What Could This Mean?

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"Excuse me...." Jieun tried to move to the side , but the gang of boys just got in her way again.

"Hi there , sweet thang.~" "Where you heading to at this hour....?" one guy said.
"Oh , just back home." she took a step back with worriness.
"you should come and hang out with us!"
"Oh no , thankyou.... i really have to go now." Jieun tried to walk away but was grabbed from her hoodie.
"C'mon , stay for a while....!" the gangster winked and started to touch her lip with his finger.
"Now what should i do with these...?"
Jieun was scared to death and couldn't move. *SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP.*
L.Joe was running as fast as he could to the supermarket and arrived , but there was no sight of Jieun. Suddenly , he heard a bunch of guys laughing around the corner and was curious of what was going on. He went over to the area and saw Jieun getting pushed against the wall.
" C'mon let's play , MY little girl.~" he said , but then was suddenly on the ground with his lip bleeding.
".....Byunghun , oppa." Jieun said.
"What the heck..." the guy wiped the blood from his lip.
" Don't ever touch her like that and DON'T EVER CALL HER YOUR GIRL IN FRONT OF ME." L.Joe looked at him with threating eyes.
"Pfttttt. Guys , let's get him....!" The gang of boys started approaching L.Joe with their metal bats , ready to kill him.
HOWEVER , they didn't know L.Joe was known as the 'bad gangster' on the 'Boyfriend Shop' since he had mad fighting skills. He dodged every single one of their swings and hits like it was nothing. L.Joe made his attack with high kicks and rough punches at them. 
"Looks like I'm done here...." The gang of boys were either unconscious on the ground or bleeding to death. L.Joe patted the dirt from his clothes.
"Gwenchana , Jieun?" he asked as he was checking for wounds on Jieun's body.
"I'm okay , oppa. Thanks to you!~" Jieun smiled and got up with the grocery bags. "No , I got it for you." He took the grocery bags from her and started to walk back home. "You coming...?"
*Wahhhhh.~ Byunghun oppa was so cool!* Jieun remembered the fight scene that happened a while ago. "Huh? Oh , coming oppa!~" Jieun ran to catch up with L.Joe and started to follow him.
Shortly they arrived home , but L.Joe suddenly stopped and Jieun followed.
"Neh , oppa?
He turned around and looked into her eyes. "Why are you so such a babo that you put yourself into danger?!" he yelled with fury.
"Miahn , oppa. I just wanted to get some groceries for tomorrow's breakfast to make for my dear oppas!~" she started to cry and L.Joe was startled.
"Look...Jieun-ah.... that's sweet of you , but you shouldn't be going out at night by yourself. It's too dangerous and next time just ask me , okay? Now , stop crying please.~" He wiped off the tears from her face and then patted her head gently.
Jieun just looked up upon his face and noticed his eyes , they were showing that he's hurt. *What's wrong , oppa?*
"Anyways....just be safe. C'mon , let's go take these into the kitchen." He walked in the house and noticed Myungsoo&GDragon awake in the living room. Jieun arrived inside and noticed , also. They were waiting for them for a while.
"Where's Leo?" Jieun asked.
"He's sleeping , don't worry...." Myungsoo said.
"Hey , hyungs." L.Joe nodded.
"Where have you guys been?" Myungsoo asked and looked at L.Joe.
"JIEUN-AH!~ ARE YOU OKAY?! DID THIS DONGSENG DID ANYTHING TO YOU AT ALL?" GDragon kept on asking unreasonable questions.
"Actually , oppa rescued me..." Jieun smiled.
"RESCUED YOU!~ from what...?" Myungsoo gasped.
"These gang of boys were hurting her in a alley and i stopped them." L.Joe smirked.
"Oppa actually beated them up.... it was SO COOL!~" Jieun jumped with excitement.
"Ha...Ha...yeah." L.Joe scratched the back of his neck.
"Well , as long as MY Jieun-ah is safe and sound." GDragon nodded.
"YOUR Jieun-ah?" Myungsoo questioned.
"YEAH!~ what'chu talkin about , hyung?" L.Joe tilted his head to one side.
"Well , it's obvious that i'm the only one that loves her....right?"
"Sure....." Myungsoo replied.
"Uh-huhhhh." L.Joe said.
Jieun , on the other hand , was putting away the groceries and accidently dropped all the apples. Myungsoo was the first to notice and ran over to Jieun to help.
"You're so clumsy..." Myungsoo smiled.
"Hahaha , yeah...miahn. ^^;"
"It's okay , let's just put these apples away." They both started to pick up the apple and putting them away into the fridge. Then , Myungsoo and Jieun reached over for the same apple and their hands touch. *This happened last time...* Jieun thought , but it was actually longer. They both looked away and Myungsoo smiled in joy. He grabbed the last apple again and put it away.
"All done.~
"Komahwoh , oppa." Jieun bowed.
"No problem , anything for Jieun-ah.~" He patted her head gently and grinned.
*Just like....Byunghun oppa.* she thought and blushed.
Gdragon and L.Joe were talking about what had happened in the alley. "Oh , good thing you were there..." "Yup.~"
Gdragon ran up towards Jieun , "JIEUN-AH!~ It's okay , your home safe and sound with me now." He hugged her and Jieun couldn't move.
"Uhm...Jiyong oppa , that kinda hurts." she murmured.
"Oh , yeah. Miahn , i'm just so glad , you're back in one piece." He patted her head gently while playing with her hair.
*Just like the other oppas..... What are my feelings for them?" Jieun heart beat suddenly rised up.
Myungsoo saw all that had happened and was jealous. *I'll make her mine , hyung...one day. So , just wait for me , Jieun-ah.*
"Hey , it's getting pretty late. Let's all go to sleep." L.Joe suggested.
"Okay. Goodnight , guys. Goodnight , Jieun-ah!~" Gdragon winked at her and went off into his room.
"Yeah....Goodnight. Sweet Dreams , Jieun-ah." Myungsoo followed Gdragon into the room.
Jieun hugged him before he could finish speaking. "Thankyou , Byunghun oppa....for everything today.
L.Joe just stood there and hugged back. "Yeah.....no problem." he whispered. 
"Well , goodnight , Jieun." He waved and laid back on the couch.
"Goodnight , Byunghun oppa." she whispered back.
She snuggled into bed and fell asleep......but her dream was different.

