New Life

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"MWOHHH , WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY B...B...B....BOYFRIEND?!" Jieun screamed.

" Well you did chose us 3....right?" GDragon asked.

"Uhmmmm....when and where?"

"Well , you did click THE button...," the boys nodded.


"Yeah , you know on 'The Boyfriend Shop' you clicked the button to 'Meet us'," Gdragon smiled. "And here we are!"

"But...but....but i didn't know you guys will actually APPEAR!

"'s too late NOW , but it's okay....i know we're going to get along great!" Gdragon hugged Jieun tightly.

*OMO , a cute guy I never have met in my life is hugging me!* Jieun blushed and lightly pushed him off.

*Well , I guess i should introduce myself...*

"Ahnyoung , my name is Jieun. Lee Jieun. I have no parents and all i have left of my family is my little brother Leo. Nice to meet you guys." she bowed.

"AWEEEE , don't worry. We're here for you , Jieun-ah!~" Gdragon tried to hug her , but LJoe stopped him.

"Well , anyways...AHNYOUNG , I'm Kwon Ji Yong , but you can call me GD or GDragon....or even better Oppa.~ hahaha and i love shopping , composing songs and rap," he winked.

"Come on , try it.~"


"Try to call me oppa...~" he giggled.

"O...O...Oppa. Jiyong-oppa.~" she blushed.

"YEAHHHHH!~ YUS." Gdragon started to run around with joy.

Myungsoo and L.Joe just stared.

Jieun nodded with interest. *Hahaha , a childish oppa.* she suddenly looked over to a boy with nice dark brown hair.

" Well , ahnyoung. i'm Myungsoo , Kim Myungsoo , and I'm pretty shy around people...." He looked away. "And....that's pretty much it." he shyly smiled.

*Hahahaa , he's too shy , but cute.* Jieun smiled and turned to look at the other boy who's blonde like Gdragon.

" Hey. I'm Lee Byunghyun , but you can call me L.Joe. I don't really care much about others at you." He glared at Jieun.

Jieun frowned.

GDragon had Leo on his back and said "Hey! That's not nice to say to your girlfriend , L.Joe."

"OH. NONONONONO. You guys aren't my boyfriends...." she interuppted him.

"HUH? What do you mean Jieun-ah?" GDragon whined and let Leo down on the ground.

"Well , i don't want 3 BOYFRIENDS. I'm no player.... and besides i don't think you guys would want to be anyways. I have no home and don't have enough money to take care of you guys," she sighed.

"HAHAHAHA , we got that covered already." GDragon winked.

"....mwoh?" she turned your head with a confused face.

"Guys , let's take her to our home now!~" they all nodded.

GDragon grabbed her hand while Myungsoo grabbed Leo's hand and dragged them to the parking lot.

"Only one seat available." Myungsoo whispered.

"Well , i guess Jieun-ah has to ride the mortocycle with L.Joe...." Gdragon said with jealousy. *Lucky guy...*

Leo and Myungsoo took the back seats since the passenger seat was filled with groceries.

"AHNDWEH. I go solo , hyung." L.Joe argured with him , but ended up losing. "Fine..."

Jieun just stared until L.Joe waved at her to come and ride on with him. Jieun got on the mortocycle and L.Joe just looked at her.

" kinda have to hold on tight , so you don't DIE!..." he said.

"Uhhh.... okay." Jieun tugged on his jacket and asked " Like this...?"

" like this.~" L.Joe grabbed her hands and put them around his waist. "Like this."

Then he put the extra helmet on her and smirked. Jieun blushed and her heartbeat quickly rose. He the engine and drove off.

Jieun gently laid her head onto his back and slowly closed her eyes. *This feels nice.*



(Shortly after.)

L.Joe poked Jieun on the forhead , "Hey...we're here now."

"Huh? What...? Oh , okay." Jieun yawned and got off the mortocycle.

"Jieun-ah!~ You've arrived safe and sound. Yeahhhh , that's good!" Gdragon beamed.

"Hahaha , yeah.~" she stuck out her tongue. d:

"Anyways...where's Leo?" Jieun asked.

Myungsoo showed up and replied "Oh , he's just inside house..." then he smiled.

"House....? What house...?" She looked up and there was a huge two-story house right in front of her.

"Wahhhhh!~!~" was wide open.

"Welcome!~" the boys nodded.

Jieun started to cry and the boys were in shock.

