Love For Shopping and Ramen

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"Oppa!! Why are you over here?" Jieun asked with wide eyes.

"To take you home....NOW."

"Mwoh?! I can't go home , i'm working right now."

"No , quit right now and let's go , Jieun-ah!" Gdragon yelled.

"Shhhh , oppa!~ people are starting to stare...."

"I don't care....i want you to quit your job and let's go home."

"No , i need money , oppa."

"Us oppas have money for you and Leo , don't worry!~ So , c'mon let's go..."

"No i want to earn my money by ME working....." Jieun sighed.

"Does it matter , Jieun-ah?! We're helping you out , we don't want you to work and suffer...."

"Yes , it does matter actually , Jiyong-oppa."

"Guess i have no choice...." Gdragon got up from his table and stared at Jieun. He couldn't think of anything else , but to pick up Jieun bridal style. Jieun blushed from the embarrassment.

"This waitress name Jieun , would like to quit today. Thankyou." Gdragon told and winked at the cashier.

"Ahhh.~ Jiyong-oppa , put me down! This is so embarrasssing!" She squealed.

"Nope , until you say that you won't work until i say you can and give oppa a kiss. c; " Gdragon looked at her and then winked.

"Mw...Mw...MWOH? Okay , i won't work....but KISS?!"

"I'm just kidding , Jieun-ah. jeez.~" Gdragon put Jieun down on the ground.

"Now , what oppa?"

"Well , let's go shopping!~YEAHHHH!~"

"You shop oppa? o:" Jieun couldn't imagine a oppa shopping....

"Yeahhhh , clothes define me.~" Gdragon smiled and grabbed Jieun's hand. "Let's go!~"

*Holding hands AGAIN...except with Jiyong-oppa.* Jieun was being dragged all the way to the mall. and they finally arrived.

"AWE , YEAH!~ C'mon Jieun-ah , let's go get you some pretty new clothes. ^^"

(That's not the face of Jieun or insert yourself.....)

Gdragon picked out some clothes for Jieun , "This one....nah.~ How about this one...? Yeah....i didn't like that either."

"It's okay , oppa. I'm fine with the clothes i already have.... ^^;" Jieun said.

"No , Jiyong-oppa here will buy you very pretty clothes!" Gdragon started running around to each store to find the perfect outfit for Jieun.

"I think I found THE ONE." Gdragon smiled and give it to Jieun. "Go try it on!"

"Oh...Okay oppa." Jieun went to go change in the dresssing room.

"How does it look , oppa?" Jieun opened the dressing room door shyly.

"Wahhhhhh!~ So pretty , Jieun-ah!' Gdragon couldn't help , but stare at her with amazment.

"Komahwoh , oppa.~" Jieun started to blush , but looked away without GDragon noticing.

"That'll be $83.92 for the outfit.~" the cashier stated.

"Oppa.~ That's too expensive...." Jieun pulled on his shirt.

"No , it's okay. Jieun-ah , this is for you and I want you to have the best from me.~" Gdragon paid and grabbed the shopping bag.

"Here , Jieun-ah , wear this often , but only around me.~"

"Wae only you oppa?" Jieun asked.

"Because i don't want other boys looking at you while looking BEAUTIFUL and if they do , i'll be there to hurt them." Gdragon took Jieun's hand and started to gently swing it with joy.

Jieun looked at her hand being hold by his....somehow she liked it. *This is nice....* she smiled.

"Oh! Jieun-ah , let's go get some bubble tea. I'm thirstyyyyyy!~" Gdragon whined.

"Okay , let's go!" Jieun nodded.

They went to walk over to "I <3 Boba" the best bubble tea in Seoul. It was packed with people , but luckily GDragon used his charms to make it to the front.

"One milk tea boba for my cute Jieun-ah!~" he looked at Jieun and them smiled.

"Huh?" *Only one....maybe we're going to split it into two cups.* Jieun wondered.

"Here you go , Jieun-ah!~"

"Thankyou , oppa." She smiled and then took a sip. "What about you , oppa. Where's yours?"

"Right here , silly.~" Gdragon grabbed the milk tea boba and took a sip. "Seeee.~"

"But....but....but that means...we.....did a INDIRECT KISS!~" Jieun shouted and started to go crazy. 

"I know.....hehehe.~" he giggled.


"Calm down ,'s not like I'm a stranger. I'm your oppa!~" Gdragon give back the drink and went up close to her face. Jieun blushed in surprise.

"Why , do you want me to really kiss you?" Gdragon stared into her eyes.

"Uh....." Jieun gulped and just stared back , but then somebody pushed Gdragon to the ground. Jieun saw L.Joe and Myungsoo with Leo on his back.

