College Days Chapter 16

College Days


"Yah, JaeHwa! Where are ou going?" SooMi asked as she watched her friend walk our of her room.

"Out." Came the reply.

"Well, duh. Why?" SooMi said, rolling her eyes.

"Because I have a date." JaeHwa answered, putting on her shoes.

"Jinjja? With who?"

"None of your business. Bye!" And with that, the blonde girl was out the door.


"Onew hyung, where are you going?" TaeMin asked as he watched his friend struggle with his shoes.

"I'm just going out for a bit. I'll be back later. Bye!" Called Onew, almost bashing into the door as he left.

"Uhh... Bye?" TaeMin frowned in confusion. Where could his hyung be going at seven at night on a Saturday? He thought about it a bit longer before shaking his head. Best not to question Onew's motives. He went back to watching his show, but quickly became bored. 'What to do...' thought the dncer. Maybe MinHo was free...


MinHo jumped when his phone vibrated. Looking apologetically at the person sitting across from him, he took it out and read the text.

Hyung~ Are you free?


The older boy shook is head and replied.

Aniyo. I'm busy right now. Mian.


He sent the text and looked at his companion.

"Sorry about that." He apologized, giving her a smile.

"It's okay." Syung-Sook replied, taking a bite of her chicken.


TaeMin groaned when he read MinHo's reply. He couldn't call Key hyung or JongHyun hyung because they were on a date. He could always call SooMi... But he didn't want to bother her. She had said earlier that she had a lot of homework... An idea came to the dancer's mind and he smiled.

It could work.


SooMi was in the middle of proof-reading her eassy for her Psychology in Children class when a knock sounded on the door. The martial artist went to answer, an annoyed look on her face.

"Mwo?" She demanded as she threw the door open.

"Anneonghaseyo, SooMi?" Greeted the blonde boy.

"TaeMin-ah! Mianhae, I didn't know it was you. Come in. Why are you here?" She asked, stepping asside to let TaeMin in.

"I need help... I don't understand my Calculus homework..." Admitted the dancer, grinning sheepishly. SooMi laughed.

"Arasso~ Let's take a look, ne?" TaeMin nodded and smiled, following the orange-haired girl into the living room. His plan had worked.


"This place is so cute!" JaeHwa gushed, grinning at Onew.

"Ne, it is. I thought you would like it." Replied the older boy, smiling fondly at her. The two were at a little cafe in town, drinking coffee and sharing a piece of carrot cake. They were unaware of the man in the corner watching them.

The pair talked about everything and nothing, both glad to finally be alone with each other ina romantic sense. JaeHwa had been ecstatic when Onew had asked her out. They had both agreed to keep the date a secret from the group, just in case it tanked, But if it went well, they would tell everyone. And so far, it was going extremely well.

"So how are your studies going?" JaeHwa asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"They're going well. Though, I'm constantly arguing with one of my teachers." Replied Onew.

"Which one?"

"My criminal defense teacher. I don't agree with most of his lessons, so we often have debates."

"Kind of like SooMi and our Myths and Mysteries teacher. They hate each other." Onew laughed at this, checking the time.

"How about we head back? It's pretty late." He said, smiling. JaeHwa nodded and let him pay for the food, putting on her coat. The pair left, both still unaware of the man following them.


"Yah! TaeMin! You're still doing it wrong!" SooMi exclaimed. How many times could a guy get one equation wrong?

"Mianhae! I'm not good at math!" Cried TaeMin, throwing his hands in the air.

"Then why did you take Calculus?" Asked the martial artist.

"My parents wanted me to take it. They say my math needs to improve." Replied the blonde boy, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"You think? Anyway, you should leave. It's pretty late, and you're hopeless anyway." SooMi grinned, letting the dancer know she was only teasing.

"Arasso. This isn't due until Wednesday anyway, so I have 3 more days to do it."  TaeMin packed up hs stuff and stood. As he looked around, he realized why it had been so quiet. "Where's JaeHwa?" He asked.

"You just realized she's not here? Wow. She's on a date." Replied SooMi, walking with him to the door.

"Ah. Well, thanks for trying to help me." Said TaeMin, opening the door. SooMi would have replied, had she not been shocked into silence.

There, in front of the door, were Onew and JaeHwa. And they were kissing.

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