Sweet Night

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

Jieun was too shocked and frightened to move away from him. *Why is Byunghun-oppa acting like this?*

"Why are you in my room...?" he said with anger in his eyes.

"...I...uhm....just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready...."

"I'm not hungry....just leave me alone." L.Joe backed away from her.

"You gotta eat something...oppa."

"I said...I'm not hungry." L.Joe looked out through the window with sorrowful eyes.

"I know you are...." Jieun pouted.

"Why do you care so much about me , Jieun-ah...? " L.Joe looked over at her.

" You're my lovely oppa.... ^^ "

"Is that all..?" his face slowly turned into a frown.

"Yeah.... my lovely oppa.~" Jieun smiled awkwardly.

"Okay. Just get out..." L.Joe jumped on his bed to lay down.

Jieun opened his door slowly and left his room.  * I hope one day you'll feel the same for me , Jieun-ah.* L.Joe thought and went into his nap.

"What happened , Jieun-ah?" Myungsoo looked up at her.

"He's....just not hungry.~" Jieun replied.

"Starving himself now...? tsktsktsk." GDragon shook his head.

"OH WELL. MORE FOR ME!~" Leo grabbed the plate next to him and started to dig in.

Everybody was done eating and Jieun went to go clean up the table. She picked up all the dishes and went off to the dishwasher.

"GOT'CHA.~ <3 " Gdragon backhugged Jieun with a smile.

"OPPA!~!" she blushed.

"AWEEEE. Our Jieun-ah being a good house wife now." he winked.

"YAH , HYUNG. What do you think you're doing.... -___-; " Myungsoo was jealous.

"Hahahaha....just getting ready for bed. Goodnight , Jieun-ah." he smiled and went off.

"Ohmygosh...." Jieun said and continued on her washing.

"Nuna , i'm sleepy.~" Leo made a big yawn

"Yeah....Jieun-ah. Let' s go to sleep..." Myungsoo smiled.

"Okay. Goodnight oppa. C'mon Leo." She grabbed his hand.

Myungsoo went up to her and ruffled up her hair and whispered to her "Goodnight , beautiful.~

She blushed and ran upstairs with Leo. *All these oppas.....* She thought and went to sleep.

Sorry for this LATE AND SHORT update....i acutally updated chapter 9 like 3 alsjfaisjfsoij TIMES. -___-; ohmygosh. asianfanfic just ate it up. ;A;

HEHEHE. i made it colorful now. :D pretty right? it's more fun to read now. YUS.

Please continue to support this fanfic till the end. <3


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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!