chapter 10: You and Him

If Tomorrow Never Comes


Life could not been better than this, DongHae mused. Smiled widely while he cupped a handful of the luke warm water, he playfully splashed it to the man who had been so comfortable, leaned to him in the bathtub. He chuckled teasingly when he the said man slapped his hand away and cutely whined a small protest.

“Aniya... Fishy... Stop, I’m trying to get some nap here.” Pouting ever so cutely, the man rubbed his redden cheek against DongHae’s nape.

“Oh, this is what I’m now to you, just a fluffy pillow or a warm blanket for your comfort, yes?” DongHae pouted back, feigned his hurt.

“Yes, you are. I did not promise to make your life easier when I said I love you back then. So, now, stay still and be a good boyfriend.” Eyes still stubbornly closed, EunHyuk, who is now head to toe, skin to skin with DongHae, snuggled closer to his handsome human pillow, adjusting for the best position.

DongHae laughed heartedly at this; this monkey never fails to amuse him. DongHae gently pulled his love closer. He kissed EunHyuk’s strawberry scented damp hair.

“It’s ok baby, you may use me whenever, however you feel like it, I’ll comply. I live my life for you remember.” As he feather lightly caressed his lovers back, he continued, “You just sleep now; I’ll wake you up in half an hour, ok?”

After giving a butterfly kiss at the warm skin of DongHae’s neck, EunHyuk nodded in agreement. “Love you, forever Fishy, remember that.”

DongHae grinned at this. “Love you for eternity, Monkey.”


Life is great. Perfect. Heavenly.

The God of fortune had been so generous with him nowadays. After they made up two months ago, DongHae had move in with HyukJae instantly. They stayed in HyukJae’s modern pad, which located in the middle of Seoul, in an upper-class district.

DongHae really appreciated HyukJae’s honesty to him when the Monkey openly confessed that the house was a gift from his ‘exclusive’ client before. An important man whose DongHae presumed to be a super rich businessperson, as for him to afford a place like this. Nobody knew this place, HyukJae said, not even his coworkers. The only person whose knew the location was his ‘suitor’. However, he never visits him since they decided to call their relationship off.

DongHae cannot help to feel a pang of jealousy over the mysterious man as HyukJae told him this. HyukJae seemed to be fond of that man. However, he was so relieved when HyukJae said he already cut off their ‘relationship’ when he decided to be with DongHae. According to HyukJae, his said suitor seemed to take the news well. DongHae was genuinely glad.

To add rainbow to DongHae’s joy, HyukJae also stopped working at the club all together and stayed at home. He prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner every day; he made his necktie before he goes to work and even greets him at the door after the long tiring day. The heavenly treatments that he received makes DongHae’s heart swelled with loves and felt like he is the luckiest man ever lived in the whole universe. He was content, undeniably happy.  

DongHae’s parents were shocked at first when he told them that he is moving from their mansion, out of blue. However, they granted his wish as he told them that he met a jewel to share his life with. His stepmother always nags DongHae to bring her future son-in-law home, but he respected HyukJae’s decision when the man said, he was not ready for it.

DongHae let his mother and HyukJae talked through phone several times, and they seemed to get along just fine. DongHae also brought him to meet his half brother, SungMin. He was not surprised when they become an instant besties soon after they opened their mouths. SungMin is a music composer, who had a flexible timetable, now is a regular visitor of their house. He came down now and then just to hang out with HyukJae.

HyukJae also had opened up completely to DongHae. One night, a day after they got together again, HyukJae revealed everything to him. In between his sobs, he told DongHae a heartbreaking tale. He started from the night they separated until the day he met HeeChul and JunSu and finally end up as EunHyuk at Diversity.

DongHae gathered the distress man in his arms He held him tightly as he listened in silent as the man poured his heart out. DongHae nodded his head occasionally, responded to the man’s story while his heart ached as if thousands of needles stabbed merciless, poking bleeding wholes onto it.

He buried all his veins and jealousy and casted them deeply inside of his tormented heart as he promised to accept and love this man’s past, present and future. He also made a small mental note along the way to thanks those two people; HyukJae’s mentioned, when they meet again someday.

