Change of Plan?

Fishes are good for you

JaeJoong let go of me and smiled. "I'm not you but I would be in huge thought if I were you," he said. "You need to make decisions like this on your own, since I'm not a girl."

I laughed. "But you've grown so womanly under the horrible influence of my unnis!! Surely you can help me a little." JaeJoong pouted and then laughed. "Nah, I think these decisions should be made by you and you youself," he refused in a gentle manner.


JaeJoong's heart was still pounding against his chest and somehow it was unstoppable. Everytime MinYoung smiled at him his heart rate would double, and it was already beating at the speed of light.


"Hey oppa...." I asked while staring at the sky.


"Are you in love with someone?" I said, and suddenly this huge silence came between us, in the still night air.

JaeJoong looked at me. "Why do you want to know~?" he asked playfully.

"I'm just curious," I explained. "I mean, you're always helping me with relationship problems, and if you know how to help me, shouldn't you be in love too?"

JaeJoong sighed and looked at the sky. "Well, MinYoung..... I've never been in a relationship before... But I know what is love."


Because I've loved you since I stepped foot in this family, and swore to myself never to fall in love with anyone else....


I smiled. "Oh don't lie oppa!" I hit him lightly on the shoulder. "I'm sure that at your age and with your pretty face, women will flock to you."

JaeJoong blushed. "That's... that's not true!!" he protested but I simply laughed.


JaeJoong bit his tongue. The words were coming out! He had to leave!!!


"Like... erm.... I'm kind of like a counsellor.... No!! I mean, I really.... I mean, sorry, but I think I...." JaeJoong started stuttering really badly and I was getting a little worried. "Oppa are you okay?" I asked.

JaeJoong looked at me. "Oh... oh yeah  I'm fine!!! Just don't worry... wait.... I can't just say this, I mean.... erm.... I..."

"You... what, oppa? What happened???" I asked. I was ready to call an ambulance!


JaeJoong  cursed himself for not surpressing his feelings. Now she would hate him all over again. How he hated her hating him. But now it was too late, the words were coming...


"I... I have feelings for you!" JaeJoong nearly shouted, and buried his face in his hands as if I was going to hit him. I was really surprised, but strangely I wasn't that shocked...

Maybe because deep down inside, I had feelings for my own stepbrother...

Huh?! What was that? I... I liked JaeJoong?! I mean....


I smiled at JaeJoong. "Actually, JaeJoong..."

JaeJoong looked at me, still with his I'm-scared-that-you-might-hit-me look on his face. "I know, MinYoung.... I'm really stupid and foolish right? To fall in love with you......"

"Actually JaeJoong..." I murmured. "I like you too...."

JaeJoong's eyes got as wide as saucers and he looked at me. "But... that's... impossible!! I mean... what about... erm... DongHae... and JunSu?!!! This is a prank right? A hidden camera!!!!!" JaeJoong nearly got up to look for any cameras when I held his hand.

"No, oppa," I smiled. JaeJoong actually... looked kind of cute!! "There's no hidden camera crew here."

JaeJoong stared at me. "But... but that's still... still..... I don't believe this!!! This is still a prank to me!! I won't believe you until there's proof!! I need proof!" his face was getting red.

He calmed down a little and looked at me. "I need.... proof...." he whispered. His voice was getting softer and he was getting closer to me, and sooner or later he closed his eyes and kissed me.

As I opened my eyes JaeJoong pulled away from me, and his face was just.... lost. I couldn't tell if he was happy, sad, angry, or just confused.

"I... think I have enough proof...." he said softly, his cheeks a sweet and cute shade of pink.

Then he smiled (oh, so he was happy!) and hugged me. "I love you MinYoung," he said. "And this time, I REALLY love you!"




A.N.: Hello everyone!! Now I'm back and I have 14 subscribers!! :) Thank you all for reading my fanfic!! Sorry to all DongHae+MinYoung or JunSu+MinYoung fans, this chapter must have been slightly disappointing for you ^^;; MinYoung has a crush on JaeJoong too!! ^______^ I will try to update soon!! For the meantime, please continue loving my fanfic!!

(P.S.: What do you call this now...? A love square? XD)

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shiningstarr #1
NO!jae dont leave!!!
@SujuDock-Pocky haha thanks! Yeah it's so sad... I'm afraid it's gonna get really, really sad between MinYoung and Jae... :(
SujuDork-Pocky #3
:( I'M CRYING<br />
Jaejoong dont leave<br />
Stupid Yoongi <br />
@Dongbangsuju Me too! kk<br />
@shiningstarr Yup.... ^^<br />
@orangezzang heehee, I loved the drenched-hae part too! :P
donghae + drenched in water = me in a coffin. LOL<br />
i can only imagine how hot he'd look ~~~~ :D
shiningstarr #6
oh she is now in a relationship with donghae and jaejoong.but junsu likes her and so does eunhyuk?!
If I were in her Situation with Jaejoong, Lee Hyukjae, Donghae and Junsu wanting her... I'd definitely go insane.. :))
@orangezzang I know right! XD<br />
@Dongbangsuju don't forget sweet Kim JunSu! ^^
OMO!! lee Donghae, Kim Jaejooong.. And now, Lee Eunhyuk?? Minyoung, Who are u gonna choose?? :D
Epic chapter <3 I loveeddddd it :)