chapter 8: I Want

If Tomorrow Never Comes


“So, tell me. What the hell is happening in Diversity?” Angry husky voice ripped apart the tranquil air of Saturday morning.

“I was away for only 3 months and I already heard so many things going on down here. I even heard gossips about my own club in Dubai. In Dubai, on my honeymoon leave, for God’s sake people.” The handsome man’s voice claimed several octaves emphasizing his ill feeling. Looking at three beautiful still men in front of him, Mickey YooChun tried to calm his anger.

Ok, maybe he had been too tough on them.

Exhaling his irritation soundly, YooChun ran his long fingers upon his perm hair in frustration. With calmer tone, he said, “So, any of you care to enlighten your hyung on what so ever is happening now?” 

Looking sheepishly at each other, Heechul, JaeJoong and EunHyuk just continue their silence n guilty, hoping one of them would open his mouth and do the explanation. All three of them sighed mentally.

At 10 o’clock on a beautiful weekend morning, three of the most famous hosts in Diversity, were summon to gather in their boss’s office for an emergency meeting. The agenda of the ad hoc meeting none other than to ‘discuss’ the boys misbehave in the absence of their boss. By discuss it means scolding in their dictionary.  

As they sat on comfortably, facing YooChun’s shiny mahogany desk, they eyed the handsome man warily. Today going to be a very long day for them. They sighed again.

YooChun a man in his mid 30’s wears a grey stripe suit with perm shoulder length hair; sat heavily in his huge chair. Annoyed he threw the hat onto the table. He looked at his trustworthy dongsaengs , one by one, silently studied their faces and expressions.

Guilt, as he could read it, written clearly on their foreheads. Pulling out a serious face, YooChun crossed his legs, waiting for explanations.

“Talking about your honeymoon hyung, how’s your wife, JunSu? It had been quite some time since I last meet him.”JaeJoong broke the heavy deafening atmosphere with a sweet smile.

YooChun’s grim expression turned 180 degree as he heard JaeJoong. “Oh, he is just fine. Just that he is kept busied by Sunny baby lately. Aish, that little toddler always screams for milk.” 

YooChun smiled dreamily as he talked about his family. Suddenly he snapped out of his dreamy state and retorted, “Yah, JaeJoong, don’t you try  sweet talk yourself out of this matter. I know your trick already. Don’t try to change the subject, I’m still waiting for answers you know. ” 

YooChun stared intensely at his mischief dongsaeng. He tried to look fierce, which he failed miserably. 

“Aish, you had become sharper,” JaeJoong pouted.

EunHyuk smiled at their antics. As he silently sat there, hoping his boss won’t notice him, the red head busied constructing words to answer him.

Mickey YooChun is his boss, or hyung. He met this man about 12 years ago. HeeChul introduced them to each other. YooChun, as he knew is a very passionate man and gentle. However, he is a very sharp businessperson. He knows a good business when he saw one.

His spouse, Xiah JunSu used to be a host at Diversity but he quited the job soon after they become exclusive together. JunSu developed keen towards EunHyuk as they become very close friends. JunSu being 5 years older treated EunHyuk like his own little brother.

While the seams of his shirt, EunHyuk listened to his boss. 

“I heard a lot of things. First you, HeeChul, what with the domestic housewife’s things? Had to be home by 12 midnight. You think you owns this place?. For your information HeeChul, our club closes at 3 am every day.” 

HeeChul, being a proud man that he is, just scoffed at YooChun’s comment. The temperamental beauty crossed his arms to his chest and looked away. 

“I’ll buy half of the shares from you in future hyung, and then I’ll come and go home at any time I want to.” HeeChul muttered under his breath.

Surprisingly YooChun sharp ears caught this and barked back, “Ah, please do that, I really want to see how you will buy this company from me. Aish, this kid, really”

 Continuing his lecture, YooChun shifted his stare towards JaeJoong, “JaeJoong, you with your picky nature. What had I told you about clients is our king?”

“ Aish, you refused to pour drinks for JY Park!. JY Park for God sake’s! He is the biggest mafia in whole Korea! You want my head in your dinner plate did you? You guys really cut my life short here.” YooChun dramatically pulled his hair.

HeeChul chuckled audibly, while JaeJoong just smiled cutely at this, which irked YooChun more. JaeJoong then beamed his boss his killer puppy eyes and pouty lips, innocently pleaded for forgiveness.

