The reason he had started to smile was because Yesung was finally starting to open up to him. Yesung started to trust him and began to relax a little. 

Yesung sighed, rinsing out the sink and dried his hands, "Well.. I'm finished." He glanced over at Ryeowook's side of the sink and it had been empty, too. He nodded to himself and stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I-I also want to say thank you for making that food. It was amazing.. " He mumbled, distancing himself from Ryeowook again. He turned around so his back was against the counter and he looked around the kitchen, studying it's features. It was a large kitchen and it was very modern and neat. 

Ryeowook also dried his hands and copied Yesung, crossing his arms instead, "You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hoped that you would like it!" He grinned happily, "If you ever get hungry again, let me know and I will gladly fix something for you." He looked at Yesung's profile. He couldn't help but stare at the other's lips. They were unique. His bottom lip was more plump than his top one and he found it quite cute.

"Okay.. I will.. Thank you." His smile returned and he looked down at his feet. Something about Ryeowook's kind words made him smile and he didn't know what it was. Maybe he just wasn't used to so much kindness or maybe he was just crushing too hard on Ryeowook. 

"Come on," Ryeowook grabbed his arm and pulled him along, almost making the other trip from the sudden action, "Let's go watch a movie!" He scampered off with Yesung up the stairs and into the bedroom, "I got a good one to watch." His smile brightened up the room, making the whole atmosphere really light. He the TV and put in the movie. Yesung sat down on the floor with his legs crossed and watched Ryeowook walk over to his bed and pull off the comforter and dragging it toward Yesung, "Here," He handed him one end and Ryeowook grabbed the other so they were both wrapped around the comforter. Yesung's cheeks turned a bright red and he scooted a couple inches away, becoming extremely bashful.

"I'm not going to bite, Sung~" He called him by his nickname again. He chuckled, seeing how shy Yesung has become, "Besides, it's chilly in here.. I don't want you to catch a cold.." He scooted closer to Yesung, smiling. It was just too cute to Ryeowook. As he scooted closer to Yesung, Yesung scooted a couple inches further way. "Fine... But Sung, if you complain about being cold, I don't want to hear it." He pouted. Mostly Ryeowook just did that so he could see how much Yesung was comfortable around him, so he wasn't exactly upset because he understood why Yesung had scooted away. 

The movie had started and the two of them were very quiet, paying attention to it. They were both becoming very sleepy but Yesung was the sleepiest from eating so much food. Yesung's eyes began to droop as the movie finally gotten to the half-way point. His body kept leaning over and then straightening back up again, trying not to fall asleep. Ryeowook glanced over at him, grinning from his cuteness, 'Aww.' He watched as Yesung was finally drifting asleep and leaned to his side, his head resting on Ryeowook's shoulder. His cheeks reddened slightly from the situation and he stared at Yesung's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and sweet with his dark hair slightly covering his eyes. Ryeowook moved Yesung in a way so he was laying down and his head was on the younger's lap. His hand touched Yesung's soft hair and began to it gently letting the locks of his hair flow between of his fingers. 

He whispered something, staring at Yesung's sleeping face with a deep, passionate gaze in his eyes. His own bangs hung over his eyes as he looked down at him. He couldn't hold in his feelings and he had to say it, whether Yesung heard him or not. That something he whispered was, "I love you, Yesung.." 



Author's note:

YOOOOOOOOOOOO. Okay. So I dunno. This chapter was okay right? I mean.. kind of fluffy and stuff. *shrugs* 

I could have ended this chapter better but then I was like..

I want to get this up quickly for you guys because I will be going on a trip so..

yeah. ^^





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heh sorry, i am just editing the new chpt. typos. -cough- not that i make any psssh. :P


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you wont be update this story right???
madoudou #2
Chapter 13: this is so cute^^ it's such a great story, please update soon!:)
Chapter 13: thank you for the update!
12: Well his dad is a complete bastard, at least he had enough decency to take yesung to the hospital, though he even did that dangerously too.

13: The chapter was really fluffy and didn't have that usual feel of depression, it was a welcome change,
update as soon as you are able to! And thanks again for the hard work! ^o^
Chapter 13: LOL "Kind of fluffy and stuff" omfg xD
It was adorable!
Ryeowook is so lucky he gets to touch Yesung's soft hairD;
myimyi1234 #5
Chapter 13: Awwwwwwww that was so cuteeeee I love how wookie just wants to help yeye and I love how yeye oopening up to wookie more and yeye and wookie both embarrassed is soooooo adorable

Have fun on your trip
Chapter 13: Awww this was so sweet~~~ waahh yewook~~~ ^^
Chapter 14: Can you make the fluffy? LOL.
is supposed to be romantic isnt it? .___.
Make it SUUUUPER romantic.
& They should totally also have shower .
omfg. is this getting too descriptive? D:
myimyi1234 #8
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
myimyi1234 #9
Chapter 14: both it just has to be both :)
turtleyeye #10
Chapter 14: :) but fluffy :D