A Day At The Park

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"Where are we going , oppa?~

"Like I said , we're going to the park , Jieun-ah." He looked back at her and winked that made her lightly blush.
After a while of running , they finally arrived at the park. "We're here!~" Myungsoo let go of her hand , took a deep breath and smiled.
The park was filled with beautiful cherry blossom trees that made it seem more romantic.
"Wahhhhh.~ so pretty!" Jieun gazed up , looking at the trees.
"Not as pretty as you , Jieun-ah," Myungsoo said and Jieun just looked at him with her blushing face.
"C'mon let's go for a walk." They both started their walk around the park while talking like they were best friends.
"So...why did you bought us from 'The Boyfriend Shop'?"
"Well.....i wasn't desperate for a boyfriend. It's just that I thought it'll be a good idea to get a oppa that would take care of me and Leo since our parents died. I didn't want Leo to suffer anymore of eating just cup noodles and sleeping at a subway station..." Jieun sighed.
"Oh..... well glad you chose me and the others as your oppas." he smiled.
"Yeah , thankyou for accepting us , Myungsoo-oppa." she joyfully thanked.
They continued on with their walk , while their hands were bumping into each others.
"Yah.~ that hurts , Jieun-ah..." Myungsoo said.
"Mwoh? I'm doing nothing..." Jieun was confused.
"Your hand keeps on bumping into mine....Don't worry , i know a resolution to this." Myungsoo smirked and grabbed hold of her hand. "Better."
"Oh....okay." she startled at first , but got used to it. 
"Today is a good day , isn't it , Jieun-ah?"
Jieun nodded in agreement and was looking at the bright colored flowers next to the walkway they were taking. Myungsoo noticed her looking at them.... "Close your eyes , Jieun-ah , for a minute." Myunsoo walked over to one bright reddish-orange flower , picked it up and place it on her head between her hair. 
"Okay , open your eyes!" Myungsoo said , showing her reflection throught his iphone camera.
Jieun opened her eyes and noticed herself with a beautiful flower in her hair ,she blushed.
"Ko...Ko...Komahwoh , oppa." She smiled. "No problem , you look beautiful as always.
Jieun's heart was beating faster than normal , she clenched on her heart. *What's going on...*
(Meanwhile , at the house)
L.Joe wakes up from his nap and looks around. "Hyung , where did Jieun go?"
"Huh? She's goneeeeeee!? I was too busy playing with Leo here." Gdragon pinched Leo's cheek and laughed.
"Also....where's Myungsoo , Hyung?" L.Joe started to go crazy , thinking that Jieun might be hanging out with Myungsoo. Just THEM TWO.
*Don't tell me , it's true......Nahhh.~ Wait , why do i care? Hmph.* He went back to his nap.
"Where did you sister go , Leo?" Gdragon asked him.
"I don't know....i was playing with you hyung , remember..." Leo giggled and went back to his toys.
"Yeah....I bet she's okay." Gdragon was still wondering where she head off to.
(Back at the park.)
"Let's see who can go to the highest on swings , Jieun-ah." he winked.
"You're on!~"  Jieun raced over to the swings and started on the contest with Myungsoo.

"WEEEEE!~ LOOK , OPPA!~ I FEEL LIKE I'M FLYING!~" Jieun had a big smile on her face.

"ME TOO!~" Myungsoo was giggling and then he smiled when he saw Jieun having fun.....especially with him.



Jieun jumped so high it made Myungsoo open his mouth so wide , but Jieun didn't land on her feet..... She tripped as she tried to land it , but tripped and landed on her knees. "Ouchhh!" she shouted.

"Aigooo , you babo.~" Myungsoo ran over to Jieun to see if she was okay. Her knee was bleeding from the fall and Myunsoo heart dropped.

"I'm okay , oppa.~" She tried to cover up her pain with a smile.

Myungsoo lowered himself down and turned so his back could face Jieun. "Hop on , Jieun-ah..."

"No , it's really okay , oppa.~"

"Jieun-ah , just please get on...."

*Myungsoo-oppa.....* She noticed the pain he was enduring through his voice. "Okay...."

Jieun got on Myungsoo's back  and they walked back home. *Myungsoo-oppa's back is really warm.* Jieun shortly fell asleep.


(Arrived at Home.)


Everybody was dead..... nah , they were all just sleeping and the house was very quiet. Myungsoo goes upstairs to put Jieun into her bed and went off to go get the first-aid kit to treat her wound.

"There we go , now Jieun won't get infected.~" Myunsoo put a hellokitty band-aid over her wound and kissed it.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams , Jieun-ah." he whispered and went off to bed.

Leo wakes up from his deep sleep and pokes Jieun's cheek. "Wake up , nuna...you have to go to work. It's Sunday...

Jieun gets up and takes a big yawn.~

"Thankyou , Leo for waking me...." she smiled and went to go get ready.

Leo noticed her band-aid , "Wait , nuna... did you get hurt?!" he poked it.

"Ow.... uhm , yeah i did...yesterday at the park , but i put no band-aid over it..." Jieun tried to remember what happened last night , but couldn't.

"Oh well....I better head off to work. Bye , Leo.~ Tell the oppas when they wake up that i'll be back soon." She waved at him and took off.

"Bye nuna!~ Have fun!~ .....now , i'm hungry. CEREAL." Leo grabbed the cereal box from the counter and milk from the fridge.

"Oh....Good Morning Jiyong Hyung!~" Leo said as he poured the milk into the bowl.

"Wahhhh!~ Good Morning Leo!~ How was your sleep?" He ruffed up his hair.

"It was good. My dream was about a land of banana milk! (: " Leo took the first bite of his cereal and smiled.

"How about your sister? Is she still sleeping...?"

"No...she just went off for work." Leo replied.

"WORK? She still works.....? But we got the money for her....oh gosh. Where does she work , Leo?"

"Uhmmm... i think Cafe Village , hyung." Leo slurped up his milk from the bowl.

"Okay , I'm going there.....don't tell the other hyungs , okay , Leo?"

"Okay , Jiyong hyung!" Leo gave out a ok sign.

"Well , bye Leo." Gdragon ran off to go see Jieun at Cafe Village....

"Hi. Welcome to Cafe Village , what would you like on this lovely day?" Jieun asked a customer who was wearing a hat that was covering up his face and looking into a book.

"I would like my Jieun-ah to stop working , please." the guy said.

"Uhmmm...we don't have that , sir."

"OH DO YOU?" Gdragon lowered his book and took off the hat.


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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!