chapter 7 : I Need

If Tomorrow Never Comes


EunHyuk sighed for the ninth time today. He looked at the clock; it showed 12.30 noon. Time sure ticks painfully slow than usual nowadays.

It had been a week since he met DongHae and it had been hiding in his pad. He avoided the man like plague. He offs his hand phone and didn’t show up to any of his ‘booking’ at club. He will redeem his clients later, he promised them.

A warm hand slipped around his waist and pulled him close for a back hug. EunHyuk felt content. He closed his eyes while tilting his head behind and let it rest upon the intruder’s broad shoulder.

A small butterfly kiss planted on EunHyuk’s milky neck.

“Baby, tell what’s wrong? If there’s something I could help you with?” Lee-nim deep voice gently tried to sooth him. EunHyuk smiled a bit.

“Nothing babe, just that...” EunHyuk sighed again.

“Hem, don’t pull that ‘nothing’ stunt on me honey. I know you and I know that something is bothering you. Talk to me like you always does,” Lee-nim cooed more.

“You didn’t go to work. You turned down our dinner date. You even call delivery for your food. You’re obviously is running from something.” Lee-nim reasoned.

“Not something, it is someone.” EunHyuk tried to explain. Even though Lee-nim is his sugar daddy, EunHyuk shares almost everything with the man. Years being together, Lee-nim had become a part of EunHyuk’s life. Some sort of family, in a weird twisted way.

“Ah, so that’s the problem? Should I be jealous?”

“No. He got nothing that you had.” EunHyuk smiled and turned facing the handsome middle age man. He put his arms loosely around the latter neck. Lee-nim held the slim man by his waist.

“He obviously not as rich as you, neither have a wife and 2 kids like you. He also don’t have this white strands in his hair,” EunHyuk humored.

“Ok, I still held the upper hand.”

“Ha ha, you did. Urm, what’s more?” EunHyuk bit his lower lip, pretending to think hard.

“Aigyoo, so cute.” Lee-nim pecked EunHyuk pouting lips before he continued. “But he loves you and you loves him.”

EunHyuk dead panned.

“That’s the problem,” his mood turned sour. DongHae’s love really is a problem for him. They are just didn’t belongs in the same world anymore. DongHae is doing well, as for him, he just a lowly host. Sponsored by a rich guy. Beded countless male before.

Lee-nim’s embrace upon his tiny waist tightened. “What is the problem Eun? He’s single and in loves with you. And baby, if you ask me, you obviously returns the feeling, so what is the problem?” honesty emitted from Lee-nim’s eyes.

EunHyuk averted his eyes. Lee-nim surely someone whose he hold dear to his heart. The man had been nothing but sweet and caring just like a father to a son. If Lee-nim didn’t asked to be his exclusive client more than 10 years ago, he might be jumping from bed to bed until now. Lee-nim not only fulfils his physical needs, but also provides him emotional support.

“Baby, look at me. You had been a great company to me for all these years. You are like an escape from my real world. A place that I could just rest from being me; away from my stressful work life and my failed marriage. You give me more than a man could receive. I promised to take care of you until you found someone who is worth of your heart. I still keep that promise until now.”

Tears started to pool in EunHyuk’s eyes. Lee-nim’s thumb gently wiped EunHyuk’s tears away.

“It’s ok. Just live your life EunHyuk. Be free to live and to love. You deserves it not less than anyone else does.”

EunHyuk nodded.

“There, smile a bit for your sweet old man, will you?”

EunHyuk smiled and leaned on the man’s chest. He really felt better. Talking to the man just like a therapy, he needed.

“So, did I know him? He’s not one of my sons is he?”

EunHyuk chukled, “No, I don’t think so. He’s an orphan.”

“Ok, is that the reason you didn’t wear your ring?”

“You are such an observant Lee-nim! Em, I threw it away, I don’t need them anymore.”

“Can’t help it, I’m a lawyer you know. I need to be observant. Ha ha ha.”


