chapter 3: The Club

If Tomorrow Never Comes


9 p.m.

It had been a busy day today. From meeting with the client until attending court cases. Too many appointments and assignments to attend to. DongHae let out a heavy sigh. There will be no weekends off for him again this week, he guessed.

After stretching on his chair a bit, DongHae loosened up his tie and un-buttoned two upper buttons of his black shirt. He let his eyes wandered aimlessly, passing through his two busy ‘discussing’ friends, appreciating the elegant interior of his huge office before he fixed his brown orbs at the skyscraper opposite his window.

DongHae looked intently at the tall huge building. The modern structure looked majestic standing so high slicing the night sky. A pale full moon behind the building enhanced its figures. The scenery in front of him now just like a poster of an annual calendar. So beautiful.

A small chuckle escaped DongHae’s lips as he remembered, back then when he’s still young, he always insisted that the blinking light at the top of the tall building like this was the lights of spacecrafts. Maybe it belongs to aliens’ nations who are trying to land on earth. How naïve he was back then,  obsessed with aliens and their stories. But if he is really being honest with himself, until now, whenever he looks up in the sky, he still can’t help wondering if there’re some other living beings from other planet is looking back at him.

“…and I tell you Kyu, the place is so cool. There’s a lot of ‘big people’ there, but don’t worry, they really keeps their clients’ secrets well. I even met Magistrate Choi there..” YunHo’s excited voice cut DongHae’s trails of thought short. Averting his gaze towards the handsome man before him, he could now see YunHo animatedly talking about a certain club. He might be going to the club tonight, he said.

What is the name again, DongHae wondered in silence. Oh, Diversity.. what kind of name is that? It doesn’t even sounds like a prestigious gay club, but it does suspiciously sounds similar to a dance crew he once knew. Letting out another heavy sigh, he tried to ignore his friends and focus on his works. After a minute or two passed with him only staring blankly at the paper in front of him, DongHae admitted defeat. For him to finish all this cases tonight is just impossible. He was not in mood.

“So, who else there? I mean, besides your beautiful maiden?” GaemKyu asked, showing interest on YunHo’s favorite club. Not even looking at his hyung while asking, KyuHyun’s eyes were still glued to the computer monitor and his hands were busy smashing on the keyboard and the mouse. He must been playing StarCraft again. DongHae rolled his eyes.

Three of them, DongHae, YunHo, and KyuHyun were stressing out lately with their current workloads. There are tons of cases, from small divorce cases until huge heritages cases. These rich people, really could not sought out their family problems at home aren’t they? They just need to make everything complicated and brings them to court. Not that he complaining, DongHae contemplated, as their ‘problems’ are the source of income for law firms like this. However, there are prices to pay as well. The more casses their acceptted, meaning the more hours at work place. For an example there are days like this, at 9.30 pm of Friday night, they were still in his office working!

 “ Ah, I’m glad you ask that, my boy. So, let me tell you, actually, there are 3 most seeks out hosts there. They are like hyungs or captains there.  From I know, all three of them are the highest pay rates hosts. To spend 2 hours of drinking and talking alone, ones have to pay USD 500, not to mention the cash you have to sacrifice to take them out.. or to bed them.”  YunHo explained.

DongHae smirked a bit. How ironic, money really could buy anything nowadays. Companionships, attentions, and even fake loves like this. Now, lonely people have to pay to lie at their self. This is how pathetic and low humans had become.

DongHae listened silently to YunHo. This man does know a lot of things.. he was like a walking encyclopedia about world. Small things like the best street foods in town until the juiciest gossips of the big politicians in their country; this man has them all under his sleeves. From where he got all of this information, DongHae really doesn’t want to know. He has his own way YunHo once said.

 “But as the words spreads, all three of them are quite eccentric and exclusive. They don’t easily go out or randomly bed their customers. Only the lucky ones will have the chance,” YunHo continued.

“ and I believe you already win the chance with your man, eh YunHo-hyung?” closing the file DongHae suddenly asked.

“a..I just save the best for the last, DongHae.”

“Meaning, he still doesn’t have with him yet. Wow, I’m surprised Hyung, there is a person in this whole wide world who have the resistant against your charm? Man, he’s good… Or it is you who start to fade now?” witty comment from KyuHyun heard without him averting his eyes from the computer screen.

