Which Oppa.....?

I Bought My Boyfriend!~

"WOW , FANTASTIC BABY!~!~ DANCEEEE!~ I WANNA DANCE , DANCE , DANCE. FANTASTIC BABY.~" Jieun wakes up and turns off her alarm from her cell phone.

"Great....school.~ ew." Jieun stretched and tried to wake up Leo. "Wake up , Leo.~"

"I don't want tooooooo.~" Leo hid his face in his pillow.

"YAH!~ it's time to go...you don't want to be late again , Leo.....remember what happened last time...." Jieun went to go dress and noticed Leo changing into his uniform like there's no tomorrow.

"Don't you have to make breakfast with L.Joe hyung today , nuna?" Leo asked.

"Oh yeah , i almost forgot...." Jieun ran downstairs with Leo and noticed L.Joe waiting in the kitchen while drinking some orange juice.

"Finally....." L.Joe glared at her.

"Miahn , Byunghun oppa....^^;" Jieun sat next to him and L.Joe blushed.

"So....what should we make together , oppa?" Jieun asked. 

*Together....* L.Joe liked the sound of that word from Jieun , it made him happy. "Uhmm.....i don't know , you're the cook...."

"How about.....some homemade kimbap?"

"I guess......whatever."

They both started to grab all the ingredients needed for their "perfect" kimbap. They were enjoying their selves while making breakfasts , just L.Joe liked watching Jieun from afar.

"Can you get me more spam , Byunghun oppa?


L.Joe went to go give Jieun the spam , but then trips on the spilled milk Leo made earlier. He trips and pushes Jieun to the ground with him. They were both on the ground and their faces were so close to each other that they could feel each other's breaths on their faces.


L.Joe rises up with his heart beating fast and blushing. "Miahn....i didn't see that spill over there."

"No , it's okay....YAH~ LEO! clean up your mess...." Jieun got up and went back to making kimbap with a red face. *So close....our lips mostly.....

"Neh , nuna." Leo went to clean up the mess with a pouty face.

"Goodjob , Leo!~" Jieun give Leo a kimbap and he ate it joyfully.

"So goodddddd.~ Wah.~ :D " Leo smiled and clapped.

"Right , right?! Byunghun , oppa try some. It's good!~" Jieun handed a kimbap towards L.Joe and he just stared back. 

"Uhm...." He slowly ate the kimbap from her hand in embarrassment and chewed it slowly with his red face.

"Isn't it good , oppa?

L.Joe just nodds.

"Okay , let's wake up the other oppas. Leo , can you go get them to come over for breakfast now?"

"Okay , Nuna.~" Leo knocks on their bedroom door and opens it with a loud sound.

"WAKE UP , HYUNGS!~!~" Leo screamed.

Myungsoo shot right up and looked over to Leo. "Leo.....

Gdragon got suprised and fell off of his bed. "Ouch.....my back.~"

"Hyung!" Leo runs over to Gdragon to check if he was alright. "Miahn...."

"No , it's okay.~ Just let's go eat breakfast now...." he smiled.

"Wonder what they prepared..." Myungsoo went to go check out the diner table and noticed kimbap stacked into a pyramid. Gdragon comes out of the bedroom and saw it , too.

"That's it....? Kimbap." Myungsoo sat down and stared at the pyramid of kimbap.

"Yeah....we couldn't think of anything else. Hope you enjoy your breakfast , oppas." Jieun bowed and L.Joe nodded.

"Jieun-ah made this right?" Gdragon asked.

"Neh , oppa."

"Well then.....this breakfast is PERFECT. komahwoh.~" Gdragon grabbed a kimbap and started to eat it.

"Yup , it's the best!~" Myungsoo chowed down , too.

"C'mon Byunghun oppa , let's eat." Jieun sat down and started to eat kimbap.

"Nahhhh. I'm good." He sat down on the couch.

*But....we made it together , oppa.~* Jieun sadly look at him from the diner table.


(After breakfast and dropping off Leo at his school.)


"AHHHHHH!~!~ IT'S L.JOE OPPA." "JIYONG OPPA , LET ME LOVE YOU." "MYUNGSOO OPPA , YOU'RE SO HOT." the fangirls started to crowd around them at the front gate.

*Here we go again.....* Jieun just went straight to class to not cause trouble for the oppas.

