chapter 9: We Love

If Tomorrow Never Comes


Curious with the scene in front of them, the customers of the luxurious dine started to gather around the fighting couple. DongHae tightened his grips on EunHyuk, while EunHyuk struggled violently like a furious cat.

After several “Ouch” and small curses later, at last DongHae successfully gathered the hissing Monkey in his arms. With smile that never left his handsome face, DongHae turned to the crowd and said cheerfully, “Oh, please, don’t mind us, he is my run away wife, and we have some issues to settle down. Don’t worry, I’m not a ert, I’m his legal husband to be.” 

EunHyuk glared murderously at DongHae and tried to scream a protest, but DongHae strong hand quickly muffled his voice.

Defeated, EunHyuk just sat stonily in DongHae’s arms. Refused to cooperate any further with the Fish, EunHyuk just shut his eyes close and crossed his arms to his chest in angry manner.

A certain act that seemed so cute in DongHae’s eyes. Smiling to his love antics, DongHae lifted him up bridal style and sat him on the chair.

EunHyuk gasped and opened his eyes widely at the sudden turn of event. Crouching in front of him, DongHae wiped the now waste food from EunHyuk shirt. DongHae browns eyes warmly and lovingly bore into EunHyuk black one. 

“Still mad at me baby? I thought you enjoyed our accouter last time. You are such a meanie, how could left me like that? My heart bleeds in agony with your actions,” pouting to EunHyuk, DongHae feigned his hurt.

Angry, ashamed, and annoyed EunHyuk slapped DongHae’s hands away.

Still plasters with his charming smile, DongHae scooted closer. He positioned himself in between EunHyuk’s legs, and rose on his knees, until they are eyes to eyes level. DongHae placed his right hand on to the chair back, effectively trapping EunHyuk with his body. He then brought his left hand gently creased EunHyuk’s hairs and trailed down to his check.

Mesmerized with DongHae’s black spell once again, EunHyuk found himself paralyzed. He succumbed into the man’s touch. EunHyuk swallowed his spit hard to wet his suddenly dry throat. His tongue automatically jutted out and his own lips.  

“Baby, if you keep on teasing me like that, I don’t think my little Fishy down there will be able to withstand it any longer”

Eyes widened, surprised at DongHae’s erted comment, EunHyuk kneed DongHae’s stomach and stood up. 

“You.. you erted Fish! Don’t you ever come near me again!” EunHyuk pointed his index finger towards the sprawling fish on the floor.

Smiling goofily at him, DongHae tried to rise on his feet, but suddenly he clenched his stomach. Winced in pain, he fell again on his knees.

Concerned of DongHae’s how about, EunHyuk hurriedly caught the falling Fish and supported him with his body. Wrapping one of his arms around DongHae’s shoulder, EunHyuk worriedly touched DongHae’s ‘injured’ stomach. Checking him up.

“Mianhe, where did it hurt? Are you hurting badly?” pale faced, EunHyuk panicky inspected DongHae.

Catching EunHyuk’s feverish hand in his, DongHae turned and looked into EunHyuk’s beautiful face.

“It’s ok baby, your love for me heals my pain away.” DongHae said before he brought EunHyuk’s hand closer and kissed it sweetly.

“Yah, Lee DongHae! You really! Aish!”  Annoyed, EunHyuk stood and pushed the man away.

Even though DongHae found himself sprawling on his back once again, he laughed heartily at this.

 “Ah, you guys, as much as I love watching your lovey dovey scene here, I would like to remind you, we still in a restaurant with people still surrounding us like we are having a circus show. Not to mention that I’m still having my lunch here.” Ferociously stabbing a small piece of his steak and shoved it into his mouth, HeeChul continued, “... and if you guys really need to ‘do’ it now, I suggest the man’s room at the back for a quickie.” 

EunHyuk became speechless at his hyung’s comments. He turned his head to HeeChul and stare him in disbelieved.

Sensing a pair of eyes upon him, HeeChul looked at the man and retorted, “What? Need a lube and plastic? Asks JaeJoong, I’m sure he brings them along in his tote.” 