Jieun and Myungsoo were at a restraunt eating KBBQ and feeding each other.

"Ahhhh~" Myungsoo said holding up a lettuce wrap.

Jieun shyly ate it from his hands and started to chew while blushing.

"Your turn....now , oppa. Say Ahhhhh~" she give him the lettuce wrap and he ate it up in joy.

(Then suddenly the dream did a scene change.....)

L.Joe and her were holding hands and walking around the park with the stars shining bright in the clear sky.

"This night is perfect , oppa." Jieun smiled.

"Yeah...it sure is.~" He smiled as he gazed up at the stars and then suddenly hugged Jieun.

"Oppa....." she blushed.

(A another scene change in the dream.)

Jieun felt a hug from behind her and stood still.

"Guess whooooo , Jieun-ah!~"


"Yeahhhhh! and look oppa got you a present...close your eyes and stay still.~" Gdragon put a neckace around Jieun's neck. "Okay , look."

Jieun opened her eyes and look at the necklace. "It's beautiful and perfect, oppa thankyou." she blushed.

"It's not perfect yet....." Gdragon was about to kiss her on the cheek......

(Scene change in the dream.)

"You have to choose only one of us , Jieun-ah...~" Gdragon said.

"Yeah , who do you love more?" Myungsoo asked.

" There's three of us and only ONE you. So choose....." L.Joe demanded.

"Uhhh...I don't know. My heart.....doesn't have a clear answer yet."

" BUT WE LOVE YOU , JIEUN-AH." All three of them confessed.

Jieun wakes up , panting really hard , making Leo worried. 

"Nuna....you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No...it's just....nevermind , it's hard to explain.

"Well , you woke up early for once , nuna. congrats!~" Leo stuck out his tongue. d:

"Hahaha , yeah!~ OH , imma make breakfast for the oppas." Jieun ran downstiars with Leo behind her.

Jieun started to chop , stir , mix , blend and cook the 'PERFECT BREAKFAST' for her oppas. She setted up the table with french toast , waffles , scrambled eggs , tofu stew , rice , fruits  and a glass of milk. Leo went inside Myungsoo&Gdragon's room to wake them up.

"Wake up , HYUNGS!~" Leo shouted with aegyo.

"Huh...?" Myungsoo jumped up while Gdragon yawned and they both got up.

"Woah!~ What's the dreamy smell....?" Myungsoo asked.

"Nuna is making breakfast for you guys!

"Jinjja?" Gdragon ran towards the dining area and his mouth shot right opened. Jieun was setting up the plates and silverwares.

"Oh , Good Morning Jiyong-oppa." she waved. Myungsoo arrived to the area too and was surprised.

"Good Morning , Myungsoo-oppa."

"Wahhhh!~ Jieun-ah , you know how to cook?" Gdragon asked.

"Well , i'm not that good.....it took me a while , but i tried my best." Jieun awkwardly smiled.

"No , it's perfect , but wait...." Myungsoo wiped off flour from Jieun's face and she blushed in shock. "There."

Gdragon grew jealous and changed the subject. "Time to wake up , L.Joe...."

He walked over to him and flicked his head with his fingers. 

"Ah! Hyung! That hurts!" L.Joe sat up rubbing his head.

"It's time to eat , sleepybutt...." Gdragon walked to the dining table.

*Oh.....I bet Myungsoo made it.* L.Joe followed Gdragon to the dining table and his eyes were wide open...."Who cooked all of this?!"

"Our lovely Jieun-ah did!" Gdragon excitedly said.

Jieun just smiled and nodded.

"Imma eat good today! yeahhhh!" Myungsoo shouted with joy.

*Jieun-ah , made all of this. I shall enjoy today's breakfast more than...* L.Joe sat down and started digging in.

"Hey! No fair , i wanted the first taste of her cooking...." Gdragon whimpered and then digged in , too.

Everybody started to eat and was enjoying it. Jieun saw everybody eating well and smiled in relief.

"Nuna , i never knew you were a good cook!" Leo smiled.

Jieun awkwardly smiled , "That's because we've been only eating cup noodles and kimbap , Leo."

"Oh yeah.... ^^;"

The boys were eating like there was no tomorrow and the food just vanished in a few minutes. "DONE!~" they all shouted.

"Was it that yummy...?" Jieun asked.

"THE BEST!" Gdragon give a thumbs up.

"You're a wonderful chef." Myungsoo give out a ok sign.

L.Joe just nodded. * I LOVE HER COOKING.*

After breakfast everybody was doing their own thing. L.Joe took a nap like the usual and Gdragon was playing with Leo.

*Oppa playing with Leo , cute!* she smiled at the scene of them playing with legos and laughing together.


"Yes , Myungsoo-oppa?"

"Wanna go to the park with me?"


"Yup , c'mon let's go." Myungsoo dragged Jieun out of the house and over to the park.

You guys enjoying it? :D I hope you guys are! <3 hehehe. they're just beautiful oppas. *O* aren't they?


-milkteajamie. ;3

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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!