Later that night, when his bundle of joy slept peacefully by his side, DongHae silently went to the toilet and cried. While running the tap opened, he clasped his hands tightly over his mouth, muffled the small sobs that threaten to escape. He was so sad beyond words and he felt guilty as he wasn’t there to protect Hyukkie.

When the dawn peeked through the window early in the morning next day, DongHae convinced that he had found his sole reason of existence. He is now and forever the shield that will love and protect HyukJae.

DongHae sniffed. It is all right now. He will make it work somehow and after months getting back together, DongHae convinced that together, they would get through the trauma. DongHae smiled again as he looked at the man in his arms before he too, dozed off.


Several days before, at office

“You know hyung, you really looks more alive these days. I literally can see sparkles and flowers radiating from you.”

“ So, tell me, is domestic life like this really suits you?” Leaning smoothly to DongHae’s mahogany office door, with scandalous look, his curious dongsaeng asked him one day.

DongHae smiled sweetly at him while his hands busied putting his documents into his suitcase; eager to head home again. 8 hours of separations seemed like eternity nowadays, simply unbearable.  

“Kyu, when you find your soul mate one day, you’ll experience the paradise I’m in right now. Until then, trying to explain this to you is just a waste of energy.”

“Eww.. You are so cheesy! “Gasped at DongHae’s answer, KyuHyun launched himself from the door.

“Oh,  no! Where is my hyung, DongHae? You must be an alien invaded his body! Give my hyung back to me!” KyuHyun dramatically glomped to DongHae and pulled his suit.

Laughed at his dongsaeng’s antics he ruffled his hair. Amazingly, since they get back together, DongHae left his office, at 5 o’clock sharp in the afternoon. No more overtime errands for a Lee DongHae since then.


15 years ago, in the street of Seoul

Both boys stare silently at the crying Seoul sky. The pearly chain of raindrops might seemly beautiful and brought out romantic feeling  in some, but as homeless boys; wet cold weather like this increased another notch of hardness in their uneasy life, as if it was not burdensome enough.

Scooting closer to the source of heat, Hae read his friend’s face with zipped lips. There were doubts in Hyukkie’s eyes saying what they were doing right now, just waste of time. There was also fear that poked his friend’s heart, afraid that all their bad deeds of stealing and picked pocket would come around and hit them back hard in future.

Amazingly, for DongHae, he could read the boy like an open book, effortlessly.

He knew, his friend wanted to tell him, ‘Let’s just rest for a while’ or ‘Let it go Hae, just let it go.’ However, for his sakes, DongHae knew, Hyukkie decided to keep quiet. The latter just left the matter unsaid, as a dead silence between them.

Hyukkie was tired, traumatized, and afraid. DongHae too, felt the same and have doubted himself for so many time since their journey started. However, the stubborn boy could not make himself stop; not yet, not until he met his old man.

His childish heart wanted to seek out for his unknown father. He wanted to ask the man himself on why he could left his mother with a child in her womb and threw them out of his life like trash, and left him parentless when his mother died giving birth to him. For a ten year old, his aim of seeking justice for his mother seemed to be the ultimate mission of his life, at that time, and he understand well that without any pain, there’ll be no gain.

 The only motivation that drove him further was the presence of this beautiful boy with him. Hyukkie was thin, and soft spoken back then, but to Hae, Hyukkie’s small frame seemed to be a brick fortress surrounding him as defense. Hyukkie’s soft voice was like cannon balls firing energy into Hae’s soul and Hyukkie’s mere existence by his side was like fuel burning his spirit to move on. Hae depended on him to make him feel strong. Hae depended upon Hyukkie.

However, that night was an exception; Hyukkie’s eyes told him differently. Hyukkie needed Hae to comfort him. Hyukkie depended on him. The boy cannot bare the insecure feeling that suffocated his heart anymore. Not after they both saw how a homeless boy beaten half-dead after being caught stealing in the fling market that morning. Hyukkie was outrageously terrified.

