College Days Chapter 2

College Days


TaeMin sighed as class ended. He had a 3 hour break now, so he would be able to join Onew in the dance studio. JongHyun, Key, and MinHo all had classes now, so it would just be Onew and himself.

"Bye TaeMin! See you later!" Someone called to him. He turned around and saw JaeHwa waveing. He waved back, chuckling as he watched the orange-haired girl, SooMi was her name if he remembered correctly, pull JaeHwa out of theclass. He laughed as he heard JaeHwa complain then left the room as well. He decided to make a quick stop at his dorm to get rid of his bag, then made his way to the dance studio.

*At The Dance Studio*

"Come on SooMi!! We have a 3 and a half hour break!! It's not like we're gonna be late for anything!" Pleaded the girl.

"JaeHwa, I have an exam in my next class. I need to study!" Was the other girl's answer. TaeMin just watched them argue, feeling lost. He looked at Onew, tilting his head his to one side.

"JaeHwa wants to watch us dance, and she wants her friend SooMi to stay, but SooMi doesn't want to." Explained the older boy. TaeMin nodded slowly in understanding.

"Guys! Help me!" Cried JaeHwa, turning to the boys.

"Uhh... well..." TaeMin said smartly, not knowing what to say. Onew stayed silent, deciding to remain neutral.

"Yeah, I'm leaving. Bye." SooMi said, turning to leave.

"No! You must watch!" JaeHwa yelled, grabbing her friend's hand.

"JaeHwa! I really need to study! I'm sorry, but I'm leaving." SooMi said, pulling her hand free of her friend's grip and running away.

"Ugh! Fine I'll watch them by myself!!" Yelled JaeHwa, turning around with a huff. She grinned when she saw Onew and TaeMin staring at her. "Don't worry. That was normal. Carry on with your awesome dancing." She informed them with a wave of her hand.

"Okay the. By the way, hey JaeHwa." TaeMin greeted her as he went to the stereo.

"Hi TaeMin. Sorry about SooMi. She wasn't trying to be mean, she's just bit of a tight . Don't tell her I said that." JaeHwa explained as she made herself comfortable.

"That's fine. Onew what song?" TaeMin asked his hyung, really wanting to dance.

"Ummm.. how about Bonamana by Super Junior? We haven't done that one in a while." Onew replied as he took off his shoes. TaeMin started the song and off they were, dancing away any and all worries with JaeHwa cheering them on. Little did they knwo, a certain orange-haired girl was secretly watching.


"TaeMin have you seen my humanities textbook anywhere?" Asked Onew as he ran around the dorm, tripping over this, that, and his feet.

"It's in your bag, hyung." TaeMin replied, laughing at the older boy.

"Are you sure? If you're lying to me you'll pay the price!" Onew yelled from the bathroom, where he was throwing towels around, trying desperately to find his textbook. Poor towels.

"I'm sure!" TaeMin assured, sitting down on his bed with his Myths and Mysteries textbook. A few crashes and "ow"s later, Onew yelled in triumph.

"Found it!" He shouted, walking into the blonde's room.  TaeMin just laughed at his hyung's appearance.

"Is it just or is your Onew condition gettig worse?" He asked, grinning. It was silent for a minute, then: "OW!"

   TaeMin was still rubbing his head when Onew finally sat down on the floor with his homework.

"You didn't have to throw your textbook at me." Grumbled the blonde, pouting.

"Come on, I bet it didn't even hurt!" Onew said, laughing.

"It's frickin hrd cover!!" TaeMin yelled, glaring at his hyung. Onew grinned sheepishly before going back to his work. TaeMin did the same, but not before glaring at Onew one more time.


"SooMi! I am very disappointed in you!!" Scolded JaeHwa upon entering the form.

"And why is that?" Inquired SooMi, who could be seen doing her homework at the same place she did everyday: on the floor of the living room.

"You were quite rude to Onew and TaeMin earlier! You could have at least said hi!" Cried the blonde girl, throwing her hands up in the air. SooMi rolled her eyes.

"I had to go." She would never admit that she was just too shy to say anything to TaeMin.

"You were on break!"

"i had to study!! By the way, the exam went very well, thanks for asking!"

"SooMi, you need to learn to loosen up! What do you do for fun? Besides reading and writing." JaeHwa asked, sitting down next to her friend.

"I do martial arts when I have time. JaeHwa, I've already told. I need to focus on school right now. If I let my grades slip, you know they'll send me home." SooMi explained for what felt to be the billionth time.

"I know... Okay, you're gonna help me with my Calculus homework because yuo're a frickin genius." And so the girls went to work, one thinking about how irrational some of her classes were, the other thinking aboutt how useless math was. Neither would ever admit that, in the back of their mind, they were thinking about two certain someones.

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