College Days Chapter 15

College Days


SooMi had been ignoring calls from her so-called father all week. She didn't know how he got her number, and she  didn't want to know.

"I just want him gone!" She cried, exasperated. Key chuckled as he made her sit down.

And once he realizes that trying to talk to you is useless, he'll leave." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Key hyung is right. You're very stubborn." Interjected TaeMin, smiling as he heard SooMi laugh.

"Yah, TaeMin-ah! I was reassuring her! Don't steal my lines!" Key scolded, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy.

"Mian. I was just trying to help." SooMi shook her head at the blonde's obviously insincere apology.

"When are the others getting here?" She asked, taking a sip of he white chocolate mocha.

"Onew hyung and JaeHwa should be getting here soon, MinHo already had plans for the evening, and JongHyun is going to meet us at the movies because he has a class." Key said, aking another sip of his coffee.

"What movie are we going to see?" Asked TaeMin, the only one without a drink.

"A musical. I don't know which one, but it will be a musical." Key stated, nodding his head determinedly. TaeMin laughed and SooMi rolled her eyes. Key hadn't forgotten that promise JongHyun had made him last time they were at the movies.


"I hate traffic!" JaeHwa complained, hitting her head against the window. Onew chuckled.

"We're almost there. I told you it was a good idea to leave early." Stated the older boy, glancing at his companion before focusing on the road again.

"Save the 'I told you so.' I agreed to leave earlier, didn't I?" Retorted the blonde, glaring at a car that had just cut them off.

"Yeah, but not before puting up one hell of a fight.| JaeHwa stayed silent at this, huffing at Onew. The older boy rolled his eyes as he chuckled.


The rest of the ride was filled with friendly bickering as the two of them argued over music, movies, and traffic. Soon, they were pulling into the parking lot of the cafe that they had agreed to meet the others at..

Ànneonghaseyo?" Greeted TaeMin, bounding up to the pair.

"Why are you late?" Key demanded, stalking up to them and skipping the greeting. JaeHwa rolled her eyes.

"Mianhae. There was traffic." Onew apologized, giving the younger boy a smile. Key just huffed as he fixed his hair.


"Let's just go." SooMi said, putting her coat on.

"Ne, let's. What movie are we going to see?" JaeHwa asked.

"I don't care, as long as it's a musical." Key replied, nodding his head desicively. The group laughed as they made their way to the cars.


"There aren't very many muxicals, are there?" JongHyun commented, his arms wrapped around Key's waist.

"But we still have to watch one! You promised we would!" Key exclaimed, a pout gracing his lips.

"Ne, ne. We will watch one. I was just pointing out that there aren't very many options." Reassured the short man, repressing a chuckle.

"Good. Let's see..."


SooMi sighed, wishing that Key would just pick a movie. She caught TaeMin's eye and rolled her eyes at him, smiling when he gave a small laugh.

"Alright! Let's watch that one!" Key yelled, pointing dramatically at a movie poster.

"Arasso~ Let's go." Onew said, glad to finally get moving.


SooMi and TaeMin speed walked out of the theatre with Onew and JaeHwa not far behind.

"Thank God that's over!" JaeHwa whispered, careful not to let Key hear her. The boy had loved the movie.

"Jeongmal! That was the longest eighty-six minutes of my life!" Agreed SooMi, sighing in relief. She turned around to throw something out and instead collided with someone, "Ah, mianhae! I didn't see-..." She trailed off, seeing who she had collided with.

"Anneonghaseyo, SooMi?" Greeted JunPyo, smiling at his daughter.

"What do you want?" Hissed the martial artist, glaring.

"What's going on?"  JongHyun asked as he and Key joined the others.

"Everyone, meet my father." SooMi said, clenching her fists.

"That's your dad?" TaeMin asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"Ne' I'm her father. And who are all of you?" Asked the older man, narrowing his eyes at the group.

"None of your business. Goodbye." Retorted SooMi, pushing past her father. and storming away. JunPyo shook his head, looking disappointed, and watched as the odd group ran after his daughter. Would he ever be forgiven?


"SooMi, slow down!" Onew called, strugglingnot to trip over his feet. The martial artist stopped and looked back, looking apologetic.

"Mian. I just wanted to get away from him." Apologized the orange-haired girl, lowering her gaze to the ground.

"It's okay. :et's just leave, ne?" TaeMin said, putting his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and nodded, smiling.

"On the bright side, maybe he'll leave you alone now." JaeHwa said, helping Onew stay on his feet,

"I hope so. I don't have the strength to deal with him." Replied SooMi, rubbing her eyes tiredll as the group walked towards the cars.

"Don't worry. Everything will work out." Key said, taking out his keys (A/N: aha I laugh every time I read that xD) as JongHyun reluctantly let him go.

"See you guys back at the dorm!" Said thr short man as everyone got in a car; onew and JaeHwa in Onew's van, Key, TaeMin, and SooMi in Key's car, and JongHyun in his SUV. Everyone went back to the college, all of them unaware of the black sedan following them.

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