chapter 5: The touch

If Tomorrow Never Comes


The sound of the shattering glass against the marble floor crashed back EunHyuk to reality.

He blinked twice and averted his eyes towards fragments of sharp glasses by his feet. With awkward and shaky movements, EunHyuk crunched down. Clumsily, the young man tried to pick up the remaining of once a fine martini glass.

In his panic state, unintentionally EunHyuk cut his index finger. Blood started to ooze out of the gaping skin. EunHyuk tsk-ed under his breath and examined the wound. It’s only a small cut, but deep enough and it is hurt. Before he could do anything to stop the bleeding, he felt that his wounded hand been held in a warm grasp and pulled away from his body.

Like an idiot, EunHyuk just looked his finger as its’ journey finally ended in a wet warm caverns of DongHae’s mouth. EunHyuk gasped audibly, but as if he was too captures in a magic spell, his body done nothing about it.

Glad at EunHyuk’s devoid of resistance, DongHae gently started to the wounded finger in silent. After several minutes of silence, the man finally pulled the finger out and carefully examined it. He held the hand as if he was holding a precious jewel.

“Ck, such a clumsy Monkey. Look what you had done to yourself, ” DongHae’s brown eyes met EunHyuk’s.

EunHyuk’s breath hitched. EunHyuk snapped out of his stupor state and jerked his hands out of DongHae’s. All the sudden his hand felt cold at the lost of contact.

“I’m not a monkey and I’m not clumsy either. Don’t be rude,” EunHyuk retorted with his slightly quivered voice.

DongHae smirked and the unconvincing answer and kept on staring at him. Suddenly EunHyuk felt so suffocated with all the attentions he received from the man. The intense stares made EunHyuk felt bare and vulnerable.  

EunHyuk stood on his feet. The redhead had to lean his back to the bar top for support to straighten his unsteady knees. His whole body trembled in mixture of feeling.

EunHyuk was overjoyed to know that the one who he loves is still alive and doing well. However, he was also so devastated for unable to hold this man in his arms and to claim him his. He is a different man now. He’s a sinner, a dirty soul. He’s not suitable with this man anymore.

Holding his tears, he averted his gaze and turned his back to DongHae. EunHyuk faced the bar once more, grasping the edge of the bar top until his knuckles turned white of the pressure. EunHyuk felt warmness beside him as DongHae followed his action. 

“I’m so sorry. I had mistaken you for a person I once knew.” DongHae said. DongHae tried hard to confine his struggling emotion.

“EunHyuk-ssi, how’s the finger, still bleeding?” DongHae continued asking with slightly tremor voice as he fixed his stare towards the bottles of expensive liquors in front of them. His handsome face looked tensed.

EunHyuk studied the man’s face from the corner of his eyes. His body stiffened, he doesn’t have a clue on what his next steps he should take. Is it better for him to confess that he’s HyukJae or is it better for him to pretend that he didn’t know this man and let the handsome man living his new life with him.

Only God knows how he wanted to throw his arms around this man, to kiss him senselessly. EunHyuk more than wanted to devour all of him, to tell him how much he misses him. EunHyuk also wanted to scream how much he is still in love with him. EunHyuk was so frustrated.

If only he had the confidence to do so. If only he met DongHae in other place, in other time. Not in a place like this. Not when the man know what he does for living.

DongHae suddenly turned his head facing the conflicting beautiful male. EunHyuk startled at the sudden movement, but he managed to regain his composure.

Smiling widely, DongHae extended his right hand in front of EunHyuk. “I guess the finger is ok now, it will be fine in a day or two.”

EunHyuk looked at the hand like an idiot.

“Shall we start again then? I’m Lee DongHae, the handsome and charming most Fish from the East Sea, nice meeting you, EunHyuk-ssi.” 

Dumbfounded, EunHyuk only continue to stare back and fro at DongHae’s face and hand.

“Gorgeous,  it’s not nice to ignore my friendly gestures no matter how much you’re captured by my good looks you know” DongHae joked while he forcefully took EunHyuk’s hand in his and shook it hard.

