A Strange Meeting

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"Leo , your cup noodle is ready!~" Jieun called out his name whil she make a cup out of the plastic lid.

"I'm coming nuna!" Leo ran towards her full of excitement.

Leo sat down on the ground with his legs crossed and then they both chowed down their cup noodles. After their 'dinner' they went towards the Seoul subway station and laid down on the benches to sleep. They've been living like this ever since their parents died from a car crash 5 years ago and Jieun always felt bad for Leo the most. He was only 5 years-old and he had to deal with all of this , so sad.

Jieun took a quick glance at Leo with sorrowful eyes. *I'm sorry , Leo.*

(Next Morning.)

"Wake up , wake up , wake up nunaaaa!~" Leo said while jumping up and down with his puppy smile.

"Huh?....Oh yeah. Good morning , Leo." she got up and took a huge yawn.

"I'm hungry , nuna. Can we go to the supermarket and get some kimbap?"

"Sure , Leo. Anything for you , but this time eat it with the veggies.


They paced towards the nearest supermarket and when they arrived , Leo ran all the way to the kimbap section while Jieun grabbed some banana milk for the both of them.

"That'll be $6.59"

Jieun reached into her pockets and pulled out the money. She has a job at a near cafe called 'Cafe Village' and recieves decent money for her and Leo to survive.

"YEAHHHHHH!~ KIMBAP." Leo opened up the kimbap container and digged in.

"Eat slowly , Leo. I don't want you to choke today...drink your banana milk , too"

" Neh , nuna." he grinned.

(Shortly after.)

"You done , right?" Jieun asked.

"Mmhmmm." Leo replied.

They cleaned up their trash and walked towards the playground , Leo was excited. Jieun helped push her brother on the swings and they chased around each other. Life was good since they got each other to love and as the sun went down , they walked back to the subway station. On the way , a mysterious man comes up to them from a alley.

"Hey , you're that girl&little boy that i see everyday....looks like you need assitant right?"

"Oh....no , thankyou. We're fine , really...." Jieun replied with a awkward smile.

"Are you sure? Well , how about you check out this site , later." He handed her a business card.

Jieun grabbed the card and dragged Leo towards the subway station at full pace.

They ran and ran until they finally arrived. They were both panting really hard and sweat was on their faces.

"Thank god we ran from that weirdo..." Jieun said as she took out the business card from her pocket.

"What in the world..." she observed the card and read 'Boyfriend Shop.'

"People these days...." she threw the card away and it landed underneath the bench , also known as their 'bed.'

Leo went to sleep a while back and shortly after so did Jieun. It was a totally different day for both of them.

Jieun and Leo woke up early and went to school. Even though their parents were gone , they thought it was best to get some education at least in their lives.School was a easy thing for the both of them and it was just about to end.

"Hey , wanna go hang out with me and my boyfriend , Wooyoung , later today , Jieun?" her best friend , Yuri offered.

"Hahahaha , nah. Don't really wanna be a third wheel for your date..."

"How about you hang out with my boyfriend , Jonghyun , eh Jieun?" her other best friend , Hyoseung asked.

"Like I said....I don't want to be a third wheel." Jieun said with a annoyed face.

None one of her friends knew about her situation since she didn't told. Jieun thought it was better kept as a secret. Well , everyone of her friends and best friends had a boyfriend except for her. She didn't know what was wrong with her....actually nothing was it was just that boys prefer the girls with pretty clothes with lots of makeup. Jieun does wonder about having a boyfriend to take care of her and Leo everyday , every so often.

"Gotta go guys , hahaha , thanks for the offers though...." Jieun waved.

Jieun walked by herself all the way to Leo's school to pick him up and after that , they went back to the station like always. They were bored to death....Leo just stared at the strangers in the station while Jieun was looking up something on her Iphone.

*Hmmmm....it wouldn't be bad to check it out...would it?" She thought as she picked up the card underneath the bench.

(Types in address and CLICK.)

"Wahhhhhh!~*O*" Jieun squealed.

*I never knew so many cute guys could be on just one site....*

After searching for a while...

"Oh , let's try this out." Jieun got excited and started to fill out the chacteristics of her 'future boyfriend.'

*He must be handsome , some aegyo , dorky , nice.... , sweet , romantic , loves to eat , teasing , etc. etc. etc.*


3 guys showed up on her screen named L.Joe , Myungsoo , GDragon.

*Sounds interesting....let's check them out. Ahhhhh.~ how perfect." She observed the 'Meet as soon as possible' buttons on their profiles and just clicked anyways.

She glanced around and notice Leo wandering around all by himself.

"YAHHHHH! come back here , Leo"

"oh.....okay , nuna." He skipped back.

(few hours later.)

Jieun was playing games on her iphone until Leo tugged on her shirt.

"Nuna , nuna , nuna."

"  Mwoh...? "

"Who are those boys? I've never seen them ever!~"

" What are you talking about?" She looked up.

3 gorgeous boys were searching around the area....looking for something or somebody possibly?

*WAHHHHHH.~ SO HANDSOME.* Jieun stared.

"Uhm....i'm sorry. Do you know a Jieun around this area?" one of the boys asked a stranger and the stranger pointed towards Jieun of course.

"Ah. Thankyou."

They started to walk towards her and Jieun started to blush in wonder.

"AHNYOUNG!" the boy hugged her and let go. "I'm Gdragon , nice to meet you." he beamed.

"That's Myungsoo," he pointed towards him and Myungsoo shyly waved.

"And that's L.Joe" he pointed towards him and L.Joe just nodded.

"Uh....what's going on?" Jieun quesitoned with curiousity.

"We're your....NEW BOYFRIENDS!~" GDragon smiled.


Hahahaha , are you guys enjoying it so far? ^^; I promise to make it more interesting as the time passes.....this is just the intro...basically.~ ANYWAYSSSSS , who doesn't want them as their own boyfriends. I WOULD LOVE IT. HEHEHE. <3 Please support this fanfic. ThankYou. [;

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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!