YunHo’s cocky smiles flatten a bit at this. “Ya, boy, just shut your mouth and listen to your hyung when he is talking, aish.” YunHo threw a pen towards the game-boy. KyuHyun easily duck it without even looking. He might have an antenna on his head for being able to do that.  Both DongHae and KyuHyun laughed hard at YunHo.

“You want me to continue or not?” YunHo said, putting his fist on the table, faking his anger.

“Oh, yes, mianhe Hyung, please do continue.”  DongHae said while covering his mouth, trying to suppress his giggles.

“ Aish, stop laughing already you two. You people are disturbing my concentrations. Ok, so of course JaeJoong is the prettiest, and not to mention he is mine..” YunHo said with a dreamy face, both DongHae and KyuHyun can’t help themselves but to roll their eyes at this comment. “His like”

“ It’s ok, hyung, just skip that part. Tell us about the other two. iIf we let you to start fandboy-ing about your JaeJoong, it’ll takes hours, and you don’t want us to fall for JaeJoong as well right?” the genius boy cut YunHo’s fantasy short.

Peaking from the computer screen, KyuHyun smile a little bit too sweet to YunHo for a second and then focus back to the monitor.

”hem…ok,  I really don’t want to share him with you people, so let me tell you about the others. There is HeeChul whose also known as Cinderella. His clients gave the nickname to him not only because of his gorgeous features, but also due to his habit. Every time the clock strikes 12, he’ll be heading home.  It’s no because of he’ll be ugly or what so ever at twelve, but it’s because he promised his cop boyfriend to be home by 1 am. Met him several times, he’s a real beauty, but his temperamental is outrageous.  I think most of his clients are the sado-maso type, and he is their master for sure .” YunHo paused a while. He stood up, straightened his maroon shirt and placed his hands at his hips.  

“How about the other one Hyung?” KyuHyun voice asked before DongHae opened his mouth.

“I’m in to it right now, learn a little patient will you?”  YunHo retorted. The tall man let his fingers lazily traced the line of the slightly hazy moon’s shadow, before he continued his narration. “The last one is the youngest of them all. He’s known as EunHyuk or Silver..”

DongHae didn’t understand why, but his heart started to skip a bit at the name.

“how is he looks like?” DongHae surprised at his own inpatient-ness. YunHo turned his attention to DongHae. He leaned his back against the window, and smiled a little.

 “Surreal. That’s the best word to describe him. He’s a walking wet dream says some. An in personification says others. He is the owner of two black jack eyes with creamy smooth skin, plumps red lips and a well-toned body with muscles at all the right places. I met him several time, but never had a chance to really sit down and talk to him. He seemed to be a nice and a friendly person. However, his schedule always full and to have a drink with him alone, ones need to be book weeks earlier. He seldom at the club, only there when it’s his turn to manage it. I saw him on the dance floor once. Man, seeing him swaying his hips, his legs and his expression, I almost jerked myself there and then, I tell you” 

Listening to YunHo’s narration about the man, making DongHae squirmed in his seat. There’s something about this Eun guy poked DongHae’s interest. He don’t even know why yet, but his heart screamed to know more about this mysterious Eun.

“As the look of this man..I think, he is the one and only person who can pull iness out of red hairs and man-liners without being weird or looks absurd.”

“But from what I heard, he had a ‘big person’ as his exclusive client. He sleeps with nobody except this person, some sort of sugar daddy of his” of all the sudden, YunHo voice became serious and low.  

He threw a weird look at DongHae in a split of second and hastily averted his gaze. DongHae caught YunHo eyes and pondered, the man was hiding something from him. DongHae looked intently at the gut, silently asking for explanation.

“So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Long screech of chair against the carpeted floor and a sudden outburst of KyuHyun figure from behind the monitor saved YunHo from DongHae’s questioning glares. 

Two pairs of bewildered eyes stared weirdly at KyuHyun. The younger rolled his eyes to his hyungs acts. “I say, let’s heads to the club now. YunHo hyung, already booked for tonight yes? DongHae hyung didn’t have any plan for tonight, yes? In addition, I, as a genius I am, already won the next level of my game. Furthermore, neither of us wants to study these boring cases anymore. So the best things is, let us be a proper human beings just for once tonight. Let’s all of us go out and have fun on this weekend night!” KyuHyun proposed while he literally dragged his two still dumbfounded hyung by their arms toward the lift.


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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.