PROM Part 2

SS501 Romance ♥

“Wow I don’t think the school looked this good.” Jung Min mentioned as the three of them walked around the school.

“Eh, I want a drink.” Hyung Joon shrugged as he made his way to the bar.

“Do you think YoungSaeng is here yet?” Mei asked tiptoeing so she can see above people’s heads.

“Oh Mei, will you stop thinking about him?” Jung Min sighed feeling a bit jealous.

“What’s wrong Jungie?” Mei asked.


“Tell me Jungie.” Mei demanded.

“Okay I just think you can do so much better than him. He’s a jerk.” Jung Min stated.

“I know he’s a jerk but he’s so hot.” Mei said dreamily.

“He doesn’t even know your name Mei.” Jung Min said. Just as Mei was about to pinch Jung Min on the arm, YoungSaeng appeared in front of them.

“Hi Mei.” YoungSaeng smiled.

“You know my name? I mean- hi YoungSaeng!!” Mei giggled. Jung Min sighed helplessly.

“Of course I know your name. You look really pretty tonight.” YoungSaeng mentioned looking at Mei up and down.

“Gomawo…” Mei blushed.

“Do you want to dance with me?” YoungSaeng asked. Mei’s eyes shot up with glee as she nodded intently. Jung Min’s face was furious. As YoungSaeng and Mei made their way to the dance floor hand in hand, Jung Min was left on his own feeling sorry for himself. “I should have asked her to dance with me before that otter came.” He huffed.

“Ya where’s Mei gone?” Hyung Joon asked as he took a sip of his drink.

“On the dance floor dancing with YoungSaeng.” Jung Min replied lifelessly.

“Mwuh???!” Hyung Joon gasped as he spat some of his drink.

Jung Min pointed weakly on the dance floor on where Mei and YoungSaeng were dancing quite closely.

“That otter….” Hyung Joon hissed.

“I thought he asked Kyung-Mi to be his prom date?” Jung Min asked.

“I thought that too but Kyung-Mi arrived with Kyu Jong.” Hyung Joon responded.

“He chose the gorilla over the otter?!” Jung Min gasped.

“Apparently so.” Hyung Joon sighed.


“I can’t believe I’m dancing with the most good-looking and popular boy in school…” Mei thought in her head as YoungSaeng twirled her around and kept her close to him as they danced.

“I thought you didn’t know my name.” Mei told him.
“Everyone knows your name.” YoungSaeng scoffed.

“Cos I’m such a loser.” Mei blushed looking down on her feet.

“You’re not a loser. You’re one of the most popular girls in school.” YoungSaeng declared.

“As if. Boys wouldn’t even take a second look at me.”

“I know I didn’t cos I always thought you were going out with one of them.” YoungSaeng said referring to Jung Min and Hyung Joon.

“Oh anio, they’re just my best friends. I’ve known them for years.” Mei said.

“I’m sorry if I ignored you before.” YoungSaeng smiled.

“It’s okay Saengie. This makes up for everything.” Mei smiled.

“Hey after the prom, do you want to come back to mine?” YoungSaeng asked.

“I don’t think I can, my umma knows I’m coming home with them two.” Mei pouted.

“Oh okay, maybe next time?”

“Come on Minnie, we have to do something.” Hyung Joon said.

“What can we do??! Mei will kill us if we disturb them.” Jung Min sighed.

“She’s supposed to be our date! We should be dancing with her! Not him!” Hyung Joon argued.

“I know that!” Jung Min mused.

Hyung Joon didn’t say another word but just pulled Jung Min to the dance floor.

“Let go of my hand you gay!” Jung Min squeaked.

They stopped beside YoungSaeng and Mei who were still dancing.

“Shille hagessumnida,” Hyung Joon started. “Ne?”

“She’s our date so I think it’s only fair we get to dance with her.” Hyung Joon said nervously.

“Sure.” YoungSaeng smiled as he let go of Mei.

Jung Min and Hyung Joon thought it was going to be a little fight.

“See you later.” YoungSaeng winked as he leaned down to give Mei a kiss on the cheek.

“What a ert.” Hyung Joon shook his head in disbelief once YoungSaeng was gone.

“Mei, Ya Mei! Back to reality! Mei!!” Jung Min shouted waving his hand in front of Mei’s face. She was looking straight at nothing and she had a silly grin plastered on her face.

“She’s not blinking.” Jung Min breathed.

“Kiss her on the lips.” Hyung Joon suggested.

“Urr?” Mei blinked back in shock.

“You guys!!” She yelped.

“Oh you didn’t want me to kiss you then?” Jung Min whispered too low for her to hear.

“He is sooo nice, I think I’m in love with him!” Mei cried.

“You are such a girl.” Hyung Joon sighed.

“Funny how that works huh.” Mei narrowed her eyes at him.

As the prom continued, the three of them had a good time, dancing and laughing. Alcohol wasn’t allowed in the school as they were all underage so they were gulping soft drinks, juices and sodas. The boys took turns dancing with Mei when a ballad song was playing but when a club song was playing all three of them danced in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone looked at them but they didn’t care. “Ya whose bedroom we sleeping at tonight?” Mei asked as they stopped dancing for a while so they can have a rest.

“I don’t mind.” Jung Min responded.

“We never sleep anyway, we stay up until we close our eyes for a few seconds and then wake up again.” Hyung Joon laughed. “True.” Mei and Jung Min agreed.

Just then the music stopped and one of the teachers came on stage.

“It’s now time to announce this year’s Prom King and Queen.” He announced.

An envelope was then handed to him by one of the students. He ripped the envelope, read the results to himself and then smiled.

“This year’s Prom King and Queen of Yumkwang High School… Heo YoungSaeng & Lee Han Mei!!!”

Applause broke out from everyone as two sets of spotlights looked for YoungSaeng and Mei in the crowd.

“I told you YoungSaeng will be prom king.” Mei said smugly. She hasn’t even realized that she has just been named prom queen.

“Ya prom queen! Go on stage!” Hyung Joon nudged her.

“Oh ne, who won prom queen??!” Mei asked.

“YOU DID! GO!!” Jung Min and Hyung Joon chorused. Mei sprinted to the stage where YoungSaeng was waiting to hold her hand.

“OMO…” Mei breathed as YoungSaeng put a crown on her head. Mei remembered what her best friends told her so she waved directly at them.  

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kissabletaetae #1

i miss ss501!!
SHINeeGuideMe #3
This was sad. D: I cried too much. T.T
wow! amazing endinG!!! but i'm still sad dat JUNG MIN died...but u r rite doesn't have happy endings...but still u rock!
hnbDreamSS501 #5
aah finally this story complete :) <br />
write another SS501 story but no sad ending, okay!<br />
good luck, God bless you :)
i-like-food #6
Awwwwwwwww, this is a good/sad storyyy<br />
I was crying so muchhh
waeyo? why did you let him die in your story?
if there's more then it beter be somethin like he comes back 2 life or they meet again in the next life...u know eternaml love sort of...PLEASE