My Brother's Consultation to Me.

Fishes are good for you

As I was walking home I was skipping happily because I HAD KISSED LEE DONGHAE! My mind was all light and I felt like I could touch the sky, but I couldn't because it would hurt if I did. As I entered the house I slid off my shoes and said, "I'm home!" I could see JaeJoong on the chair but the minute he saw me he sprang up.

"MINYOUNG-sshi!" he shrieked. "What happened??"

I smiled. "Nah, nothing much, I just fell down," I lied. It hurt to lie to someone as nice as JaeJoong but I had no choice after all. JaeJoong led me onto the chair next to him. "It seems more like you got mauled by an alligator!" he exclaimed. "Just look at your skirt..." JaeJoong covered his mouth with his hand, looking extremely worried.

"Where did you fall down??" JaeJoong asked.

I racked my brains and came up with a lie. "At this bunch of steps near some bushes. The bushes were really thorny, so I got scraped," I said.

JaeJoong shook his head. "Be careful next time okay? I don't want my girlfriend to get hurt," he smiled lightly as he planted a kiss on my forehead. I blushed.

JaeJoong excused himself and brought two cups of warm milk tea. "Thank you oppa," I smiled as I took a small sip from the cup. JaeJoong waited until I had drunken most of my tea before he drank his.

Suddenly, thoughts of DongHae appeared in my mind. The warmth of DongHae's hand, the brightness of DongHae's smile, the sweetness of DongHae's lips.... automatically, I sighed right in front of JaeJoong.

"MinYoung sshi, did you just... sigh?" JaeJoong asked.

"Huh? Erm, nono!! I meant, the tea is really good," I lied.

JaeJoong smiled and ruffled my hair. "I'm glad you like it! I bought it earlier this afternoon," he said happily.

Suddenly, JaeJoong had tears in his eyes and he immediately tried to cover his tears with the back of his hand.

"Oppa? What happened??" I asked.

JaeJoong's tears dripped onto his shirt. "Nah," he said, his voice shaky. "It...It's just that I remember my family......"

I felt hurt. JaeJoong's family abandoned him, and my mother found him on the street two years ago, crying because his mother had left him there and walked away. My mother felt so sorry for him that she brought him home with her.

I held JaeJoong's hand. "Oppa," I murmured, at a loss of words.

"You see," JaeJoong said, trying to fight back his tears, "my brother HyukJae always hated me. I can still remember. My surname was Han. Han JaeJoong. HyukJae would push me out of every game, tried to push me out of school, and lastly, out of his family. I really admired him though, the way he was, but.... he never was grateful of that. Plus, I used to be the heir of my mother's chocolate factory, Sukira. But since my mother left me, I guess HyukJae must be living a rich life now, owning a chocolate factory."

JaeJoong was going to say more when I stopped him. "Oppa, don't say anything else," I said.

JaeJoong started crying and I hugged him. "Shh," I calmed him down. "You're here with me now, oppa."

After quite a while JaeJoong stopped crying, then he smiled and said, "You're right. I love you MinYoung-sshi!"




"What?" I shouted. "How can there be another heir?! There is only one son now, mother! You have only one son, and his name is Lee EunHyuk, or rather, Lee HyukJae!" I clenched my fists. "Are you.... are you saying that the only reason for our short stay here in Seoul is because.... you're searching for that idiot JaeJoong?!"

Mother glared at me through her black brimmed hat. "Mind your language," she said. "And your volume."

Then she changed her sitting position and crossed her legs. "You see, HyukJae, your mother just can't do this. You might have managed to get me to kick JaeJoong out of our family, but still," she said. "We can't just abandon him all the way like that. He's good at marketing and managing. He's valuable."

I glared at her. "Who was always your favourite son...?" I spat. "Who have you taken care of since two years ago...?"

Mother shushed me. "Don't ask silly questions," she said plainly. "Now if you excuse me, I have some searching to do." And I watched angrily as she strut out of the room.

I couldn't. I just couldn't. I always wanted the factory. So that I could marry that girl... what was her name again? Oh yes, MinYoung. Kim MinYoung. I needed her. She seems like she could use someone like me. Mother would be so impressed. She should be. Now, I needed to look for her. That girl. MinYoung.

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shiningstarr #1
NO!jae dont leave!!!
@SujuDock-Pocky haha thanks! Yeah it's so sad... I'm afraid it's gonna get really, really sad between MinYoung and Jae... :(
SujuDork-Pocky #3
:( I'M CRYING<br />
Jaejoong dont leave<br />
Stupid Yoongi <br />
@Dongbangsuju Me too! kk<br />
@shiningstarr Yup.... ^^<br />
@orangezzang heehee, I loved the drenched-hae part too! :P
donghae + drenched in water = me in a coffin. LOL<br />
i can only imagine how hot he'd look ~~~~ :D
shiningstarr #6
oh she is now in a relationship with donghae and jaejoong.but junsu likes her and so does eunhyuk?!
If I were in her Situation with Jaejoong, Lee Hyukjae, Donghae and Junsu wanting her... I'd definitely go insane.. :))
@orangezzang I know right! XD<br />
@Dongbangsuju don't forget sweet Kim JunSu! ^^
OMO!! lee Donghae, Kim Jaejooong.. And now, Lee Eunhyuk?? Minyoung, Who are u gonna choose?? :D
Epic chapter <3 I loveeddddd it :)