EunHyuk white face became as red as tomato. He was so embarrassed with the whole situation. He looked like a star fan. “Mianhe, I’m EunHyuk, I’m the manager for tonight, please to meet you DongHae-ssi.” EunHyuk stuttered.

Retaining his own feeling, DongHae smiled at his love cuteness. He understood why EunHyuk pretended not to know him. He could read the man like an open book. He knew the red head must have been suffering right now. Knowing EunHyuk’s nature, DongHae could guess that EunHyuk didn’t want to make he felt ashamed.

EunHyuk must have thought that he’s worthless because he’s a host now. EunHyuk must’ve thinking of letting DongHae go. DongHae’s heart sunk at that thought.

However, DongHae decided, he won’t make EunHyuk suffered more. If EunHyuk wanted to pretend that they didn’t know each other, he would do the same, just for EunHyuk’s sakes. For that, DongHae swallowed all his emotions and played along with EunHyuk.

He know where he could find EunHyuk now. He will claim the man back, eventually.

“Ok, Manager-ssi, as I am new client of yours, you’re responsible to show me around, and give me some introduction or promotions a little bit aren’t you?” 

EunHyuk swore he could see a glint of mischief sparked in DongHae’s sorrowful eyes as he said that. Feeling more at ease as DongHae didn’t pressured him, Eunhyuk smiled a little.

Calming his nerves off, EunnHyuk took a deep breath. In his mind, EunHyuk pondered, DongHae still didn’t change even a bit. He always manages to make EunHyuk feels at ease in any given situations, since they were small even until today.  

“DongHae-ssi, yes, I think I should do that. But first, you might need to let go off my hand first. I kind of need it you know” he smiled. EunHyuk tried to act as professional as he could.

DongHae pouted. “Aww.  Too bad, I love how your hand fit perfectly in mine. Ok, I’ll give it back to you for now, but next time, if I ever going to catch it again, I’ll never let go of it.” DongHae winked as he reluctantly untwined their hands.

“Thank you DongHae-ssi. I really appreciate it.” EunHyuk flashed a smile and gestured DongHae to follow him around.

DongHae obediently trailed behind him while mumbling about the luxurious decorations of the club. 

“As you can see, DongHae-ssi, this club consists of several sections. First front most section is the hall. It is a place that you can dine with your partner. There is where most of our hosts and clients would be. It was separates from other section by a door. We don’t wants our clients to feel disturbs by the loud music. The 2nd section, over there, is the dance floor..”

 “Hem, dance floor. Nice, I like dancing..” DongHae said as his eyes followed EunHyuk’s hands direction. 

“ I’m sure you do. This is the bar. You can find almost all the top quality liquors ever existed under the sun here.”

DongHae nodded.

“Lastly, if you’re curious. There are lifts at the back. They lead you to personal suits if you ever want to continue your ‘business’ with your partner to somewhere.. private.” EunHyuk grimaced at his own words.

Business. Yes, this is what he been doing, it is nothing personal, it just business. And now, the most tragic things is, he is trying to do business with his own love life. 

“I understand roughly about this club now. So, my question is, if I decided that I wanted you to accompany me for a couple of hours tonight, how is that?” DongHae’s two browns orbs captured EunHyuk’s black ones and stare at it intensely.

EunHyuk swallowed his spit hard. It was too tempting. EunHyuk have to let it down.

“ Alas, DongHae-ssi, tonight  is not possible. I’m the manager for today, so I am needed to be around and make sure all my clients here are enjoying themselves. It won’t be fair for others if you keep me for yourself. Besides, it will be very expensive you know.” EunHyuk forcedly smiled at this point. He felt his heart spurted out blood and poison with every word he spoken.

DongHae just opened his mouth to answer EunHyuk when a short fat old man came and spoke to EunHyuk. 

“ EunHyuk-ssi, it has been quite some time since I last saw you here. Where have you been? I heard rumors saying that you already quit Diversity and become a full timer with ‘him’” 

EunHyuk worriedly averted his eyes to DongHae as the old man spoke. DongHae clenched his jaws and pulled a sour face besides him. Jealousy and anger emitting from the young man like volcano eruption.

