The Rings

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea

***NOTE***: This chapter had to be cut in half because of time, aaannnnnd I didn't know howto end the chapter, so the next half will be updated tomorrow :)


Same Night……


Yesung took made himself a quick cup of coffee before taking a fast hot shower so he could go straight to bed after studying for a little bit.

He stepped out of his bathroom in only a pair of dark gray sweat pants and a towel to dry his shaggy dark hair.
He sat down on his desk chair and opened his text book, ready to start the long study session.

Yesung hadn’t even finished reading the first page when he heard some noises.
The boys room was just through the left wall of his room, and he could hear the boy tossing and turning around in bed uncomfortably.

Yesung sighed and tried to ignore it, and went back to reading the sentence that he has been trying to focus on for over 6 times already. When he was close in actually finishing the sentence, he was interrupted once again when there was a loud thud and a yelp of pain.

Yesung buried his face into the palms of his hands and groaned, rubbing the heel of his hands against his eyes so that it blurred his vision.
“Why me….?” He groaned pitifully.

He got up from his chair unwillingly and walked back out to the guest room, to see that Kyuhyun had managed to accidentally roll out of bed, and was now laying in a tangle of blankets and pillows.

“The ?” Yesung said, stepping forward to help the boy who was trying to untangle himself with a dazed look.

“Careful.” Yesung sighed when the boy sat up on his hands and knees but his hand slipped on the blanket upon the slick, wooden floors, and face planted again.

“Why are you moving around so much?!” Yesung asked, gently helping the boy up and tucked him into bed again.

“I…..I can’t sleep. I’m cold.” the boy coughed out weakly.

“Cold?! These are the thickest covers I have!” Yesung almost yelled, pointing at the thick sapphire blue covers.

“Cold.” The boy replied back sheepishly, curling back up tightly, his small frame trembling like crazy.

Yesung bit his lip and stared at the boy in pity. He doesn’t have any more blankets (not that it will help much since he needs something that RADIATES heat), and nor does he have a portable heater.

He sat down on the edge of the bed hesitantly, before slowly sliding under the covers with the younger.

Immediately, the sick boy attached himself onto Yesung who tensed up at the sudden contact. He snuggled comfortably against Yesung’s chest, feeling the warmth of another’s body.

“You owe me.” Yesung grumbled, putting an arm awkwardly around the boys extremely thin waist.

Kyuhyun didn’t care though. He just buried his face further against the elder’s bare chest, and closed his eyes. He didn’t care that once he got better, the raven haired man would make him his slave, or kick him back out into the snowy streets, or punch him in the face. Nor did he care if the man made him go hunt for a pink flamingo when they obviously don’t exist in Korea.
All he cared for right now was that he was cold and only the raven haired man could keep him warm and safe for the night.

Yesung rubbed the boys back softly, comfortingly through the thin fabric of the boy’s shirt. The younger’s skin felt extremely hot against his own bare chest and the boy was also breaking out in a cold sweat, but he was shivering as if it was snowing inside too.

Yesung sighed.
I guess I’ll have to put studying away for now……

Kyuhyun stirred a little, and his eyes fluttered open to see an unfamiliar room with light blue walls with paintings of small, fluffy white clouds. For once, he wasn’t sleeping under a bridge or curled up on a park bench.

He winced slightly when he shifted a little, feeling the dark bruises all over his body.
He felt comfortably warm on the bed he was laying in though, and shifted a bit more to see the raven haired man sound asleep next to him.
The other had one hand lying between here chests on the mattress, and the other arm was used as a pillow beneath the head of dark shaggy hair.

But something caught Kyuhyun’s attention besides the elder’s super handsome looks. On the hand that was right between them, there was a silver ring on his middle finger. It was a simple looking silver band with small intricate designs on it. On the center of the thick band, circling all around it, were carved out waves on the silver ring. It looked so familiar……

Kyuhyun frowned slightly before reaching into his a little to pull out his necklace that he always wore around his neck. Hanging on the silver chain Kyuhyun had, was the same exact ring as the sleeping man’s.
But this couldn’t be!
His grandmother was right!
The two rings will meet once again.
But……why him?




“Grandma…..why are you giving me this?” 5 year old Kyuhyun asked, looking down at his grandmother who was lying in a hospital bed.

“Kyu-ah, keep it safe for me, arasso? “ His grandmother said softly, Kyuhyun’s brown hair lightly.

“N-Ne. But why?” Kyuhyun asked again, studying the unique ring that looked way too big compared to his small, toddler fingers.

“Come here, Kyuhyunnie.” His grandmother said, motioning for him to sit up on the hospital beds edge.

The boy obeyed and took a seat comfortably on the edge of the white bed.

“This ring actually has another. It’s partner. You grandfather had the other.” She said quietl;y, still petting his grandson’s hair.

“Then where is the other? Grandpa didn’t have it when he died…..” Kyuhyun said, staring at the elder with wide, innocent eyes.

“Ah, it is lost at sea, Kyu-ah,”


“Ne. It was slipped into a bottle, and thrown out into the sea. That was how your grandfather and I met and fell in love. I’ve always had that ring you’re holding, got it from my grandma too. But your grandfather found the other one day at the beach that I had thrown out to sea when I was 16. Two years later, I met him at the same beach I threw it out on, to see that he had that ring. It was quite a romantic story to tell.” His grandma smiled, lost in old memories. “I guess we were destined to be together.

Kyuhyun made a face in confusion, not understanding anything about love, destiny, or whatever.

His grandma laughed softly and patted the young boys head lightly. “It’s alright if you don’t understand right now. You’ll understand what I mean when you’re older and all grown up. But keep the ring safe for now. Arasso?”

Kyuhyun nodded once in reply, looking back down at the silver ring. “Ne.” he replied back quietly. “But what if a boy finds it? What if I don’t love that other person?” he questioned.

“Then he will be your lover. It might sound strange to love someone you don’t know well, but once you meet your destined one, you’ll know its love. “

“Love…..” Kyuhyun whispered, letting the sweet word roll across his tongue. “Love……”





Kyuhyun stared at the sleeping man before him. Indeed, the man was extremely handsome, but does that mean Kyuhyun would go gay for him?
The elder had very smooth and soft skin that was milky white, contrasting well with his dark hair. Long, thick lashed casted dark crescent shadows on the lightly blushed, round cheeks, giving him a beautiful yet cute appearance.

Kyuhyun’s eyes slowly made its way down to the elegant curve of his nose and to the plump, pouty looking pink lips that hung open a little in his sleep.

‘….but once you meet your destined one, you’ll know it’s love….’ The words repeated in his mind.

Love. Who would love you, you worthless thing! The voice in Kyuhyun’s mind spat at him.

Kyuhyun let out an angry hiss at the hideous voice, but quickly clamped his eyes shut and pretended to be asleep when the man next to him stirred slightly, signaling that he was waking.
The younger slowed his breathing down a little to add to the whole ‘pretending to be asleep’ thing as he felt the man next to him wake fully, moving around a little and finally sat up.



Yay~ New chappie :)
Anyways.......thanks for subscribing guys! I love you ♥


PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! They are my life source! ♥


Song: Venus By Shinhwa


Macro: (I created the macro By the way......)





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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(