Meantime, in front of Diversity, 30 minutes away.

“You really want to continue this?” Fidgeted on his knees, looking embarrassed, YunHo adjusted his Ray ban.

“Of course I’m serious, if not, I won’t be doing this every day. Am i?” DongHae retorted without looking back to his friend. His eyes busied spying on the luxurious club across the street. Pinching his eyes behind a high-tech binocular, DongHae continued focusing all his attention towards the door and the windows. He sighed heavily as there’s no sign of EunHyuk.

On that rare yet bright Friday noon, during their lunch break, there they were; two top young lawyers in town, crouched behind bushes in their work attire, stalking a certain man. Passerby stared at them weirdly as they saw two handsome men suspiciously whispering and bickering behind those small bushes.

Schoolgirls squealed at them. YunHo gave them an evil eye behind his shades.

“Of all the people, why it had to be him?”Eyes still locked towards the club, YunHo asked.

“Hyung, of all the people, it always been him.” DongHae quickly answered.

“This is a very dangerous game you involved in DongHae. I think you should just forget him and find someone else. You don’t know who’s the big person ‘supporting’ him from behind.”

Again, he heard YunHo’s concerned voice. On why his best friend opposed his love so much, he does not even know. He clearly know that it is nothing to do with EunHyuk’s status as host, because JaeJoong also a host. YunHo is not a person who really cares about status and anything like that. It must be something else. However, as stubborn as DongHae always is, he just don’t give a damn anymore. He had being looking for EunHyuk since years. Now that he found him, he won’t let go.

“Hyung, I’m not playing. This game, you said means world to me. My whole existence depended on it.”

“I do not care about whose his sugar daddy is either I give a damn. All I know is, he’s mine and I’m going to make sure it become that way.” DongHae’s voice became unconsciously high.

“Aish, mianhe, I did meant to offense you boy. Keep your voice down a bit will you? We are catching too much attention. Look, people are watching.” YunHo said while he clamped DongHae’s mouth with his large hand.

As DongHae looked around him, he saw a group of curious crowd started to gather around them and looked the club’s direction as well.

“I think this is our call, let’s wrap it up for today.” YunHo said while he stood up on his feet and straighten his suit.

“Hyung, I still didn’t see ‘him’,” DongHae whined childishly.

“He won’t come. He had called for a sick leave for a week.” YunHo said as he walked away from their spying spot.

DongHae’s eyes widen in disbelieved. He stomped his feet like a five years old, “Hyung, how do you know this? Why did not you tell me earlier?”

YunHo raised his brow skeptically as he turned towards DongHae’s direction. “What? You did not ask me. JaeJoong told me last Monday.” YunHo said matter-effect-ly as nothing wrong.

Pulling his hair in frustration, DongHae screamed, “You let me suffer for nothing this whole week!”

Still walking away, YunHo set his shades on his hairs. His free hand sneaked into his pocket and took out his I-Phone, pressing a speed dial.

“These are just the small portions of pain that you need to endure for your love DongHae. I am now convinced that your feelings are for real.”

YunHo glanced to his back. DongHae gaped at his insensitivity.

“Oh, don’t be a prissy; just shut your fish mouth close boy. You looked 100% like a Nemo that way. I’ll call JaeJoong and HeeChul, for the next step.”

 DongHae stared at the retreating figure for the whole minute until the meaning of YunHo’s words sank into his head. Felt happy all the sudden, DongHae skipped his way towards his friend.

“Hyung, saranghae!” with wide smile like an idiot, DongHae tugged on YunHo’s sleeves.

“Yea, yea, of course you love me.”


For those who read this fic before, you might noticed the difference between this one and in LJ. I had re arrange the fic back so that i could present each charecter more deeply.

This is just a short chapter explaining the nature of HyukJae’s and Lee-nim’s relationship

Sneak peak for next chap: “Monkey, what did I told you about being clumsy?” 

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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.