HeeChul snickered evilly before the diva casually continued his lunch like nothing happened. DongHae rolled on the floor laughing hard. The idiot fish only stopped when he felt his stomach started to hurt, not really sure it is because of the laugh or EunHyuk’s kick.

“Aish, hyung, you such a -blocker, I’m enjoying a live action drama here.” JaeJoong said to HeeChul while helping DongHae up.

EunHyuk skeptically watched the pair, ‘This is so fishy, and those two seems so suspiciously close together. They are hiding something from me,’ EunHyuk concluded.

Putting his hand on his hips, EunHyuk fumed, “Hyung, is it what I thought it is? Did you just sell me to this annoying Fish?” 

Caught red handed,  JaeJoong released DongHae suddenly,  like a burning hot rod. He clasped his hands together while laughing nervously. “Hi hi hi, ano... Eun, mianhe, hyung only wants the best for you... I know you have feelings for him too, so...” Beaming his pearly white tooth to his dongsaeng, JaeJoong tried to smile himself out of the mess.

“ Hyukkie, please don’t be mad of him. He just helps a man whose is madly in love. I begged him to help me out.” DongHae said sweetly as he carefully reached for EunHyuk.

Glaring the man by the corner of his eyes, he saw some of the customers’ patted DongHae’s shoulder, giving him moral supports. Some of them even say encouraging words like; good luck, all the best, and love will find the way. DongHae seemed to be enjoying all the supports that he gets.

The man even bowed and thanking them politely. Scoffing loudly in annoyances, EunHyuk send death glares towards the customers as well. Sensing the alarming danger, the customers slowly leave the ‘war-zone’.


“Stop following me!” Frustrated, EunHyuk kicked the man’s shin. 

“Ouch, it’s hurts baby, as much as I love you play it rough, but currently I am an injured man. I’m in pain, I need tender loving care from you” DongHae smiled flirty while massaging his abused limb. DongHae tried to reach out for EunHyuk again, but his hand was slap away yet again.

“Why don’t you just go home Lee DongHae, there’s nothing left for you here.” EunHyuk spatted.

“Baby, we both know you can’t sleep without me by your side, besides, who will warm you and sooth away your nightmares if I’m not there?”DongHae playful eyes bore at EunHyuk’s angry one. 

“Huh, you are such a narcissistic Fish aren’t you? Oh, I was just fine before and tonight will be no different. I’ll even dream a sweet dream tonight, especially without you!” 

Still not threatened by the violence and the hurtful words, DongHae happily trailed behind EunHyuk.

EunHyuk stopped at his track abruptly. He needed to think, how he ended with this Fish again. Ok, they ate lunch at an expensive French restaurant, which they suspiciously got a table without booking. After that, Fish also ‘coincidentally’ showed up in front of him just to torture him to no end.

After the commotion at the restaurant, they continued their interrupted lunch with his dirty shirt and this Fish tag along, sitting painfully too close to him. He even helped wiping EunHyuk’s mouth, cutting his steak in small pieces and even fed him. Which EunHyuk just passively followed all DongHae’s lead with a minimal resistance, as he knew; there is no way he can win against this stubborn Fish.

After that, they left the place in JaeJoong car, still the Fish. The next thing he knew, he was kicked out of the car with this said Fish, while JaeJoong shouted something about don’t even bother to show up at work place as they will cover all the chores and as DongHae already booked him for the whole month, so, just do the math. HeeChul smirked at him and shouted about protection and babies.

Oh, he is so furious right now. DongHae whose is looking so pleased with himself, with his all too wide victory smile, adding the fuel into EunHyuk burning heart.


“Argh!” Stomping his feet on the ground like a 5 years old, EunHyuk pulled his hair. Frustrated, the beautiful man suddenly he felt so tired.  

“I give up.”

Two warm hands crept from behind, covering his cold ones, and slowly pulled his hands to his side. 

“Baby, don’t give up, just give in, to me...” 

The melodic voice sounds so closed to his ear. EunHyuk is so tired. His limbs numbed and his heart which beating madly just now, started to pump slowly, sluggishly like a dying muscle. His lungs lost their capacity to inhale the oxygen that his cells need to continue living. His whole body limped, all his will to fight, even to live, gone suddenly.