"YAH!~ UGLY GIRLS....get away from me....jeez." L.Joe brushes them off and runs into the building.

"MYUNGSOO OPPA , HOW COME YOU DON'T TALK THAT MUCH?...." the fangirls asked.

"......" Myungsoo tries to run in the building with L.Joe....as for Gdragon.....

"Good Morning , girls!~" he smiled.

"OHMYGOSH , THAT SMILE WAS TOO BEAUTIFUL." the fangirls squealed and followed Gdragon inside the school.

Jieun went off to english class , the class she has with the OPPAS.~

"Class take your seat and turn to chapter.10" Mr. Kim said.

"Can i borrow a pencil , Jieun-ah? I lost mine...." Myungsoo asked.

"Sure , no problem , oppa." She handed the pencil towards him and felt eyes on her. It was the fangirls......

"I bet she pays them...." "No......I bet she stalks them around...." they all whispered and Jieun felt depressed about it throughout the whole english class.

"Class is dismissed!" Mr. Kim stated.

Jieun got up out of her seat and left the classroom with her head down.

*Wonder what's wrong wit her.....* L.Joe tried to follow her behind , but the fangirls blocked him.

"Oppa , where you going?" "Why you trying to catch up with Jieun....? She's nothing." "She's a weirdo."

"YAH. SHUTUP. EESH." L.Joe pushed them to the side and chased after Jieun.

"Jieun , wait up!" L.Joe grabbed her by the shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong.....oppa...."

"Tell me the truth!~"

"It's just....that people are back talking bad stuff about me.....i feel like crying." Jieun looked down.

"Yah....it's okay. Just ignore them or do you want me , Lee Byunghun , to beat them up for you?" He smiled.

Jieun looked up at noticed his pure eyes and made a smile on her face. "Komahwoh , oppa."

"C'mon , let's go get some lunch."  They both walked towards the cafeteria and everybody was staring at them.

"Ohmygosh. Don't tell me...." "L.Joe oppa with Jieun...." "MWOH?!" the fangirls were going crazy.

"Oppa.....they're starting to stare at us....

"So......i don't care." L.Joe put his hands in his pockets and walked over to the lunch line to catch up with Myungsoo and GDragon.

"Hey , Hyungs...."

"Hey , wassup L.Joe!~" Gdragon threw a arm around him and L.Joe pushes it away lightly.

"Hey...." Myungsoo replied and Jieun arrives behind them in the lunch line. "Ahnyoung , oppa!~" she waved.

"JIEUN-AH!~" Gdragon hugged her , but was pulled by L.Joe. "Ahhhh~yahhhh.~" Gdragon pouted.

"Hi Jieun-ah.~" Myungsoo waved back with a smile.

"Today is black bean noodles!~ Wahhhh.~" Jieun stomach growled.

"Here , take my bowl and go sit down , Jieun-ah." Gdragon passed her the bowl.

"Komahwoh!~" Jieun skipped to grab a seat and started to dig into her noodles. The boys soon later arrives at the table , too.

"Yah , you have sauce on your face , Jieun-ah...." Myungsoo said.

"Where? Here......?" Jieun tried to clean it with her tongue.



"No , here...." Myungsoo gets his napkin and goes up close to Jieun's face to wipe off the sauce. "There....."

Jieun blushed and started to eat her noodles fast. "DONE!" She threw away her trash and headed off to her next class.

"Dang , she's fast!~" Gdragon said.


(School was over.)


Jieun arrives at the front gate with her oppas waiting on her. "Let's go!~" GDragon shouted.

"Hey , imma go to the market for some groceries....Jieun-ah wanna come?" Myungsoo asked.

"Imma go take a walk.... , what about you Jieun?" L.Joe offered.

"Well....Imma go pick up Leo and go home , come on Jieun-ah...." Gdragon smiled.

Jieun was in a tight situation , who would she go with..... "Uhmm....i'll go with....."

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OMO cute ^^~
kpop4u #2
:) update!!!!
please update...o_o***
What happened to L.Joe??
StayLeeForever #5
KYA!!!!!!<3 what is he gonna do????
Please update:)
LeeMinJi #6
Nooo!!! L.Joe Oppa got hurt!!!
Omo who will see go with .-. Their all amazing! Dabek!!!!!
LeeMinJi #8
ohhhhhhh!!! i would choose...I dunno...
who will she go with?? update soon!
Hehe so cute!