Hyukkie shifted and placed his head on Hae’s arm. His small cold hand found its way into Hae’s worn jacket and rested them on his chest. Silently he buried his face in Hae’s crook of neck. Hyukkie mumbled his fear against DongHae’s equally cold skin, “Hae-a.. If tomorrow never comes... for us,”

As Hae was not willing to break his already fragile self-confidence, he cut Hyukkie’s words short. “Shh.. Monkey, don’t ever say that. If tomorrow really decides not to show up, at least we still have each other today... So now sleep..”

Pulled the precious person closer to him, DongHae determined, he will not let any harm touch them; he will not let the ill fate of that poor boy fall upon them as well. After this ‘quest’ or ‘mission’ or whatever he called it, ends, he will try his best to give a better life to HyukJae, for them, together.

Alas for him, he did not know that, karma always tailed closely behind them.


Several days later, in the middle of a night, in a busy Seoul street, the same ten-year-old boy, ran with all his might with a knapsack full of wallets.

“I need to be there before 12, I need to!” He gasped breathlessly for the much needed oxygen to fill up his lung, he felt his tiny chest was about to explode due to the pressure. Nevertheless, the boy never once halts.

At that night, he could not care more or less about the people that he picked pocket. He even shoved an old granny down in process. In normal situation, he would have stop and begged for forgiveness, but that night not even close to normal at all. He had a life to save. On the second thought, he should said, two lives to save. One, the life of his love and the other was his, because he better off dead as well without Hyukkie by his side.

People said what a 10 year knew about love. They might be right; Hae might know nothing about love. He might have no clue at all. However, as he first saw that beautiful boy 3 years ago, he knew he’s the one.

Hyukkie’s first come to the orphanage when he was 7, soon after his parents passed away in a car accident. Since then, Hae convinced, fate had linked their lives threads together.

At the early days, Hyukkie always was so preserved. He silently sat far away from the other orphans. With that distant look in his eyes, he seemed to be so lonely and fragile by himself.

The boy would occasionally talk to Teuki-hyung sometimes and Hae really addicted to hear his soft voice. He wanted to listen to that voice more. Hae always wanted to go to him, to play with him, but he was lack of self-confidence then. What if the boy, pushes him away? What if Hyukkie, does not want to be friend with him? Hae cringed at those thoughts. He would be scared for life.

However, everything changed, when one night; Hae found Hyukkie cried silently on his bed. The boy small shoulders shook violently; holding his voice down. Looking at the pitiful sight, Hae just could not ignore or left him alone anymore. Gently he climbed onto the boy’s bed and cradled him from behind.

The boy stiffened at first touch, but eventually calmed and fell asleep in Hae’s protective embrace. Hyukkie seemed to be perfectly fit in his small arms that night, and Hae decided, he wanted this boy in his arms forever. Later when they both opened their eyes the next morning, they already become inseparable soul mates.

As Hae came closer to the back alley, where he left Hyukkie with the filthy man, he kept his pace up. Eyes fixed on his targeted place; he ran blindly across the road. At the middle of the road, he heard people around screamed at him.

Confused, he looked to his side. Terrified, he saw fast moving flashes charged wildly towards his direction. The sound of screeching tires, a loud pang, and shooting pain at his lower limb were the next things that he vividly remembered after that. In the haze of panic and pain; with his tears stricken eyes; he kept on called out for Hyukkie’s name.

Faceless, nameless crowds started to gather around the accident scene. Gasps, concerned remarks mixed poorly become a buzzing sound to Hae’s throbbing ears. Not willing to risk another precious minutes of losing his friend, Hae gathered his last strength to get up and continue his mission.

Hae tried to ignore the protruding bone that visible from his severely wounded limb and tried to stand on his feet. To his ultimate frustration, his whole body was in such excruciating pain and refused to cooperate with him at that moment. He kept on struggling and shouting Hyukkie’s name, even when the medical staff came and put him on stretcher. Defeated by his own limits, Hae gazed at the alley for the last time before everything went dark.


Ding Dong

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

The sound of the doorbell awakened DongHae from his light nap. He shifted and gently shook the still sleeping man.

