The opening..

Your Forever FanBoy


It was a bright Friday morning, and Hyukjae was already awake. He was preparing the last things he would bring on the concert. He would also pick up his made-to-order cake with a message of congratulating Super Junior for their 6th album. He knew that the group  wouldnt resist a gift from a fan, especially when its food.

And, how biased Hyukjae really is, ordering not one but two cakes. One for the whole group and the other one for the apple of his eyes. His message on the cake was congratulating him on his new drama, Miss Panda and Porcupine. And of course, knowing what Lee Donghae's favorite flavor is, he made sure that it was a chocolate cake. He plans to give it to his duck-butted bestfriend and Junsu would be the one to pass it to Super Junior and Donghae, but then, knowing his bestfriend would be jealous, he ordered a medium-sized cupcake, maybe not as beautiful and expensive like Donghae's cake and not as big as the cake meat for Super Junior, but Hyukjae knew Junsu would love it. Since it has his name on it....with a cute duck facing showing his back and below.. Oh Junsu would love this. He chuckled.


After picking up the cakes, Hyukjae went home and proceed to his dance room. Yes, I have on of those. He was a fine student, graduate of performing arts, majoring on dance. Everyone, from his family, friends and classmates, knew how good, no how Hyukjae was the best when it comes to dancing. With his great coping-up skills, a four-minute routine to be performed by a normal person usually takes a day or two to memorize, but not Hyukjae. It would just take him fifteen to twenty minutes to memorize that routine. That was how hella' good Hyukjae was with dancing.

He was in the middle of doing the hand-stand in the bridge of Mr.Simple when a beautiful voice boomed from his phone..


♫  You're like  a queen and beautiful

I just cant be without you girl ~~

 ♪  You're like  a queen and beautiful

I just cant be without you girl ~~ ♫


It was his twitter alarm on his phone, signalling a new tweet from a special someone.

And who could that special someone be?


@donghae861015: Excited for tomorrow! See you EFL! ^^


Usually, Hyukjae would state an 'aww, my bias is so sweet!' kind of expression, but he laughed. Really loud.

"Oh gosh, Donghae. I cant... How could you mispell ELF? its just three letters..."

and his laughs were louder as ever. But Hyukjae cleverly knew the reason was Donghae was just typing too fast. And he couldnt blame him for having such a rough schedule. Having a comeback at the same time filming a new drama was really tiring.. Just ask Siwon.

If you're going to ask ELFs who's the most hardworking member, its going to be all of the members, but even the members themselves knew a prince named Choi Siwon works more than everyone else. Siwon is a handsome young man with facial features beyond a prince could have, with those appealing eyebrows and those dark gorgeous eyes, every Siwonnest (or what Siwon's fans are called) when looking at their bias, would feel like floating in cloud nine. Siwon was filming his drama in China while having their world tour Super Show 4, and he was between those days, he's sometimes called to shoot commercials and cover in magazines or billboards. Just how tiring it is right? But Siwon made it happen.

Yeah, Siwon would maybe the most wealthiest member, the most busiest, the most buff..

But to Hyukjae, Siwon is still in the second place for the most handsome member.

Because for Hyukjae's precious heart..

Lee Donghae would always reign, first place for everything.


Hyukjae was ready to sleep, wearing his cute monkey printed Pajamas and he climbed on his bed, laying comfortably and looking at one of his side table, he have two side tables for each side of his bed. On his left side-table was a picture framed family picture with him, his mom and dad and his older sister. And on the other side-table were two picture frames, one with a group picture of Super Junior, and the other one for the solo picture of Donghae.

Hyukjae isnt biased.

No, not at all.


"I'll see you again tomorrow my 12 princes."

He smiled before placing the picture back to the table again.

He layed on his back and facing the ceiling.

"And I'll see you again tomorrow my handsome prince"

He blew a flying kiss on the ceiling before smiling and closing his eyes..


It was already 4 in the afternoon and Hyukjae was at the venue already. He was just waiting for a red car owned by a particular duck-. Aish! Junsu! Where are you??? He was busy with his thought on how to scold his bestfriend when a red-car honked at him signalling him to enter the vehicle. Upon seeing the car, he glared at it first before entering.