 Defeated by JaeJoong’s cuteness, YooChun’s gaze fell upon EunHyuk. 

“And you Eun, what with this stalkers of yours? Calling here thousands times daily, looking for you. Waiting for you in front of the club every day. That erts even wears shades and drench coat, trying to look mysterious. He even bought binocular for God’s sakes. How weird is that? He already booked all your schedules until next month. He even had the guts to ask me, how much he got to pay to make you his own!” 

EunHyuk bits his lower lip at this. “What did you tell him, hyung?”

He really is in trouble. That blockhead Fish really getting into his nerves now. It had been one week and DongHae is pastering him like crazy. EunHyuk does anything to avoid him. EunHyuk even called in for a sick leave. He hoped that DongHae will just gives up and leave him alone, but knowing the man, his strategy is just futile. 

“I told him Eun, I don’t own you. You’re a free man and you can go with him at your own free will.”

EunHyuk stare at his boss at this remark. Actually he could walk away if he wanted to. However, he just refused to do so, at least for now.  


Flipping his long hair in annoyance, HeeChul stomped his way out of their boss’s office. After 2 long hours of nerve-wracking lecture, at last YooChun let them go. Both JaeJoong and EunHyuk followed closely behind. 

“You two, why don’t we go and grab lunch together today? It had been sometime since we hang out, yes?” Beaming his gorgeous smile, HeeChul turned to his two dongsaeng.

 “Yay, lunch. I want to! Listening to that ahjusshi really makes my stomach growls in hunger. I also want to hang out with you two. Let us go. I heard that there is one new French restaurant. I always wanted to try  the food out. Lunch is on me, guys” giggled gleefully like a high school girl, JaeJoong grabbed EunHyuk by shoulder and Heechul’s arm and dragged them towards his car.


Still distracted with his last conversation with YooChun, EunHyuk sulked silently at the table. Both JaeJoong and HeeChul were loudly gossiping about him and his ‘heated accouter’ with DongHae. As if he does not even there. JaeJoong must had been exaggerating things. He sounded suspiciously too lewd from JaeJoong’s story. He could not be like that, right. He was not ‘drunk in lust’ as JaeJoong claimed he was, was not he?

Frustrated, EunHyuk chose to ignore his hyungs. His hand idly played with the food in his plate. The food does look delicious, but he has no appetite at all. His throat seemed to be stuffed with a nauseating, bitter lump.

Palming his chest, his breath hitched at the growing pain in his heart that seemed to increases with every waking minute since last week. He then shut his eyes closed, fighting the tears, which threatened to fall.


“Love is a dangerous game in our business. I once told you that make your clients love you, but not in love with you, or vice versa. You’ll only ends up hurting yourself later.” YooChun concerned eyes bore deep into his sorrowful one.

“Thank you Hyung, I understand. I’ll do something about it. Hyung, do me a favor. Please, I really don’t want to see that guy again, don’t approve all his booking.” EunHyuk voice quivered saying that. ‘I’m not worth for him.’

“You do what you need to do Eun, I don’t want you to get hurt. JunSu will not forgive me if I let anything bad happens to you. You know that right.” YooChun pated EunHyuk shoulder. Looking at the marble floor, EunHyuk nodded his head.


Wiping his tears with the back of his hand, EunHyuk sadly smiled. ‘I guess it is better this way. DongHae is doing great now. There is no way a lowly host like me can be besides him.’ Determined, EunHyuk took a deep breath.

“Hei, beautiful. If you keep on biting your lips and smile that cute smile of yours, I am afraid that random psychos will come and kidnap you, you know.” 

Startled upon hearing the husky voice, EunHyuk abruptly stood up. He ended knocking out the chair behind him and fell onto the carpeted floor along with his lunch. The pasta landed on his white shirt. Shirt stained with pasta sauce, EunHyuk sprawled helplessly on the floor.

“Monkey, what had I told you about being clumsy?” smiling widely, the handsome man slowly approached EunHyuk. Scared,  EunHyuk scooted further from the intruder.

As the man’s hands got nearer to EunHyuk, his heart beat more madly inside. When he felt the hands on his arm and shoulder, EunHyuk shut his eyes close and screamed as loud as he can, “Don’t come closer!”


next: “Oh, please, don’t mind us, he is my run away wife and we have some issues to settle down. Don’t worry, I’m not a ert, I’m his husband to be.

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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.