“Baby, someone at the door, I need to see who’s coming. Maybe Minnie hyung is here.”

Still sleepy, EunHyuk groggily opened his eyes. “Mmmkay,” he rubbed his eyes lazily, tried halfheartedly to wake up.

Looking at his cute lover’s reaction, DongHae cannot help but to smile fondly and kissed those pouty lips. “So cute.” DongHae murmured.

Reluctantly he forced himself out of the bathtub and reached for his bathrobe. He does not convinced that he could control himself any minute longer he spend with his lover. His little Fishy down at south slightly twitched happily at the thought of ravishing the man there and then. ‘ert, y little fishy,’ he scolded himself.

 “Hey, don’t drown yourself in the tube ok, I still need you in my life.” He smiled to EunHyuk lightly as he saw the man yawned and continued his disturbed nap in the tub.

DongHae went to their shared wardrobe and put on random shirt and short pants that caught his eyes. Being the same size as his lover seemed to have advantage at this kind of situation, he mused. DongHae hurriedly put on a pair of pants and a shirt.

DongHae rubbed his hair dry as he walked towards the persistent person behind the door. “I’m coming; I’m coming, wait up.”

He opened the door and reviled a handsome middle age man.



“Appa? What are you doing here?”

“Who’s at the door Fishy?”


DongHae’s heart started to pound wildly in his ribcage as he turned and revealed his father to EunHyuk. EunHyuk’s shocked expression does not help much to ease his maddening heart.

Shifting his gaze between his serious looking father and his pale faced lover behind him, his head throbbed. His throat suddenly felt dry and rusty. His brain worked hard trying to deny whatever this awkward situation implemented at this time.

‘Please don’t, be it. Please say you don’t know each other.’ DongHae silently begged for the impossible.

“Eun.” His father’s emotionless voice slices through his heart.

Closing his eyes, DongHae swallowed his spit hard, it’s confirmed then.



Lee-nim is actually...?

hi guys/girls! this is Umie again^^

this story is seriously approaching its end. this the first story i wrote about 1 year ago and i'm happy to be able to publish it here and share this with u.

after this one ended, i'm going to upload my another EunHae/HaeHyuk fic. I might not being able to update everday as i wanted to concertrait to my SiHyuk fic as well.

so, tell me how u think about this, and thank you for spending time reading this.

i really appreciate it -kisseu- 

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epilogue is up guys^^


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Chapter 15: How could Donghae's FATHER!!! did this ;( I can't imagine how disgusted and shock Hyuk endured at that moment. That's really horrible.
Chapter 15: I actually cried a tear (not only tears in my eyes, it actually spilled). That doesn't happen a lot, it actually rarely happens. Of all chapters I cried in the epilogue thinking Hyukkie died. Great story!
Chapter 15: I almost, aaalllllmoosst thought hyukjae died. I almost, aaaalllllmmooossttt cried. Keke..nicely written.
Chapter 15: This is so sad and yet very heartwarming...tq for making hyuk live.. finally happy ending :')
Chapter 15: im speechless :""" awesome :')
Thatta #6
Chapter 15: wow..
such an awesome fic
i like the way you put the character in this fic
I like all about this fic, this is surely will be my favorite one , thanks for sharing
you're amazing author nim
keep writing haehyu ff ne ..
hwaiting n good luck :-)

ssowwy for the blabbering :-D
Thatta #7
Chapter 4: hay..
i am new reader
i just found this fic and this verry very amazing ..
gonna read it !! :-)
keep writing ne
JewelSapphire13 #8
Chapter 15: Great story :) I thought hyuk was really going to die in that hospital scene... Scared me to death D:

Thanks for the amazing story ♥
wanieyrin #9
Chapter 15: I thought it was hyukjae that died.. I'm crying already you know.. I like reading your fic..continue to writing OK ^_^
Chapter 15: It ended too fast but I like how this story went! Thank you for posting this story! I was about to destroy the sofa when I thought you did not post the epilogue here!

And then I saw the 'Next' button.


Silly me.