"Hyukjae-ah! I missed yo--"

"You're late!!!"

And with that, Hyukjae earned a glare. "Yah! Aish! This monkey! really! Im sorry okay!"

"Whatever, so... where is it?"

"Where is what?"

"My backstage pass?"

Junsu scoffed. He knew that's what all Hyukjae wants. He pulled the pass out from his wallet and Hyukjae's eyes begin to sparkle... "You didnt even missed me! You're such an ungrateful monkey!"

Hyukjae just gaved him an innocent gummy smile before getting the pass.. "That's why you love me, idiot"

And with that, Junsu rolled his eyes and landing on the boxes Hyukjae is carrying.

"What are those? Are those love bombs?"

Hyukjae punched him in the arms, "Please, Im not that desperate...YET"

And they both laughed.."These are cakes actually, this one" showing the simple wrapped box.."This is or the whole group okay?"  and now he showed the ever decorated nemo-printed box completed with a ribbon, "And this one is for--"

"Yeah yeah I know whose this one for"

And Hyukaje smiled sweetly at him. "Good, so you--"

"I will, aish, you're such a bad fri--"

"Stop talking, I knew you're going to complain so here, this is the special one for you.."

Junsu looked up and saw a box, not as elegant as Donghae's, but close enough.. He opened the box and was surprised to see a medium-sized cupcake...feeling all happy atleast his bestfriend gave him something..He was in his best mood until he saw what was drawn on the cake...

"Yah! You selfish ungrateful monkey!!!"

And Hyukjae made his way out of Junsu's car, laughing his out.



Entering the concert hall, Hyukjae wasnt surprised to see many ELFs there already, taking pictures, chatting, spazzing and just screaming... good thing that he reserved a seat next to the stage earlier than any other, thanks again to his bestfriend. He settled himself on his seat, laying all his things or paraphernalia on the floor. Its just a matter of minutes when the mini concert would start. Hyukjae prepared his two lightsticks and his banners and his camera.


and the lights were off.


Here we go.

And so, we meet again, my 12 princes.

And my Lee Donghae..














[a/n]: Tadaa! OMG. im such a tease. hahahaha! The concert is starting.. dugeun dugeun dugeun..

im going to review now for my prelim exam. TT_TT

Please, wish me luck and high grades. OTL. hahaha! Thank you Thank you for liking this! <3

Comments are super loved! <333


@aurorwizard: thank you so much. kekeke~ will do! ^_^

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Will you wait for my update? Our house has no electricity for 3 weeks! :(( Please wait for me neh? ^^ Thank you all. Love lots. :)


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 14: I found this in my subscribed stories list, I don’t know when I subscribed but I just discovered is not finished... you have a great story and well written. Thanks for sharing this chapters with us...
Chapter 14: Came across this fic again and just had to re-read it. This was the very first fanfic I read here in AFF. Hopefully it'll have a continuation in the future 😄
LeeEunhae93 #3
Chapter 14: Your fic is interesting.. Hyukjae is living the life of ELF ever imagine.. Haha.. Hope you will continue this story ^^
Tale-2-Tell-TTT #4
Chapter 14: Pls... I beg you DON’T ABBANDON THIS STORY PLS!!!! I’ve wanted a plot like this for a long time ?‍♂️
autumn_spring #5
Chapter 14: Author-Nim , I'm Begging you please please please please update
( T^T ) I really want to read what's going to happen next ( T-T ) . Your Story is so ing good :( . Please don't abandone your story just like that please please please !!!
Chapter 14: Kailan mo balak mag update? XD
mag update ka pls...
MeilingXD #7
Chapter 14: Please update soon i hope hae will be with hyuk soon
Chapter 1: I'm fangirling so hard!!! It seems so real... Ahhh... I envy hyukjae in this story.. I really need to save money, SS6 gogogo!
Chapter 14: I just read your story from start to now....I laughed sooo at the super ....really did, and awwww sooo cute with hyukkie and hae and I love the friendship between duck and minky too lol. and I love kyu baby,....too <3
Chapter 14: i love your fanfic so damn much author-nim... please update soon peaseee..^_^