“Ah, Kim-ssii, why don’t I accompany you to the dance floor and we have our chat there?” EunHyuk tried to pray himself and the fat man away from the boiling DongHae. He couldn’t let DongHae see him entertaining his client.

Chubby arm sneaked around EunHyuk’s tiny back dragged him away from DongHae. 

“DongHae-ssi, please look around and enjoy yourself here. If you needed anything, just ask one of our waiters, ok?” EunHyuk called out, but his heart crushed to his feet when he saw DongHae did not even looking at him as DongHae made his way to the bar behind.


Almost an hour passed by and after glasses of wine later, EunHyuk still unable to pay any attention towards the forever-rambling man before him. He placed his arms loosely around the man’s’ shoulder and just let Kim-ssii lead their movements. His mind wandered across the dance floor, to a certain fish there. 

EunHyuk was on the verges of crying in frustration when he felt a warm presence behind him. A strong arm encircled his slim waist from behind and pulled him in a very possessive embrace. 

“Can I have this dance?” DongHae’s husky voice sounded so melodic in EunHyuk’s ears send shivers to his spine.  

The slightly drunken DongHae casted a murderous look towards the man EunHyuk was dancing with, forcing the latter let his hand go. Defeated, Kim-ssi left the couple without a word.


New music played in the air. Neither of them knew how long they had been standing stiffly like logs before their body started to sway with the music. They glued so close with DongHae’s chest at EunHyuk’s back. Even small movement of their fully clothed body produces delicious friction. Torturing and tempting them for more.

Couldn’t muster any strength to face the man yet, EunHyuk reach his right hand onto DongHae’s hairs. His long fingers dug into the browns lock desperately. DongHae’s hot breaths tickled EunHyuk’s neck seductively, captured his breath. EunHyuk felt that his brain stopped functioning and only focused on what he felt. His traitor body reacted sinfully under Donghae’s wordless command. 

'EunHyuk knew he need to stop this madness, but all his will to fight and sanity gone with the wind as he felt a wicked hot tongue made its way to his earlobe, sensually it and it gently.

EunHyuk knew it is useless to resist the temptation anymore. How could he win the battle when all the fibers in his body went against him, when all of him chanted DongHae's name, craving for DongHae's touch and his presence beside him? By God, EunHyuk loves this man. He misses him and his touch. 

EunHyuk finally surrendered, he refused to think anymore, 'Just for tonight,' he finally resolved.

EunHyuk tilted his head backward onto DongHae’s shoulder. He then turned half-facing DongHae, effectively captured DongHae’s y lips. EunHyuk took a glimpse at DongHae's face before closed his eyes shut. DongHae’s face flushed and his eyes full of emotion and lust. EunHyuk let out soft moans as their lips touched.

The kiss started chaste initially with both of them savoring each other’s sweet skin, but it was not long before soon it became the battle for dominance. Moans and groans started to replace the sound of music between them.

DongHae bit EunHyuk's lower lips, making the slightly smaller man gasped in shock. The young lawyer then pushed his hot tongue into EunHyuk’s hot caverns as he spun the man around, fully facing him. Donghae’s possessive embrace never let EunHyuk go and he kept on pulling EunHyuk closer until there’s no possible space in between them.

The background music, the sounds, and lights slowly vanished as they continued their ‘dance’. EunHyuk encircled his arms around DongHae’s neck as the others planted kisses all over his face, his jaw, and neck. He felt DongHae’s devilish hands sneakily made their way dangerously further south. One warm palm rested on his buttock squeezed it a bit and the other one tugged on his belt.

“This thing must go off.” DongHae mumbled against the crook of EunHyuk’s neck.  


“Urm. Guys, I think you should continue this behind a close door.” JaeJoong’s voice awakens EunHyuk and DongHae from their lustful adventure.

Bewildered and still incoherent, EunHyuk opened his eyes. He looked behind DongHae’s shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. Not far from them, he saw a pale faced JaeJoong. When he focused some more, he realized that the music wasn’t playing anymore and they had been encircled by the equally stunned clients and hosts. his now swollen and wet lips, he was at loss of words to defend himself.

 “Room, now!” 

DongHae’s lusty voice was the last thing that echoed in EunHyuk’s head, as he was drag towards the lift.


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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.