"YAH! What are you doing to Jieun-ah?" L.Joe asked as he pushed Gdragon he saw Jieun in pretty clothes. *WOAH!~* he stared and she blushed.

*She is truly BEAUTIFUL.* Myungsoo gasped at her.

"We were just talking and getting to know each other....jeez. Calm down.~" Gdragon got up and fixed up his clothes.

"Pft. Sure...." L.Joe said.

"Nunaaaa!~ You've been gone for a long time....oh , new clothes. PRETTY!~" Leo said.

"Yeah , went a little shoppig with Jiyong-oppa."

"Let's go home guys...." Myungsoo said.

"Yeah....let's go...." Gdragon stated.

Everybody headed for home since it was a long day and Jieun was holding Leo's hand the whole time.

Jieun stomach growls so loud that everybody heard it.

"Oh....Jieun-ah , are you hungry?" Myungsoo asked.

"Just a little...."

"By that growl....that's not little.~" L.Joe stated.

"WAHHH!~ Let's do a ramen cook-off for Jieun-ah! Whoever wins , gets to make a special breakfast with her." Gdragon said with excitement.

"I want some too , HYUNG!~" Leo whimpered.

"Leo , too!" Gdragon patted his head.

"That's stupid....." L.Joe said.

"I like that idea , Jiyong-oppa! It sounds interesting. ^^" Jieun smiled.

*Oh great....* L.Joe felt embarrassed.

"Okay then , let's start guys!" Myungsoo ran into the kitchen and the others followed. " Jieun-ah , go to your room and we'll tell you when we're done."

"No!~ I wanna watch the oppas cook....

"Yeah.~ let her stay and watch the MASTER." Gdragon laughed.

"Okay , oppas. You may BEGIN." Jieun shouted out for them to start.

*Since Jieun-ah likes KBBQ.....i'll put pork chop into my ramen. Hmph.* Myungsoo headed towards the fridge.

*Jieun-ah likes fun hmmm.... i got an idea.* Gdragon ran to go the ramen.

*Uh.....Imma just make ramen the way i like it.....* L.Joe went to go the pot.

"Wahhhh.~ The oppas look busy and professional...? ^^; " Jieun said as she watched them prepare her ramen.

The boys were running around everywhere in the kitchen with different types of ingredients and cooking styles. After a while , everybody gathered at the kitchen table.

"Okay , after all the cooking.....the oppas made a ramen bowl for Jieun-ah and Leo. Now , it's time to introduce your creation" Gdragon stated.

"I'll go first.... Okay , so i made 'The Little Piggy' has pork-chop and ramen...." Myungsoo give a bite to Jieun and Leo.

"Mmmmmm , it's yummy!~" Jieun smiled. "Nomnomnomnom.~" Leo ate up everything.

"Okay , my turn! Mine is called 'The Color Bowl' ramen....isn't it colorful , Jieun-ah?" Gdragon asked and give her a bite.

"It's delicious!~" Jieun was suprised by the ramen taste. "ME TOO , HYUNG!" Leo yelled. Gdragon give a bite to Leo and he ate it all up.

"It's your turn , L.Joe...." Myungsoo said.

"Okay. So , mine is called "The Ramen".....because i think ramen is just ramen....." he give bites to Jieun and Leo.

"That's boring!~!~" Gdragon yawned.

"It's actually really good!~" Jieun ate it all up with Leo.

"What....." Myungsoo said.

Jieun and Leo started to talk about who's ramen was the best for tonight's dinner. "I think his wa better....." "No.... his tasted better." "But his was more unique..."

(After a while of getting the results.)

"And the winner is......" Jieun said. The boys were getting more nervous and anxious to see who have won. * Please , be me , please , be me.*

"It's.....BYUNGHUN-OPPA!~" they both shouted.

"WHAT?!" Myungsoo shouted.

"MWOHHHH?!" GDragon slappe his face lightly.

"NAHHH?! MEEEE?! WAE?" L.Joe pointed at himself in confusion.

"Well your ramen was just simple and just ordinary.....i actually liked that the best." Jieun said and Leo nodded.

"I guess...that means L.Joe is the winner...." Gdragon was displeased and was jealous. Also , Myungsoo grew jealous.

"" L.Joe smirked in joy. *Cooking with Jieun-ah...can't wait.*

"I'm tired , oppas. I'll see you guys in the morning. Goodnight!~!~" Jieun waved at them and went upstairs into her room and Leo followed her.

"Goodnight , Jieun-ah!~" Gdragon waved and smiled at her.

"Sleep tight.~" Myungsoo grinned and went to go to sleep , also.

"...." L.Joe went fast to sleep on his couch.

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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!