‘Just give up, HyukJae,’ he heard his heart spoken.

As he felt a warm thumb slowly move in circular motion, caressing the back of his hand in assuring manner, EunHyuk heard himself silently said,“ Who am I kidding?” 

Still holding EunHyuk’s hand, DongHae planted a light kiss at the back of his ear while whispering,“ You tell me baby, I don’t know.” 

Whom is he kidding right now, EunHyuk do not even know anymore. His heart, his soul, his existence selfishly wanting this man so badly. He wanted to be with him, to be able to touch him freely, to claim him as his. However, his conscience objected his heart furiously. How a filthy man like him would be able to have that luxury? He is not worthies for this man. DongHae deserves a batter person to be beside him.

EunHyuk’s hearts lost its argument against his mind. Leaving it rots to its death.

Tears started to pour freely from his eyes. “I’m dirty.” EunHyuk mumbled.

An arm sneak around his torso pulling him gently into a warm embrace.  Hot breathes tickled his neck from behind and a free hand linked their fingers together. 

“It’s ok baby; this stains will not stay. After a quick shower and you change your clothes, you’ll be great.” 

DongHae is a sharp man; EunHyuk knew he could read between his lines, it just that the man chooses to ignore it.

Staring at the suddenly interesting pavements with visions blurs with tears, EunHyuk silently continued, “I was 10 when they took it by force, and I was 14 when I make them pay for the first time.” 

EunHyuk felt, DongHae’s breath hitched at this. The man behind him tightened the embrace and the lips pressed at his neck stretches into a thin line. 

“I won’t let them touch you again, I promise you.” DongHae’s trembling voice tried to sooth EunHyuk’s aching heart.

Surprisingly, EunHyuk found himself nodding at DongHae’s words. He wanted so badly to depend upon this man’s promise.

DongHae’s gently turned EunHyuk facing him.

 “Baby, look at me, please.” 

DongHae placed one hand at the small of EunHyuk’s back and a finger at his chin. His brown orbs searched for EunHyuk’s black ones.

Still wet with tears,  EunHyuk can’t find any strength to face that handsome man.

Knowing his pleads will not work; DongHae cupped EunHyuk’s face lovingly and kissed his both eyes. He wiped the tears with his thumbs and pulled EunHyuk closer. DongHae’s rested his forehead against EunHyuk’s and whispered, “We can’t change what ever happened in the past, but we can write our future together, yes? And my future, it can only be written with you by my side, no others.” 

EunHyuk cried harder at this.

“You wanted to be with me. You needed me, you can’t live without me, Hyukkie. You love me.” DongHae pleading voice stabbed deeper in EunHyuk’s heart. 

“And you are my world; I live only with one purpose, which is to love you. Therefore, please, I beg you; do not deny my right to live Hyukkie.” 

Biting his lips, EunHyuk nodded again at DongHae’s remark.

“Thank you HyukJae, thank you.”


After EunHyuk shaded his last tear, EunHyuk took a deep breath.

‘So be it,’ his mind and heart said in union. He lifted his gaze away from the dirty sidewalk and smiled when he looked into DongHae’s eyes, “Why are you always so full of yourself and this persistent Fishy?”

DongHae let out a relief laugh. “Because, when a Fish fall in love with a Monkey, he fall hard and he refuse to let go of his love. His brain is tiny like that... and not to mention, he is awesome like that as well.” 

DongHae gave EunHyuk a bone crushing short hug before he pulled back. He took out the ring from his ring finger and slipped it in EunHyuk’s. Looking at the slightly bigger ring, the fish said, “It is still a little bit too big for you. I guess I just have to buy you another wedding ring then.”

EunHyuk smiled at DongHae’s words. He wiped his tears dry and pulled DongHae closer for a kiss. Ending the far too short kiss, EunHyuk whispered against DongHae’s lips, “I love you DongHae.”  

“I love you more.” DongHae answered before he deepened their kiss.


Next chap:

 What really happened in the past that makes DongHae failed to rescue HyukJae?

..and what is DongHae’s relationship with Lee-nim, HyukJae’s sugar daddy?

Readers, I LOVE U ALL!

-kisses and hugs-

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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.