"Wae!~ Don't cry , Jieun-ah!" Gdragon wiped the tears off her face.

Myungsoo and L.Joe just stared with worriness.

"Miahn. It's just i'm so happy that Leo can live a good life again , under a roof. Komahwoh.~" Jieun wiped her eyes.

"Well....let's just go inside the house and show you around for now." Gdragon smiled.

"Okay , oppa."

Gdragon lead her inside of the house and Jieun's mouth widley opened in suprise.

"Wahhhhh!~ it's so pretty and clean." she said wandering around the living room and noticed Leo playing video games.



They hugged and started to laugh.

"Nuna , this house is so big. I like it." he smiled.

"Yes , Leo , yes." she replied.

"Hahahaha anyways , wait until you see your room. We organized while we were waiting for you and L.Joe. Myungsoo , show her your room , would ya?" Gdragon asked.

" Okay , hyung." He lead Jieun to her room and Jieun was fascinated again.

Her room was baby pink filled with little dolls and her desk was well organized with a big computer.

She hugged Myungsoo in joy and said "It's perfect , thankyou....oppa."

Myungsoo was totally suprised and then his heart started to beat faster.

Jieun let go of her arms and started to jump on her bed with joy.

*That hug felt very warm....i like.*

"...aren' hungry , Jieun-ah?" Myungsoo asked while looking away.

"yeah....kind of.~" Jieun stomach growled. "Okay....alot.~"

Myungsoo giggled.

"C'mon , let's go eat...." he suggested.

They both came downstairs and noticed some KBBQ meat on the counter.

"Oh , are we eating KBBQ today?!?" They both said at the same time and then laughed.

"Yup. Now take a seat , guys." GDragon replied.

Everybody gathered around the table and watched the meat being cooked on the big grill.

"Jieun-ah , close your embarrasing.~" Gdragon laughed.

Jieun closed and blushed in embarrassment.

Everybody started to enjoy their food especially Jieun and Leo.

"Woah  , would you slow down..jeez," Gdragon said.

Jieun blinked and looked at her food.

"Okay..."she replied while Leo just ignored him and continued eating.

Jieun then noticed L.Joe not eating.

"Why aren't you eating , Byunghun?"

"I'm not that hungry..."

"Oh , okay..."

Jieun made a quick lettuce wrap for L.Joe and offered it to him.

"I told you i'm not that hungry!" L.Joe yelled.

" Eat , Byunghun~Oppa."

L.Joe blinked and stared at Jieun. *She called me Byunghun....Oppa.~"

He ate the lettuce wrap from her hands and started to chew.

Jieun smiled that he accepted it.

"Aweee , what about me Jieun-ah?" Gdragon whined.

"Okay , Jiyong-oppa...just wait." She quickly made one and fed it to him.

(with blonde hair....)

He quickly ate it and smiled. "Komahwoh , Jieun-ah!~

" I want one , NUNA.~" Leo whimpered.

"Here." Jieun put one in his little mouth and then he smiled.

"So yummy!~" he touched his cheeks and chewed.

After dinner , jieun helped myungsoo with the cleaning while the others went to go watch tv.

"Komahwoh....Jieun-ah." Myungsoo smiled.

"No problem , oppa. I felt bad seeing you cleaing up by yourself , so yeah.~"

They both reach for the same plate and their hands touched. They both blushed and Myungsoo scratched his neck.

"Miahn..." Myungsoo said. "It's okay...." Jieun replied.

*What's wrong with feelings* Myungsoo thought.

They washed the dishes together and played around here and there.

"YAH!~" Myungsoo said and wiped bubbles on her cheek. They both started to laugh.

"You guys done?" L.Joe asked.

"Oh...yeah.~" they both said and smiled at each other.

After all the cleaning , everybody got ready for bed.

"Goodnight oppas.~ Thankyou for today." Jieun thanked them.

"No problem , Jieun-ah!~ Anything for you." Gdragon smiled and then winked.

"Goodnight." Myungsoo said.

"Sleep tight...." L.Joe whispered.

"What about me hyungs?" Leo asked.

"Goodnight , Leo." the boys said.

Then everybody went off to bed. L.Joe slept on the couch , Myungsoo slept on a bunk bed with Gdragon on the first floor and Leo slept in the room with Jieun.

All the boys fell right to sleep and dreamt about Jieun.....

Hahaha , is it getting more interesting....or lovely? LOL. if you guys have suggestion , leave it in the comment section. 

ThankYou. <3

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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!